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文章大意:这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了为了美国一个名叫 MED Cottage的项目让老人和子女住的更近,而不用去养老院。

1 . In the United States, more and more families have turned to assisted living centers to care for their aged parents. However, as we hear from Faith Lapidus, there may be an even better project —one that provides a safe environment for older adults while keeping them close to loved ones.

In a quiet neighborhood near Washington, DC, two homes sit within several meters of each other. The larger house belongs to Soc Page and her family. Behind it is a small home where her mother, Viola Baez, lives. Miss Baez’s home is a MED Cottage. These structures are built to meet the medical and safety needs of the elderly. Soc Page says it is the best place for her mother.

“My home is just not safe for her. So this is an alternative. She’s here, but she has her own space. It’s set up for her. It’s safe for her and it’s not a nursing home. We are actually her primary caretakers, and she won’t feel lonely in this place.”

The MED Cottage is small—just 28 square meters. But it has separate areas for living and bathing. There is even space for medical equipment. The builder included special soft padding under the floor so older adults will not break a bone if they fall. From her own house, Soc Page can use cameras and intercom equipment to see and hear her mother.

Ken Dupin started N2 Care, the company that builds the small homes. He wanted to help families stay together.

“If I have a purpose for the rest of my life, it is somehow challenging and working up people’s enthusiasm of accepting this responsibility to take care of their parents, and it’s funny in that it’s its own reward.” He hopes he can make many other families as happy in the homes as this one.

1. What is the purpose of the project?
A.To take better care of parents.
B.To meet parents’ medical needs.
C.To provide a larger living space for parents.
D.To enable people to live closer to their parents.
2. How does the project affect Viola Baez?
A.She won’t hurt herself when she falls.
B.It meets all her medical needs.
C.She won’t be disturbed by anyone.
D.She has her own private space.
3. What does the underlined phrase “working up” mean in paragraph 6?
4. What can we learn about the project from the last two paragraphs?
A.It is well practiced.
B.It needs to be more interesting.
C.It is challenging in some way.
D.It takes a long period to prove its results.
2022-08-25更新 | 51次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2022-2023学年高三上学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中(0.65) |

2 . We've all been there:those times you need to argue your point of view to someone who you know disagrees with you. You immediately go to your keyboard and start to type out that 280-character Twitter,the Facebook reply,or a paragraphs-long email. Surely the reason,logic and strong power of your written words will persuade whoever disagrees with you to see your point of view. But new research suggests a different idea.

That research was conducted by Juliana Schroeder,assistant professor of University of California,Berkeley,and her colleagues. In Schroeder's study of almost 300 people,participants were asked to watch,listen,and read arguments about subjects they agreed or disagreed with. They were asked to judge the character of the communicator and the quality of the argument. Schroeder's team found that the participants who watched or listened to the communicator were less dismissive(抵触的)of their claims than when they read that communicator's same argument.

The idea for her study came from a newspaper article about a politician. “One of us read a speech that was printed in a newspaper from a politician with whom he strongly disagreed. The next week,he heard the exact same speech playing on a radio station. He was shocked by how different his reaction was toward the politician when he read the speech compared to when he heard it. When he read the statement,the politician seemed idiotic,but when he heard it spoken,the politician actually sounded reasonable.

So in the workplace,speaking to someone in person often involves nothing more than walking a few doors down to their office. And that's exactly what you should do if you need to convince that boss or colleague of why your blueprint for the company or project is the right one. Only as a last way should you try to communicate with someone who you disagree with over social media. Twitter's limited text allowance and social media users' short attention make arguing your point a difficult battle.

