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1 . Polly Arrowsmith is a clever bargain shopper, and knows exactly when her three local supermarkets make their daily price down. She estimates that hunting out food with yellow discounted labels saves her hundreds of pounds a year. But all this could soon be coming to an end. That’s because supermarkets are adopting dynamic pricing, controlled by artificial intelligence (AI) software.

It involves digital price tags that are displayed either on the shelf below the food items, or on high-tech labels attached the product itself. These prices are automatically, and wirelessly, updated by the AI when a particular item approaches its sell-by date. The AI also examines how much stock (库存) the store is holding of that item and makes the decision as to whether a markdown is requiredor not. Besides, it can help supermarkets better understand how to manage stock supply and avoid over-ordering. So we’re actually turning the current food waste problem into an opportunity and can help cut supermarkets’ food waste by more than a third.

Matt Wills, the co-founder of a firm called Acumen, warns that there are potential disadvantages to dynamic pricing. “Not knowing what the reference price is, consumers might not realise they are getting a deal at all,” he says. “This could also cause added complications for people who retired, if items are seen to be continually changing in price.”

The key, Mr. Wills believes, will be for supermarkets to have strict guidelines to ensure they can offer the benefits that dynamic pricing can bring, while ensuring AI doesn’t create unintended negative consequences for shoppers. Whether shoppers will welcome the change is another question, but Mr. Wills believes they’ll be won over by the price reductions they receive.

Ms. Arrowsmith admits she will miss the yellow discount stickers that have become part of her shopping routine. However, she also says she wants to see less food going to waste. “I’m happy to forgo really cheap pricing,” she says.

1. Why are yellow discount labels disappearing?
A.They are easy to hunt out.
B.They expose some safety issues.
C.They cause great damage to shoppers.
D.They are replaced with digital pricing.
2. What is mainly discussed in paragraph 2?
A.The advantages of using the AI.
B.The display of digital price tags.
C.The management of stock supply.
D.The problem of current food waste.
3. What can we learn about AI-driven pricing according to Matt Wills?
A.It offers the cheapest price.B.It greatly reduces food stock.
C.It has side effect on retirees.D.It gives rise to legal problems.
4. What does the underlined word “forgo” in the last paragraph mean?
A.Pay off.B.Give up.C.Agree on.D.Cut down.
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2 . Years ago, I bought a blouse. That same day, I considered putting it on, but for no particular reason decided not to. That weekend, I again considered wearing the blouse, but the occasion didn’t seem special enough, so again, I passed. Fast forward to today. I have never worn that blouse.

What happened here? Why do people own so many unused possessions, treating them as though they are too special to use? To find out, I ran an experiment in which participants imagined buying a bottle of wine. We had half of the participants imagine considering opening it one night, but deciding not to. Then when we measured how special the wine seemed, and participants intentions to open it later we found that those who had imagined holding off on opening it were in fact less likely to intend to open it later. When asked the reason, most assumed they were waiting for a future occasion to open it a more special occasion.

Why do people fall into this mental trap? Prior research points to a recipe for what psychologists term “specialness spirals”. When you give up using something, if you believe that you are waiting to use it, the possession will start to feel more special. And as you search for the right occasion day after day it becomes more tempting (吸引人的) to hold out for a future occasion. The less you use it, though, the more special it feels, and the cycle continues. Ultimately, the likelihood (可能性) of using the possession becomes rarer and rarer. The more this happens, the more stuff you have lying around.

How can you fight specialness spirals? Try committing in advance to using an item on a specific occasion. When buying a dress, tell yourself you’ll wear it this weekend. Or when purchasing a candle, plan to light it that day. This strategy encourages you to actually enjoy your possessions.

