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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:63 题号:10503859

You have probably read about robots replacing human labor as a new era of automation takes root in one industry after another. But a new report suggests humans are not the only ones who might lose their jobs.

In New Zealand, farmers are using drones(无人机) to herd and monitor cows and sheep, taking up a position that highly intelligent dogs have held for more than a century. The robots have not replaced the dogs entirely, Radio New Zealand reports, but they have appropriated(盗用) one of the animal's most powerful tools: barking. The DJI Mavic Enterprise, a $3,500 drone favored by farmers, has a feature that lets the machine record sounds and play them over a loudspeaker, giving the machine the ability to act as the dogs.

Corey Lambeth, a shepherd on a farm, told RNZ the machines are surprisingly effective. ''That's the one thing I've noticed when you're moving cows that the old cows stand up to the dogs, but with the drones, they've never done that,'' he said, noting the drones move cows faster, with less stress, than the dogs do.

The drones come in handy for more than just herding(放牧) cows and sheep. The robots allow farmers to monitor their land from afar, monitoring water and feed levels and checking on the animals' health without disturbing them. Jason Rentoul told RNZ that a two-hour herding job that used to require two people and two teams of dogs could be accomplished in 45 minutes using a single drone. ''Being a hilly farm where a lot of stuff is done on foot, the drones really saved a lot of man hours, '' he said.

For now, farmers say, there is still a need for herding dogs, primarily because they have a longer life span than drones, can work in bad weather and do not require an electrical socket every few hours to recharge.

1. What is the main advantage of the drones over herding dogs?
A.The drones can take up a job that the dogs hardly do well any longer.
B.The drones can frighten the old cows which are not afraid of the dogs.
C.The drones can finish a herding job more efficiently than the dogs.
D.The drones can work on a hilly farm and extreme weather while the dogs can't.
2. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A.Herding dogs will gradually lose their position on the farmland.
B.The drones can only copy the dogs' barking with the current technology.
C.The drones are multi-functional and leave the animals undisturbed.
D.The market for the DJI Mavic Enterprise is pretty small because of its high price.
3. According to the passage, why can't the drones replace the dogs entirely?
A.Because the drones can't bark as loudly as the dogs do.
B.Because cows are not used to seeing the drones.
C.Because the drones are much more expensive than the animal.
D.Because the drones' power is limited and they need charging from time to time.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the drones in the passage?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A modern phone can put the world at the user’s fingertips. Calls, messaging, photos and information access, all make for a better lifestyle. But sometimes, these phones are of little practical use. Leku Wuniure’s 63-year-old mother communicates in the Yi language, because she can’t read Chinese or speak Mandarin and is even unable to read numbers. As a result, a very simple, taken-for-granted feature of any modern phone like finding someone, can prove to be difficult. Whenever she wants to call her son, she has to ask someone to help her to dial his number.

Leku, 25, a young man of the Yi ethnic (彝族) group, naturally, wanted to help. So he created an app that responds to his mother’s request to “call my son” in the Yi language. Once this is said, the app will automatically dial his number. The app is called Yayou. It turned out to be a fantastic aid for his mother and has also benefited many among the more than 8 million Yi people in China.

“With the app, I wanted to help my mom, as well as the Yi people,” says Leku, a college student at Chongqing University. “Besides my mother’s plight, I’ve also witnessed some villagers, who left to make a living as workers in cities, suffering financial losses or misunderstanding due to the obstacles (障碍) in communication.”

The dream is becoming bigger-after more than two years’ development, Leku and his partner Mise Achang are ready to launch an updated version of their app in May. The 2.0 version of Yayou will have several new functions, providing news and entertainment content, as well as online shopping services, in both the Yi and Chinese languages. What’s more exciting, some users will be able to test the new voice assistant function and interact with their smartphone in the Yi language, before its final release.

With the app, users could listen to more songs, watch videos and read news presented on the app in the Yi language. The app, apart from bringing greater convenience, can also serve as an important cultural tool. It can be used as a database to collect oral and written records of Yi culture and help keep it.

1. What makes it hard for Leku’s Mother to ring him up?
A.New technology.B.Language difficulty.C.Her old age.D.The complex number.
2. What does the underlined word “plight” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
3. What is the best title for the passage?
A.App Helps Ring in a Better LifeB.Mother’s Request Is Satisfied
C.A Practical App for CellphoneD.A Clever Son and His Mother
2020-10-14更新 | 70次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Did you know it’s possible to swim with whales in the ocean while lying on a hospital bed? Have you imagined experiencing your 74th birthday as a 20-something? Medical virtual reality is an area with interesting and attractive possibilities. Although the field is brand new, there are already great examples of VR having a positive effect on health care. Here are some.

