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The Adventurous Tour

It was a perfect hot summer day. The sky was as blue as the ocean with white soft clouds floating like cotton candy. Tom, Sam, Jack and Ron were very excited. They were best friends and were going sailing that day. Tom’s dad gave them a boat named Flying Ranger which they liked very much. Their mothers packed some delicious snacks and juice for their journey. They were like kids in a candy store and waited eagerly to set sail and begin their adventure.

They joyfully began their journey. Their boat was sailing swiftly in the wind. They saw big white birds flying overhead. Their cries echoed(回响) in the clear summer sky. The sea was calm, with small waves gently swaying. The boys joked and laughed as they controlled the boat, feeling the freedom of the open sea.

“Oh, no! Look at that large shark. It is coming towards us! Help!” Suddenly, Jack screamed. They couldn’t immediately grasp what was going on. By the time they tried to turn the boat in the other direction, it was too late. The shark bit their boat and it started sinking slowly. They jumped into the water and shivered like leaves. They shouted, “Help!” But there was no one around. Fortunately, the shark also left with the boat sinking.

Finally, they swam and reached the shore of an island. The island was vast with white sand and tall coconut trees standing like bodyguards. The boys were happily exploring the place. All of a sudden, an enormous black scorpion(蝎子) appeared. The boys were shocked and their mouths fell open. The scorpion was as huge as an elephant and looked like a big monster with its sharp nails. The big scorpion started advancing towards them. The boys were frightened and began to run for their lives. They ran as fast as deer and took shelter in an old cave.

注意:1. 续写词数应为150个左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
The cave was dark and dusty, but the boys had no choice.
Meanwhile, the parents were anxiously looking for their children.
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2 . 日常生活中常有意外受伤事件发生。请你以“A First Aid Experience”为题,给校英文报专栏写一篇短文投稿。内容包括:

A First Aid Experience

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3 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a very cold morning as it had been raining very heavily the previous night. As my mother was feeling a little uncomfortable, my sister volunteered to drive me to school. I overslept and as a result, was a bit late for school. We got into the car hurriedly. The roads were already jammed with traffic. It appeared that everyone was late as well.

My sister was a careful driver and despite the fact that I was late, she refused to drive fast on the slippery road. I was lucky she was such a determined and careful person because a few hundred meters away from the school, we witnessed an accident.

It all happened in an instant, as most accidents do. A car took a left turning without signaling and a school bus crashed into it heavily. A few cars behind the school bus hit the bus as they could not stop in time and soon it became a pile-up. The car was damaged badly while the school bus also had some damage. And the already crowded road became more jammed with vehicles, which came to a mess. We wanted to help the victims. My sister drove to a stop at the roadside not too far from the accident spot.

The scene that greeted us was terrible. I first rushed to the car. The driver, a lady, lay trapped behind the wheel, unable to move. Three schoolchildren were in the back seat, their faces white with fear. Two of them were seriously hurt and bleeding from the head and hands. They were conscious although too weak and frightened to realize what had happened. We called an ambulance and while waiting, we tried as much as possible to help the victims. As a result of our joint efforts, the driver and the children were moved to safety and taken care of.

1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Then, I rushed to the bus filled with children’s cries.


After the ambulance had left, two policemen asked me about the accident.

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4 . 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

After sixteen years of waiting, Brian finally got his driver’s license. Just about two months after receiving his license, Brian asked if he could take the family car and spend a day at the state fair with a friend. His parents agreed happily and wished him a pleasant trip. So with that, Brian pulled out of the driveway and waved goodbye to his parents.

Colin didn’t live far—maybe ten or fifteen minutes away. And it wasn’t long before both boys were on their way downtown to the fair. Their drive was on a winding two-lane road with a few small hills. They followed the road to the left, slowly curved back to the right, and then proceeded up toward the crest of a hill. All of a sudden, there was a crash. It all happened so fast.

“Are you OK?” Brian asked his buddy.

“I think so. What just happened?” Colin responded.

“We just had an accident.”

Slowly the boys began to regain their senses. Brian unbuckled(解开) his seat belt and stepped outside to assess the damage. It looked as if the entire left side of the car were one big dent(凹陷). The windows on the driver’s side were in a thousand pieces, and the doors were crunched. Soon the police arrived and surveyed the scene. The police dealt with the accident quickly, then they let all people leave and go back on their way.

The fair was unthinkable under the circumstances. Brain thought it’s best to get Colin home safe before making the journey to his own house. When they reached Colin’s house, Colin climbed out of the car and wished his shaken friend luck.

“Be honest to your parents and don’t worry. It wasn’t your fault.” Colin said, trying to be upbeat.

“I know... I think. But it’s not going to be easy to break this to them. It’s their car.”Brian pointed the car in the direction of his house and drove.


Brian’s mind began to fill with questions and confusion.


As he neared the house, he saw his parents outside working in the front yard.

