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1 . Rescuers in Jersey said Sunday after an all-night search that there was no hope of survivors from an explosion that flattened a three-story apartment block. At least three people were confirmed killed in the accident early Saturday in the Channel island’s port capital St Helier, following a suspected gas leak. “We have three confirmed deaths and it’s fair to say we expect to find more,” police chief Robin Smith told a news conference, saying that around 12 residents remained unaccounted for. “It is with sadness that I am confirming that the search-and-rescue operation has been moved to a recovery operation,” he said.

The phase involved a “painstaking search of the debris” which could take weeks, Smith said, adding that a gas leak was the ‘likely” cause. Aided by sniffer dogs and experts from southern England, Jersey emergency workers had searched the rubble (瓦砾)overnight.

Fire chief Paul Brown confirmed that firefighters were called out to investigate the smell of gas on Friday evening, more than seven hours before the explosion. But in vain. He admitted that something had gone “horribly wrong”, considering the subsequent disaster, but insisted that Jersey islanders could still have confidence in his service. Jersey’s gas supplier, Island Energy, said it was working with the fire service to understand what happened.

Like many others in St Helier, Jersey’s Chief Minister Kristina Moore said she was awoken by the explosion. “Across the island you could hear this extraordinary sound,” she told the BBC. “It’s unthinkable news, so we’re all absolutely shocked and really worried about the people who are involved and about those whose lives have been lost.”

The incident caps a tragic week for Jersey, a British Crown dependency not part of the United Kingdom, whose economy relies on banking, tourism and fishing. “We must call on the collective strength of the island community,” Moore said.

1. What’s the possible cause of the accident?
A.The gas leak.B.The gas supplier.
C.The recovery operation.D.The unexpected explosion.
2. What was the main task of the recovery operation?
A.Rescuing the dead.B.Searching the rubble.
C.Searching for the debris.D.Working with fire service.
3. What may Paul Brown’s words imply?
A.He had predicted the explosion hours before it.
B.The fire service was investigating the explosion.
C.People lost confidence in the island’s fire service.
D.The fire service was partly responsible for the accident.
4. How did Moore feel after the accident?
A.Panicked and frightened.B.Relieved and hopeful.
C.Astonished and concerned.D.Fearful and sorrowful.
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
2 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

On a late afternoon, Brandon finished feeding his cows on the farm and decided to go back with his two sons, Louie, 6, and Everett, 3. As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of their father. Suddenly Brandon was aware he forgot to close the door of the barn (牲口棚). He told the boys to wait for him at the gate and returned to lock it. When he was at the gate minutes later, he saw only his youngest son.

“ Where’s Louie? ” he shouted.

“He fell in the hole!” Everett said.

Brandon quickly realized what had happened. Noooo, he thought. Louie can barely swim! He ran to the well and heard Louie splashing, trying not to . Instinctively, he jumped in.

Somehow Brandon managed to grab on to a pipe that ran down the side of the well, which slowed his fall and kept him from crushing (挤压) his son.

Finally, Brandon hit the freezing water at the bottom of the well. He popped his head out of the water and grabbed Louie, who was panicking and trying to stay afloat in water that was too deep for either of them to stand. Knowing they could tread (踩水) for only so long, Brandon lifted his son onto his chest as he packed his own back against the narrow walls for support.

“All right, Dad, you can pull us out now,” Louie said.

If only it were that easy. There was no way he could climb out. The pipe that he’d grabbed during his fall was too slippery to be of any use. There was only one way out.

Looking up to see Everett peering down at them from the top of the well, Brandon shouted, “Everett, you’re going to have to be a big boy and save us. Run to the road and stand by the mailbox until someone stops. Tell them we need help. ”

Everett did as he was told. He stood alone by the side of the road, waving to stop someone.


After a while, Chris and Mark, nearby farmers, were driving by the farm.


Twenty minutes later, Louie emerged (出现), then Brandon, both cold and wet.

阅读理解-阅读单选 | 较难(0.4) |

3 . In the fall of 1915, polar explorer Ernest Shackleton’s ship Endurance (耐力号) sank off the coast of Antarctica. While all of the expedition’s 28 crew eventually were rescued, the ship’s final resting place has remained a much-discussed maritime mystery. That is, until today. A team of researchers has announced they’ve located the wreck at the bottom of the Weddell Sea, almost the northernmost part of Antarctica.

Endurance was backed by the British government and private donors and supported by Winston Churchill to deliver a group of explorers to the coast of Antarctica and then travel overland across the continent via the South Pole.