Have you ever lain down on a hospital bed counting the clays until you leave the hospital? Brennan Spiegel and his team at the Cedars-Sinai hospital in Los Angeles introduced VR worlds to their patients to help them reduce stress and pain. With the special glasses, they could escape the four walls of the hospital and enjoy amazing scenery in Iceland, take part in the work of an art studio or swim together with whales in the ocean. So the hospital experience is improved.

As we know, the experience in a hospital is even more stressful for small children who miss their parents and friends. Now, a Dutch company made their dream possible. Through a smart phone and virtual glasses, VisitU makes live contact possible with a 360 degree camera at the patient’s home, school or special occasions like a birthday celebration or a football game. Though staying in hospital, young patients can relax and still enjoy their lives.

Did you wonder what it feels like to grow old? Embodied Labs created “We Are Alfred” by using VR technology to show young medical students what ageing means. Everyone can be the imagined Alfred for 7 minutes, and experience what it feels like to live as a 74-year-old man. Thus it’s possible to solve the disconnection between young doctors and elderly patients clue to their huge age difference.

MindMotionPro, produced by the Swiss Mindmaze, allows patients with a brain injury to u practicen how to lift their arms or move their fingers with the help of virtual reality. The app makes the practice of repetitive movements fun for patients. The mental effort helps their damaged nervous systems to recover much faster than lying helplessly in bed.

1. What is implied in the questions raised in Paragraph 1?
A.The characters of medical VR.
B.The function of medical VR.
C.The popularity of medical VR.
D.The limitation about medical VR.
2. In what aspect does medical VR play a great role according to Paragraph 2?
A.Relaxing patients in hospital.
B.Raising the hospitals’ price.
C.Exposing patients to real life.
D.Making patients adapt to their surroundings.
3. What is the real purpose of “We Are Alfred”?
A.To make doctors trust their patients.
B.To increase doctors’ interest in their work.
C.To help doctors experience the life of an elder.
D.To help young doctors know much about elderly patients.
4. Which example is intended to show that medical VR speeds up recovery?
A.Spieget’s special glasses.B.The application of VisitU.
C.The use of MindMotionPro.D.The creation of “We Are Alfred”.
2023-01-10更新 | 41次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The chatbot ChatGPT, developed by American company OpenAI, has taken the world by storm in the past few months. This new research, however, has not been welcomed in education as expected. Faced with the threat of ChatGPT, the education community in many countries began to take measures.

New York City’s Department of Education announced a ban on the wildly popular chatbot ChatGPT, which some have warned could inspire more students to cheat, from its schools’ devices and networks.

The education department blocked access to the program, citing “negative impacts on student learning, and concerns regarding the safety and accuracy of content,” a spokesperson said. The move from the nation’s largest school system could have ripple effects as districts and schools across the country grapple with how to respond to the arrival of the dynamic new technology.

In addition, Sciences Po in Europe, a number of Canadian universities, and several Australian states are developing policies on student use of ChatCPT.

Vice president at UBC Vancouver, Simon Bates, said that all AI tools come with both potential benefits and real challenges, adding that the university is in the process of developing a newsletter (简报) and FAQ (frequently asked questions) as part of its educative approach to academic integrity (诚信).

In order to find out what the public thinks about using ChatGPT in schools, online course provider Study. com surveyed more than 100 educators and more than 1,000 students over the age of 18. The results showed that 72% of college professors who are aware of ChatGPT, are concerned about its impact on cheating. Over a third (34%) of all educators believe that ChatGPT should be banned in schools and universities. 66% support students having access to it.

Surprisingly, 72% of college students believe that ChatGPT should be banned from their college’s network.

1. What is the attitude of the education departments towards ChatGPT?
2. What is Not the concern the education departments have over the use of ChatGPT?
A.It may facilitate students’ cheating.B.It may harm academic integrity.
C.It may present inaccurate content.D.It may threaten students’ safety.
3. How do universities react to the arrival of ChatGPT?
A.By making relevant policies.B.By surveying the professors and students.
C.By employing the potential benefits.D.By banning students from using networks.
4. Where is the passage likely to appear?
A.A biography.B.A newspaper.C.An AI textbook.D.An educational review.
2023-06-14更新 | 61次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般