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1 . With the young unable to afford to leave home and the old at risk of isolation(孤独), more families are choosing to live together.

The doorway to peace and quiet, for Nick Bright at least, leads straight to his mother-in-law, she lives on the ground floor, while he lives upstairs with his wife and their two daughters.

Four years ago they all moved into a three-storey Victorian house in Bristol - one of a growing number of multigenerational families in the UK living together under the same roof. They share a front door and a washing machine, but Rita Whitehead has her own kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room on the ground floor.

“We floated the idea to my mum of sharing at a house,” says Kathryn Whitehead. Rita cuts in: “We spoke more with Nick because I think it’s a big thing for Nick to live with his mother-in-law.”

And what does Nick think? “From my standpoint, it all seems to work very well. Would I recommend it? Yes, I think I would.”

It’s hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time. Official reports suggest that the number of households with three generations living together had risen from 325,000 in 2001to 419,000 in 2013.

Other varieties of multigenerational family are more common. Some people live with their elderly parents; many more adult children are returning to the family home, if they ever left. It is said that about 20% of 25-34-year-olds live with their parents, compared with 16% in 1991.The total number of all multigenerational households in Britain is thought to be about 1.8 million.

Stories like that are more common in parts of the world where multigenerational living is more firmly rooted. In India, particularly outside cities, young women are expected to move in with their husband’s family when they get married.

1. Who mainly uses the ground floor in the Victorian house in Bristol?
A.Nick.B.Rita.C.KathrynD.The daughters.
2. What is Nick’s attitude towards sharing the house with his mother-in -law?
3. What is the author’s statement about multigenerational family based on?
A.Family traditions.B.Financial reports.C.Published statistics.D.Public opinions.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Lifestyles in different countries.B.Conflicts between generations.
C.A housing problem in Britain.D.A rising trend of living in the UK.
2020-07-09更新 | 6257次组卷 | 37卷引用:山西省长治市第一中学校2022-2023学年高三上学期第四次月考英语试题(含听力)
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2 . More people are using ChatGPT to create books for sale. Although sales have so far been slow, human writers are worried that ChatGPT-created books might hurt the writing and publishing industry.

Brett Schickler never imagined he could be a published author. After learning about the ChatGPT artificial intelligence program, Brett decided that he had a good chance. Using the AI software, Brett created a 30-pagchildren’s e-book in a few hours. He offered it for sale through Amazon’s self-publishing section and it made Brett less than $100.While that may not sound like much, it’s enough to drive him to create other books using the soft ware Amazon is by far the largest seller of both physical and e-books. It has well over half of the sales in the United States and over 80 percent of the e-book market. There were over 200 e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store as of mid-February that say ChatGPT is a writer or co-writer. And the number is rising daily. But due to the nature of ChatGPT and many writers’ failure to admit that they have used it, it is impossible to get a full count of how man ye-books may be written by AI.

Some professional writers are showing their concern. “This is something we really need to know, these books will flood the market and many writers are going to be out of work,” said Mary Rasenberger, the executive director of the Authors Guild, “The ability to create with AI could turn book writing from an art into a commodity (商品).”

Not everyone is impressed by the software. Mark Dawson, who has sold millions of copies of books he wrote himself through Kindle Direct Publishing, was quick to call ChatGPT-assisted novels dull. Dawson said that quality is important in the book business.“It plays a part in how books are recommended to other readers. If a book gets bad reviews, it’s quickly going to sink to the bottom

1. Why is Brett Schickler mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To share the trick of making a fortune by writing
B.To share how to create e-books by using an Al program
C.To predict the development of an AI program in the future
D.To show how an Al program helped people with their writing
2. What do we know about the e-books in Amazon’s Kindle store?
A.Many of them are related to AI topics
B.Many of them are accurately recorded by AI
C.Some of them are possibly created by AI
D.Many of them are more popular than before
3. What does Mary Rasenberger worry about
A.Professional writers’ lack of inspiration
B.ChatGPT’s impact on the publishing industry
C.Readers’ difficulty in finding their favorite novels
D.Authors’ failure to write good novels without ChatGPT
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.ChatGPT might harm original writing
B.The impact of ChatGPT is huger than before
C.Many people rely on ChatGPT to make a living
D.ChatGPT is better than humans in terms of writing
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文章大意:本文是一篇说明文。主要讲解的是普林斯路创立了Save a Fishie来清理海滩,他们发现PPE垃圾是一个日益严重的问题;面对这个问题,他们提出了相应的解决措施。

3 . Zo Trisha Prinsloo cares about the beaches of Cape Town, South Africa. She leads cleanups there. She set up a group called Save a Fishie years ago! It has picked up plastic bottles, food containers, and other waste. “My main goal is to constantly remove anything and everything I can off our beaches,” she says, “and to try to prevent litter from being taken out to sea.”