It set out from South Georgia on December 5, 1914, shortly after the outbreak of the First World War. But the enemy that Shackleton and his men faced was of a different sort. The Weddell Sea, covering an area of more than a million square miles, is one of the most remote and unforgiving environments in the world, littered with icebergs and roiled by strong surface winds. Shackleton called it “the worst sea in the world.”

The expedition made good progress at first, but as the Antarctic winter of 1915 closed in, the men found themselves trapped in the sea ice on Tuesday, October 26. The next day, the men removed tools, instruments, and provisions and set up camp on the ice floe. Endurance finally sank on November 27. Shackleton famously said, “What the ice gets, the ice keeps.” . But Endurance’s story did not end with the ship’s sinking.

In 2019, the Falklands Heritage Maritime Trust began its first expedition to find the ship but had been unable to locate the wreck. This winter, they tried again, organizing and funding Endurance22.

One of the toughest problems, besides the sea ice, was establishing the ship’s location. After Endurance was initially trapped in the ice, it continued to drift as the floes moved with the current. Due to poor visibility on the day the men abandoned the ship, however, the captain had been unable to take proper measurements that would help calculate the direction and speed of the floes.

1. Which can show the positions of Weddell Sea and Antarctica?
2. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.Endurance hasn’t been found since the fall of 1915.
B.Endurance was only supported by Winston Churchill.
C.Ernest Shackleton died and sank off the coast of Antarctica in the fall of 1915.
D.Ernest Shackleton’s goal was to travel across the Antarctica via the South Pole.
3. What is the fundamental cause of the disaster according to the passage?
A.The sea ice.
B.The Antarctic winter.
C.The things they carried.
D.The captain’s unreasonable command.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The way how to establish the ship’s location.
B.The reason why locating the ship is difficult.
C.The measurements that the captain took to locate the ship.
D.The time when Endurance22 was organized and funded.
2022-09-09更新 | 219次组卷 | 1卷引用:外刊主题阅读原创 外研版(2019) 必修三 Unit 5 What an adventure!
完形填空(约220词) | 适中(0.65) |
真题 名校

4 . A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers,   Inc.   One morning in 2009, Larry was ______along 165 north after delivering to one of his _______. Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. _______ he got closer, he found ____ vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed _______ shooting out from under the _______ vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and _______the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on _______ and told Larry he had _______ an emergency call. They ________ heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. ________the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay ________ until the emergency personnel arrived, ________ she thought the car was going to ________. Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move ________ she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man ________ and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the ________ if he was needed or ________ to go. They let him and the other man go.

One thing is ________—Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His ________ most likely saved the woman’s life.

A.got hold ofB.preparedC.took charge ofD.controlled
A.came downB.came throughC.came inD.came over
A.explodeB.slip awayC.fall apartD.crash
A.as ifB.unlessC.in caseD.after
A.stepped forwardB.backed offC.moved onD.set out
A.for certainB.for considerationC.reportedD.checked
2016-11-26更新 | 1875次组卷 | 17卷引用:Unit 6 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 History Makers & Lesson 3 The Superhero Behind Superman 2020-2021学年北师大版(2019)必修第二册课时练习

5 . “This is the emergency room calling and your son was just brought in with severe burns. We have called for a ( n) _______and are going to fly him to Seattle." Seattle was 350 miles from his college , so we knew immediately this was_______

The doctor described the_______,which caused the burns. At 6 a.m. , our son and his friends decided to barbecue hamburgers. When they_______   the charcoal (木炭), it burst into flames because of the sprayed petrol. The flames shot to my son's head.

_______, one boy was quick -minded, grasped my son, and _______ him on the grass. While he saved his life , there was not enough _______to save him from fearful burns.

After he recovered, the doctors told him they would not do plastic surgery (整容) for 6 months _______it takes that long for the skin to stop shrinking and wrinkling. So, he had to return to college with scars (伤疤) .

When I was a child, my mother told my sister who had a 10-inch very _______ scar on her arm,' "Nancy, if you ignore the scar, other people will ignore it. It does not mean they will not__________it, but it means it will not matter to them if it doesn't matter to you.                                                                         

I passed this wisdom on to my son. He took my advice to ________and returned to school with his head held high- glad he was alive. Later, he thought the scars did not matter and made the________to give up any plastic surgery.

We all have “scars” that we believe ________people to keep away from us. But you see, people will only judge you by your looks, or your clothes, if you are judging yourself by these same________standards. Put your imperfections out of your mind and concentrate on what you value________yourself, and your beauty will shine through.

