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1 . Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.
A. estimates       B. lack       C. potential       D. crucial       E. transforms       F. rejected                  
G. anxiety          H. unemployed        I. routine        J. impact        K. affects

Joblessness is far more than an economic misfortune. It can be psychological disaster for the     1     and their families. It can cause illness, divide families and create a downward spiral (螺旋式下降) of feelings of worthlessness and     2     of self-esteem. According to research done by M. Harvery Brenner, associate professor of health at Johns Hopkins University, every 1% increase in the unemployment rate     3     37,000 deaths over the next 6 years, including over 20,000 deaths from heart attacks, 900 suicides and nearly 500 deaths from cirrhosis of the liver (肝硬化). In addition, Brenner     4     that 7,500 unemployed or their families will be admitted to prison after committing a crime or to a mental hospital. “The     5     goes well beyond the individual who loses a job,” said Brenner. “Stress caused by economic factors     6     our national life at every level.” Men who have been socialized as the family breadwinner are especially hard hit by unemployment. They suffer greater depression and     7     and have a higher possibility of psychotic behavior than men who are employed. “Nine month on this seems to be a     8     point when hope and patience give out,” said a leading psychologist. “After that illness, suicide, alcoholism, divorce, and even crime grow at an epidemic (流行的) rate.” Left without a job, many workers feel they have nothing to look forward to. They miss their co-workers and the     9     of going to work. For many, the sense of hopelessness grows worse every time they are     10     for a new job. When this happens often enough, the rejection unemployed workers feel may be exacerbated (恶化) if some friends and neighbors avoid them as if they had a contagious disease (传染病).

2024-04-07更新 | 68次组卷 | 1卷引用:上海市复旦大学附属中学青浦分校2023-2024学年高三下学期3月质量检测英语试题
选词填空-短文选词填空 | 较易(0.85) |
2 . Directions: In this section, there is one passages with 10 blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.
A. suburbs             B. ratio                      C. resign                    D. ageing                      E. grappling          
F. inequity             G. mortgage          H. commutes        I. outlandishly        J. departure

On every side, Britain’s politicians are     1     with problems of immense scale and nightmarish complexity. How to manage the     2     from the European Union? How to help a crumbling health service cope with an     3    , weakening population? How to deal with persistent regional deprivation? Yet one national scourge that holds back the economy and poisons politics is readily solvable — politicians just need to be brave enough to act.

That scourge is the cost of housing. The     4     of median house prices to earnings in England hit 7.7 in 2016, its highest recorded level. In the past four decades house prices have grown by more in Britain than in any other G7 country. Home ownership has been falling for more than a decade, after rising for most of the past century. In London housing is     5     dear: before the Brexit vote sent the pound tumbling, it was the priciest city in the world for renters. The cost of housing has knock-on effects across the economy. As people are forced out to the     6    , cities become less dynamic. Workers waste time on marathon, energy-sapping     7    . People from the regions cannot afford to move to cities where they might find work. Businesses cannot clear land to build. It is perhaps no coincidence that Britain’s growing housing mess has coincided with stagnant productivity. All this has fostered a growing sense of     8    . Britons over the age of 65, a fifth of the population, own over 40% of the housing wealth held by owner-occupiers. Youngsters with rich parents can buy their first house thanks to the “Bank of Mum and Dad”. Everyone else must     9     themselves to renting small properties for life, or to continuing to pay off their     10     long after retirement.

2022-04-21更新 | 47次组卷 | 1卷引用:2022届北京大学博雅计划模拟考试英语试题
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3 . Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.
A. affordable     B. cultural     C. driving     D. influence
E. materialism   F. outward-looking   G. resulted   H. shaped
I. sharing   J. shift   K. specialized

Curiosity and Globalization are Driving a New Approach to Travel

Today’s political climate and negative headlines seem to point towards a more inward-looking global population - minds narrowing, borders going up. But with more people living and working overseas and becoming exposed to influences from different cultures, many of us are seeking a(n)     1    , connected world.

According to the recently published study from Culture Trip, 60% of people in the US and UK say that their outlook on life is shaped by the     2     from different cultures. As a society, we not only want to discover and experience other cultures, we want to learn from them, too. This is one of the many positive side effects of globalization. At the same time, the economic landscape of the last decade has resulted in a shift in values away from     3    , with younger generations more interested in collecting experiences than possessions.

Welcome to the “new culture economy”.

The collision(碰撞)of two trends - globalization and the experience economy - has     4     a new attitude to travel, with cultural curiosity at its heart. This is the “new culture economy”. The phenomenon is having a powerful impact on people’s interactions and definitions of     5     exploration, and presents an incredible commercial opportunity.

While globalization is usually talked about in the context of the     6     of trade and capital between countries, we shouldn’t forget that the     7     force behind it all it people. Education, travel, exposure to other customs and geographies and the cultural integration(融合)are the more influential social effects of globalization. People are increasingly living or working in countries other than the ones in which they were born - more than half of respondents from the study have friends living overseas, all of which has     8     in more interaction with global cultures.

Also, student debt and unaffordable housing have created a(n)     9     in spending patterns, and so a new set of values has emerged in which experiences matter more than ownership. Travel is absolutely necessary to most people’s lives - in fact, nearly half of all respondents cut down on their daily expenses so they can save money to travel more. For “generation rent” in particular, no matter how expensive an experience or a trip, it is still more     10     than a house.

2020-05-20更新 | 115次组卷 | 1卷引用:2020届上海市浦东新区高三二模(含听力)英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般