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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:161 题号:10427339

Turtles have an unfortunate habit of eating plastic objects floating in the sea. These cannot be digested and may ultimately kill them. It is widely assumed that this fondness for plastics is a matter of mistaken identity. Drifting plastic bags, for instance, look similar to jellyfish (水母), which many types of turtles love to eat. Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no similarity to jellyfish. Joseph Pfaller of the University of Florida therefore suspects that the smell of marine microorganisms (海洋微生物) which grow on floating plastic objects fools turtles into feeding.

The idea that the smell of floating plastic objects might lure animals to their death first emerged in 2016. Researchers at the University of California noticed that certain chemicals, notably dimethyl sulphide (二甲基硫), which are released into the air by floating plastics, are those which many seabirds sniff (嗅) to track down food. These chemicals mark good places to hunt because they indicate plenty of the algae (海藻) and bacteria (细菌). The researchers also found that birds which pursue their food in this way are five or six times more likely to eat plastic than those which do not.

Since turtles are known to break the surface periodically and sniff the air when finding the way to their feeding areas, Dr Pfaller theorised that they are following these same chemicals, and are likewise fooled into thinking that floating plastic objects are eatable.

To test that idea, he and his colleagues set up an experiment. They arranged for 15 turtles to be exposed to four smells: the vapour from deionised water; the smell of turtle-feeding balls made of shrimp and fish meal; the smell of a clean plastic bottle chopped up into ten pieces; and the smell of a similarly chopped bottle that had been kept in the ocean for five weeks to allow algae and bacteria to grow on it.

Two of the smells proved far more attractive to the animals than the others. When sniffing both the smell of food balls and that of five-week-old bottles, turtles kept their nostrils out of the water more than three times as long, and took twice as many breaths as they did when what was on offer was the smell of fresh bottle-plastic or deionised-water vapour.

Though they have not yet tested whether dimethyl sulphide is the culprit, Dr Pfaller and his colleagues think it is the most likely candidate. In an unpolluted ocean, pretty well anything which had this smell would be eatable— or, at least, harmless. Unfortunately, five-week-old plastic bottles and their like are not.

1. Paragraph 1 mainly tells us that turtles ________.
A.mistake plastic objects for jellyfish
B.are fooled into eating plastics by a smell
C.are dying out as a result of plastic pollution
D.break down plastics without much difficulty
2. What can we infer from the research on seabirds?
A.Seabirds eat plastics for the taste.
B.The algae and bacteria grow well on plastics.
C.Researchers got the idea from the study of turtles.
D.Some seabirds pursue food in a similar way to turtles.
3. Dr Pfaller’s research shows_______.
A.turtles prefer the smell of plastics
B.turtles live on marine microorganisms
C.dimethyl sulphide may be to blame for turtles’ death
D.plastics release the same chemicals as microorganisms
4. What is the purpose of the passage?
A.To propose a new way to study turtles.
B.To stress the importance of improving ecosystem.
C.To introduce the findings on the cause of turtles’ death.
D.To explain the effects of plastic pollution on sea animals.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Eavesdropping (窃听) doesn’t just belong in the playbooks of police officers and spies. It is also a phenomenon that plays out among animals. Two biologists from the University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Linnea W.Havmoller and Rasmus W.Havmoller spent nine months in a Panamanian rainforest studying how coatis (长鼻浣熊) cash in on the messy table manners of monkeys.

“Monkeys are messy eaters. After just a few bites of a fruit, they let it fall to the ground. Other species benefit from this habit. But to do so most effectively, they need to know where and when the monkeys are eating. Here, our study demonstrates that some animals use eavesdropping,” says Linnea W. Havmoller.

The eavesdropping consists of the fact that terrestrial (陆栖的) fruit-eating animals — coatis, in this case — listen in when spider monkeys eat fruits up in trees. The monkeys’ half-eaten fruit falls and becomes a tasty treasure for the creatures below. And these animals are ready to move in as soon as they hear the sound of fruit falling to the ground.

“In the bigger picture, this means that in areas where monkeys have been removed from the local environment — typically as a result of hunting or destroyed forest — there can be a large and negative effect. Not only will the species of animals which depend on the fruit being dropped by monkeys suffer — there can be an impact on the entire rainforest ecosystem because terrestrial fruit-eating animals help spread the seeds that allow the forest to reproduce,” says Rasmus W. Havmoller.

While previous observations of the eavesdropping phenomenon have been recorded by pen and paper — and were at risk of misinterpretation — the UCPH researchers adopted a variety of technologies. They collected data using GPS collars, camera traps, speakers playing monkey sounds, and traps that collected fallen fruit. Data from the study show that over 90% of the fruit which landed in the traps had bite marks and was half-eaten by monkeys, and that the fruit that fell outside the traps was eaten almost immediately.