1. Why has the author’s blouse sat unworn for many years?
A.She forgot where it was put.B.She soon grew to dislike it.
C.She had no other clothes to match it.D.She failed to find a right occasion to wear it.
2. What were the participants asked to do in the experiment?
A.Discuss how to deal with the wine.B.List reasons for drinking the wine.
C.Decide whether to drink the wine.D.Evaluate the quality of the wine.
3. What can we learn about specialness spirals?
A.They result from an optimistic attitude to the future.
B.They help explain the psychology of delayed rewards.
C.They can attract people into shopping traps.
D.They can lead to a collection of unused stuff.
4. What is the main purpose of the text?
A.To describe a purchase experience.B.To explain a psychological phenomenon.
C.To criticize a wrong consumption concept.D.To encourage people to prepare for a rainy day.
2024-05-27更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省青海煌川中学2023--2024学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷
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3 . Recent years have seen a small increase in unemployment rates due to slowing of the economy. The fact that many college graduates are finding it difficult to land a job has sparked online discussions on the cost of education and the returns on it, with many agreeing with the notion that “education is useless”.

Stories like a person with a doctorate’s degree from Zhejiang University is delivering food, and overseas-returned graduates are selling hot-pot ingredients have caused many to question the value of education. Moreover, the fact that about 36,000 fewer candidates have applied to take the postgraduate exam in 2024, the first decline in numbers in years, has also fueled the “education is useless theory.

Is education truly worthless? This question has resurfaced due to several factors.

The wide spread of higher education has significantly increased the number of college graduates, reducing the value of college degrees. As the job market becomes over-crowded with graduates, the scarcity of high-level talents has become apparent, particularly in fields such as the humanities. For example, more than 900 institutions in China offer English major, making it the most common degree program, yet there’s a shortage of top talents who are proficient in English and have a good knowledge about the differences in Chinese and foreign approach to fields such as international relations and journalism.

The declining returns on the investment in education have given rise to the “education is useless” theory. Given the challenging job market, many believe college education does not guarantee any sort of employment, let alone a suitable job. And with various economic opportunities available, the notion that one can become financially successful even without formal education is becoming increasingly acceptable.

In light of these developments, combined efforts need to be made to change the situation. For instance, universities must take measures to integrate education, research and industry, while enhancing cooperation with enterprises through tailored talent training programs. Additionally, the authorities need to pay greater attention to vocational education, an important part of China’s educational system. Students, parents and society, on their part, should abandon their bias against vocational training, because it integrates education with career prospects throughout the learning process, offering targeted, technical and practical training which allows students to master their skills which can get them well-paying jobs in the future.

Developing a correct view of employment and career choice is key to abandoning the notion of “education being useless”. People, especially students, must understand the current employment landscape, their positioning, and strengths and weaknesses. While realizing that a college degree is no longer a ticket to employment, college students should leverage education resources to enrich their professional knowledge and competitiveness. And youths should approach vocational education with an open mind in order to make the most of what the job market has to offer.

Education is not synonymous with earning money, nor does a college degree guarantee financial success. The value of education is knowledge, which we need to make informed decisions not only in our professional life but also in our social and other fields of life.

1. What are the main reasons for the recent rise in the belief that ”education is useless”?
A.Economic slowdown and job scarcity.
B.Sad stories about educated individuals.
C.Decline in postgraduate exam applicants.
D.Emphasis on practical skills over qualifications.
2. How can universities contribute to improving the current situation?
A.By focusing solely on academic research.
B.By integrating education, research, and industry.
C.By ignoring cooperation with enterprises.
D.By eliminating vocational education courses.
3. The underlined word leverage in paragraph 7 can be best replaced by___________.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the development of vocational education?
A.Negative and pessimisticB.Positive and supportive
C.Balanced and objectiveD.Unclear and ambiguous
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4 . Traditionally, people have been forced to reduce complex choices to a small handful of options that don’t do justice to their true desires. For example, in a restaurant, the limitations of the kitchen, the way supplies have to be ordered and the realities of restaurant cooking make you get a menu of a few dozen standardized options, with the possibility of some modifications (修改) around the edges. We are so used to these bottlenecks that we don’t even notice them. And when we do, we tend to assume they are the unavoidable cost of scale (规模) and efficiency. And they are. Or, at least, they were.

Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to overcome this limitation. By storing rich representations of people’s preferences and histories on the demand side, along with equally rich representations of capabilities, costs and creative possibilities on the supply side, AI systems enable complex customization at large scale and low cost. Imagine walking into a restaurant and knowing that the kitchen has already started working on a meal optimized (优化) for your tastes, or being presented with a personalized list of choices.

There have been some early attempts at this. People have used ChatGPT to design meals based on dietary restrictions and what they have in the fridge. It’s still early days for these technologies, but once they get working, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Recommendation systems for digital media have reduced their reliance on traditional intermediaries. Radio stations are like menu items: Regardless of how nuanced (微妙) your taste in music is, you have to pick from a handful of options. Early digital platforms were only a little better: “This person likes jazz, so we’ll suggest more Jazz.” Today’s streaming platforms use listener histories and a broad set of characters describing each track to provide each user with personalized music recommendations.

A world without artificial bottlenecks comes with risks — loss of jobs in the bottlenecks, for example — but italso has the potential to free people from the straightjackets that have long limited large-scale human decision-’making. In some cases — restaurants, for example — the effect on most people might be minor. But in others, likepolitics and hiring, the effects could be great.

1. What does the underlined word “bottlenecks” in paragraph 1 refer to?
A.Facing too many choices.B.Choosing from limited options.
C.Avoiding the cost of choosing.D.Having too many desires to satisfy.
2. How can AI meet everyone’s needs?
A.By meeting both ends of supply and demand.
B.By decreasing representations on the supply side.
C.By disconnecting the sides of supply and demand.
D.By reducing people’s preferences on the demand side.
3. What’s the similarity between radio stations and menu items?
A.They are a necessary part in people’s life.B.They offer limited choices.
C.They depend on digital platforms.D.They provide reasonable suggestions.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.The variety of human’s choices.B.Standardized optrarts in daily life.
C.AI settlements to the option bottlenecks.D.Recommendation systems for digital media.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 容易(0.94) |

5 . We know it can be hard to put your phone to bed before you sleep. However, if you’re trying to improve your sleep, you really should ditch your phone at least an hour before bedtime. Luckily, our experts can help.

Scientific evidence suggests that the blue light emitted from your phone, tablet, computer, and TV suppresses (抑制) your body’s production of melatonin, a hormone (荷尔蒙) that plays an important role in your sleep cycle. Melatonin release in the evening helps you relax before bedtime. A 2013 study that analyzed technology use and sleep patterns with data from a National Sleep Foundation poll found that using devices like phones was tied to more sleep disruption than electronics that aren’t interactive.

Many of us use the excuse that our mobile devices serve as our wake-up calls, or keep them nearby to use meditation apps. If you want to use your phone as an alarm, consider setting it a couple of hours before you turn in for the night, and then setting the phone itself to bedtime mode for the rest of the evening.

Here’s another groundbreaking idea: You could get a real alarm clock. After reviewing them at Reviewed, we recommend the Sharp Dream Caster. Not only is it easy to set a wake-up time, the clock includes white noises and rain noises to help you sleep, plus a number of volume settings to pick what works best for you.

But an alarm clock won’t help you avoid doom-scrolling through social media. Take things a step further by avoiding using electronic devices. You can try reading a book (one made of paper), taking a bath or drinking a cup of chamomile tea.

Finally, if you want to keep up your meditation practice screen-free, consider the Morphée. It looks like a little music box and comes with a variety of breathing exercises and soundscapes to help you get to sleep.

1. What does the underlined word “ditch” in paragraph 1 probably mean?
A.Set aside.B.Pick up.C.Show off.D.Turn to.
2. What may be caused by the suppression of melatonin?
A.Relaxing yourself before bedtime.
B.Sleeping less than you normally would.
C.Adapting to your sleep cycle more easily.
D.Reducing the pressure from screen use.
3. Why is the Sharp Dream Caster recommended?
A.It is sold at a lower price.B.It can predict a heavy rain.
C.It is controlled by cellphone.D.It helps put your eyes together.
4. What is suggested for better sleep according to paragraph 5?
A.Making the best of the eco-friendly products.
B.Making a change according to circumstances.
C.Establishing a bedtime routine without electronics.
D.Keeping a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.

