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1 . 运用表格中的必备单词/高级词块,把下面的语篇补充完整。
with his legs crossed,   slid,   crawled,   climb,   felt her way
stepped,   rose to his feet on shaky legs,   paced up and down,   dashed into,   tiptoed

Rocky Lyons was five years old when his mother Kelly was driving through rural Alabama. He was asleep on the front seat of their truck     1    (盘起双腿). Suddenly, the truck turned over down to a valley. Rocky moved out from under Kelly,    2    (溜进) through the open window and tried to pull his mother out. But she didn’t move. Rocky     3    (爬行) back into the truck and managed to push Kelly out of the crashed truck. He then told her they had to    4     (攀爬) up to the road and stop a car to get help. Hearing the encouragement from Rocky, Kelly picked up the hope and    5     (摸索着前进) in the dark. It was midnight when they reached the road. Due to tiredness, Rocky fell down at the moment he    6    (迈步) on the ground. However, he     7    (颤抖着站起来), yelling out aloud for help. Fortunately, a car stopped and the mother and son were rushed to the hospital. It took 8 hours to rebuild Kelly’s face. Rocky     8    (踱来踱去), waiting worriedly outside the operation room. 5 year-old boy just couldn’t stop crying his heart out. No sooner had the doctor told Rocky his mother was fine than he     9    (冲进) the room. Until his mother was asleep, then he    10    (蹑手蹑脚) quietly out of the room.

2023-01-11更新 | 527次组卷 | 1卷引用:DAY 7 动作描写之 ”动动脚“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
短文填空-根据提示/语境补全短文 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 把下面的语篇补充完整。

Danny was nearly knocking into a passing car when a passer-by pushed him to safety.    1     (他眼里含着感激的泪水,哽咽着感谢这个过路人), “Thank you so much!”   But the passer-by just smiled warmly.    2    (彼得在寒冷的天气里,感到一阵暖意), he began to believe there was kindness in every corner.    3    (看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动).    4    (深受感动), the crowd clapped their hands loudly. Later, knowing what had happened,     5    (母亲流下喜悦和感激的泪水).

2023-01-12更新 | 497次组卷 | 5卷引用:DAY 16 情感描写之 ”感动“-- 高考英语读后续写晨背晚练
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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Ezri and Oliver were so keen to climb the mountain that they begged to join their dad Brandon for another hike. Just after 8 a. m. on a beautiful Sunday morning, they set off. Brandon’s backpack held his phone, Clif bars (能量棒), packets of apple sauce, apples, water bottles and fishing gear.

Brandon had planned a varied route up the mountain. The winding upward slope was fun and uneventful. Near the top, thick snow blanketed the path. Excitedly, the kids raced across the hard surface. They shared the second-last Clif bar and rested for an hour. Brandon looked around. His phone showed 1:30 p. m. and no signals.

When the kids started down, Brandon said, “You guys really want to find those fishing lakes, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes!” Ezri said. So they took an unfamiliar route down the other side of the mountain.

By the time Brandon realized the path had become an animal trail alongside a stream, it made sense to keep following it. The stream sang to them, and they kept following it down. Mid afternoon, when the sun disappeared behind heavy gray clouds, they suddenly felt lost, cold and hungry. For half an hour they cautiously moved downward until they reached a steep cliff (悬崖) edge. The stream became a noisy, six-metre waterfall. Mist enveloped them as the water raced over a huge rock.

Brandon cursed (咒骂) himself for taking an unknown route down. They held hands and inched down until Oliver slid on a loose rock and all three went flying.

Brandon wiped blood from his forehead and gathered his senses. Was anyone hurt? Oliver, crying and shivering, seemed okay. Ezri was weeping, but she too appeared uninjured. Brandon himself didn’t feel anything worse than the wound on his forehead. The backpack was stuck in the rocks six meters away. He saw no use trying to find it back. The air was cold and getting colder. They were wet and tired.


To save the kids, Brandon realized he had to look for a way out alone.


A helicopter with the father and many volunteers set off immediately.

2023-03-10更新 | 372次组卷 | 1卷引用:2023届湖北省七市(州)高三3月联合统一调研测试英语试题(含听力)
完形填空(约210词) | 适中(0.65) |

4 . Sean looked at his father, who was standing confidently at the helm(舵). Sean couldn’t _________ all of the sailing terms father taught him. He hated to ask, but pushed himself anyway. “Which way are we turning?”, anticipating father’s _________. “ We’ re coming about,” his father said _________.

Suddenly, the sky turned grey and the wind began blowing wildly. “Sean, take the helm.” father called Sean _________ He didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want to see father’s _________ look. “Uh…sure,” Sean replied.

“Just keep her going straight. I’ ll check something.” Sean _________ the helm from time to time. Now the _________ wind changed its direction, catching him off guard. The boat _________ , leaving ropes and nets slipping to the opposite side. “Dad!” Sean cried, but the wind swallowed(吞没) his _________ . Sean didn’t see his father as the sail blocked his __________.

Then he saw his father in the water! Sean __________ the rope that his father had used to teach him sailing knots(结) now to save his father.