2021-03-12更新 | 455次组卷 | 1卷引用:人教版2019高中英语选择性必修2 Unit 5 Section A Reading and Thinking
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
6 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一个完整的短文。续写词数应为150左右。

Want to know how to survive a plane crash? What about a terrorist attack? To put your mind at ease in any situation, you can almost guarantee your survival if you never leave the house without 3 necessary items, i.e.a lighter (打火机), a lifestraw(生命吸管) and a raincoat.

Your first instinct (本能) might be to search for help the minute you realize you’re in trouble. But survival experts insist you should stay where you are until help finds you. Doing so will make it easier for the search and rescue teams to locate your location.

What should you do until then, you ask? Prepare to hunker down (蹲下) for the long run. That’s where your three pieces of survival necessities come into play, Stewart says.

For one, you should have something to start a fire on you at all times. Fire-starting tools are inexpensive to purchase, and you can easily carry them around in a backpack or pants pocket. But even without a fancy item, all you really need is something to light the first fire.

“You can use cotton balls covered in petroleum jelly (凡士林) as a fire starter,” Stewart told USA TODAY. “They are water-resistant and will start a fire with just a spark.”

Second, you’ll need something to make your drinking water fit to drink, such as a canteen (水壶) that can boil water. Stewart recommends buying a $20 lifestraw, which can be inserted into the muddiest pool of water you can find and you suck the water out. Any doubt? It could still save your life, Stewart says.

Paragraph 1:

“I always say that your life depends on your water source,” he says.

Paragraph 2:

You can keep all three items with you when you are away from your home.

2022-08-04更新 | 177次组卷 | 1卷引用:外研版2019 必修一 Unit1 单元测试
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
7 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

“It’s not looking too good, darling, I think you’d better pack a few things and go to your mother’s place. And you’d better take Rosie and Monty with you.”

Putting down the phone, Sara sighed. Tomorrow was her husband Tony’s birthday. She had planned to cook him a nice meal and then surprise him with the new mountain bike she’d bought for him. If she went to her mother’s house, Tony wouldn’t get his present for days.

However, her mother’s house was the best place to be right now. Being on higher land, it would be safe from the floods. It had been raining heavily for almost two weeks and the river near Sara and Tony’s house was rising higher and higher all the time. Tony and others from the village had spent the last two days putting sandbags along the side of the river to stop it from overflowing. Now they feared that their hard work had been useless and soon the whole valley would be flooded.

Sara dressed baby James in warm clothes and collected the things she would need for him over the next few days. She put the lead on the dog and went in search of Monty, the cat. It took her a long time, but eventually she found him safe and warm under the covers on her bed. She placed him in his cat basket and took him into the kitchen where James and the dog, Rosie, were waiting.

Just as she was reaching for the car keys, Sarah heard a sound like the noise bath water makes when you pull out the plug. She looked at the backdoor, water was flowing in underneath. Turning around, she saw dirty brown water fountaining out of the drain and filling the sink. Realizing that they were trapped by the flood and it became impossible for her to drive out, quickly she put James into her backpack and pulled onto her back. Calling to Rosie, she picked up the cat basket and ran to the front of the house and out into the front garden, where the car was parked.

Paragraph 1:

The water was already up to her knees, and Rosie was swimming beside her.

Paragraph 2:

Sara, together with James, Rosie and Monty, was hungry and frightened on the roof of the house when a boat appeared in the distance.

书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
8 . 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。

A couple,whom we shall call John and Mary, had a nice home and two lovely children. One day, John and Mary decided to go on a trip to another city, so they found a kind woman to look after the children and left.

Several days later, they returned home a little earlier than they had planned. As they drove back to their hometown, John and Mary noticed smoke and went to see what it was. They found a house was on fire.“Oh,well, it isn't our house. Let's go home,”Mary said.

But John drove closer and screamed in surprise,“That's Jordan's home. He works in a factory. He wouldn’t be off work yet. Maybe there is something we can do to help.”

“It has nothing to do with us,”cried Mary. “You have your good clothes on,so let's not get any closer.”

John didn't listen to Mary. He drove up and stopped. They were both shocked to see the whole house was on fire. A woman was crying in the yard, “The children! Get the children!”

John seized her by the shoulder and shouted to her, “Don't cry! Tell me where the children are!” “In the basement(地下室),”cried the woman,“down the hall and to the left.”

