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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:55 题号:10293142

British singer-song writer James Blunt shot to fame in 2005 with his single You're Beautiful and album(专辑) Back To Bedlam, and since then he remained the top of the UK singles chart.

Before James Blunt became a musician, he served in the army to fight for Queen and country. He spent four and a half years there, with six months in Kosovo as part of the peacekeeping force. Before leaving the army, Blunt had decided to achieve his dream of becoming a musician. In 2003, he was discovered by music producer Linda Perry who signed him to her Custard label. However the road to success never runs smoothly. It seemed that he would become another struggling singer trying to live from hand to mouth (勉强维持生计) when his first two singles failed to make an impact on the British charts. But everything changed when his third single You're Beautiful made it all the way to No.1 on the UK singles charts, and remained there for five weeks. The album Back to Bedlam soon followed and quickly became one of the biggest selling records of the year, remaining then continual weeks at No.1. Since then, he has sold more than three million records, making him the first British artist to top the American singles charts in nearly a decade.

Blunt, 34, a throwback (返祖者) to the 1970s softrock golden age, has been quoted   by Western media as saying that he will never get used to people screaming at him in the street.

His success proves a lasting theory: You spend years chasing the right song. Then, if you're lucky, and if the song really takes off, you spend the rest of your life trying to escape it, or learning to live with it, a few years removed from You're Beautiful, he can still fill stages worldwide with fans who stay until the end.

1. What do we learn from the passage?
A.Blunt was discovered by Linda Perry before joining the army.
B.Blunt has already become famous before joining the army.
C.Blunt spent five years in the army altogether.
D.Blunt had the dream of becoming a musician before leaving the army.
2. Which of the following can describe James Blunt's life as a musician before he sang the   song You're Beautiful ?
3. We can infer from the last paragraph that_________.
A.Blunt is well-known in the world for his talent.
B.Blunt's fame as a musician came easily.
C.Blunt wasn't lucky enough to win his fans' support.
D.Blunt has to face the inconvenience that his fame has caused.
4. What is the passage mainly about?
A.The song You're Beautiful
B.The latest album of James Blunt
C.The success of James Blunt as a musician
D.The whole life of James Blunt
19-20高一下·湖北十堰·期中 查看更多[3]


阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】In 1947 a group of famous people from the art world headed by an Austrian conductor decided to hold an international festival of music, dance and theatre in Edinburgh. The idea was to reunite Europe after the Second World War.

It quickly attracted famous names such as Alec Guinness, Richard Burton, Dame Margot Fonteyn and Marlene Dietrich as well as the big symphony orchestras(交响乐团). It became a fixed event every August and now attracts 400,000 people yearly.

At the same time, the “Fringe” appeared as a challenge(挑战) to the official festival. Eight theatre groups turned up uninvited in 1947, in the belief that everyone should have the right to perform, and they did so in a public house disused for years.

Soon, groups of students firstly from Edinburgh University, and later from the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Durham and Birmingham were making the journey to the Scottish capital each summer to perform theatre by little -- known writers of plays in small church halls to the people of Edinburgh.

Today the “Fringe”, once less recognized, has far outgrown the festival with around 1,500 performances of theatre, music and dance on every one of the 21 days it lasts. And yet as early as 1959,with only 19 theatre groups performing, some said it was getting too big.

A paid administrator(行政人员) was first employed only in 1971, and today there are eight administrators working all year round and the number rises to 150 during August itself. In 2004 there were 200 places housing 1,695 shows by over 600 different groups from 50 different countries. More than 1.25 million tickets were sold.

1. What was the purpose of Edinburgh Festival at the beginning?
A.To bring Europe together again.B.To honor heroes of World War II.
C.To introduce young theatre groups.D.To attract great artists from Europe.
2. Why did some uninvited theatre groups come to Edinburgh in 1947?
A.They owned a public house there.B.They came to take up a challenge.
C.They thought they were also famous.D.They wanted to take part in the festival.
3. What does the “Fringe” mean in the third paragraph?
A.unpopular groupsB.non-official groups
C.foreign groupsD.local groups
4. We may learn from the text that Edinburgh Festival      .
A.has become a non-official eventB.has gone beyond an art festival
C.gives shows all year roundD.keeps growing rapidly
2020-01-21更新 | 261次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约460词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Researchers in the psychology department at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) have discovered a major difference in the way men and women respond to stress. This difference may explain why men are more likely to suffer from stress-related disorders.

Until now, psychological research has maintained that both men and women have the same “fight-or-flight“ reaction to stress. In other words, individuals either react with aggressive behavior, such as verbal or physical conflict (“fight”), or they react by withdrawing from the stressful situation (“flight”). However, the UCLA research team found that men and women have quite different biological and behavioral responses to stress. While men often react to stress in the fight-or-flight response, women often have another kind of reaction which could be called “tend and befriend. ” That is, they often react to stressful conditions by protecting and nurturing their young (“tend”), and by looking for social contact and support from others—especially other females (“befriend”).

