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阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

1 . As we all know, waste is extremely bad for the environment. Let’s talk about why litter is harmful to our streets and towns, our drinking water, and sea animals.

Waste can have a bad influence on our cities. Cleaning up litter costs US taxpayers (纳税人) and businesses $11.5 billion each year.    1     Litter on the streets can cause road accidents with hundreds of deaths because of it. Areas that have more waste have more crime (犯罪). The litter on the streets sends a message that people don’t care about their neighborhood.

    2     The litter we drop on the ground can pollute rivers, lakes, oceans, and other bodies of water. 60%of water pollution is caused by littering. Waste hurts sea animals.     3     You may think that when you litter, “Oh, this is just one piece of litter. It can’t do any harm. But if every person does that, even if it’s only once, there will still be 7.9 billion pieces of litter in our ocean. Over one million sea animals die every year because of waste.    4    

As you can see, waste is harmful in many ways.    5     We need to take action to avoid unnecessary waste, and pick up every piece of waste we see. We should try to make it a habit because if we don’t, the waste problem will become even worse.

A.Everybody wants to breathe fresh air.
B.That money could have been spent on parks.
C.How do you feel when you see people littering around?
D.In the future there might be more waste than fish in the ocean.
E.Litter can go into the soil and water and pollute our drinking water.
F.We need to stop littering for us, for the environment, and for the planet.
G.Did you know every day almost 8 million pieces of litter go into the ocean?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Chinese consumers have said they will avoid eating Japanese seafood over safety concerns once Japan starts releasing (排放) nuclear wastewater into the Pacific Ocean.

On July 7, the General Administration of Customs released an import (进口) ban on aquatic products from the 10 Japanese cities. It’s indicated that Japan’s plan to release polluted wastewater into the sea was a matter of global concern. The plan caused more Chinese consumers who eat seafood began to worry about their safety, according to the administration.

According to a survey in 2022 by Chinese market consultancy company iiMedia Research, 39.58 percent of participants eat Japanese seafood once every two or three weeks.

“I will not eat seafood imported from Japan anymore,” said a data engineer surnamed Wang in Shanghai. The 42-year-old has been a fan of Japanese food since 2000 and used to eat Japanese food once a month. “If I have other options, I will choose seafood that does not come from the Pacific Ocean,” he added.

Wang Qian, a financial employee in Beijing, said she has been to about 20 Japanese restaurants so far. “Normally, I would not pay attention to where the seafood came from. But now I will try not to choose seafood from Japan,”she said. “Wastewater poses a threat to human health and marine ecology.”

Wang Qian said that Japan should use other methods to solve the problem, rather than releasing nuclear wastewater into the ocean.

An employee of the Japanese restaurant Jiubanwu, in Beijing, who did not want to be named, told China Daily that the restaurant’s fish and shrimp are imported from Russia, France and other countries. “We have not been buying seafood from Japan since April,” she said.

In addition to food safety, some people are worried about using cosmetic (美容的) products made in Japan.

1. What can we learn from the first two paragraphs?
A.Releasing nuclear wastewater has aroused worldwide concern.
B.All the seafood which is imported from Japan will be banned.
C.Chinese consumers will be stricter when choosing seafood to eat.
D.Japan’s plan to release the wastewater is criticized by Japanese.
2. What can be inferred from the words of Wang Qian?
A.She won’t eat Japanese seafood anymore.
B.She will be more cautious of the source of seafood.
C.She will be devoted to career of human health and marine ecology.
D.She is sure that Japan will figure out methods to solve the problem.
3. What will be mentioned in the following passages?
A.China’s specific methods to dealing with nuclear wastewater.
B.The influence of wastewater on Japanese cosmetic products.
C.A formal call to Japan for producing safer cosmetic products.
D.The world’s reply to Japanese nuclear wastewater releasing.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards Japan’s plan to release polluted wastewater?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . The tradition of giving gifts didn’t start with the modern holidays we celebrate. Many ancient cultures celebrated holidays with the exchange of gifts. People who love to give gifts often can’t wait until it’s time for the recipients to open their gifts. If you’ve ever been given a gift, you know that part of the fun is the curiosity that builds as you wonder what the gift is.