Lately, however, Prinsloo has noticed an increase in a certain kind of plastic waste. It’s from PPE (personal protective equipment). Her group Save a Fishie saw eight different kinds of gloves” during a cleanup. I find masks more and more regularly, too,” she said.

People everywhere are wearing PPE to protect themselves from COVID-19. But when PPE isn’t thrown out the right way, it pollutes the environment and endangers wildlife. Each year, at least 8 million tons of plastic enter the world’s oceans. Now this waste includes more PPE. Last year, the Ocean Conservancy led by its chief scientist George Leonard held its annual International Coastal Cleanup. “We’ve found tens of thousands of PPE waste, and more of it is being put into oceans. PPE waste is a significant threat to oceans,” Leonard said. PPE waste can hurt ocean animals that can eat it or get tangled (缠绕) in it. Sue Schwar manages South Essex Wildlife Hospital in the UK. Her team saved a seagull. Its legs got tangled,” she said. Thankfully, the staff was able to untangle the bird and set it free.

PPE will continue to be common until COVID-19 ends, but there’re steps you can take to reduce its environmental impact. Wear clean reusable masks and deal with them carefully before throwing them into rubbish bins to make sure animals won’t get tangled up. Put used PPE in a bin with a safe lid (盖子). This is important when the bin is outside because masks and gloves can be carried away by the wind.

1. Why did Prinsloo set up Save a Fishie?
A.To clean up the beaches.B.To offer free PPE to people.
C.To stop people producing rubbish.D.To help fight against COVID-19.
2. What has Leonard’s team discovered?
A.Ocean animals also need PPE.B.PPE waste is a growing problem.
C.Ocean environment depends on PPE.D.PPE can help protect people greatly.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.What to do to reduce rubbish.B.Where to put rubbish bins.
C.How to solve the PPE problem.D.When to wear masks and gloves.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A biography.B.A diary.C.A novel.D.A magazine.
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |
4 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Society is changing at a rapidly increasing rate in this present-day age. This speed of change     1     (believe) to be creating a direct impact on our mental as well as physical health in our life.

Society observes the rules of nature and law and is changing to be     2     (good) than before. It is reasonable as the survival of the fittest is the need of the development of the time. For instance, an     3     (employ) working in a company is unable     4     (deal) with working overtime while the rest of his fellow workers are not only ready but are very     5     (excite) to work and acquire new skills and abilities, then it is a matter of concern for that person as he will be left behind in the race of progression (发展). This instance describes     6     clear picture of how important it is to keep up with the rapid development of society.

Despite the professional satisfaction associated with rapid changing, the idea     7     it brings any other kind of satisfaction is false. Some statistics have shown that the percentage of people getting ill due     8     workload pressure and continuous changes has increased from 5% in 1995 to 50% in 2020.

In a word, it is     9     (necessarily) to keep a good balance between catching up with the pace of social development and     10     (maintain) a healthy lifestyle.

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真题 名校

5 . In its early history, Chicago had floods frequently, especially in the spring, making the streets so muddy that people, horses, and carts got stuck. An old joke that was popular at the time went something like this: A man is stuck up to his waist in a muddy Chicago street. Asked if he needs help, he replies, “No, thanks. I've got a good horse under me.”

The city planner decided to build an underground drainage (排水) system, but there simply wasn't enough difference between the height of the ground level and the water level. The only two options were to lower the Chicago River or raise the city.

An engineer named Ellis Chesbrough convinced me the city that it had no choice but to build the pipes above ground and then cover them with dirt. This raised the level of the city's streets by as much as 12 feet.

This of course created a new problem: dirt practically buried the first floors of every building in Chicago. Building owners were faced with a choice: either change the first floors of their buildings into basements, and the second stories into main floors, or hoist the entire buildings to meet the new street level. Small wood-frame buildings could be lifted fairly easily. But what about large, heavy structures like Tremont Hotel, which was a six-story brick building?

That's where George Pullman came in. He had developed some house-moving skills successfully. To lift a big structure like the Tremont Hotel, Pullman would place thousands of jackscrews (螺旋千斤顶) beneath the building's foundation. One man was assigned to operate each section of roughly 10 jackscrews. At Pullman's signal each man turned his jackscrew the same amount at the same time, thereby raising the building slowly and evenly. Astonishingly, the Tremont Hotel stay open during the entire operation, and many of its guests didn't even notice anything was happening. Some people like to say that every problem has a solution. But in Chicago's early history, every engineering solution seemed to create a new problem. Now that Chicago's waste water was draining efficiently into the Chicago River, the city's next step was to clean the polluted river.