1. What's the result of the research?
A.Written words are more logical and reasonable.
B.People prefer to communicate with keyboard.
C.Spoken,not written,communication works better.
D.When reading an argument,the participants were less dismissive than hearing it.
2. Why is the politician mentioned?
A.To explain what inspired Schroeder to conduct the research.
B.To summarize the previous paragraphs.
C.To introduce the reaction of the politician to the study.
D.To introduce the politician's speech.
3. What does the underlined word “idiotic” mean?
4. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.To persuade your boss,you need to walk to his office and leave a message.
B.Communicating with others over social media is encouraged.
C.Arguing over social media is more convenient than speaking in person.
D.It's difficult to fully explain your points due to social media's limitation.
2022-04-21更新 | 89次组卷 | 3卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2021-2022学年高一下学期期中考试英语试题

3 . Emoji (表情包) is the fastest-growing language — evolving faster than any language in history. These little electronic images started life in Japanese mobile phones in the 90s and are now hugely popular. In the UK they are more popular than internet abbreviations like “lol” (laughing out loud) or “xoxoxo” (hugs and kisses).

Why do we love them so much?

People seem to like “big red heart” emojis! But why? They allow us to personalize text and have fun as we express ourselves and make people laugh. UK teenagers also told us they really appreciated the fact that emojis are quick and easy. People also really identify with their favorite emojis.

The emojis we choose can reflect our personality. In the UK, the most used emojis are “face with tears of joy”, “face blowing a kiss” and “love heart”. Maybe (with emojis at least) the British are more fun and romantic than people think!

Diversity and representation

Emojis do not always represent the people that use them. However, after many years of public campaigning, things are changing. Instead of just cartoonish yellow faces, we now have the option for five different skin colors. There is also now a redhead emoji, by popular demand (需求), and a woman wearing a headscarf, after German teenager Rayouf Alhumedhi campaigned for an emoji to represent her.

The future of emojis

What is the future of emojis? They are already shaping social media as existing and new platforms evolve to incorporate (包含) and respond (回应) to their use. Is emoji evolving so rapidly that it will soon compete with English as a global language? Or is technology changing so fast that emojis will soon be forgotten when the next big thing comes along? It is hard to predict and even technology and language experts are divided on the subject. What do you think? Keep your eyes open for new developments!

1. What is the meaning of the word underlined in the first paragraph ?
C.working outD.undergoing
2. Why are emojis so popular, according to the article?
A.They offer different versions to different countries
B.They’re a true reflection of the people who use them.
C.They express people’s feelings in a quick and fun way.
D.They help improve our relationships with others.
3. Rayouf Alhumedhi’s example is mentioned to show _____.
A.that users are invited to design emojis themselves
B.how emojis change people’s lifestyles
C.that emojis are not welcome in some countries
D.how emojis represent different groups of users
4. What does the author think of the future of emojis?
A.They will stop changing so quickly.
B.It’s unclear what they will become.
C.They will become a global language.
D.They will soon be left behind by newer inventions.
2022-03-07更新 | 119次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2021-2022学年高二下学期开学考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . In recent years, scientists have found a surprising phenomenon: In many cultures around the world, parents don’t struggle to raise helpful, kind kids. From ages 2 to 18, kids want to help their families. They wake up in the morning, voluntarily do the dishes, hop off their bikes to help their dad carry groceries into the house and when somebody hands them a cake, they share it with a younger sister or brother before taking a bite themselves. You can find these charitable kids among farmers, hunters and fishermen,

During the past four years, I’ve been interested in learning what are these parents doing to nurture such helpfulness in their kids? While doing the research, I traveled to three of the world’s most honored cultures — the Maya, Inuit and Hadzabe, and describe what I found in my new book—Hunt, Gather, Parent.

Supported by psychologists, my research result shows that parents raising helpful children welcome young children and babies into family chores and work — even if the child will make a bit of a mess or slow down the work, just opposite to many of American parents. What they say is that, “I know they are not going to do a good job, but to create more work for me.” In fact, turning down help from kids can have a bad influence, destroying their desire to help and possibly stop their desire to take care of their families.

“Given request at an early age, the children would start to act on what’s needed, and then the less likely parents need to be telling them what to do later,” Lew-Levy, a psychologist in Harvard University, says “You can pull back on the teaching, and kids just do it on their own.” But how does a parent let a young baby help with a task they can’t actually do yet — especially a task that may be too dangerous for them? You can find specific instructions in the following chapter.

