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1 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。

Tim Robinson, a former junior officer in the British Army, slipped (滑倒) on a seaweed-covered rock while walking on the beach under Golden Cap one Saturday afternoon. It was a terrible fall and he broke his right leg.

Unfortunately, Tim didn’t bring his cell phone with him, and no one was in sight. His wife was in Seatown Hotel, where the couple were staying while on holiday. He had told his wife that he would be back in two hours.

As water levels were rising, there was a possibility of being killed by car-sized rocks falling from the cliff (悬崖). So Tim thought that he had to get off the beach instead of waiting there for help. He found a small branch on the beach and used it as a support. After struggling along the beach for a while, the pain became too much to handle. He stopped and thought about what else he could do.

With no phone and no one around, and with his leg hurting badly, Tim had a difficult decision to make. He could either continue this way in pain and hope that someone happened to see him, or he could try something else. Unable to walk,Tim thought he still had the ability to crawl (爬行), and so he did.

Making such a choice had been easy, but the crawling was tough. After crawling for almost two hours, it was getting dark, so Tim started flashing his torch (手电) to signal SOS and swung it around his head to attract attention. There was no response to begin with, so he crawled for five minutes and covered about 50 meters before making the same signal three times.

No one seemed to be around. Once again, he had to either stay where he was and wait for help or get moving. In his mind he had no choice. Most people couldn’t imagine crawling for any great distance with a broken leg, but Tim wasn’t t about to give up.

Paragraph 1

Tim finally noticed a response in the distance.

Paragraph 2

Tim’s condition was worse than Mrs. Robinson thought.

2023-09-06更新 | 41次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2023-2024学年高三上学期开学考试英语试卷

2 . It was reported last week that developers could take photos from Apple mobile and Google Android devices without the phone owners knowing that the pictures were being taken. In Apple’s case, developers can also obtain the location information for each photo.

Senator(参议员) Charles Schumer said in a telephone interview that his office had spoken with officials at both Apple and Google on Monday. “We asked them if they could find a way on their own to prevent Apple from having access to private(私人的) information,” Mr. Schumer said. “They were friendly and open to the idea that this ought to be changed.”

On Sunday, Mr. Schumer said that he planned to send a letter to the Federal Trade Commission asking the agency to investigate Apple and Google after the privacy concerns came to light. Claudia Bourne Farrell, an F.T.C. spokeswoman, said the agency had received the letter but she could not comment further.

“It worries people to think that one’s personal photos, address book, and who knows what else can be obtained and even posted online without permission,” Mr. Schumer wrote in his letter to the F.T.C. “If the technology exists to open the door to this kind of privacy invasion(侵犯), then surely technology exists to close it, and that’s exactly what must happen.”

Mr. Schumer said if Apple and Google could not come to an agreement to fix the problem, then he would be forced to take the issue further.

He said other companies had been willing to work with his office to deal with problems. “I’m optimistic that we can get this changed without any regulation,” he said. “If it’s not changed, then we’ll turn to the F.T.C., and if that doesn’t work then we’ll consider law ways.”

The F.T.C. has warned companies to try to be more vigilant(警醒的) in their efforts to protect consumers when it comes to privacy.

1. The senators spoke with officials at both Apple and Google___________.
A.to stop them from developing the technology of taking photos
B.to discuss whether it is illegal to have access to private information
C.to ask them not to invade consumers’ privacy
D.to keep them from obtaining the location information for each photo
2. Mr. Schumer’s letter to the F.T.C.mainly shows that the technology to open the door to privacy invasion___.
A.causes privacy invasion to happen frequently
B.causes people to worry about the safety of their personal information
C.can be used if permitted
D.causes personal information to be posted online without permission
3. If the privacy concerns can’t be solved with the help of the F.T.C.,___________.
A.The senators will turn to law ways
B.The companies will be closed
C.The companies will be fined
D.The senators will force the companies not to invade privacy
4. Where can we read about the passage?
A.In a travel brochure.B.In a newspaper.
C.In a science report.D.In a textbook.
2019-10-28更新 | 104次组卷 | 1卷引用:黑龙江省双鸭山市第一中学2019-2020学年高一上学期第一次月考英语试题
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

3 . Any car accident is frightening, but an accident in which your vehicle is thrown into the water, with you trapped inside, is absolutely terrifying.     1    However, most deaths result from panic, without a plan or understanding what is happening to the car in the water. By adopting a brace(支撑) position, acting decisively and getting out fast, you can save yourself from a sinking vehicle.

Brace yourself for impact (撞击力). As soon as you're aware that you're going off the road and into a body of water, adopt a brace position. The impact could set off the airbag system in your vehicle, so you should place both hands on the steering wheel in the “ten and two” position.

Undo your seat belt.     2     Unfasten the children, starting with the oldest first. Forget the cell phone call. Your car isn’t going to wait for you to make the call.

    3     Leave the door alone at this stage and concentrate on the window. A car’s electrical system should work for up to three minutes in water, so try the method of opening it electronically first. Many people don’t think about the window as an escape option either because of panic or misinformation about doors and sinking.

Break the window. If you aren’t able to open the window, or it only opens halfway, you’ll need to break it with an object or your foot. It may feel counterintuitive (有悖常理的) to let water into the car.     4    

Escape when the car has equalized. If it has reached the dramatic stage where the car cabin has been filled with water and it has become balanced, you must move quickly and effectively to ensure your survival.     5     While there is still air in the car, take slow,deep breaths and focus on what you’re doing.

A.Open the window as soon as you hit the water.
B.Surviving a sinking car is not as difficult as you think.
C.It takes 60 to 120 seconds for a car to fill up with water usually.
D.Such accidents are particularly dangerous due to the risk of drowning.
E.In conclusion, if you know what to do in the water, you will be safe.
F.This is the first thing to attend to, yet it often gets forgotten in the panic.
G.But the sooner the window is open, the sooner you can escape directly through it.
2016-11-26更新 | 1055次组卷 | 16卷引用:2016-2017学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高二上期中考试英语卷
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