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1 . Binge-watching (刷剧) is when a person watches more than one episode of a show in a row. With developments in the speed and connectivity of the Internet, increases in technology and the rise of on-demand entertainment companies, people can now have their favorite shows stream (流播) directly to their television at their convenience.

This behavior is nothing new. In fact, binge-watching has been officially listed in dictionaries since 2015. The entertainment companies recognize this behavior and many take steps to encourage it. Often, instead of releasing each episode on a week-by-week basis, an entire series will become available concurrently. Once the episode finishes, many platforms will display pop-ups with “you might like” suggestions, or will automatically play the next episode.

However, recent research suggests that out of the more than half of British adults who watch more than one episode of a show back-to-back (一集接一集地), almost a third have admitted missing sleep or becoming tired as a result; and 25% have neglected their household chores (家务活). Next we’ll be missing work!

Bingeing has other connections — binge eating, binge drinking and binge smoking. All of them are often associated with a lack of control and a possible route to addiction. Lindsey Fussell, consumer group director, said, “The days of waiting a week for the next episode are largely gone, with people finding it hard to resist (抗拒) watching multiple episodes around the house or on the move.” If people find binge-watching hard to resist, are we witnessing the birth of a new type of addiction?

The countless number of information and entertainment that television and online media can bring us is, many would say, a good thing. However, when the activity begins to bleed into other areas, causing us to stop functioning, then it becomes a problem. So, what’s the answer? Moderation! Neither a tiny amount, nor too much. After all, as the old proverb says, “A little of what you fancy does you good.”

1. How did the writer develop the first paragraph?
A.By giving a definition.B.By telling a story.
C.By listing some examples.D.By analyzing the cause and effect.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “concurrently” in Paragraph2?
A.For convenience.B.At the same time.
C.In detail.D.Free of charge.
3. What Lindsey said in Paragraph 4 implies that ______.
A.people can’t control their feelingsB.people can’t resist the temptation of Bingeing
C.people have no patience to do workD.people are addicted to waiting for a new episode
4. What advice did the writer give at last?
A.To keep online media from stopping functioning.
B.To enjoy entertainment as much as possible.
C.To learn life lessons from the episodes.
D.To watch episodes in a moderate way.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . Would you take a trip if you couldn’t use your cellphone? A new tour company called Off the Grid is asking travellers to put their cellphones away and not even use them for photos. The company founder, Zach Beattie, is developing his business, using money he saved from a tech job at a mapping company. He’s hired guides for every trip but will help lead the first few himself.

The first trip is to Lisbon, Portugal, in July. It takes 7 to 10 days, with small groups of up to 16 people. Prices range from $1,500 to $1,650, including accommodations, meals and ground transportation. The plan includes at least three excursions (远足) and two social events, with an emphasis on unique experiences over bucket-list sightseeing. The tour also includes surfing lessons, yoga on the beach, a day of sailing and dinner with a local family.

“When you’re somewhere new, there’s a lot to see and a lot of cool and interesting people to meet,” Beattie said. “Your phone can distract (使分心) you.” The phone ban won’t be enforced quite as strictly as it seems at first glance. “We want it to be voluntary,” he said. “We’re not collecting phones and throwing them in a locked trunk. It’s held by you, but put in your pocket, and you state your intentions for the week, whether that’s checking your social media once or twice a day or a total blackout.”

Tour-goers also get a “dumbphone” without Internet access that’s loaded with numbers for group leaders and other participants, both for emergencies and to promote socializing. Participants may bring regular cameras, but Beattie is hiring a photographer for each tour so there will be plenty of photos to remember the trip. Once the trip is over, participants will have access to those photos for use in social media posts.