The wish to hide the identity of a gift until just the right moment led people to wrap gifts long, long ago. Historians believed wrapping gifts in paper probably started not long after paper was invented thousands of years ago.

Wrapping paper like what we use today, though, is a much more recent invention. More than 100 years ago, gifts were usually wrapped in heavy brown paper. Before that, cloth was often used. The technology to mass-produce wrapping paper didn’t come along until the early 1900s. The first American gift wrap company— Hy-Sill Manufacturing Inc. — was founded by Eli Hyman and Morris Silverman in 1903. It wasn’t as easy to wrap presents back then as it is today, though, because adhesive tape (胶带) wasn’t invented until 1930.

Over the years, wrapping paper has developed into what we see in stores each holiday season. But scientists say that the United States alone produces an extra 5 million tons of waste over the holidays, most of which is from wrapping paper and shopping bags. To cut down on this waste, some people carefully unwrap presents, so that the wrapping paper can be reused. Others have started to use reusable gift bags instead of wrapping paper.

1. What is the interesting part of people giving a gift?
A.Hiding their gifts and their feelings.
B.Giving the recipients a surprise.
C.Letting the recipients open gifts at once.
D.Following a century-old tradition.
2. What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.People didn’t know wrapping paper until 1903.
B.Heavy brown paper has been used to wrap gifts for 100 years.
C.Technology made wrapping paper widely available.
D.Adhesive tape was first created by gift wrap companies.
3. What do scientists worry about?
A.The future of reusable gift bags.
B.The waste produced by Americans.
C.Wrapping paper’s influence on the environment.
D.People’s admiration for wrapping paper.
4. What does the text mainly tell us?
A.The popularity of wrapping gifts.
B.The start of wrapping gifts in paper.
C.The problems caused by wrapping paper.
D.The story behind wrapping paper.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Masks that helped save lives during the Covid-19 pandemic (疫情)are proving a deadly risk for wildlife, with birds and sea creatures trapped in many facial coverings in animal habitats.

Single-use masks have been found on the ground, waterways and beaches worldwide since countries required (heir use in public places to slow the pandemic's spread. Worn once, the thin protective materials can take hundreds of years to break down. "Face masks aren't going away any time soon-but when we throw them away, these items can harm the environment and the animals who share our planet," Ashley from anima! rights group PETA said.

Monkeys have been found playing with used masks in the hills outside Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur. And in an incident in Britain, a seagull was saved in Chelmsford after its legs got caught in an abandoned mask for a week.

However, the biggest influence is in the water. More than 1.5 billion masks made their way into the world's oceans last year, accounting for around 6200 extra tons of ocean plastic pollution, according to environmental group OceansAsia. “Masks and gloves are particularly problematic for sea creatures," says George Leonard, chief scientist from NGO. "When those plastics break down in the environment, they form smaller and smaller particles (颗粒).Those particles then enter the food chain and influence the entire ecosystem,“ he added.

Campaigners have urged people to deal with masks properly after using them. OceansAsia has also called on governments to increase punishment for littering and encourage the use of washable masks.

1. What bring(s) a great danger to wildlife now?
A.Waste masks.B.Covid-19.
C.Polluted water.D.Damaged habitats.
2. What does the underlined word “problematic” in paragraph 4 mean?
3. What can we infer from the text?
A.Monkeys learned to wear masks from humans.
B.Plastics are less harmful after becoming particles.
C.Used masks have a worse effect on sea creatures.
D.Waste masks are the main ocean plastic pollution.
4. How should we solve the problem from the last paragraph?
A.Keep masks after they' re used.
B.Call on governments to stop littering.
C.Punish those who wear single-use masks.
D.Put used masks in the recycling box.
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