6 . I started a Facebook page in July, and it’s steadily growing! The best part isn’t the number of its “followers” but its comments — I love reading about what people do, their ideas and views and get some feedback (反馈) on what I’m doing too.

In April of this year, I was invited by a friend to join her Social Change group. We were eight women from all walks of life, but we had one thing in common — we live in a fantastic country and yet we can see homeless people on the streets asking for money. We have a generous welfare system and a social housing scheme — but it’s a problem that is getting worse. We asked ourselves: What happens to homeless women?

Therefore, we volunteered at shelters. We met with social housing providers, shelter managers and social workers, and began to think what else we could do. We researched on which programs were having success. We had guest speakers at our meetings and began to get a clear picture about what we needed to do.

As luck would have it, we have been gifted a building in the city center. It’s old and needs a lot of work to bring it up to the standard. We want to provide more than just shelter to women in need. We aim to have six self-contained apartments providing full social services for women to stay in for up to two years. Thanks to the building provider, we have got our project off the ground.

I’m an ordinary person. If I can do this, anyone can. You can change the world. Look for the opportunity and just do it.

1. What can we learn about the Facebook page?
A.Its followers increase steadily.B.It helps the author get feedback.
C.It was set up to advertise their service.D.Its main content is people’s comments.
2. What does the author think of her country?
A.Its people are suffering.B.Its system is getting worse.
C.It still has a long way to go.D.It is a place full of inequality.
3. By volunteering at shelters, the eight women ______________.
A.acquired a few communication skills
B.discovered their ability to change the world
C.had a better understanding of social problems
D.were inspired to start a project to help the homeless women
4. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
A.To share her story.B.To introduce her job.
C.To thank housing providers for their help.D.To encourage people to improve the world.
2024-02-21更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高三上学期期末联考英语试题
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7 . The days of the bedroom fitting room are numbered. Online retail giant (零售巨头) Boohoo has become the latest in a string of retailers to start charging shoppers for returns.

By offering free returns in the first place, companies, such as Boohoo, created entirely new behaviour around shopping. A 2018 study found that 9% of UK consumers buy clothes to post on social media, only to return them straight after. Almost one in five 35-to 44-year-olds admit to doing it, and men, apparently, do it more than women.

However, when clothes are returned, they’re likely to be thrown away rather than resold. This is because processing returns is time-consuming and costly. Buttons need to be rebuttoned, labels need to be reattached, products need refolding and rebagging, and then they must be put back   into the system for sale. So it is clearly a cheaper and easier solution for businesses to send the whole lot to landfills (垃圾填埋场). It’s really a great waste of resources, not to mention an insult (冒 犯) to the skilled people who put their time into making each product, but it’s the reality of modern fashion.

When clothes don’t become rubbish, there’s still the impact of the extra shipping to consider, as well as the packaging waste. About 180bn plastic bags are produced every year to store, protect and transport clothes, and less than 15% of them are collected for recycling.

The impact of returns is a fairly well-kept secret, likely to keep people shopping guilt-free (没有负罪感地). But even if it was widely known, it wouldn’t guarantee people would stop treating returns thoughtlessly. After all, other environmental and human impacts of fast fashion are out there for all to see and yet the industry continues to thrive.

Hopefully, charging for returns is expected to change people’s behavior. Without free returns on the table, shoppers may think twice about buying 10 items when they know they’ll only keep five or buying clothes purely for social media content. And with the arrival of return charges, the clothes we already have might also start to look a little more appealing.