Scientists have long known that in the fight-or-flight reaction to stress, an important role is played by certain hormones (激素) released by the body. The UCLA research team suggests that the female tend-or-befriend response is also based on a hormone. This hormone, called oxytocin (催产素), has been studied in the context of childbirth, but now it is being studied for its role in the response of both men and women to stress. The principal investigator, Dr. Shelley E. Taylor, explained that “animals and people with high levels of oxytocin are calmer, more relaxed, more social, and less anxious.” While men also secrete (分泌) oxytocin, its effects are reduced by male hormones.

In terms of everyday behavior, the UCLA study found that women are far more likely than men to seek social contact when they are feeling stressed. They may phone relatives or friends, or ask directions if they are lost.

The study also showed how fathers and mothers responded differently when they came home to their family after a stressful day at work. The typical father wanted to be left alone to enjoy some peace and quiet. For a typical mother, tackling a bad day at work meant focusing her attention on her children and their needs.

The differences in responding to stress may explain the fact that women have lower frequency of stress-related disorders such as high blood pressure or aggressive behavior. The tend-and-befriend regulatory (调节的) system may protect women against stress, and this may explain why women on average live longer than men.

1. The UCLA study shows that in response to stress, men are more likely than women to ____________.
A.turn to friends for helpB.solve a conflict calmly
C.seek comfort from childrenD.find an escape from reality
2. Which of the following is true about oxytocin according to the passage?
A.Men have the same level of oxytocin as women do.
B.Oxytocin used to be studied in both men and women.
C.Oxytocin has more of an effect on women than on men.
D.Both animals and people have high levels of oxytocin.
3. What can be learned from the passage?
A.Biological differences lead to different behavioral responses to stress.
B.In a family a mother cares more about children than a father does.
C.Male hormones help build up the body’s resistance to stress.
D.The UCLA study was designed to confirm previous research findings.
4. The underlined word in the Paragraph 5 may mean ___________.
5. Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?
A.How researchers handle stress-related disorders
B.How men and women suffer from stress
C.How researchers overcome stress problems
D.How men and women get over stress
2024-01-28更新 | 250次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】City trees grow faster and die younger than trees in rural forestry, a new study finds. Over their lifetimes,then, urban trees will likely absorb less CO2 from the air thah forest trees.

As we all know, the earth would be freezing or burning hot without CO2. However, CO2 is a greenhouse gas, meaning it traps energy from the sun as/heat. That makes temperatures near the ground rise. Human activities, especially the widespread burning-of fossil(化石)fuels,have been sending extra greenhouse gases into the air. This has led to a rise in average temperatures across the globe.

Studies had shown forests readily absorb CO2,but there hadn’t been much data on whether city trees grow, die and absorb CO2 at the same rate as forest trees do. So some researchers decided to find out.

To figure out how quickly trees were growing, researchers tracked their diameters (the width of their trunks) between 2005 and 2014. A tree’s diameter increases as it grows, just as a person’s waist size increases as they gain weight. About half the weight of a tree is carbon, research has shown. Most of the rest is water. Over the nine years’ tracking, the researchers found city trees absorbed four times as much carbon from the air as forest trees. However, they were twice as likely to die. So over the lifetime of each type of tree, forest trees actually absorbed more CO2.

City trees grew faster because they had less competition for light from their neighbors. In a forest,trees tend to grow close together,shading their neighbors. Street trees also benefit from higher levels of nitrogen (氮)in rainwater. Nitrogen helps plants grow. Waste gases from gas-burning cars also contain nitrogen, thus enriching city air with nitrogen. Later, rainwater may wash much of it to the ground. Some street trees may also have better access to water than trees in the country because the underground water pipes can leak.

1. What can he known about CO2 from paragraph 2?
A.It is one of the side effects of greenhouses.
B.It greatly accelerates the process of global warming.
C.It results from the widespread burning of fossil fuels.
D.It prevents the earth from becoming unsuitable to live on.
2. Why did researchers track the diameters of trees?
A.To know about their growth rates.
B.To find out how much they weigh.
C.To check whether they were healthy.
D.To assess the carbon amounts in them.
3. What advantage do city trees have over forest trees?
A.They are more likely to access growth promoters.
B.They can enjoy more water coming from the air.
C.They can enjoy more shade from neighbors.
D.They are better at competing for light.
4. What will probably be talked about if the passage is continued?
A.How urban trees can live longer.
B.Why city living makes trees die young.
C.How trees respond to dry soil conditions.
D.Why faster-growing trees absorb more CO2.
2019-11-01更新 | 220次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般