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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.4 引用次数:69 题号:10580050

In recent years, experiments examining exercise and weight loss have found that people lose far much less weight than expected, considering how many additional calories(卡路里) they are burning with their workouts.

Scientists have guessed that exercisers are likely to become hungrier and eat more after working out. They also may sit longer when not doing exercise. Together or separately, these changes could make up for the extra energy used during exercise.

To prove that possibility, scientists came up with the idea of using infrared light(红外线) to track mice’s movements in their cages. Then software can use that information to analyse their daily physical activity.

So the researchers prepared special cages, putting inside some locked running wheels, and let mice roam(闲逛) and explore for four days in the cages. This provided the researchers with information about how many calories each mouse burned every day.

Then the wheels were unlocked and for nine days, the mice could run at will, and they could decide how much to eat and when to get off the wheels, walking around. The mice,which enjoyed running, jumped readily on the wheels and started to run. On and off the wheels, they could run for hours. They showed a following height in their daily energy expenditure(支出) since they had added exercise to their lives.

But they did not change their eating habits. Although they were burning more calories, they did not eat more. They did, however, change how they moved. They now usually jogged on their wheels for a few minutes, jumped off, rested or roamed in a while, and then climbed back on the wheels, ran, rested, briefly roamed, and it repeated. These changes in how they spent their time almost counteracted(抵消) the extra calorie costs from running, says Daniel Lark, who led the new study.

What caused the running mice to run less is still uncertain. ''But it does not seem to have been tiredness or lack of time; wheel running is not arduous for mice, and does not fill their waking hours.'' Dr. Lark says.

Instead, he says, it is likely that the animals’ bodies and brains sensed the increasing energy expenditure when the mice began to run and sent out biological signals that somehow advised the animals to slow down, save energy and lose weight.

Mice will never be people, of course, so we cannot say whether the results of this would directly apply to us, Dr. Lark says. But the results do indicate that if we hope to lose more weight through, we should watch what we eat and try not to move less while we work out more.

1. What did NOT change for the mice in the experiment?
A.How they moved.B.How long they ran.
C.How much they chose to eat.D.How they spent their time.
2. What happened to the mice in the experiment according to the 6th paragraph?
A.They didn't like to run the wheels.B.They ate more after running the wheels.
C.They spent less time roaming in the cage.D.They didn't need rest after running the wheels.
3. The underlined word ''arduous'' in paragraph 7 is closest in meaning to _______.
4. Which of the following statements may Dr. Lark agree with?
A.Wheel running costs the same amount of energy as roaming does.
B.The mice ran more because they really wanted to lose weight.
C.The experiment is a failure because the results don't apply to humans.
D.It might not be tiredness that caused the mice to run less.
5. The purpose of writing this passage is _______.
A.to prove that scientists' guess about exercising is wrong
B.to introduce a recent research on exercise and weight loss
C.to analyze how wheel running changes mice's movements
D.to explain why eating and running are bad for exercisers


阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐1】A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

If you answered 10 cents, you’re not alone — most people give the same answer (the correct answer is 5 cents). It’s an example of how we often rely on intuitive responses — answers we feel are true. People give answers that pop into their mind, says cognitive scientist Steven Sloman. We don’t spend much time “reflecting and checking whether the answer is right or wrong.”

The bat and ball question helps explain why we often believe in fake news. It is part of human nature. But “the trick with fake news is to know to verify” — in other words, to stop and question what you know.

In one experiment, Sloman and a colleague invented a discovery called helium rain. They told a group of volunteers about it, but admitted they could not fully explain what it was. They then asked the volunteers to rate their own understanding of helium rain. Most volunteers rated themselves 1 out of 7, meaning they did not understand the concept.

The researchers then told another group of volunteers about the discovery. This time, they said that scientists could fully explain how it works. When asked to rate their understanding, the volunteers gave an average answer of 2. The scientists’ confidence gave the volunteers an increased sense of their own understanding, Sloman says.

According to Sloman, knowledge spreads like a contagion (传染病). “If everyone around you is saying they understand why a politician is dishonest,” Sloman says, “then you’re going to start thinking that you understand, too.”

Another explanation for the spread of fake news is “motivated reasoning”. We are naturally more likely to believe things that confirm our existing opinions. If you already have a negative opinion about someone, you’re more likely to trust damaging stories about them.

So, in a world where misleading information is common, training people to care about fact-checking is important, especially in online communities. Think of the stories that are shared on social media every day. Probably these fit in with your own worldview — but perhaps not all of them are true.

“Develop a norm (行为标准) in your community that says, ‘We should check things and not just take them at face value,’” Sloman says “Verify before you believe.”

