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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:54 题号:10319007

The time that cars could go completely driverless is coming "very soon", according to Jianxiong Xiao, CEO and founder of AutoX, a Shenzhen-based start-up developing autonomous driving technology.

Now, most regulations across various cities in China still require the presence of a safety driver in vehicles, but the company foresees that as more data gets captured over time, that requirement would be reduced, Xiao told CNBC's "Street Signs Asia" on Wednesday.

The autonomous driving tech firm chose to partner with Alibaba's AMAP—a Chinese mapping service provider—to roll out its RoboTaxi ride hailing service in Shanghai on Monday. AMAP is a "super mobility app" with almost 500 million active monthly users, according to Xiao.

AutoX had received support from Shanghai authorities to roll out a fleet of 100 autonomous ride-hailing cars in Shanghai's Jiading district in September last year.

Earlier this month, AutoX announced that it had set up an 80, 000 square feet RoboTaxi operations center in Shanghai to help facilitate(使容易)operations of its driverless fleet, as well as act as a center to collect data from daily operations.

Backed by investors such as Alibaba, Shanghai Motor and Dongfeng Motor, AutoX is one of the players in the trillion U. S. dollar Chinese autonomous driving vehicles market alongside others like DiDi Chuxing.

Xiao said they were working with the technology to ensure the vehicles were "very, very safe" and are carrying out a lot of testing.

Over a hundred vehicles have been arranged on roads daily to obtain enough data needed to validate the software and system, according to Xiao.

He added that the company was also running a hundred times more simulations(模拟)in the car every day, and the "huge amount of data" would help to prove that the vehicles could be used in "full safety".

"Our goal is not to just make(it)as safe as human beings, but going one step forward to really make…a superhuman safety standard; (cars)that(can)drive much safer than any human being ever, " Xiao said.

1. What will be most required to go driverless according to CEO of AutoX?
A.Traffic regulations.B.Driving technology.
C.Enough data.D.Mapping service.
2. What is the attitude of Shanghai authorities towards driverless technology?
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "validate" in paragraph 8?
4. Where does the passage probably come from?
A.A biography.B.An advertisement.
C.A textbook.D.A news report.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The Yellow River is the cradle (摇篮) of China’s civilization. And flood control and prevention have always been key to the well-being of the people living along it. Now, scientists can better work on these issues by giving the river a digital twin.

The digital twin of the Yellow River uses various technologies, including big data, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things. Devices set up along the river collect and transmit information to the command center. Based on the information, a 3D model of the river is presented on the computer screen. It’s like the Yellow River has a twin that reflects its real conditions.

One big breakthrough in the river’s digital governance (治理) is “smart stones”. According to Wang Qin, a lead researcher at the Information Center of Yellow River Henan Bureau, a smart stone is a water-proof stone-shaped device with chips, a battery, and a signal transmitter. They are buried in important dike (堤坝) locations to record and report the movement of dike stones. “Upon feeling movement of the dike stones, the smart stone sends an alarm to the command center for quick response,” Wang said. “In the past, researchers had to learn the conditions of the dike on the spot by themselves, putting their lives at risk, ” said Zhao Xiaoxiong from the bureau. “Now the smart stones can do this for us, more safely, quickly, and accurately. ”

And in the sky, drones (无人机) are flying. On the routes designed by engineers, the drones become expert patrollers of the river, looking at its dikes and flood prevention projects. According to Shen Lin from the Yellow River Conservancy Commission, thanks to the drones, researchers at the command center can get first-hand photos and information. “Researchers then update the 3D model according to the changes the drones reported. The newly updated model helps us test our floodwater release plans in case we ever need to batten down the hatches,” said Shen.

Under the water and up in the sky, intelligent systems are helping to protect the Yellow River Basin on all fronts. According to the Ministry of Water Resources, in the future, we can expect to see the construction of an even more comprehensive digital system for this important river.

1. What is the main purpose of creating a digital twin of the Yellow River?
A.To conduct historical research.
B.To raise public awareness of river protection.
C.To improve flood control and prevention efforts.
D.To create a virtual tourist attraction.
2. How do the smart stones contribute to the river’s digital governance?
A.They record water quality.
B.They serve as markers for important locations.
C.They enhance the river’s beauty.
D.They monitor and report dike movements.
3. What is one of the functions of drones in the digital governance of the Yellow River?
A.Entertaining tourists.
B.Collecting information on dike conditions.
C.Patrolling and taking wildlife photos.
D.Giving warning of coming floods.
4. What does the underlined phrase “batten down the hatches” in the second to last paragraph mean?
A.Prepare for difficult times.B.Foresee the future.
C.Work hard to achieve one’s goals.D.Overcome challenges.
2024-03-27更新 | 61次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A robot designed to carry things moves quickly across a field to gather equipment at a sports event. Such equipment, like javelins(标枪) and discuses, has been thrown by competitors. Another robot moves a human-sized screen on wheels. It is designed to permit joining in the event. And then there are the robots designed to look like the smiling, friendly human beings or mascots(吉祥物)that act as the Olympic Games’ representatives.