1. The author mentions the joke to show ______.
A.horses were fairly useful in Chicago
B.Chicago's streets were extremely muddy
C.Chicago was very dangerous in the spring
D.the Chicago people were particularly humorous
2. The city planners were convinced by Ellis Chesbrough to_______.
A.get rid of the street dirtB.lower the Chicago River
C.fight against heavy floodsD.build the pipes above ground
3. The underlined word “hoist”in Paragraph 4 means “_______”.
4. What can we conclude about the moving operation of the Tremont Hotel?
A.It went on smoothly as intended.
B.It interrupted the business of the hotel.
C.It involved Pullman turning ten jackscrews.
D.It separated the building from its foundation.
5. The passage is mainly about the early Chicago's ______.
A.popular life styles and their influences
B.environmental disasters and their causes
C.engineering problems and their solutions
D.successful businessmen and their achievements

6 . For many of us, summertime means road trips to the beach or mountains, or at the very least some additional dust on the outside of our vehicle. The extra dirt leads us to do one of two things: wash our car in the driveway or head to the car wash. But which choice is better for the environment?

The main concerns with either choice are the amount of fresh water used and the types of chemicals used to get rid of the dirt. Both of these concerns can be closely monitored when washing the car at home, says Katy Gresh, spokeswoman for the Southwest Region of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. She advises car owners to keep a set amount of water in a container for the entire wash. “You don’t want to leave the water running or use more than you need for the job,” she says. But even following this piece of advice comes with an environmental risk: Washing your car in the driveway gets the dirty water into drains (下水道).

“Drains are not made for treating waste.” says John Schombert, executive director of 3 Rivers Wet Weather. Even when car owners use natural soaps to wash their car, Schombert says they are probably ineffective in breaking down grease(油脂)anyway.

The commercial car wash knows full well the rules regarding wastewater in drains. According to the International Carwash Association (ICA), professional car washes must use special water treatment systems. These processes not only keep the dirty water out of drains and regular water treatment systems, but also work to reduce water usage at commercial facilities.

As experts point out, cleaning our car at home can use 100 gallons of water. Compare that to self-service car washes, which allow you to use only about 17 or 18 gallons of water. And most full-service car washes average about 30 to 45 gallons of water per vehicle.

1. What does Katy suggest people do about washing cars?
A.Use soft toothbrushes.B.Save treated water.
C.Put aside some water.D.Avoid using chemicals.
2. What is Schombert’s attitude to washing cars at home?
3. What is the fourth paragraph mainly about?
A.Rules of handling wastewater.B.Advantages of professional car washes.
C.Processes of getting rid of dirty water.D.Drawbacks of water treatment systems.
4. Which mehod of car washing consumes the least water?
A.The full-service car washes.B.Car washing in the driveway.
C.The self-service car washes.D.Car washing using natural soaps.
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7 . We’ll finally grow up someday, leaving our parents and facing the challenges in life. Parents may not be able to solve every problem for us. Instead, we should have enough life skills to deal with the problems that come our way.

This is what our country tries to do now: Helping more students gain working spirit.To stress the importance of hardworking spirit education among students of different ages, the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council released a guideline recently.The guideline calls for students to respect work.Students should learn basic life skills and form good working habits through such education.

The government has been trying to stress the importance of hardworking spirit education. But this has been overlooked in recent years.Many teens do not value the importance of working hard and are uninterested in doing so. According to a study of nearly 3,000 students that was done by Ningbo Evening News in March, only 22 percent of primary and middle school students help with everyday chores around the house.

Schools and families play an important role in teaching students about the value of working hard, the guideline says. Primary and middle schools should provide students with hardworking spirit classes every week, according to the guideline. Schools can also hold activities to give students real- world work experiences.For example , schools can teach children how to plant trees on Tree-Planting Day.

As children’s first teachers, parents should also encourage children to learn how to do chores at home. Students should master one or two life skills every year.

These skills can include cooking,washing their own clothes and tidying their rooms.
1. The guideline was released in order to ______ .
A.teach students how to do chores at homeB.call for students to respect work
C.help students solve life problemsD.ask students to be more independent
2. What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Challenges in life.B.Basic life skills.
C.The recently released guideline.D.Hardworking spirit education.
3. What is Paragraph 3 trying to tell us?
A.Only 3,000 students help with housework.
B.Students pay no attention to work spirit.
C.About one- fifth of students help with housework.
D.Students are very dependent on their parents.
4. According to the guideline,schools should ______ .
A.provide both guidance and chances for real workB.hand out the guideline to every student
C.teach students how to plant treesD.give parents homework
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Human beings are extremely diverse in many ways. People differ in opinions, races, nationalities, lifestyles and so on. Yet we are all human species, we feel pain and joy despite the differences. Today, it is impossible for any group of people to live without interacting with others outside their group.     1    

Diversity creates richness in opinion. Some problems can’t be solved by a homogeneous (同种类的) group of people.     2     A diverse group will offer fresh ideas to solve the problems. Diverse groups have been found to be creative and thus producing better solutions to problems.

