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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:192 题号:10539508

Dolphins are universally regarded as some of the cleverest creatures in the world. In captivity ( 圈养), they can be trained to complete complex tasks such as jumping through hoops and somersaulting through the air.

But their intelligence doesn’t stop there. In a recent study of cetaceans (鲸目动物)--a group of animals that includes dolphins and whales--researchers created a list of intelligent behaviors observed in 90 different cetacean species, reported the Guardian. For example, the smartest cetaceans hunt in groups, share knowledge through mimicry (模仿) and even care for each other's children. Some even consider their behavior to be human-like.

“There is the saying that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’ seems to be true for both whales and humans,”

Michael Muthukrishna of the London School of Economics, co-author of the study, told the Guardian.

However, cetaceans don’t just use their brain power for survival. The study suggests that dolphins might even gossip. That's because some species greet each other with specific whistles, just as humans greet each other by name, the Guardian reported. Sometimes, a group of dolphins whistles the “name” of a dolphin that isn't there. Could they be speaking about their “friend” behind its back?

For the researchers, dolphin small talk is a big deal. As they found that the most social cetaceans also have the largest brains, they argue that cetacean intelligence developed to meet the demands of complex social groups.

Known as the “cultural brain hypothesis (假设),” it had only been used to explain the intelligence of humans and other primates (灵长目动物). The new study aimed to find a common pathway for the evolution of intelligence among biologically different species.

“It is interesting to think that whale and human brains are different in their structure but have brought us to the same patterns in behavior, ” Luke Rendell, a biologist at the University of St Andrews, told the Guardian.

Indeed, we still have a lot to learn about our intelligent ocean-dwelling neighbors. “We don’ t have to look at other planets to look for aliens,” Muthukrishna told the Guardian, “because we know that underwater there are these amazing species with so many parallels to us in their complex behaviors.”

1. The recent study was intended to ______.
A.learn more about intelligent creatures of the sea
B.explain the intelligence of humans and cetaceans
C.create a list of intelligent behaviors of different cetacean species
D.see whether the intelligence of different species evolved in the same way
2. The implied   meaning of the underlined part in Paragraph 3 is that ______.
A.villagers have the responsibility   to raise any child in the village
B.like human beings, whales even help raise each other’s babies
C.cetaceans have social behaviors very similar to human beings
D.it is not easy for one villager to take care of his or her own child
3. It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.it is unnecessary to look for aliens and do research into them
B.some cetaceans have the same intelligence as human beings
C.both dolphins and whales greet each other with specific whistles
D.both dolphins and whales have a lot in common with humans in behaviors
4. What is the best title for this passage?
A.Aliens living underwaterB.A study of intelligent dolphins
C.Intelligent creatures of the seaD.Reasons for the intelligence of sea creatures


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐1】On a Saturday night at home while relaxing with friends, a dog showed up at the house. In an attempt to find the legal owner and return the dog, we knocked on the door of the legal owner and an old man opened the door. This was the start of an interesting week.
The old man sat down, made himself at home, and gifted us the dog. After a brief visit, he left, and we were now the proud owners of this dog. It takes experience and knowledge to know that our lifestyle can’t satisfy the needs of this dog; the owner that gifted us the dog was mismatched for him as well.
Three attempts to return the dog to his old owner failed. (I think he was avoiding us.) Because our lifestyle didn’t allow us to give this poor dog the attention he needed, he disturbed the neighbors. They got involved. After we shared the story, they gained a new perspective and wisely stepped in to help us find a solution.
One week later it was decided that dog would be picked up from us by the old neighbor. He would then return it to the previous owner who was more equipped to care for it.
When faced with unexpected challenges in life, it helps to see everyone’s perspective. We have to look at one another’s perspective to solve a problem with honesty, experience and knowledge. That’s the sign of a leader. Although the old neighbor typically has little to do with leadership, it did bring a neighborhood together to understand one another and work as a team to solve a problem.
1. Why was the dog taken to the author’s home?
A.To find food to eat.
B.To seek a proper owner.
C.The author was friendly to him.
D.The old man couldn’t feed him.
2. What did the author find after he was gifted with the dog?
A.He didn’t like the dog at all.
B.He could deal with dog easily.
C.The old neighbor was cheating him.
D.It was unsuitable for him to keep the dog.
3. What does the author intend to stress in the text?
A.The value of team spirit.
B.The smartness of the old neighbor.
C.The importance of leadership skills.
D.The need for calmness in front of challenges.
2017-03-09更新 | 178次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇新闻报道,文章讲述了一位名为Ariel Cordova-Rojas女士不辞辛劳地救助一只受伤的天鹅的故事。

【推荐2】When Ariel Cordova-Rojas rode her bike to Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in Queens, New York, last November, she planned to go hiking and bird-watching. A mile into her walk, she found a female mute swan (疣鼻天鹅) near the water’s edge. Cordova-Rojas, 30, who had worked at the Wild Bird Fund rehabilitation centre in Manhattan, knew that mute swans can be angry and ready to attack. But as she approached this one, it didn’t move.

