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语法填空-短文语填(约200词) | 较易(0.85) |
1 . 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Every day many teens wake up frightened of     1     (go) to school. School bullying (校园欺凌) is a problem     2     affects millions of students, and it makes everyone     3     (worry), not just the kids. Yet because parents, teachers and other adults don’t always see it, they may not understand how bad bullying can be.

School bullying can threaten students’ physical and mental     4     (safe) at school and can influence their ability to learn. There     5     (be) a number of things you can do to make schools safe and prevent bullying.

For younger kids, the best way of solving the bullying problem is to tell     6     trusted adult. For teens, the tell-an-adult way depends on the bullying situation. If you see or hear someone being beaten, you should step in     7     (stop) the bullying right away. If you cannot stop it by     8     (you), then find someone who can. It is important to keep the bully away from the person he or she is bullying. Do not force the two parties to be in the same room together.

Bullying is a problem that can cause serious damage unless the problem     9     (solve) in time. Take any bullying that you hear about very     10     (serious). You might even need to call the police in some situations.

阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 较难(0.4) |

2 . A shortage of semiconductors (半导体) has helped firms such as Nvidia, whose chips (芯片) power everything from video gaming to machine learning and data centres. But boom time for sellers means misery for buyers. Carmakers, whose products have become computers on wheels, are among the victims. Analysts say the industry might build around 5 million fewer cars this year, all for want of the chips. Apple and Microsoft have also warned that they will be affected.

The shortage is the result of a sudden rise in demand. Chipmaking has been enjoying strong growth for decades as computers have stepped into every corner of society. But there was a strong upward trend during the pandemic. Locked-down consumers shopped online, had meetings remotely, and killed time with video-streaming and videogaming.

The crisis has had three consequences, two encouraging and one less so.

The first is an investment boom. Big producers such as Intel, Samsung and TSMC are planning to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on extra capacity (产能) over the next few years. As in many markets, high prices are the best cure for high prices.

The second is that the chip industry’s customers are adapting. too. When demand fell early in the pandemic, carmakers cut their orders with chipmakers. Following Tesla, Volkswagen has announced plans to develop driver-assistance chips in-house.

Unwelcome effect has been a sudden rise of techno-nationalism. America is planning to hand out billions of dollars to attract chipmakers back from East Asia. Europe wants to double its share of global production, to 20%,by 2030. Even Britain has declared the fate of a small chip factory in Wales to be a matter of national security.

Chips have come to occupy what used to be called the “commanding heights” of an economy, in the way that car factories did in the 20th century. But as last century’s governments discovered, subsidies (补贴) lend 10 oversupply. Personally, the chip shortage is mostly a self-solving problem. Governments should resist the temptation to scc themselves as saviours (救星).

1. What is the main cause of the sudden shortage of chips according to the passage?
A.Economic crisisB.The outbreak of the pandemic.
C.Governments’ control.D.Great demand in online products.
2. What is the discouraging result of the chip shortage according to the passage?
A.Hot investment in chips.B.Carmakers’ adaptation to the market.
C.Arise of techno-nationalism.D.Realization of technological globalization.
3. What does the author tend to think in the last paragraph?
A.Markets are the cure for the chip shortage.
B.Government subsidies will lead to waste.
C.The government should rescue the market.
D.Car factories in the 20th century were on the rise.
4. Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Chip Shortage—A Self-solving Problem
B.Techno-nationalism—A War without Smoke
C.Challenges—Promises of New Opportunities
D.High Prices—the Best Cure for High Prices
2022-03-22更新 | 460次组卷 | 4卷引用:吉林省长春外国语学校2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Teenagers are in the age group of 13 to 19 years. The age group is thought to be the turning points of both boys and girls. They hardly take any notice of their health and they tend to eat junk food, have less sleep and more dangerously, try smoking, drinking and even drugs. All of these are bringing out many health problems to teenagers all around the world.

Researches show that 17.4 percent of the US teenagers are overweight, and the number of teenagers with diabetes and heart diseases is increasing rapidly. This is mainly due to the lack of proper food intake. Teenagers highly prefer fast and junk food which is the main reason for these health problems. Another problem faced by teenage girls is their need to be thin. This has been put into the teenage minds by the media. Girls tend to eat less and go or an unhealthy diet.

Teenagers are passing the most curious stage of their lives when they are eager to try out everything they see around them. This can be either in sexual activities or trying smoking drinking and drugs. The diseases caused by these factors can be deadly and incurable. Drinking, smoking and drugs can cause cancers and heart diseases. Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD) are a major problem among teenagers. Diseases such as Hepatitis can be transmitted to another teenager by a simple kiss; AIDS is another high risk for teenagers when having sexual activities.

Teenagers are young; they have very little knowledge of these risk factors. It is up to us parents and teachers to guide them. They must have a good control of their lives, well-balanced diet and good exercise. Staying away from all bad habits such as drinking, smoking and sexual activities will give them a much happier and healthier life. We must help our kids to choose the correct path and become better citizens to the country and better humans to the world.