1. What can be learned about Zach Beattie?
A.He set up his business at his own expense.
B.He is always guiding every trip personally.
C.He forbids tourists to take along cellphones.
D.He used to earn his living in a tour company.
2. What do we know about the Lisbon trip?
A.The trip features sightseeing.
B.Participants live in homestays.
C.Air ticket is covered in the cost.
D.Tourists experience water sports.
3. What does Zach Beattie expect the participants to do?
A.Lock their phones in a trunk.
B.Post their photos on social media.
C.Free themselves from their phones.
D.Shift their focus onto dumbphones.
4. What can tour-goers do with the dumbphone?
A.Take photos.B.Access the Internet.
C.Record the trip.D.Contact group members.
2024-04-17更新 | 432次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象

3 . This question has fascinated behavioural scientists for decades: why do we give money to charity?

The explanations for charitable giving fall into three broad categories, from the purely altruisic (利他的)— I donate because I value the social good done by the charity. The “impurely” altruistic— I donate because I extract value from knowing I contribute to the social good for the charity. And the not-at-all altruistic— I donate because I want to show off to potential mates how rich I am.

But are these motives strong enough to enable people to donate as much as they would want to? Most people support charities in one way or another, but often we struggle to make donations as often as we think we should. Although many people would like to leave a gift to charity in their will, they forget about it when the time comes.

Many people are also aware that they should donate to the causes that have the highest impact, but facts and figures are less attractive than narratives. In a series of experiments, it was found that people are much more responsive to charitable pleas that feature a single, identifiable beneficiary(受益者), than they are to statistical information about the scale of the problem being faced. When it comes to charitable giving, we are often ruled by our hearts and not our heads.

The good news is that charitable giving is contagious—seeing others give makes an individual more likely to give and gentle encouragement from an important person in your life can also make a big difference to your donation decisions— more than quadrupling them in our recent study. Habit also plays a part— in three recent experiments those who volunteered before were more likely to do donate their time than those who had not volunteered before.

In summary, behavioural science identifies a range of factors that influence our donations, and can help us to keep giving in the longer term. This is great news not just for charities, but also for donors.

1. What can we learn about people who do charitable giving?
A.Most people support charity as often as they think they should.
B.Some people don’t want to leave a gift to charity until the time comes.
C.Those who donate because they can gain an advantage are purely altruistic.
D.Some people send money to charity simply to tell others they are wealthy.
2. In which way will people donate more willingly?
A.Not revealing the names of the donors.
B.Showing figures about the seriousness of the problem.
C.Telling stories that feature a single, recognizable beneficiary.
D.Reminding people to write down what to donate in the will in advance.
3. What does the underlined sentence in paragraph 5 mean?
A.People will learn from others and follow the suit.
B.Many people are familiar with charitable giving.
C.Charitable giving helps the beneficiary in all aspects.
D.Charitable giving can bring a lot of benefits to donors.
4. What is the writing purpose of the passage?
A.To persuade more people to donate.
B.To explain the science behind why people donate.
C.To criticize some false charitable giving behaviours.
D.To explore approaches to making people donate more.
2024-04-16更新 | 128次组卷 | 5卷引用:阅读理解变式题-社会问题与社会现象
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Are you happy with your appearance?     1    

“Almost all the girls with single-fold eyelids (单眼皮) in our class have had double eyelid operations,” Zeng, a Senior 2 student from Chengdu, told Xinhua. Zeng had the same surgery done this summer.     2    

From popular photo-editing apps to plastic surgery (整形手术), it seems that large eyes, pale skin and a skinny body are the only standard for beauty these days. But can following this standard really make us feel good about ourselves?

    3     . According to Huxiu News, over six in ten girls choose not to take part in certain daily activities, such as attending school, because they feel bad about their looks. As much as 31 percent of teenagers avoid speaking up in class because they worry that others will notice their looks.

“Many teenagers are upset about their appearance because they believe in unrealistic standards of beauty,” experts say.       4     Seeing all these things can make anyone believe that they’re too dark, too fat, too short, or too tall.

However, trying to live up to strict standards can make us feel anxious. What troubles us is not just our “imperfect” looks, but the fact that we criticize ourselves too much.

    5     Plus-size models are being featured in some fashion shows. All of us should be just as confident as they are.

A.Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.
B.Body image anxiety is common among teenagers.
C.Guys care just as much as girls do about their body image.
D.Some teenagers might feel negative about their appearance.
E.It’s common for teenagers to feel confident about their appearance.
F.She and many of her classmates believe bigger eyes look more beautiful.
G.Perfect faces and bodies are everywhere in advertising, TV shows and social media.