All these robots are part of preparations for the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo, Japan. Japanese carmaker Toyota Motor Corporation presented the machines to reporters earlier this week. Toyota is major supporter of the 2020 Olympic Games.

The “field support robot” is a small bus-shaped machine based on a Toyota ride-sharing vehicle that is still in development. The field support robot can travel as fast as 20 kilometers per hour. It holds three cameras and one special sensor that lets it “see” its surroundings. Around the top of its body are special lights that brighten when the vehicle is active. Its artificial intelligence(AI)helps it avoid barriers(障碍). It is also able to change its path in order to protect areas of grass. However, it cannot find the objects, which can weigh up to eight kilograms, or pick them up on its own. A person has to travel with the device, pick up the objects and put them in it. Then, with a press of a button, the vehicle carries the equipment to where it needs to go.

Takeshi Kuwabara took charge of the robot’s development. He said it was designed to team robots and humans. “Our aim was to make good use of the strengths of both humans and robots” , he said.

The carmaker plans to use the games to present its new vehicle technologies. These include buses powered by special kind of battery, and self-driving taxis. Toyota is competing with other carmakers and technology companies to develop low cost, robot-controlled cars and electric vehicles.

1. What is the purpose of Paragraph1?
A.To introduce the topicB.To introduce sports events.
C.To advertise sports equipment.D.To advertise the Olympic Games .
2. What can the“field support robot”do?
A.Travel as fast as it can.B.Work alone in the field.
C.Find and pick up anything.D.Sense barriers and change its way.
3. Where is the text most probably taken from?
A.A textbook.B.A travel guide.
C.A science magazine.D.A research report.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.Preparations for Tokyo Olympics
B.Robot Competition of Carmakers
C.Robot Assistants in 2020 Olympics
D.Toyota’s Support for 2020 Olympics
2022-08-19更新 | 114次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】More than a billion people around the world have smart phones, almost all of which come with some kind of navigation app such as Google or Apple Maps. This raises the age-old question we meet with any technology: What abilities is our brain losing to these apps? But also, importantly: What abilities are we gaining?

Talking with people who are good at finding their way around or good at using paper maps, I often hear a lot of annoyance with digital maps. North/south direction gets messed up, and you can see only a small section at a time. I can really understand that it may be quite disturbing for the already skilled to be limited to a small phone screen.

But consider what digital navigation aids have meant for someone like me. Although being a frequent traveler, I’m so terrible at finding my way that I still use Apple Maps almost every day in the small town where I have lived for many years.

In many developed nations, street names and house numbers can be meaningful, and instructions such as go north for three blocks and then west make sense to those familiar with these rules. In Istanbul, however, where I grew up, none of those hold true. For one thing, the locals seldom use street names. Besides, the city is full of winding and ancient alleys that cross with newer avenues at many angles. In such places, you’d better turn to the locals. In the countryside, however, there is often nobody outside to ask. In fact, along came Apple Maps, like a fairy grandmother whispering directions in my ear. Since then, I travel with a lot more confidence, and my world has opened up.

Which brings me back to my original question: While we often lose some skills after depending on new technology, this new equipment may also allow us to gain new abilities. Maybe when technology closes a door, we should also look for the doors it opens.

1. Why do people who are skilled at reading paper maps feel upset?
A.They are interested in reading paper maps,
B.They don’t know how to use navigation apps.
C.They are confused by digital maps’ direction.
D.They are limited to a single smart phone app.
2. According to the text, which is the best way to find the destination in Istanbul?
A.Asking local people the way.
B.Following the navigation app.
C.Getting familiar with the city rules.
D.Looking for street names and house numbers.
3. What’s the author’s attitude towards the navigation apps?
4. What could be the best title of the passage?
A.Benefits of Navigation Apps
B.Have Navigation Apps Worsened Our Brain?
C.My World Opens Up by New Technology
D.Disadvantages of Navigation Apps
2021-11-04更新 | 109次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般