1. What would be the best title for the reading?
A.Helium Rain: A Great DiscoveryB.Stop, Question, and Verify
C.Social Media and How to Use ItD.The Knowledge Limit
2. What does the underlined word verify mean in paragraph 3?
A.To make sure something is true.
B.To think about something for a long time.
C.To express an opinion about something.
D.To make a formal request.
3. The author uses the example of the bat and ball question to show that ________.
A.people often forget skills that they learned at school
B.there is often more than one possible answer to a question
C.many people give quick responses without thinking carefully
D.people are likely to tell a lie when they are uncertain of something
4. Which of the following is an example of “motivated reasoning”?
A.You put yourself in others’ shoes when disagreement or even conflict arises.
B.You post a message online that gives your opinion about a news story.
C.You are not sure if a story on social media is true, so you search online for more information.
D.You don’t believe a negative story about a soccer player because he plays for your favorite team.
2024-01-16更新 | 86次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐2】Friendships can hold an exceptional place in our life stories. What is it about the s connections that make them so unique? Before we dive into the science, let’s first observe on in action.

If I could somehow design a best friend, you know, put together all the ideal qualities of my perfect match, that person would pale in comparison to Priya. She’s always there for me. Last year after I failed my important exam, it felt like my whole world was crashing down. Priya was at my door at the news. I was a wreck, but she sat there with me and listened. We were on the same page!

Early childhood, adolescent, and adult friendships are all a little different in part because the brain works in different ways at those stages of life. Adolescence is a unique time when peer relationships take focus, and thanks to the developing brain, there are changes in the way you value, understand, and connect to friends. Teenage friends can seem attached at the hip.

Scientists describe adolescence as a social re adaption as teenagers begin to spend as much or more time with their friends than with their parents. This drive to hang with pals maybe due to changes in the brain’s reward centre. Its activation makes hanging out with others enjoyable and motivates you to spend more time with them. Neuroimaging(神经成像) studies show that this region is highly reactive during your teenage years, which may explain why adolescents seem to place a higher value on social interactions than children or adults.

Teenage friendships can also feel closer than the friendships of your childhood. This deeper connection is possible thanks to improvements in what scientists call Theory-of Mind the ability to understand others’ emotions, thoughts, motivations, and points of view. Babies begin to develop Theory of Mind around 18 months or so. And scientists know that it continues to improve and mature well into your teenage years and beyond. Likewise, regions within the social brain show increased connectivity during adolescence compared with childhood.

As a result, teens can better understand their friend’s perspectives, allowing for deeper connections to develop. The ability to connect with others somewhat depends on the coordination of actions, emotions, physiology, and thoughts. This is what psychologists call interpersonal synchrony.

1. Why did the author mention the exam in paragraph 2?
A.To introduce an exam.B.To show their close relationship.
C.To serve a favorable example.D.To argue against the opinion.
2. Why does adolescent friendship differ from others?
A.Adult friends are attached at the hip.
B.Teenagers’ value stay the same.
C.The brain is inactive during teenage years.
D.Peer relationships play a key role in the life.
3. What can we know about Theory of Mind?
A.It becomes better developed in adolescence.
B.It refers to regions within the social brain.
C.Babies begin to develop it around 8 months.
D.It refers to the ability to understand our own emotions.
4. Which is the best title of the text?
A.Are friendships different?
B.Are friendships connected with your brain?
C.Do friendships matter?
D.How do adolescent friendships develop?
2023-07-09更新 | 192次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 较难 (0.4)

【推荐3】A study has shown that severe stress lasting weeks or months can damage cell communications in the brain’s memory areas. Recently, researchers from University of California, Irvine, have provided the first evidence that short-term stress lasting for a few hours has the same effect.

“Stress does exist in our lives and cannot be avoided,” said Dr. Baram, leader of the UC Irvine School. “Our findings can play an important role in the present development of medicine that might prevent these undesirable effects and offer understanding of why some people are forgetful or have difficulty keeping the memories.”

In their study, Baram and her UC Irvine colleagues identified a novel process in which stress caused these effects. They found that, severe stress activated(激活) Corticotropin Releasing Hormones(CRH), which prevented the brain from keeping memory.

Memory takes place at synapses, where there are connections through which brain cells communicate. These synapses lie on dendritic spines(神经元). In rat and mouse studies, Baram’s group saw that the release(释放) of CRH in the brain’s primary memory center led to the rapid breakup of these dendritic spines, which in turn limited the ability of synapses to collect and store memories.

In addition, the researchers reproduced the effects of stress on dendritic spines by keeping low levels of CRH, and watching how the spines ruptured over minutes. “Fortunately, once we removed the CRH, the spines seemed to grow back again, ” Baram said. “And this study can play a role in the creation of treatments to address stress-related memory loss.”

1. According to the text, short-term stress can lead to ________.
A.memory lossB.cell decrease
C.head damageD.thought disorder
2. The underlined word “ruptured” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.
A.came into beingB.built up
C.broke apartD.died away
3. What is the author’s purpose of writing the text?
A.To discuss the main stages of stress.
B.To show the primary cause of stress.
C.To introduce a new finding about stress.
D.To promote an effective treatment for stress.
2019-11-17更新 | 118次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般