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广东 八年级 期中 2023-08-28 70次 整体难度: 适中 考查范围: 主题、语篇

一、完形填空 添加题型下试题

完形填空(约170词) | 适中(0.65)

It was a rainy day. My father ________ a pot of chicken soup online. Half an hour later, a deliveryman called to tell us he had already ________. I went out to pick up the food. I walked ________ because I thought maybe he had already left the food at the gate of our community and left.

About 10 minutes later, I got there. I saw the deliveryman standing in the rain without a(n) ________. Rain was dripping down his face, and his yellow coat was completely ________. The man was in his 20s. He looked tired. “Chicken soup?” he asked. I said yes, and then he ________ the food bag to me with wet fingers.

“Why didn’t you leave earlier to find some shelter (遮蔽) from the rain?” I asked.

“I work to bring ________ safely for my customers,” he said as he smiled. Then he ________ and disappeared in the rain.

The cold rain kept falling, but my heart was filled with warmth. There are many people like him doing their ________ every day, even when their work is hard. They make us feel ________.

A.showed offB.looked forC.threw awayD.handed over
A.went outB.sat downC.turned aroundD.got up
2023-08-25更新 | 19次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题

二、阅读理解 添加题型下试题

阅读理解-单选(约220词) | 适中(0.65)

I usually get up late on Saturdays. But today I got up early because it was our trip day. I was going camping for the first time in my life.

I stayed in my room and thought about what the camping trip would be like. My friend Harry told me that when his family went camping, they swam in a big lake. My grandpa told me that he liked to take long walks through the forest when going camping. My cousin Edward said that when his family went camping, they made a campfire, had a barbecue (烧烤) and told funny stories. I wasn’t sure what my parents had in store for us, but I knew it would be fun.

My parents packed (把行李装车) the car. I never knew it could take so long. I also had no idea why we needed so many things just for a weekend away. At 10:00 we finally could leave.

“Emily, you didn’t get much sleep last night. You can get some in our car,” Mum said.

I said no. I didn’t want to miss a thing, not even the car ride.

11. Why did Emily get up so early?
A.Because she heard a big nose.B.Because she needed to pack for the trip.
C.Because she felt excited about the trip.D.Because she was worried about the trip.
12. Who liked to take long walks during the camping trip?
A.Harry.B.Emily.C.Edward.D.Emily’s grandpa.
13. Emily was sure her camping trip would be ________.
14. From the third paragraph, we can learn that Emily ________.
A.got bored with packing the carB.couldn’t wait to go camping
C.would go camping with her grandpaD.would spend a week on the camping trip
15. What can we learn from the passage?
A.Emily left for the camping trip on Sunday.B.Emily would sleep in the car first.
C.Emily wasn’t interested in the car ride.D.Emily would enjoy her first camping trip.
2023-08-25更新 | 32次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约290词) | 适中(0.65)

Japan’s Soft Bank Robotics invented the robot Pepper in 2015. Now more than 2,000 companies around the world are using Pepper to answer questions and give information in shopping centers, banks, museums and cinemas.

Last year, Townsville Hospital in Australia used Pepper in a special way.

In July and August, the robot worked in a 16-bed emergency ward (急诊病房) of the hospital. It helped answer people’s questions like where to buy a cup of tea or how to go out of the hospital when the nurses were busy. It could tell people the way, but it couldn’t take them there because it was put there and couldn’t move by itself. In September, the workers put it in the hall of the hospital. There it talked about health problems with people.

Ms Elvin, a nurse in the hospital, said, “You can see Pepper talking to someone about his blood pressure (血压) but you won’t see it trying to take someone’s blood pressure. I don’t worry that it will take the place of me. I hope there will be lots of them, but I know it will cost tens of thousands of dollars.” Dr Robinson, a scientist, said, “Pepper has helped a lot in the hospital. We need more in hospitals. But still, we will never see a hospital with only robots.”

16. Which of the following does the writer talk about in the first paragraph?
①What Pepper can do.       ②When Pepper came out.
③Where people use Pepper.   ④How people invented Pepper.
17. What do we know about Pepper in the hospital?
A.It made the nurses much busier.B.It could move and go everywhere.
C.It could take people’s blood pressure.D.Its workplace changed in September.
18. What does Ms Elvin think of using lots of robots in the hospital?
A.It’ll be easy.B.It’ll be useless.C.It’ll be expensive.D.It’ll be dangerous.
19. Which of the following will Dr Robinson probably agree with?
A.People prefer to talk with a robot.
B.People will see more robots in hospitals.
C.Robots will work as doctors or nurses one day.
D.There will be a hospital with only robots in the future.
20. Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Work with Pepper.B.The future of robots.
C.Robots in the hospitals.D.Pepper helps out in a hospital.
2023-08-25更新 | 23次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-单选(约270词) | 较易(0.85)

In 2003, China sent its first astronaut, Yang Liwei, into space. Since then, 13 Chinese astronauts have “reached for the stars”. Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and Ye Guangfu are three of them. They carried out the latest (最近的) Shenzhou XIII mission (任务). Have you ever dreamed of becoming an astronaut like them? How did they get there?