1. What does the underlined word “charitable” mean in paragraph 1?
2. Which of the following best describes the parents raising helpful children?
A.Patient and serious.B.Open-minded and thoughtful.
C.Influential and risky.D.Hardworking and adventurous.
3. What do Lew-Levy’s words mean?
A.Children just act on what their parents tell them to do.
B.Parents should allow kids to do whatever they want.
C.Parents are unlikely to tell children what to do at an early age.
D.Children are more voluntary when given requests at a young age.
4. Which is the best title for the text?
A.How can We Parent Caring Kids?
B.How to Be Kind Parents?
C.The Helpful Children in Some Cultures
D.The Growing Experiences of Helpful Children
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 较易(0.85) |

5 . When we see a person in trouble our immediate reaction is to lend a hand. But what if we se an animal in trouble, does the same rule apply?

This question was raised after a group of penguins were saved from an icy gully (峡谷) in Antarctica. It was filmed for the BBC wildlife series Dynasties. After seeing that a group of penguins had fallen into a gully and been trapped with their young the film crew were so concerned about their safety that they built a slope (斜坡) so that a few of the penguins could save themselves.

The case has taken the international media by storm. Viewers watching this film let out a sigh of relief. "I'm so glad. I understand not taking action directly involved, but a helping hand isn't bothering, right?" viewer Kathryn Shaw said on her Facebook.

However, others think human interference (干涉) is unnatural. "You can't have sunshine throughout your life. To have done anything else would only make matters worse," said the show's creator David Attenborough, according to The Times.

In this case, however, Mike Gunton, the executive producer of the series, said that this was a one-off situation. "There were no animals going to suffer by interfering. You weren't touching the animals and it was just felt by doing this. They had the chance not to have to keep slipping down the slope," he told the BBC.

Such cases are familiar to Paul Nicklen, wildlife photographer for National Geographic. He told Metro, "If it's ever a predator (捕食者) situation,no matter how gut-wrenching,you stay out of the way. Even when you're watching a male polar bear eat a baby bear."

"There's no rule book in those situations. You can only respond to the facts that are right there in front of you," Will Lawson, the show's director, told Daily Mail.

1. What has caused to a heated media discussion?
A.People's various comments on penguins.
B.The ways of helping the trapped penguins .
C.Some penguins' sufferings in a gully.
D.Ways of filming the series Dynasties.
2. How did the film crew feel when seeing the trapped penguins?
3. Which human activity is considered proper in Paul Nicklen's opinion?
A.Shooting an eagle catching a snake.
B.Preventing a polar bear eating a baby bear.
C.Watching a lion attacking a deer.
D.Distracting a crocodile biting an antelope.
4. What can be a suitable title for the text?
A.The Necessity of Lending a Hand to Animals in Trouble.
B.Suggestions on How to Save Animals in Trouble.
C.Effects of Human Interference on Animals in Trouble.
D.Opinions on Whether to Help Animals in Trouble.
阅读理解-七选五(约180词) | 适中(0.65) |

6 . As long as there have been exams, students have found ways to cheat. Today the correct answers are just a few taps away on a smart phone. So countries have come up with new ways to stop the funny business. Some use metal detectors, surveillance (监控) cameras, and mobile phone jammers (干扰器).    1    

Cheating in high school leaving exams got so bad in Mauritania and Algeria that this year the authorities turned off the Internet for the entire country. Algeria did so for at least an hour during tests (which last about a week).    2    Other countries, such as Iraq, Uzbekistan and Ethiopia, have for years been shutting down the Internet during exam time.

In each country students are under high pressure to do well in the tests, which often determine whether they can continue their education at a good university.    3    But high marks are rare. In Algeria only around half of students passed the exams in recent years. In Mauritania the rate is much lower.