As he __________ the trick father taught him, he formed the knot and pulled it tight. He quickly tied the other __________ onto the boat, and then threw the rope to his father. After climbing back, his father said, “You __________ my life, son.” Sean felt a rush of __________ and pride, smiling.

A.packed upB.wound upC.reached forD.wished for
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

5 . Rescuers in Jersey said Sunday after an all-night search that there was no hope of survivors from an explosion that flattened a three-story apartment block. At least three people were confirmed killed in the accident early Saturday in the Channel island’s port capital St Helier, following a suspected gas leak. “We have three confirmed deaths and it’s fair to say we expect to find more,” police chief Robin Smith told a news conference, saying that around 12 residents remained unaccounted for. “It is with sadness that I am confirming that the search-and-rescue operation has been moved to a recovery operation,” he said.

The phase involved a “painstaking search of the debris” which could take weeks, Smith said, adding that a gas leak was the ‘likely” cause. Aided by sniffer dogs and experts from southern England, Jersey emergency workers had searched the rubble (瓦砾)overnight.

Fire chief Paul Brown confirmed that firefighters were called out to investigate the smell of gas on Friday evening, more than seven hours before the explosion. But in vain. He admitted that something had gone “horribly wrong”, considering the subsequent disaster, but insisted that Jersey islanders could still have confidence in his service. Jersey’s gas supplier, Island Energy, said it was working with the fire service to understand what happened.

Like many others in St Helier, Jersey’s Chief Minister Kristina Moore said she was awoken by the explosion. “Across the island you could hear this extraordinary sound,” she told the BBC. “It’s unthinkable news, so we’re all absolutely shocked and really worried about the people who are involved and about those whose lives have been lost.”

The incident caps a tragic week for Jersey, a British Crown dependency not part of the United Kingdom, whose economy relies on banking, tourism and fishing. “We must call on the collective strength of the island community,” Moore said.

1. What’s the possible cause of the accident?
A.The gas leak.B.The gas supplier.
C.The recovery operation.D.The unexpected explosion.
2. What was the main task of the recovery operation?
A.Rescuing the dead.B.Searching the rubble.
C.Searching for the debris.D.Working with fire service.
3. What may Paul Brown’s words imply?
A.He had predicted the explosion hours before it.
B.The fire service was investigating the explosion.
C.People lost confidence in the island’s fire service.
D.The fire service was partly responsible for the accident.
4. How did Moore feel after the accident?
A.Panicked and frightened.B.Relieved and hopeful.
C.Astonished and concerned.D.Fearful and sorrowful.
阅读理解-阅读单选 | 适中(0.65) |

6 . It was the day before Thanksgiving and Kaleb Benham was wandering around outside his home in Noring California. His 90-pound pit bull, Buddy, was playing around nearby, doing what dogs do: getting into trouble. And this time, Buddy was getting into a whole lot of trouble.

The unmistakable sound that no one wants to hear alone in the woods caught Benham’s attention. It was the deep, strange roar of a black bear. Benham wheeled around to see the beast, which Benham figured weighed around 350 pounds, some 100 feet away. In an instant, the bear fastened on to Buddy’s head and started dragging him away.

Benham, a thin, fit 24-year-old, took off after them. “Honestly,” he told CBS13, “the only thing I could think of was ‘save my baby’.” Sprinting, he lowered his shoulder and plowed into the bear. But it only tightened its grip on Buddy. Benham grabbed the bear by the throat. Nothing. He tried getting its mouth open, but the jaw was locked tight. Benham resorted to street fighting—punching the bear over and over around its snout and eye. It worked. The bear dropped the dog and ran off into the woods.

Buddy was in bad shape. His face was bloodied and ripped up. His ears were dangling. He had a bite mark clear through his lip and one that barely missed an eye.

“My first thought was that I was going to lose him,” Benham said. He scooped up Buddy, put him into his car, and sped off to a nearby veterinarian. Buddy’s surgery took nearly four hours. Benham watched the procedure through a window. “I just stood there,” he said, watching as Buddy’s ears were stapled back on and skin flaps were stitched, and tubes were inserted into his head to drain fluid.

This was the second time Benham had rescued Buddy, says CBS13. The first was from a shelter a few years ago. “If it was your kid, what would you do?” he asked. Nodding toward Buddy, he added, “That’s my kid.”

1. What is the text mainly about?
A.A demanding surgery.B.A regular routine.
C.A fearless pet dog.D.A daring rescue.
2. Why did the author mention the weight of the bear in paragraph 2?
A.To show the difficulty of the rescue.
B.To indicate the obesity of the bear.
C.To prove the excitement of Benham.
D.To describe the fear in Buddy’s heart.
3. How was the dog finally saved from the bear?
A.Benham bumped into the beast with dropped shoulder.
B.Benham forced open the beast’s mouth with locked jaw.
C.Benham crushed the beast’s mouth and nose repeatedly.
D.Benham finally conquered the beast by grabbing its throat.
4. Which word can best describe the relationship between Benham and Buddy?
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了16岁的Corion Evans勇敢救人的故事。

7 . Sixteen-year-old Corion Evans made a daring rescue to save three teenage girls. The 16-year-old was hanging out with two_______in a parking area near the Pascagoula River in July when a_______with three teenage girls inside propelled off a boat ramp (斜坡) and into the river. It came to rest some 20 feet from land, then sank. Actually, the driver had_______followed wrong directions from her GPS.