Health is important

To be an astronaut, you need to be very healthy. Good eyesight (视力), a strong heart and lungs (肺) are important. You’d better not have other small problems. For example, a decayed tooth (龋齿) could get worse in space. You can’t have scars (伤疤) either. They may split (裂开) in space.

Become stronger with hard training

In China, you must be a great pilot before you can be an astronaut. You must fly more than 600 hours without accidents. You’ll start training when you become a backup (预备的) astronaut. For example, you need to build your muscles (肌肉) as strong as professional (职业的) athletes by running swimming and doing pull-ups(引体向上). You will also wear a 200-kilogram suit and do tasks underwater for six or seven hours without eating or going to the toilet. This is like doing tasks during a spacewalk.

Learn science

Knowledge (知识) is important as well. Astronauts take 60 courses to get ready for a mission, including math, English, spacecraft design (设计), physics and many more. So they will know what to do when emergencies (紧急情况) happen during the mission. They can also do scientific experiments (实验) in space.

21. Who is NOT part of the Shenzhou XIII mission?
A.Zhai Zhigang.B.Yang Liwei.C.Wang Yaping.D.Ye Guangfu.
22. What might happen if astronauts have a decayed tooth in space?
A.They might have heart problems.B.Their decayed tooth might become worse.
C.Their good teeth might split.D.They will have scars in their mouth.
23. What training should an astronaut take?
A.Flying an airplane for about 600 days.
B.Playing sports against professional athletes.
C.Wearing a special suit and doing tasks underwater.
D.Practicing spacewalks for six or seven hours every day.
24. What is this passage mainly about?
A.How astronauts stay healthy in space.B.Why it’s difficult to become an astronaut.
C.How astronauts are training in China.D.What it takes to become an astronaut.
25. Where can we possibly read this passage?
A.On travel guides.B.On advertisements.C.In newspapers.D.On business magazines.
2023-08-25更新 | 49次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-六选五(约120词) | 适中(0.65)

Sports become more and more important in our life. People all over the world pay more attention to sports.     26     Some sports or games can go back to thousands of years ago, like running and jumping, Chinese kung fu, for example, has a very history. But there are also some other new sports or games.     27     Why do people like sports?

As we all know, sports can help us become strong and keep healthy.     28     A lot of people take part in sports and play games. And different people like different kinds of sports.     29     At the same time others like individual (个人的) sports better, such as swimming and running.     30     In different seasons, people take part in different games. For example, swimming is fun in summer, but skating and skiing are popular in winter.

A.And people still keep creating new sports or games
B.Wherever you go, you can watch different kinds of sports or games
C.When seasons change, sports change with them
D.Some people enjoy team sports like basketball and football
E.What’s more, they can make our mind clever
F.Others like to watch sports or games on TV
2023-08-25更新 | 20次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题
阅读理解-匹配(约260词) | 适中(0.65)
下面的材料 A-F分别介绍了六个旅游景点,请根据 Mark,Linda,Judy,Eric 和 Rick五位同学的旅行经历,帮助他们选出最可能去过的景点,并将其标号填入题前括号内。
    31     Mark had fun on the beach. He swam and rode the water bike happily.
    32     Linda visited a special place and met some famous film stars there. She was excited about it.
    33     Judy went to Beijing and visited her Chinese friends there. They took her to visit the longest wall in the world.
    34     Eric went to a world-famous tower. He arrived at the top of the tower when it got dark. It looked beautiful then.
    35     Rick visited a famous palace in Russia and enjoyed an art show there. He really liked Leonardo
da Vinci’s works.
A. Winter Palace

The palace lies in Russia. There are many world-famous paintings and lots of great artworks there.

B. The Hawaiian Islands

The weather of the Hawaiian Islands is fine. People can walk along the beach or do some water sport there.

C. The Great Wall

It is in Beijing and it is the longest wall in the world. It looks like a very big dragon and it has a history of more than 2,000 years.