1. What does the underlined part “cash in on” in paragraph 1 mean?
A.Fight with.B.Take advantage of.
C.Make fun of.D.Pick out.
2. How might coatis get their food?
A.They rely mainly on windfalls.
B.They climb up trees to eat fruits.
C.They steal stored fruits from other animals.
D.They wait for dropped fruits from spider monkeys.
3. What can we infer from Rasmus W. Havmoller’s words in paragraph 4?
A.There is a shortage of seed spreading animals.
B.The damage to the rainforest ecosystem is severe.
C.The loss of one species affects biodiversity in the rainforest.
D.Hunting makes terrestrial animals decrease in great number.
4. What does the author say about the research results by the UCPH?
A.They were supported by reliable data.
B.They ran the risk of being misunderstood.
C.They were recorded by pen and paper.
D.They used previous observations for reference.
2022-04-30更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】In the long dispute over whether dogs are smarter than cats, a recent study published in the journal Learning & Behavior suggests that dogs are no more exceptional than other animals when it comes to smartness and intelligence.

The news is sure to cause the debate among dog owners and scientists who study dog behaviors. The authors reviewed existing studies and data on animal cognition(认知) and found that while dogs are smart and trainable, they are not "super smart" , despite what most dog owners will tell you. Dog research was quite popular in the 1990s and continues to be so. When it came to other animals, though, scientific studies on intelligence were barely involved in, despite evidence to suggest that horses, chimpanzees(黑猩猩) and cats had tricks of their own. Almost everything a dog claimed to do, other animals could do too.

Researchers set out to test the supposition. They compared dog cognition with members of three similar groups: meat-eating animals, social hunters and farm animals. Among the animals they studied were wolves, cats, chimpanzees, dolphins, horses and pigeons. What they found was that "dog cognition does not look exceptional." Dogs cannot use tools, unlike dolphins, New Caledonian crows and chimpanzees, which have been observed using plant stems to fish for termites(白蚁). Homing pigeons are trained to fly home, sometimes crossing hundreds of miles of unfamiliar area. At the same time, farm animals share similar characters with their dog partners. Horses, like dogs, perform complex tasks. And cats? They have more in common with dogs than one might think. Still it is much easier to show intelligence in dogs because they like to be trained. Dogs are not smarter than they are supposed to be, given what they are.

1. What is the finding of the study?
A.Dogs are cleverer than cats and horses.
B.Dogs are no cleverer than other animals.
C.Dogs are not smarter than chimpanzees.
D.Dogs are more honest than most animals.
2. Why do most people think dogs are cleverer?
A.Only dogs are trained well to do many things.
B.People focus on studying dogs’ intelligence only.
C.Dogs can do many more things than other animals.
D.Existing studies and data on dogs suggest dogs are smarter.
3. What do we infer about cats from the last paragraph?
A.Cats can use tools to fish.
B.Cats can go home from far away.
C.Cats can learn to do complex tasks.
D.Cats are more unwilling to be trained.
4. What is the main idea of the text?
A.Cats are smarter than they were.
B.Dogs aren’t so clever as we think.
C.Any animal is smart and trainable.
D.All animals should be treated equally.
2019-05-23更新 | 27次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】National Bird Day

National Bird Day is a holiday which has been celebrated on January 5th. The purpose of this holiday is to bring attention to the situation of our friends—birds. This holiday is also a good day to appreciate the beauty and the diversity of these creatures.

However, National Bird Day shouldn't be confused with Bird Day—one of the oldest bird holidays. Bird Day is a holiday that is celebrated annually in the United States on May 4th since the late 19th century.


National Bird Day is a holiday which has been celebrated for over a decade now. Bird Day, on the other hand, goes back a lot further. According to the Library of Congress, Bird Day was established by Charles Almanzo Babcock in 1894.

Facts About Birds

According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature, there are almost 10,000 different species of birds. But almost 900 of them are on the verge of extinction(濒临灭绝).

Customs, Traditions, and Celebrations

National Bird Day can be celebrated in many different ways. Participants can watch birds, and they can take part in one of the activities for the protection of birds. In schools across the US, children often are given the task of researching into birds on this day or drawing a nice picture of birds for the classroom.

1. What can we learn about National Bird Day?
A.It is celebrated earlier than Bird Day every year.
B.It is celebrated all over the world.
C.It is one of the oldest bird holidays.
D.It is set up earlier than Bird Day.
2. How many species of birds are dying out?
3. What do American children usually do National Bird Day?
A.Buy some birds.B.Feed some birds.
C.Study some birds.D.Set some birds free.
2021-11-23更新 | 83次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般