She was certain that the bird needed medical attention. Cordova-Rojas put her jacket over the bird’s head to keep it calm, carefully picked it up, and held it in her arms. And then a thought struck her: What do I do now?

Her best hope was the rehab (康复) centre, but that was across the East River and clear on the other side of town. How was she going to transport a 17-pound swan on her bike all that way? Luckily, some strangers driving by offered her, her bike, and the swan a lift to a nearby subway station.

On the subway, no one seemed particularly frightened by the feathered passenger. One guy, says Cordova-Rojas, was “sitting right in front of me on his phone. I don’t know if he noticed there was a swan in front of him.”

Cordova-Rojas called the rehab centre on the road, and Tristan Higgin-botham, an animal-care manager, picked her up at the subway station and drove the bird, the bike, and the rescuer to the centre. There, staff members determined that the swan might have lead poisoning (中毒), caused by taking weights used on fishing lines.

The staff got the swan back up on her feet. Sadly, even with all that care, the swan got a serious infection (感染). Two months after Cordova-Rojas came to her rescue, she passed away.

It’s a disappointing ending, but the real story is just how far some people are willing to go to save a swan in the big city-literally. In all, Cordova-Rojas travelled two hours by foot, car, and subway while honking (按喇叭) her bike. Says Higgin-botham, “That’s the perfect summary of who she is,”
1. Why did Cordova-Rojas put her jacket over the bird’s head?
A.To catch the swan.B.To calm the swan down.
C.To keep the swan warm.D.To block the swan’s sight.
2. How did Cordova-Rojas get to the subway station with the swan?
A.She rode her bike.B.She got there on foot.
C.She took a bus.D.She was offered a lift.
3. What was wrong with the swan?
A.She had lead poisoning.B.She was injured on her feet.
C.She was trapped by a fishing net.D.She nearly died from hunger.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.How to Protect BirdsB.Strangers Kind Action
C.Honk If You Love BirdsD.The Last Song of the Swan
2023-10-13更新 | 20次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了97岁的植物学家玛格丽特·布拉德肖(Margaret Bradshaw)是提斯代尔最稀有花卉的主要看护人,她希望让更多的人接手并做记录并且开创这个事业。

【推荐3】The 97-year-old botanist, Margaret Bradshaw, is the chief caretaker of Teesdale’s rarest flowers. “Everything about Teesdale is unique,” says Bradshaw with pride — and the authority of someone who has just written a 288-page book on the subject. Bradshaw has been recording rare plants here since the early 1950s and has witnessed great decreases.Her data was the first to prove that — and the need to do something about it.

The main reason for the decrease of these plants is an unusual one. The number of sheep in Teesdale had been reduced by half by 2000, as the uplands were generally believed there were too many sheep. Bradshaw says while sheep are hunted in some upland areas, reducing herding in Teesdale has been destructive. Longer grass overshadows the delicate (娇嫩) flowers, taking away the light they need to grow. As a result of her findings and her work with farmers who herd the land — as well as Natural England, which manages it — sheep numbers are increasing and the timing of herding is being carefully managed. This has led to the partial recovery of some plants.

At 93, she set up Teesdale Special Flora Research and Conservation Trust to record rare plants. A keen horse rider, at 95, she did a 55-mile horse journey across Teesdale, raising almost $ 10,000 for the Trust. When asked about the secret to longevity, “Just keep going,” she says.

“Keep at it.Don’t sit down and just watch TV.”

“I recognise I’m getting older and I’ve been trying to get more people to take over and do the records. They don’t believe I won’t be here forever,” Bradshaw says. Despite Bradshaw’s guardianship of this land, and the love and energy she has put into saving it, the future here is unknown. The last words of her book speak to this endless loss. “This is our heritage, this unique plant species, mine and yours,” she writes. “In spite of trying, I have failed to prevent its decrease, now it is up to you.”

1. What is Margaret Bradshaw’s main work with the rare plants?
A.Writing a book.B.Preventing their decrease.
C.Collecting their data.D.Directing farmers to grow plants.
2. What contributed to the reduction of rare plants in Teesdale?
A.Not enough sheep.B.Lack of fund.
C.Poor management.D.Too many sheep.
3. What can we learn from Bradshaw’s words in the last paragraph?
A.Unity brings strength.B.Many hands make light work.
C.Youthful at heart, regardless of age.D.Advance what the forerunners began.
4. Which might be a suitable title for the text?
A.Teesdale:Home to Rare PlantsB.Battling for Teesdale’s Wildflowers
C.Bradshaw:A97-Year-Old GardenerD.Exploring Teesdale’s Unique Plants
2023-12-12更新 | 110次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般