Diversity makes us compassionate about others. When we interact and try to understand others, we won’t judge them. This instead makes us compassionate about others.     3     Compassion allows us to realize that all human beings are the same.

Diversity is a growing trend. Today, there is no country in the world that has only natives living there.     4     In the process, people of different cultural backgrounds often find themselves going to the same schools, working in the same office and so much more. As citizens of this word, we are therefore left with no choice other than embrace our diversity.

    5     Through diversity, entrepreneurs (企业家) have been able to reach new markets. Today, we have multinationals setting up offices in different parts of the world of which it would not be possible without embracing diversity. This future creates employment opportunities for people in those parts of the world.

A.They are in search of good lifestyles.
B.Diversity opens up new market chances.
C.Diversity requires us to respect each other.
D.We are then able to love and help one another.
E.Cultural diversity, therefore, is very important today.
F.The challenge requires people from different backgrounds to work together.
G.Millions of people are moving from one part of the world to another every day.
书面表达-图画作文 | 较难(0.4) |
真题 名校
9 . 孩子的成长和教育是社会热议的话题,现今父母包揽一切、孩子过度依赖等现象十分严重。请阅读下面的漫画,按要求用英文写一篇短文。

内容要求: 1.描述漫画内容;
2. 分析漫画所揭示的问题; 3. 提出你的看法。
4. 文中不能出现考生的具体信息。
参考词汇:pave the way
From the picture, we can see a family of three walking on a long red carpet.
2016-11-26更新 | 1416次组卷 | 10卷引用:山西省长治市第二中学校2019-2020学年高一下期期末考试英语试题
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10 . A group of farmers in Nigeria is using a technology-based method to grow crops from small drops of water in the air. The method, known as aeroponics, does not involve soil. Instead, plant roots hang in the air.

Aeroponics is not well-known in Nigeria, but farmers there are working to make the technique more popular. The technique could make a big difference in places like the city of Abeokuta. Violent conflicts and desertification--the process by which rich land becomes deserts--have made huge amounts of land unsuitable for farming.

Biochemist Samson Ogbole is popularly known as Nigeria's smart farmer. He and his team are growing crops without soil at the technology-based farm they started three years ago in Abeokuta. “We are putting an end to seasonal food shortage in Nigeria,” said Ogbole. “Because we are the ones controlling everything that the plant requires--we are not depending on seasons. So it's no longer seasonal farming. It is just farming any time of the year, meaning you can plant any time of the year. We can harvest any time of the year,” said Ogbole.

But setting up the aeroponic farm was not easy. “It required more than $180,000,” Ogbole said. And, some people in Abeokuta were very much against this non-traditional method of farming. “It took a lot of effort to change people's minds about aeroponics,” said Ogbole.

In Nigeria, about 30 million hectares(公顷)of farmland is being used, instead of the 78.5 million hectares required for food security. Violent conflicts and desertification are the top reasons why the farmland is being lost. And only 49 percent of the land is rich. Besides, most farmers do not have the technical knowledge to increase productivity. They are also in need of high-quality seeds to guarantee better harvests.

For now, technologically skilled farmers like Samson Ogbole are offering a new way forward.

1. What is special about aeroponics?                           .
A.Crops are not grown in soil.B.Crops can grow all by themselves
C.Crops without roots can grow well.D.Crops can grow well without water.
2. Why is aeroponics especially important to Abeokuta?
A.Because there are not many farmers there.
B.Because there isn't plenty of rich land there.
C.Because many farmers there are terribly violent.
D.Because farmers there are thirsty for farming techniques.
3. What does the new method enable farmers to do?
A.Reduce the cost of farming.B.Produce crops of higher quality.
C.Grow crops whenever they like.D.Keep crops fresh for a longer period.
4. Which of the following could be the most suitable title for the passage?
A.A new method of growing crops
B.Ways to turn deserts into rich land
C.Techniques for developing high-quality seeds
D.The importance of fighting against worldwide hunger
2022-01-01更新 | 54次组卷 | 1卷引用:山西省长治市第二中学校2021-2022学年高一上学期第二次月考英语试卷
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