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The dramatic incident occurred during an afternoon hike. Four friends and teammates from Northwest College in Cody , Wyoming, had been hiking in the Montana national forest. As they hiked, a bear suddenly attacked the closest hiker Brady Lowry. “It shook me around and I didn't know what to do,” Brady recalled the terrifying attack. The bear shook him by the arm and then threw him away.

Brady's friend, Kendall Cummings, reacted quickly to try to scare the bear away. He yelled and kicked at the bear and pulled on the bear's fur. “I didn't want to lose my friend,” said Kendall.“I could have run and potentially lost a friend but I didn't do that. I thought I would get him off and save him.”

The bear turned its attention to Kendall and knocked him to the ground. In protecting his friend, Kendall became the target of the bear's forceful attack. Eventually, the other teammates scared the bear enough so that it soon withdrew and ran off.

After the attack, Kendall was badly injured, but he managed to pull himself up. The teammates then helped Kendall off the mountain by supporting his weight and carrying him part of the way. Once the boys reached a location with cell service, they dialed 911 for help.

After half an hour, some rescuers arrived at the scene. They examined Kendall and Brady and they were sent to Billings Clinic Hospital in a rush for their injuries. Brady broke his arm and suffered serious wounds in the initial attack. Kendall underwent surgery for more serious injuries on his face and arm. Both boys were on the road to recovery. Their wrestling coach, Jim Zeigler, arrived at the hospital along with the rest of the team to offer support.

Jim Zeigler sang high praise for his team, especially Kendall.
Brady's parents came to the hospital and thanked Kendall for saving their son's life.
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It was the 9th of January, a day I will remember for a long time. It was a normal Sunday morning around 8:30 am, right on time for Sammy’s morning walk. I didn’t walk because of my lameness, so I rode in my power wheelchair. We got out the door and made our way toward a property near my apartment complex. We got to the gate and out of the complex, and we went left onto the extra wide sidewalk. It was about a mile’s walk one way , passing a firehouse on the right side of the road, before we turned around and started back.

Along the path we took was a large plate over the sidewalk. I passed over it the first time without any problems. My wheelchair could reach up to 8 miles per hour, but we went a little slower on our walks, around 2 miles per hour,   so Sammy could keep up. Even so, this speed was pretty fast for a 15-year-old dog.

As we turned around and made our way back, I went over the sidewalk plate again except that this time it was moved without me realizing it, putting my wheelchair in the grass on the embankment (路堤). The next thing I knew, my wheelchair started to tip over, throwing me out of the chair and rolling down the embankment into the muddy water below.

My right leg was hurt, and I was unable to pull myself upright. I was too weak to gather my strength to call for help. The muddy water was cold and I felt it hard to breathe with my body folded and twisted in a strange position. Meanwhile, Sammy was sitting up on the sidewalk with his leash (牵狗皮带) caught under the tipped over wheelchair. I heard him barking louder than ever heard. He knew I was hurt and was in danger.

By the way my wheelchair tipped over, a passerby on the street would not be able to see it from the road. All anyone could see was a dog barking on the sidewalk almost night across the street from the firehouse.


I could tell Sammy was trying to help me.


Three firemen came to my dog’s aid finally.

2022-10-13更新 | 335次组卷 | 4卷引用:河南省遂平县第一高级中学2023-2024学年高二上期入学英语试题
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7 . 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

It was a hot and dry summer. The beach near the city was crowded with a lot of people, from little kids to the aged, who planned to beat the heat in the water. They enjoyed themselves leisurely. Some were playing beach volleyball, some were making sand castles, and some were doing sunbathing.

Among them, there was a group of 10 boys aged between 12 to 15 years old trying to take an adventure. At first, they intended to hire a yacht (游艇), but due to the wind and the waves, the yacht rides were forbidden on that day. After a while, the boys decided to challenge themselves to race in the sea. They made a deal that the one who swam the fastest would win the race and deserve a huge treat from the group. Most of the boys agreed, except for a few. A boy in the group warmed them of the danger, as the waves weren’t constant. Some boys began to hesitate, but some didn’t listen to him and started their race.

Everything went so well. Suddenly, waves from the sea rose a lot and most of the boys in that young group struggled to reach the beach. However, three boys who considered themselves very brave, decided to ignore the waves and swim further out to sea for more excitement and fun.

Although many people on the beach shouted at them and asked them to swim back immediately, they continued to swim further from the beach. The wind became stronger;all of a sudden, one boy was washed away by a rising wave and the other two boys were so scared that they shouted for help and swam as fast as they could to the beach. However, no one on the beach risked his life to save the boy as the waves were so alarming;and the crowd were asked to move to a safe place.

注意: 1.续写的词数应为150左右;
Paragraph l: From the crowd on the beach, a young man stood out.
Paragraph 2 : The man stood silently for a few seconds.
2021-05-18更新 | 508次组卷 | 3卷引用:河南省南阳市2022-2023学年高二下学期6月月考英语试题
共计 平均难度:一般