It was around 2:30 a.m. by the time Evans and brothers Karon and Caleb got to the river’s _______. In the darkness, they could barely_______the girls holding onto the roof,the only part of the car still,_______, above water. But they could hear_______.

Evans took off his shirt and_______,threw his phone down, then_______into the water, a river he knew alligators (短吻鳄) called home. He helped the first girl he saw and, ________ her head above water, led her ashore.

Just then, Police Officer Garry Mercer________. He dived into the river to help another of the   ________. But halfway back to shore, she ________and went underwater, pulling Mercer down with her.

Evans jumped back in the water and helped them get to the shore until they could stand. “If he hadn’t been there, who knows?” Mercer told the Washington Post.

There was still one girl in the water. Cora Watson, 19, could not swim. She was gulping (吞) water,________, struggling to stay afloat. “I heard Cora screaming ‘Help!’ and I thought she was done for,” Caleb told WLOX in Biloxi. Then, a jolt. “Corion had grabbed her.” The three girls and Officer Mercer were taken to the hospital and released. They’re alive because Corion Evans ________ his life to save them.

A.make outB.shout toC.calm downD.turn down
2023-03-26更新 | 293次组卷 | 5卷引用:河北省石家庄部分重点高中2022-2023学年高三下学期3月月考英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

We ate a big breakfast at a local restaurant, like we did every Father’s Day. The present my daughter gave me was a T-shirt with the words “World’s Coolest Dad”. I put it on, feeling that was what made Father’s Day so great.

Just then my volunteer fire-department pager (呼机) went off: “Attention, Pocahontas-Old Ripley firefighters! House fire on Simpson Street. Repeat. House fire on Simpson Street.”

“Gotta go,” I said. I ran to my car and took off. I got to the firehouse in minutes. Another firefighter, Tom Smith, and the chief were waiting. “Don, Tommy, take truck 253. Roll!” he ordered. “The rest of the guys will be right behind you.” As the first on the scene, our job was to make sure everyone was out of the house, locate the nearest hydrant (消防栓), and then wait for backup.

A small crowd had gathered in front of number 907 when we got there. They watched the fire in panic. Thick black smoke could be seen pouring from the one-story house’s open front door. A large man burst through the door, red eyes streaming with tears. “Please hurry!” he called. “My boy’s still in there. I couldn’t get to him!”

There was no time to wait for backup. I left Tommy outside and rushed into the house.

“Anyone here?” I shouted. No answer. I searched every inch of the first two rooms. No child. The fire had grown so fierce by then. It seemed that the roof would collapse at any time. All at once a vision was put into my head—that father begging us to save his child. I mustn’t give up. Not today, I thought. There still might be a chance.


Suddenly I heard a weak cry from the next room.


It was a special Father’s Day, not only for me, but also for the boy, his father and my daughter.

2023-11-01更新 | 336次组卷 | 4卷引用:湖南省名校联考联合体2023-2024学年高三上学期第三次联考英语试题(含听力)
阅读理解-七选五 | 适中(0.65) |

9 . Home accidents occur unexpectedly everywhere in and around the house.     1     One of the best ways is to take action ahead to prevent them from happening.

    2     If you find any object lying on the floor, you need to pick it up and keep it on the table. Otherwise, it might hurt anybody in your house. Then, if you find that any of the electrical wires which needs repair, you must do it immediately. This kind of wires or switches can lead to short circuit (短路) in the house.     3     To make your home shock proof, you must check the wires from time to time. This will not only keep you safe, but will also protect other members of the family.

Another way is keeping a first aid kit in your room. When you prepare a first aid kit for your house, you need to decide about the things that you need to keep inside it. First of all, you need band aids. You must make sure that these band aids are of all sizes and they must also be waterproof.     4     The painkillers will help you when you get hurt or if you are in great pain due to some home accidents. You will also need cotton, wool, scissors as well as safety pins (别针). If you have these things inside the first aid kit, then you will surely not have any problem in the future.     5    

A.Then you need to have tape as well as painkillers.
B.So what you need to do is prepare yourself for them.
C.In addition, you also have the chances of getting shock.
D.Here are necessary things you should put in a first aid kit.
E.This will protect you from the accidents which are common.
F.You can follow certain things to prevent suffering from pain due to accidents.
G.It is perhaps significant for you to be well-prepared before an accident happens.
听力选择题-长对话 | 适中(0.65) |
10 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What is the woman reporting?
A.A medical emergency.B.A break-in.C.A car accident.
2. How soon will the police arrive?
A.In 5 minutes.B.In 10 minutes.C.In 15 minutes.
2021-02-21更新 | 920次组卷 | 1卷引用:河北衡水中学2020-2021学年高一上学期期末英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般