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| 共计 8 道试题
听力选择题-短对话 | 适中(0.65) |
1 . What problem does the man have?
A.A cold.B.A bloody nose.C.A broken foot.
2024-06-02更新 | 10次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省保山市智源高级中学2023-2024学年高二下学期4月期中英语试题
书面表达-读后续写 | 适中(0.65) |
3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

In a heartwarming event that has touched the nation, a police officer in Warren, Michigan, was considered as a true hero by saving the life of an 18-month-old boy who had suddenly stopped breathing. This event happened on the evening of August 29 and has since touched the hearts of many.

Officer Brandan Fraser was on duty, focusing on speed and absent-minded driving, when he noticed a car speeding past him. What in the beginning seemed like a common traffic violation (违规) rapidly turned into a life-and-death crisis.

As Fraser came up to the car, he was met with a sad cry from a woman, who screamed, “We got a baby in here dying. Help! Help!” Both the woman and the man in the car were frightened as they handed over the baby boy, who appeared to be lifeless, not breathing and turning blue.

Rather than giving in to the pressure of the moment, Fraser immediately sprang into action. He examined the baby and doubted that he might be choking (窒息). Fraser quickly positioned the baby on his forearm and performed a series of back blows to force any obstruction (阻塞物) from the baby’s airway out.

However, the baby still showed no signs of breathing. Fraser’s heart raced, but his training kicked in here. After making sure the baby’s airway was clear, he then continued to perform CPR on the baby. His hands pressed the baby’s tiny chest and at the same time, he blew some air into the baby’s mouth to help make his heart beat again. Fraser continued these life-saving efforts tirelessly, knowing that every second counted.

Surprisingly, the baby began to breathe once more. Fraser described the moment, saying, “The baby started breathing, and you saw that color started coming back around his lips. You realized that something happened here, and we were heading in the right direction.”


After a while, the baby gave out a cry, a sign that life was returning.


Then the baby was quickly transported to a nearby hospital.


4 . This afternoon I was driving home after visiting my mom. I took the route that was more like a canyon(峡谷)drive with beautiful sceneries.________I heard a pop. I knew what happened-a big flat tire! I________ to the side, but this was a canyon drive with not much shoulder space. What’s worse, it________to be around a bend that people couldn’t see me, which made the situation________.

Cars were passing me with no________of slowing down. I got________in the car, feeling very________After what seemed a few hours, I________a car stopping at a distance behind me. A gentleman ________out and signaled to other drivers. With his help, I________to walk out of the car very carefully. Then he moved my car a bit out of the way while I was________the police to seek help. After much back and forth, they said________they gave me priority(优先权)since I was in a dangerous place,they needed at least 20-30 minutes to send________,The gentleman offered to check my spare tire while I was making the call. ________ ,by the time I was waiting, the gentleman had changed my________!I felt a wave of ________ coming over me. I told him if he hadn’t stopped by and helped me, I would have felt________.He just laughed.

Even after we________,I saw in my mirror that the car just followed me to________I was OK.I thought how lucky I was to be the________of such kindness in a hot dry afternoon.

Bad things can happen, but life will bend toward goodness.

A.pulled overB.set upC.broke downD.got away
A.as ifB.if onlyC.in caseD.even though
2022-11-12更新 | 83次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省昆明市第一中学2022-2023学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
听力选择题-长对话 | 较易(0.85) |
5 . 听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。
1. What happened to the man’s bike?
A.It was hit by a car.B.It was hit by a truck.C.It was broken in the street.
2. How was the bike after the accident?
A.There was nothing wrong.
B.The wheels were both damaged.
C.It was completely damaged except the wheels.
2022-06-10更新 | 31次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省临沧市云县2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
书面表达-开放性作文 | 适中(0.65) |
6 .      生活中常有意外事故发生。假设你是李华,在上体育课打篮球时,你的同学刘强摔倒骨折,于是你对此实施了必要的急救。请你就对此事,用英语写一篇100词左右的短文,向学校英文报投稿,内容包括:
1. 描述事故发生的经过;
2. 你是如何实施急救的;
3. 简要谈谈你对掌握一定急救知识的重要性的认识。
Dear editor,
2022-05-03更新 | 144次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南师范大学附属中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中(0.65) |

7 . The quick action of Nick helped five people escape a fire on Hope Road. Nick said he usually left his house about 5: 30 am to lift weights, but he decided to stay at home to get his daughter ready for school that day.     1    “I saw smoke and flames and ran over and started beating on the side of the house shouting, ‘Your house is on fire! Your house is on fire!’” Nick remembered it was at about 9 am that the firefighters put out the fire.