5 . The Internet is a global network, which allows digital information to travel around the world. Let’s view some most popular uses of the Internet.

Information search

We search for information every day.     1    . Search engines then provide us with valuable and useful data, information and knowledge at any time, instantly upon our request.


One of the most significant and popular use of the Internet is email. Email is a common thing that a majority of people check after they have logged (登录) on to the Internet.     3    . Besides the email, today, there are many other online tools and online chat software apps for audio and video chat.

Online shopping

    4    . In the beginning, many people didn’t have trust in the e-commerce website, but that has changed over time. Now we can order anything like clothing, fashion accessories, machines, books, technology things and so on without visiting physical stores.


The Internet plays an important role in effectively shaping today’s school education process. It has the availability and the quality of learning for many students. They can study what they want and whenever they feel the most productive.     5    .

We are witnessing the rise of informal education where college graduates have online access and can sharpen their skills and get faster progress in a specific field.

B.Online bill payments
C.Our habits of buying things have changed a lot
D.They can also attend classes or take exams online at home
E.It is done by typing a question for which we seek specific information
F.Many other personal businesses create their online shops every day
G.The email has enabled easier and faster communication between people
2024-04-10更新 | 100次组卷 | 3卷引用:江西省横峰中学2023-2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易(0.94) |

6 . We know it can be hard to put your phone to bed before you sleep. However, if you’re trying to improve your sleep, you really should ditch your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Luckily, our experts can help.

Scientific evidence suggests that the blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer, and TV suppresses (抑制) your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙) that plays an important role in your sleep cycle. Melatonin release in the evening helps you relax before bedtime. A 2013 study that analyzed technology use and sleep patterns with data from a National Sleep Foundation poll found that using devices like phones was tied to more sleep disruption than electronics that aren’t interactive.

Many of us use the excuse that our mobile devices serve as our wake-up calls, or keep them nearby to use meditation apps. If you want to use your phone as an alarm, consider setting it a couple of hours before you turn in for the night, and then setting the phone itself to bedtime mode for the rest of the evening.

Here’s another groundbreaking idea: You could get a real alarm clock. After reviewing them at Reviewed, we recommend the Sharp Dream Caster. Not only is it easy to set a wake-up time, the clock includes white noises and rain noises to help you sleep, plus a number of volume settings to pick what works best for you.

But an alarm clock won’t help you avoid doom-scrolling through social media. Take things a step further by avoiding using electronic devices. You can try reading a book (one made of paper), taking a bath or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

Finally, if you want to keep up your meditation practice screen-free, consider the Morphée. It looks like a little music box and comes with a variety of breathing exercises and soundscapes to help you get to sleep.

1. What does the underlined word “ditch” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Set aside.B.Pick up.C.Show off.D.Turn to.
2. What may be caused by the suppression of melatonin?
A.Relaxing yourself before bedtime.
B.Sleeping less than you normally would.
C.Adapting to your sleep cycle more easily.
D.Reducing the pressure from screen use.
3. Why is the Sharp Dream Caster recommended?
A.It is sold at a lower price.B.It can predict a heavy rain.
C.It is controlled by cellphone.D.It helps put your eyes together.
4. What is suggested for better sleep according to paragraph 5?
A.Making the best of the eco-friendly products.
B.Making a change according to circumstances.
C.Establishing a bedtime routine without electronics.
D.Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . Movie stars might think their lives are private after leaving the acting location, but they ought to know that they have much power over their audience. The power gives them an ability to change people, events, even history, making them to have the responsibility of being good role models.

With time going on, movie stars become celebrities (名人) and in the process get a large number of fans. Some of them follow their deeds, dress, and act like them. In reality, they want to be like their favorite movie stars. If a movie star engages in acts that the society does not approve, those who look up to them, especially the teens, will do the same. Movie stars should be responsible for what they do and say as following the actions is now simpler because of social media. It is important to behave like a role model even when they think no one is watching.