1. What is the main reason for more teenagers being overweight according to researchers?
A.They have less sleep time.B.They don’t have proper diets.
C.They smoke and drink too much.D.They are short of enough exercise.
2. Which of the following can be transmitted to others according to the text?
A.DiabetesB.HepatitisC.Heart diseases.D.Hepatitis and AIDS
3. Who is the text mainly written for?
2021-11-23更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省油田高级中学2021-2022学年高一上学期期初考试英语试卷

4 . If you cannot afford to travel in any class above economy, flying generally sucks (恶心), either a little or a lot, depending on your tolerance level. But it especially sucks if you are too wide for the airlines design.

Just getting to your seat can be a challenge, as your hips (臀部) bounce from seat to seat on each side of the aisle(过道). If someone is standing up to put things in the overhead locker, there is a decision to be made about whether it’s worth trying to squeeze past. Everything is just slightly too small: the seats, the overhead lockers, even the bathrooms—and those, it seems, are getting even smaller.

The Washington Post recently reported that, on some newer planes flown by American, Delta and United airlines, the bathrooms in economy class are just 61 cm wide: about 25 cm narrower than the average portable toilet, and roughly the width of the average dishwasher. Your face might be the only thing you can poke in there comfortably—which makes it a poor design, considering what a passenger is likely to need the bathroom for.

According to the manufacturer, these “Advanced Spacewell” bathrooms make space for six additional passengers, which is great for the airlines’ financial bottom line. But what about the other bottom line? Concerning, well, bottoms(臀部) that can’t fit into their planes’ bathrooms?

As bodies get bigger and aeroplane spaces get smaller, fat people among us have come up with solutions. Armrests that turn us into sausages (香肠) can be pulled up, or slowly encased (围住; 包起) into the soft flesh of our sides until we go numb(麻木的). We can ask the flight attendant to get us a seat-belt extender, if security has confiscated the one we brought with us, as can sometimes happen. But squeezing into a tiny toilet and closing the door behind us? Not workable.

Unlike the impossible task of squeezing down the aisle to your seat, or the side-to-side dance necessary to get big hips past the armrests, fitting into a space just 61 cm wide is not just a challenge—it is almost impossible. It is not like missing out on an option for the in-flight meal—a bathroom is as essential as a safety-compliant seat belt, or the air that is pumped into the cabin(飞机舱). If airlines are not willing to make space for us,bigger passengers may have no option but to reconsider booking a flight at all.

1. What is the advantage of the new toilets?
A.All passengers can use them at the same time.
B.They are more comfortable.
C.The airlines can increase their profits.
D.They are practical and convenient.
2. What does the underlined word “confiscated” mean?
3. What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?
A.Fat people can deal with many problems they face on planes.
B.Flight attendants are likely to be helpful when asked for assistance.
C.Flying is pleasant for overweight people at present.
D.People’s bodies are getting bigger year by year.
4. The author believes that bigger passengers______.
A.will have to find more creative solutions in the future
B.might be unable to travel by air in the future
C.should miss out on the option for the in-flight meal
D.should grasp the chance to lose weight before flying
2021-03-11更新 | 163次组卷 | 1卷引用:吉林省长春外国语学校2020-2021学年高一下学期期初考试英语试题

5 . How many phone numbers can you remember by heart? It’s probably fewer than you would like. Actually, you are not alone. Out of more than 1,000 Americans who were surveyed, more than half said that they couldn’t recall the phone numbers of their friends and neighbors. In their eyes, there is no point in filling their heads with phone numbers if they are all stored in smart phones that are with them almost all the time.

In fact, most people are suffering from a sort of digital amnesia(健忘). more than 90% of those surveyed agreed that they used the Internet as an online of their brains. Rote memorization(死记硬背) was once an important part of modern education, but we just need a click or slide now. That’s making us worse at remembering things.

Researchers found that when people expected to use the information online, they were less likely to remember actual facts, but more likely to remember how to find them. As a result, we are already becoming ones with our computer tools, growing into interconnected systems that remember less by knowing information than by knowing where the information can be found.

However, some believe it isn’t necessarily a bad thing--maybe it gives them more chances to think through things. We certainly acquire more knowledge now than ever, even if it isn’t all stored in our brains.

Even so, I still believe that there are more risks to this new world of memory beyond losing our ability to recall some information such as who the 15th President was. That kind of information may always be a click away, but the important things are personal ones, like the way your parents smiled at your wedding. It’s harder to recall or find online. If you’re relying on yourself to keep track of those memories, they will be much more meaningful.

1. Paragraph 1 is mainly used to _______.
A.serve as the backgroundB.introduce the topic
C.explain new researchD.show some data to readers
2. What’s the main cause of people’s suffering from digital amnesia?
A.Dealing with too many thingsB.Seldom thinking about questions
C.Relying on the internet too muchD.The changes of their memories.
3. It can be learned from the passage that _______.
A.over 90% people are suffering from digital amnesia
B.people can gain knowledge more easily than before
C.rote memorization no longer exists in modern life
D.People find it hard to remember how to find information
4. What’s the author’s attitude towards people’s memories now?
共计 平均难度:一般