    4    Darrell West of the Brookings Institution, a think-tank, estimates that in 2015-2016 Internet shutdowns ordered by governments cost countries at least $2.4bn.     5    

A.Turning off the Internet is expensive.
B.Teachers try to help — in their own way.
C.Others have taken a more severe measure.
D.A splendid grade may mean a scholarship abroad.
E.Mauritania cut access from morning until evening on exam days.
F.For that kind of money, countries could even improve their schools.
G.With so many students cheating electronically, governments are taking extreme steps.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 较易(0.85) |

7 . The health problems about cloned animals , particularly those who appear healthy but have hidden illnesses or problems that appear unexpectedly later in life, have the potential to cause real risks to the safety of the food products from those animals. Ian Wilmut, a lead scientist involved in the creation of Dolly, the first cloned animal, has warned that even small imbalances in a clone’s hormone, protein, or fat levels could bring its milk or meat into danger.

As part of its risk assessment on animal cloning, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) concluded that milk and meat from cloned animals and their offspring (后代)are as safe to eat as products from conventional animals. The FDA further announced that it would not require food products from cloned animals or their offspring to be labeled as such.

Consumer watchdog groups pointed out that the FDA’s analysis was based on limited data supplied mainly from the cloning companies themselves. In addition, while food safety is an obvious concern of consumers, it is not the only issue that makes people uncomfortable with animal cloning. For example, surveys indicate that 63 percent of consumers would not buy food from cloned animals even if it were labeled as “safe”. Concerns about the morality of cloning, as well as concerns for animal welfare, lead a big majority of people to oppose cloning animals for food. However, these issues were not considered by the FDA. Without labels to identify cloned foods, consumers who oppose animal cloning would be forced to make purchases against their principles without knowing. Consumers have a right to know how their food is produced so they can make informed decisions about what they buy and what they feed their families.

1. What is Ian Wilmut’s attitude towards food products from cloned animals?
2. What does the underlined word “such” in Paragraph 2 refer to ?
3. We can learn from the last paragraph that _____.
A.consumers didn’t believe what the FDA said
B.the FDA took consumers’ concerns seriously
C.consumers were well-informed about the safety of food
D.the FDA forced consumers to buy things they didn’t want
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Concerns for animal welfare.
B.The problems with animal cloning.
C.Why people are uncomfortable with animal cloning.
D.Concerns about the food products from cloned animals.
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中(0.65) |

8 . If you need glasses to read this, you are among the majority of Chinese students. That’s because most students in China are short-sighted which means they can only see things close up and distant things will be blurry. Four-fifths of high school students wear glasses and now more and more children in primary school need glasses, too.

This epidemic of poor eyesight has two very simple causes: too much time spent indoors studying and too little time spent outdoors playing. Reading and writing for hours and hours, sometimes in poorly lighted rooms, causes eyesight to weaken. But students have to do this because there is so much pressure on them to succeed in school. And because they spend so much time indoors at school and at home, they have less time to spend outdoors enjoying the sun.

The sun, as a consequence, is important in developing good eyesight. Exposure to daylight releases a chemical in the eyes that prevents, or at least delays, short-sightedness. According to a study by Ian Morgan of Australian National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine. The result is that while about 40 percent of Chinese primary school students need glasses, only three percent of Australian children do.

Wearing glasses may not seem like a big deal. For some, wearing glasses can even be an opportunity to make a fashion statement. But poor eyesight at a young age can have serious long term consequences. As you get older, your eyesight can worsen and lead to things like macular degeneration(黄斑变性), a condition of the eyes for which there is no cure and which can eventually lead to blindness.

With all that in mind, don’t you think it’s time to give your eyes a break? Try spending a little less time inside and go for a walk in the park, instead. It’s the healthy thing to do and your eyes will thank you for it.

1. What does the underlined word “blurry” mean?
2. How should the students protect their eyesight according to the passage?
A.They should study less and less.B.They should stay longer outdoors.
C.They should wear sun-glasses.D.They should have a longer rest in bed.
3. It can be inferred from the passage that _____ is to blame for the poor eyesight of Chinese children.
A.the ever-worsening bad weatherB.the ever-increasing burden of study
C.the ever-decreasing sunny daysD.the ever-decreasing period of study time
4. What is the purpose of this article?
A.To explain why Chinese students are poor-sighted.
B.To admire Australian children’s good eyesight.
C.To criticizethe present education system.
D.To call on people to protect Chinese children’s eyesight
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