Nobody is perfect, and movie stars also have had their down moments. They may not have been good role models at the time, but they can change the narrative by doing the right things. They can also turn the past shortcomings into positives by opening up about problems and how they overcame the challenges. And their audience can learn to discuss their problems and seek help.

People starring in movies are the target of companies to promote their products or services for a fee. Their celebrity status is a reason enough to think beyond the payment. A movie star should not recommend something that will influence the way teens live negatively. It would be wrong to promote something like sweetened drinks or foods without health benefits. Movie stars face problems like other people, but because of their influence, they have a responsibility to be role models in the public eye.

1. What is the second paragraph mainly about?
A.Fans often follow their stars’ dress and hobbies.
B.Celebrities’ actions spread fast on social media.
C.Movie stars should be responsible for their fans.
D.Movie stars’ acts have a great impact on their fans.
2. How should movie stars deal with their down moments?
A.Lie to fans by making up a story.
B.Do the right things to overcome the problems.
C.Cover their problems with good movies.
D.Post their problems online to seek help.
3. Which is the author’s advice to celebrities?
A.Don’t tell problems to the public.
B.Don’t play roles that have a negative impact on teens.
C.Don’t ask for payment when promoting products.
D.Don’t recommend unhealthy drinks or foods.
4. What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?
A.To tell movie stars how to help people in need.
B.To stress movie stars’ impact on teens.
C.To call on movie stars to be good role models.
D.To advise movie stars to open up about their problems.
2024-02-18更新 | 117次组卷 | 5卷引用:江西省抚州市2023-2024学年高一上学期期末学业质量监测英语试卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . Favored by many internet influencers, the city of Zibo, once a sleepy industrial city, has gone viral on Chinese social media platforms. The topic Zibo “barbecue” on Douyin, the Chinese version of TikTok, was played 4.96 billion times since the city stormed the Internet for over a month. On 29 April, Zibo Railway Station saw a record 87,000 train trips to and from the station, according to Chinese news website Caixin.

Local authorities in Zibo have been quick to respond to the sudden flow of visitors. A barbecue zone that can accommodate 10,000 people, featuring live band performances, was built overnight. Volunteers have been dispatched to the railway station to offer advice and recommendations to tourists. Designated (指定的) buses and trains bring tourists to and from the hottest barbecue spots. The government has even threatened to punish profiteering hotels who raise prices by more than 50% .

What makes Zibo barbecue so special is that it does offer a distinctive (独特的) dining experience. The skewers (烤串) are 70-80 percent cooked before they are brought to the table, where diners can finish cooking them on their own stoves, offering an immersive dining experience.

Zibo’s low prices are also appealing. Many college students in Shandong have made concrete plans to enjoy Zibo barbecue at the least cost, and traveling back and forth by train for only 200 yuan ($29.1). So what better way to attract adventurous, hungry college students with a tight budget other than “tasty barbecue that makes you full for only 50 yuan!”

The locals seem happy enough about the arrival of visitors and shy away from hot spots to make space for outsiders, saying they are proud that their hometown has gained nationwide fame.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?
A.The history of Zibo.
B.The influence of social media.
C.The newfound popularity of Zibo.
D.The crowdedness of Zibo Railway Station.
2. What makes Zibo barbecue attractive to college students?
A.Unique dining experience.B.Convenient transportation.
C.Wonderful performances.D.Affordable prices.
3. What is the local people’s attitude to the arrival of tourists?
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To promote an industrial city.
B.To introduce barbecue in Zibo.
C.To explain how to attract tourists.
D.To show the popularity of barbecue.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |
文章大意:这是一篇议论文。文章讨论了口语能力的重要性, 呼吁英国工党改革学校课程以加强口语能力的教学。

9 . As you read this, pause to reflect on your recent interactions. As a politician, husband, and father, I encounter various spoken language styles: analytical or chatty, formal or informal, pointed or gentle, cooperative or decisive. Talk is the currency of politics. It is our way of negotiating, debating, and persuading. Talk is also the currency of learning-how we develop our ideas, deepen our thinking and share our feelings.