1. Why do retailers tend to throw away returned clothes?
A.To keep up with the latest fashion.B.To avoid a huge waste of resources.
C.To let the skilled people feel honored.D.To save the trouble of processing returns.
2. What does the author think people will do if they know the impacts of returns?
A.They will feel guilty about shopping.B.They will continue their shopping behavior.
C.They will consider their shopping carefully.D.They will keep their shopping behavior secret.
3. What does the author say about the move to charge for returns?
A.It puts great pressure on customers.B.It can influence social media content.
C.It can do little to help reduce returns.D.It will turn out to be an effective measure.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.It is necessary to charge shoppers for returns.B.It is difficult to control the number of returns.
C.Many retailers are struggling to process returns.D.People have different opinions on the end of free returns.
2024-02-21更新 | 24次组卷 | 1卷引用:青海省西宁市2023-2024学年高二上学期期末联考英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . College. It means that you are finally going to leave your parents’ nest and experience a lot of personal freedom and independence. You’ll wear whatever you want. You’ll make new friends. And you are definitely ready to enjoy your time in “paradise”.

However, college might be different than you have considered. When an English speaking contest was held in Beijing, about two-thirds of the 62 college students recalled their frustrations about their life in college.

Many of them said they didn’t know what they were supposed to do in college. “Most of the time, I lingered around in my dorm, idling hours and hours away, watching entertainment shows or soap operas on the Internet, or chatting with roommates, ”Huang Xuan, 23, from Guangxi University, said of his first two years of college life.

However, one day his mum asked him about his future plans after college. It was then that he realised his future would be ruined if he kept up such self-indulgence.

Li Yan, 20, from Shenzhen University, suffered a loss of not being one of the “marked” students. She was neither the chairman of the Student Union nor the one with the highest scholarship. Sun Tingting, 21, from Suzhou University of Science and Technology, dominated all the exams with the highest scores, but she felt confused because when she was free, she could think of nothing else to do and no one else to talk to. Zhang Xin, 19, from Beijing Foreign Studies University, began to re- examine what “college” means after she noticed many graduates from elite schools ending up in a job that does not pay well. “Our future is not guaranteed by our college, but rather by how we reshape ourselves in college.”

“Young people are experiencing ‘growing pains’,” said Li Fang, a mental health consultant. In the process of self-discovery, she thinks many Chinese young people suffer more than their peers in the West. Their independence comes much later. They are so used to relying on their parents that when independence suddenly comes in college, it can be difficult.

“Relax,“ Li advised. “This is part of growing up.”

1. The underlined expression “idling hours and hours away” in paragraph 3 can be replaced by “________”.
A.killing timeB.making use of time
C.saving timeD.valuing time
2. Which of the following frustrations of college students are NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.They are no longer the “best” students.
B.They have no friends to talk to in their spare time.
C.They have trouble communicating with their parents.
D.They realise that good college doesn’t guarantee a good job.
3. According to Li Fang, why do many Chinese young people suffer more than their peers in the West?
A.They often abandon themselves to watching TV or shows on the Internet.
B.They are accustomed to counting on their parents before coming to college.
C.They have never left their parents’ nests.
D.They are definitely ready to enjoy their time in college.
4. What is Li Fang’s advice to young people?
A.Learn from their peers in the West.
B.Consult a psychologist.
C.Relax and consider this as part of growing up.
D.Stop relying on their parents and learn to take responsibility.
2023-12-07更新 | 50次组卷 | 2卷引用:青海省西宁北外附属新华联外国语高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期第二次月考(期中)考试英语试题
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文章大意:本文为一篇说明文。文章主要通过厨房里的场景介绍了习语“too many cooks spoil the soup (人多反误事)”的意义。

9 . The kitchen is not just where we prepare meals. In many places, the kitchen is the heart of the home. It’s where we connect with our family and friends. We have open talks about our pleasures and problems we met during the day while we make dinner or have a bite to eat. So, it can be a very busy room in the house.