John used water to get his clothes wet and put a wet towel on his head before rushing to the basement. The house was full of smoke and fire, and it was very difficult for him to find the children. But he made it. He held one under each arm. As he left,he could hear some more crying. He took the two kids out of the house and into the fresh air,and then asked the women how many more children were still down there.

Paragraph 1:

Thewoman told him there were two more.

Paragraph 2:

As he took them out,he felt something strangely familiar about the little bodies.

书面表达-读后续写 | 困难(0.15) |
9 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When Ruth was sixty-eight years old, she visited her daughter Judy and teenage granddaughter Marcy in California. They headed for their cabin, moving forty miles up and down the mountains in their car,along a narrow one-lane road that wound terrifyingly close to cliffs (悬崖).

After dinner, Marcy announced the water tank was low and that she would drive the car down to the pump and get water. Ruth was nervous about her young granddaughter driving down the narrow road by herself, but Judy reminded her that Marcy had been driving vehicles up there roads for many years

“Just be careful, Marcy”, her mother warned. “They’ve had a drought up here and the road along the cliff is pretty shaky. Be sure to hug the mountain side.”

Ruth and Judy watched Marcy from the big window where they could see the road winding down the mountainside. Fifteen minutes later, Judy was still watching when suddenly she screamed,”Oh no! She went over the cliff, Momma! The car and Marcy--they went over! We have to help her!Come on!”

Judy took off running desperately. Grabbing a three-foot-long walking stick against the cabin door, Ruth ran behind her, but Judy was quickly out of sight after the first turn in the road. Breathing hard, Ruth ran on and on, trying to catch up with her daughter. It was getting harder and harder to see anything at dusk.

Suddenly she stopped, not knowing where she was.”Marcy!Judy!”she shouted.

A faint voice .”Momma!”It was Judy.

Ruth screamed into the darkness “Judy,where are you?” Off to her right and down the cliff she heard, “Down here,Mother!Don’t come near the edge! I slipped on loose rocks and fell over. I’m down about ten feet.”

“Oh dear! Judy, what can I do?”

“Just stay back, Momma!”

Facing the situation, Ruth felt her heart was pounding, and chest pains almost took her breath away. She started to sob, totally at a loss what to do.

1. 续写词数应为150左右:
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

At that moment, Ruth glimpsed at the walking stick, an idea striking her.


Ruth held her close and said anxiously. “Judy. We have to get help for Marcy!”

2021-04-19更新 | 545次组卷 | 3卷引用:人教版(2019) 选择性必修四 Unit 2 Iconic Attractions 单元达标检测
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了UPS快递员Ryan Arens在冬天行走时发现了一只被困在冰上的猎犬,并冒着极低的温度跳入冰冷的水中成功救出了狗狗。狗主人对他的救助表示感激,狗狗也通过亲吻和跳跃来表达对他的喜爱。这次救助成为他UPS职业生涯中最难忘的送货。

10 . UPS deliveryman Ryan Arens was making his rounds near a pond, when he heard a strange sound. It was December, and about 15 feet from the frozen bank was the _________ of that sound — a brown-and-white wire-haired hound(猎犬)had fallen through the thin layer of ice. An elderly man was already on the _________, determined to save her. He was trying to _________ the pond and was striking the ice with a rock to create a(n) _________ to the dog, but seemed to be struggling.

Arens, 44, thought he _________ a better chance. “Animals are my weakness,” he said, explaining _________ he chose to take off his overcoat, even though the temperature was minus 15 and _________ the rescue task.

After breaking the ice using the man’s rock, Arens jumped into the icy water. He surfaced in time to see the dog going under. Arens swam about five feet toward the dog, grabbed hold of her collar, and _________ her out of the water and onto the ice. He then put the dog into the boat and slid it back to the bank, where _________ bystanders carried the dog to the home of the rowboat’s owner, a retired vet. __________ in the house himself, Arens jumped into a warm shower with the dog. A few more minutes in the pond, the vet told Arens, and the dog would have likely __________.

The next day, Arens was again making his __________ in the neighborhood when the dog’s owner came __________ to thank him for saving Sadie. “Would you like to meet her?” he asked. Then he opened the door of his pickup, and Sadie jumped out. She went __________ toward Arens, leaping around him and kissing him. Arens said that special delivery was the __________ of his UPS career.

A.broke inB.took overC.brought aboutD.drew upon
2023-09-25更新 | 144次组卷 | 4卷引用:冀教版2019必修三 Unit 5 Animals Around Us Section 2 Learning Through Practice 课后作业
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