That’s why I want speaking skills, sometimes called “oracy”, to play an important part in Labor’s plans for a reformed school curriculum (课程).

Employers value speaking skills equally with reading and writing. The ability to speak well and express yourself should be something every child should master. But the curriculum doesn’t allow us to provide this. This is short-sighted. An inability to express your thoughts fluently is a key barrier to getting on and doing well in life.

Oracy is in part about good public speaking and debating skills, but in reality, it’s about teaching young people to make strong arguments, choose wise words, understand their audience, form meaningful social connections, and use facial expressions and body language to convey their message. Above all else it’s about finding your voice. To work out who you are and what you believe. If reading opens up a world of imagination and possibility, then speaking and listening opens up a lifetime of empowerment-a chance for those who feel invisible in their own country to be heard. It is about the confidence to speak out, to call out injustice or harm.

And the other side of speaking is listening, which can also be taught. Listening, truly listening, develops tolerance and understanding. And as parents we can play our part. We’ve all been there, at mealtimes, silent as we all stare at our devices. Our job, all of ours, is to get off our screens and give young people, and adults, the gift of listening.

So, oracy―speaking and listening―needs to be placed firmly at the heart of school life.

1. How does talk help a politician?
A.It deepens his wishful thinking.
B.It enhances his analytical skills.
C.It strengthens persuasive power.
D.It provides emotional support.
2. Why does the author suggest a reform in the British school curriculum?
A.Employers underestimate the value of speaking.
B.Academic pressure makes students poor-sighted.
C.Spoken language is regarded as least important.
D.Oracy should deserve more attention at school.
3. How does the author illustrate his argument in paragraph 4?
A.By sharing different opinions.
B.By clarifying the definition.
C.By describing personal experiences.
D.By employing the concept.
4. What are parents advised to do?
A.Set a good example for their children.
B.Balance screen time and mealtime.
C.Have oral face-to-face communication.
D.Disconnect from the virtual world.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约270词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Many Silicon Valley parents are becoming more concerned about preventing their children from using screens. Some parents think that even a little screen time can be extremely addictive, so it is better if their children avoid using or seeing these devices completely. However, it is difficult for working adults in the 21st century to give up using a phone at home. So, it’s simpler to employ someone to do this.

“Silicon Valley nanny (保姆)”, who takes children back to a time without screens every day is widely needed. From Cupertino to San Francisco, it’s widely agreed that screen time is harmful to youngsters. Therefore, parents are requesting nannies to keep phones, tablets and computers in a hidden place. Others even offer no-phone agreements.

Research shows that spending too much time on technology can harm young minds. For example, teenagers who use social media frequently are more likely to feel depressed and anxious. Insomnia (失眠) rates have also increased amongst this age group, and an increasing number of children display the signs that they can’t focus attention. These seemingly minor (轻微的) problems could become significant challenges for future generations.

“Many parents come back home and focus on their smartphones, ignoring whatever their children are trying to say,” said Shannon Zimmerman, who works as a nanny in San Jose for families that forbid screen time. “As a nanny, I also call on more parents to spend more time with their kids.”

1. Why are the Silicon Valley nannies greatly needed according to the text?
A.To help parents and children balance work and life.
B.To teach children how to use technology responsibly.
C.To keep children away from screens.
D.To encourage children to exercise.
2. What is the result of spending too much time on screens for teenagers?
A.Feeling confused.B.Feeling anxious.C.Feeling bored.D.Feeling nervous.
3. What does Shannon suggest parents do?
A.Encourage their children more.B.Play games with their children.
C.Stop using smartphones at home.D.Spend more time with their children.
4. What is the text about?
A.Parents concern about screen time for children.B.Children are addicted to screen time.
C.All parents limit children to phones.D.Science has no effects on young minds.
2024-01-15更新 | 65次组卷 | 4卷引用:江西省上饶市私立新知学校2023-2024学年高二上学期1月考试英语月考卷
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