Sometimes you need order in the kitchen for things to run smoothly. And sometimes you need one person to be in charge. Imagine you are cooking dinner for your friends. As you are making the soup, your friend Sara tastes it and says, “This needs more salt.” So, she adds more salt. Harlan comes to taste your soup and throws some fresh black pepper into the pot and some dried herbs. Cecilia tastes the soup and pours in some vinegar. What will the soup be like?

You are happy to spend time with your friends. But, quite frankly, all their opinions about your soup are becoming annoying. Worst of all, you taste the soup and it’s awful! And that is where we get the expression “too many cooks spoil the soup”.

This expression describes an age-old problem: If too many people help to complete a task, it may not go very well. But, you may think, “If many people are trying to get something done, the task will get done faster.” After all, American English also has the expression “many hands make light work”.

To answer that point, I will draw your attention to the word “cook”. Now, the cook is the leader in the kitchen. They may have assistants to help them. But the cook has the final say. So, what if a kitchen has many cooks? Who is the leader? Everyone! And that’s where the trouble comes.

1. What does the author think of the kitchen according to the first paragraph?
A.It is crowded in many houses.B.It is where we feed our body and soul.
C.It helps to brighten up people’s day.D.It serves as the most useful place in a home.
2. Why does the author take “your friends” as an example?
A.To describe a common phenomenon (现象).
B.To vividly introduce a saying.
C.To explain a way to be a good cook.
D.To stress the importance of teamwork.
3. Which situation agrees with “too many cooks spoil the soup”?
A.A group of students get a task done together.
B.Some volunteers discuss how to help others.
C.Five designers want their own idea to be accepted.
D.Many retired workers learn how to be a cook.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.What Happens with Too Many Cooks in the Kitchen?
B.Should a Cook Be Open to Suggestions?
C.What Could a Cook Do to Everyone’s Satisfaction?
D.Why Will Too Many Cooks Work in the Kitchen?
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中(0.65) |

10 . Conflict (冲突) between teenagers and parents happens for a lot of reasons. Sometimes conflict happens between teenagers and parents just because conflict happens between human beings anyway. Humans have different needs, different feelings, different opinions about what they want, and the relationship with people can be really difficult. However, teenagers can cause further conflict because of the hormonal (生理的) changes that are happening and the stage of life that they're in.

Teenagers and parents have different understanding about rules and at times they find it difficult to look into the future. So parents and teenagers will often experience conflict about many things, do chores, homework, whether teenagers speak respectfully or not and about what they're allowed to do.

Before we think about rule boundaries (界线) for teenagers, we need to make sure that we have a really good relationship base. There's no point saying “From now on, you have to listen to me”: if you don't have a positive relationship with your teenager. We need to go back and make sure there is some degree of shared respect, and some degree of positive communication and enjoyment being together. you do that first, it means that rule boundaries are a lot easier to set up.

Often we're dealing with conflict on the fly. This is not the right time to be dealing with it. We really want parents and teenagers to sit down and think about the kinds of things that may happen in the house before the problems come. The more detailed your rule boundaries are for teenagers, the more likely it is that they are going to follow them. So this means we don't have rule boundaries like “Have the bathroom cleaned”. It needs to be “The floors mopped, nothing on the countertop and the mirrors cleaned by ten o'clock every Saturday”: Rule boundaries need to be written down, and set out ahead of time so the teenager knows exactly what's expected.

1. What's important to set up a rule boundary easily for teenagers?
A.Being strict from the start.B.Developing a good relationship with them first.
C.Saying"No" to their requirements.D.Avoiding close talks with them.
2. Which of the following rules are teenagers most likely to follow?
A.Doing some housework.B.Having a good reading habit.
C.Cleaning the bathroom.D.Finishing your homework by five.
3. What do the underlined words "on the fly" in the last paragraph probably mean?
A.In a hurry.B.On the plane.C.By oneself.D.Another day.
4. What's the best title for the text?
A.Growing PainsB.Teenage Problems
C.Parent-Child Conflict and SolutionsD.Knowing the Conflict
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