Beverly Penny and her husband, Clark, along with their younger daughters, were sleeping in the living room, next to the kitchen, when they heard Nick beating on the walls. She opened the bedroom door and black smoke rolled in.     2     Her dog tried to hide under the bed, but Penny caught it by the leg and threw it out of the door.

    3     “When we arrived with our fire trucks, there were heavy flames outside on the house,” Jerry said. He called Nick a hero, saying that without his quick response the result could have been much worse. “The firefighters were fast.” Nick said.     4    

“They did a great job, and I can’t thank them enough,” Penny said, then looked at what remained in the house and shook her head as tears rolled down in her eyes. “Everything I have is gone.     5    ” She said the fire could have been caused by an electrical problem.

A.She managed to get her kids out.
B.Luckily nobody was hurt in the fire.
C.Firefighters got the call about 7: 05 am.
D.Thankfully, Jerry helped Nick escape the fire.
E.They arrived here within about three minutes.
F.However, chickens in one of the rooms weren’t so lucky.
G.As he looked at his neighbor’s house, he realized that it was on fire.
2022-01-19更新 | 40次组卷 | 1卷引用:云南省丽江市第一高级中学2021-2022学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较易(0.85) |

8 . Joanne was stuck in a traffic jam in central Birmingham at 5:30, and at 6:30 she was expected to be chairing a meeting of the tennis club. At last, the traffic was moving. She swung quickly racing to her house. As she opened the door, she nearly tripped over Sheba.

“Hey, Sheba,” she said, “I’ve got no time for you now, but I’ll take you out as soon as I get back from tennis club.” Then she noticed Sheba seemed to be coughing or choking. Obviously, she could hardly breathe. Immediately, Joanne realized she would have to take her to the vet (兽医). When she got there, the vet was just about to close for the day. Seeing the state of Sheba, Dr. Sterne brought her quickly into his office.

“Listen, doctor, I’m really in a rush to get to a meeting-can I leave her with you, and go and get changed? I’ll be back in ten minutes to pick her up, and then I’ll take her on to the meeting with me. Is that OK?”

“Sure,” said the doctor.

Joanne made the quick trip back to her house in a couple of minutes. As she was once more entering the hallway, the phone by the door began to ring.

“This is Dr. Sterne,” said an anxious voice. “I want you to get out of that house immediately,” said the doctor’s voice. “I’m coming round fight away, and the police will be there any time now. Wait outside!”

At that moment, a police car screeched to a stop outside the house. Two policemen got out and ran into the house. Joanne was by now completely confused and very frightened. Then the doctor arrived.

“Where’s Sheba? Is she OK?” shouted Joanne.

“She’s free, Joanne. I took out the thing which was choking her, and she’s OK now.”

Just then, the two policemen reappeared from the house, half-carrying a white-faced man, who could hardly walk. There was blood all over him.

“My God,” said Joanne, “how did he get in there? And how did you know he was there?”

“I think he must be a burglar,” said the doctor. “I knew he was there because when I finally removed what was stuck in Sheba’s throat; it turned out to be three human fingers.”

1. What was Joanne supposed to do at 6: 30?
A.To walk her dog.B.To see her doctor.
C.To attend a club meeting.D.To play tennis with her friends.
2. Joanne wanted to get back to her home again ____________.
A.to dress up for the meeting
B.to phone the police station
C.to catch the badly hurt burglar
D.to wait for her dog to be cured
3. From the passage, we can infer that ____________.
A.Sheba fought against the burglar
B.the police found the burglar had broken in
C.Joanne had planned to take her dog to the meeting
D.the doctor performed a difficult operation on the dog
4. In this passage, the writer intends to tell us that the dog is ____________.
2019-06-14更新 | 301次组卷 | 13卷引用:云南省昆明第十中学2021-2022学年高二下学期期中卷英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般