D. The Summer Palace

The Summer Palace is said to be the best kept imperial garden in the world. People can boat on Kunming Lake, walk the Long Corridor (走廊)and watch a traditional Chinese show in the ancient theatre there

E. The Eiffel Tower

It is the tallest building in Paris. Visitors can go sightseeing or go shopping there. The tower is very beautiful at night.

F. Hollywood

It was a small village in the past, but now it is a big fim city. It’s a good place to visit because lots of stars work there.

三、任务型阅读 添加题型下试题

任务型阅读-阅读表达(约280词) | 适中(0.65)

Who was Lu Xun? This is not a hard question for most Chinese people. All of us have read his works in textbooks (课本); From Baicao Garden to Sanwei Study (《从百草园到三味书屋》) to My Old Home (《故乡》) We know his characters (人物) such as Runtu and Kong Yiji, from a young age. Lu Xun’s real name is Zhou Shuren. He was born on Sept 25, 1881. This year is the 140th anniversary of his birth. People still remember and talk about this great writer.

Pick up the pen

Lu Xun once dreamed of (梦想) being a doctor. He went to study in a Japanese college. However, in the early 20th century, Lu Xun found that there were many problems in Chinese society (社会). The minds of Chinese were numb (麻木的). Most Chinese were just followers without thinking. So he gave up medical study and started writing He hoped his words could inspire (唤醒) people. He changed his dream to save the country. This encouraged me a lot, said Zhao Zhihan, 13 from Beijing. When we make choices (选择), we should think about what they are for.

A changer of writing

Lu Xun is called the “the father of modern Chinese literature (文学)”. He wrote A Madman’s Diary in the everyday language of most Chinese people then. It is a first in modern works. Before this, people wrote in wenyanwen, Wenyanwen is hard to read for someone without training (训练). Lu Xun’s writings opened a new page for modern literature. More writers followed him to write in spoken language.

36. When was Lu Xun born?
37. What did Lu Xun want to be at the very beginning?
38. Why did Lu Xun start writing?
39. Did Lu xun write in wenyanwen or spoken language?
40. Why is Lu Xun called “the father of modern Chinese literature”?
2023-08-25更新 | 36次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题

四、短文填空 添加题型下试题

短文填空-语法填空(约230词) | 适中(0.65)

Every year in Bath, England, there is a special festival. People dress up in beautiful clothes and have concerts and balls (舞会). They are celebrating the Jane Austen Festival     41     (remember) the great English writer.

Born in September, England, in 1775, Jane Austen     42     (learn) how to play the piano, draw and write at home. She read a lot and later went to enjoy social events, such as     43     (party) and balls. But she didn’t like the busy life in towns and preferred the life in the countryside where she enjoyed     44     (take) long walks.

In 1801, Jane,     45     (she) parents and sisters moved to Bath. Four years later, her father died and the family became poor soon.

Austen and her family moved several times.     46     (final), they moved into a small house in Chawton. It was in this house that she wrote most of her works.

In 1817, Austen got serious health problems and had to stop writing. She died     47     July of that year, at the age of 41.

Austen was known for her clever ideas. Most of her novels are about women in the 18th century. At that time,     48     a woman wanted to live a happy life, she had to marry (嫁) a rich man. But Austen said that a woman should marry for love instead of for money.

Pride and Prejudice is     49     (famous) one of her novels. It tells     50     story between a young woman and a tall rich handsome man. It has been changed into films, TV series and musicals.

2023-08-25更新 | 57次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题

五、书面表达 添加题型下试题

书面表达-材料作文 | 适中(0.65)

51. 许多人认为手机对世界的改变最大。假设你们学校的英文报征文,请同学们讨论一下自己对手机这项发明的看法。请你根据下面提示,向英文报投稿,表达一下自己的看法.

1.介绍手机的发明(美国人 Martin Cooper;1973年);

Today, people say they can’t live without a mobile phone.

2023-08-25更新 | 15次组卷 | 1卷引用:广东省深圳市中山中学2021-2022学年八年级上学期期中英语试题



试卷题型(共 9题)





细目表分析 导出

题号 难度系数 详细知识点 备注
1-100.65叙事忆旧  个人经历
11-150.65旅行  记叙文  叙事忆旧单选
16-200.65发明与创造  科学技术  说明文单选
21-250.85方法/策略  科普知识  说明文  航天与航空单选
31-350.65旅行  说明文  景点/建筑匹配
36-400.65说明文  文学家阅读表达
510.65发明与创造  通讯工具材料作文
共计 平均难度:一般