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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:38 题号:10785805

Everyone judge the film through a different angle. If you a doctor, you may think:”That character would not have survived that fall.” If you’re a physicist : That’s not how black holes work.” And if you’re me, it’s more like: “What a dumb concept of future personal technology!”

It makes me crazy when sci-fi movie makers dream up stuff with no basis in science.Human teleporters(传送器)? Sorry, Star Trek. A bed that detects and cures cancer in seconds? No, Elysium.

On the other hand, some technologies in some movies are so practical that people invest them in the real world. Star Trek’s self opening doors are now a standard feature of grocery store entrances, and the driver less cars from Total Recall(and many other films )are already on American roads.

Lately it’s clear that Hollywood’s production designers have been putting serious thought into the tech we’ll someday crazy. Her , for example, is about a man who falls in love with his siri-like voice assistant. He talks to her through a single earbud(耳机),through which he gets a surprising amount done: processing e-mail, flipping through news stories, sending messages. When an image is essential to the communication, he flips open his phone, where the pictures appears.

The solution makes a lot of sense-----more than , for example, Google Glass, a now dis continued headband that place a miniature screen above your eyebrow. It’s not the technical ones but the social missteps(失策) that make the Glass’s plan fail. Glass’s camera frightened others and made you look like a monster.

You can see why people went nuts over the concept: imagine having all the power of a smart phone without actually needing a smart phone. We won’t see this in the real world, though. Even a projector, battery and processor could be squeezed into a thin band, there remains a lot of challenges. How would the projector attain sharp focus on an irregular , moving palm? How would it project on sunny day? How would it work on very light or very dark skin?

The robots in HBO’s westwood----so perfectly designed that we can’t tell the robots from humans----might be a little untrue. Yet the personal tech in that series makes a lot of sense: the characters carry cardboard-thin, trifold phones. When you need a quick check, you glance at it’s “cover”; when you need the bigger picture, you unfold it into a tablet.(平板)

Most of these shows, however, continue to get one thing wrong: obviously,in the future, our computers make little sounds as their text and images appear. Why do movie makers think that adding silly sound effects make their machines more realistic? In the real world, a room full of burbling screens makes us crazy.

Well, I suppose I should let that part go. They’re just movies, right? They’re not a description of the future----at least not yet.

1. Which of the following best describe the technologies in the movies?
A.They are too unrealistic to become true.
B.They are making a lot of sense .
C.They are not favoured by viewers.
D.They are appearing mostly in scientific movies.
2. What does the underlined word “went nuts over” in paragraph 6 most probably mean?
A.not interested in
B.be crazy about
C.be disappointed about
D.be worried about
3. What can we learn from the passage?
A.We will live in future where the film predict
B.The movies give a right description of our future.
C.The advanced technology contributes to the popularity of the films.
D.Some technology in films might be not welcome in the real world.
4. What can we infer from paragraph 7?
A.The design of the robots are the same with human.
B.The tech applied in the movie are far from reality.
C.The phones created in the movie can be real in our life one day.
D.The film is well-received for its advanced technology.
5. What can be a suitable title for the passage?
A.How well do movies predict our future?
B.The future of the science films。
C.The more technology, the better.
D.The imagination of future movies.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】After waking up, you may feel frustrated that you cannot recall the dreams you had last night. Artificial intelligence (AI) may be able to help.

Previously, there were AI models that could turn text into images. This time, researchers from Osaka University in Japan have trained an AI system called Stable Diffusion to re-create images based on people’s brain scans, reported Science magazine.

The researchers used an online data set provided by the University of Minnesota, US, which consisted of brain scans from four participants (参加者) as they each viewed a set of 10,000 photos. The scans were recorded by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

The AI then learned about the brain activities by analyzing changes in blood flow shown by the fMRI data-when a part of the brain is activated (激活), more blood will flow to it. It then matched the brain activities with the photos. Through this method, AI learned how human brains would react when seeing different photos.

Finally, the researchers tested the AI on additional brain scans from the same participants when they viewed photos of a toy bear, airplane, clock and train. If the person looked at an airplane, for example, the AI would use the brain scan data to create an image of a very blurry (模糊的) airplane. Then, it would turn on the previous “text-to-image” model and improve the quality of the image by feeding itself the keyword “airplane”. The final images were “convincing” with about 80 percent of accuracy (精确), according to the researchers.

The new study created a new approach that incorporates texts and images to “decipher (破译) the brain”, Ariel Goldstein from Princeton University, US, told Science magazine.

In the future, scientists hope that the technology can be used to record imagined thoughts and dreams or allow people to understand how differently other animals perceive reality.

1. How did the AI know about the activities of human brains?
A.By activating every part of human brains.
B.By recording participants’ dreams.
C.By viewing a great number of photos online.
D.By examining differences in participants’ blood flow.
2. How did the AI improve the accuracy of final images?
A.It analyzed the relationship between brain activities and photos.
B.It compared photos of a toy bear, airplane, clock and train.
C.It processed additional brain scan data using the “text-to-image” model.
D.It examined the brain activities of the four participants.
3. What is the last paragraph mainly about?
A.Further explanations of the research.
B.Potential risks of the new technology.
C.Expectations for the application of the technology.
D.Supporting evidence for the success of the research.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.AI knows brain scan data of participants
B.AI learns the reaction of human brains
C.AI changes text into images with the help of fMRI
D.AI uses brain scans to re-create images people see
2023-07-01更新 | 57次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】A wise driver keeps an eye on the fuel indicator (指示器), to make timely stops at filling stations. For drivers of electric cars, though, those stations are scarce. The facility needed for refilling batteries has yet to be developed, and the technology that facility will use is still not available at the moment. Most electric cars are equipped with plugs. But plugs and their connected cables and charging points bring problems. The cables are easy to trip passers-by. The charging points lead to more street jams. And the copper wire involved attracts thieves easily. Many engineers would, therefore, like to develop a second way of charging electric cars—one that is wireless and can thus be buried underground.

Electromagnetic induction (电磁感应), the fundamental principle behind wireless charging, was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1831, and is widely used in things such as electric motors and generators. Faraday observed that moving a conductor through a magnetic field generated a current in that conductor. Further investigations showed that this also works if the conductor is fixed and the magnetic field is moving. Since electric currents generate magnetic fields, and if the current changes so does the field, a changing current creates a field that is constantly moving. This means that running such a current through a conductor will generate a similar current in another, nearby, conductor. That generated current can then be used for whatever purpose an engineer chooses.

In the case of electric car charging, the first conductor is a length of copper wire. This is rolled up around a piece of ferrite (铁氧体) that strengthens the magnetic field generated. The whole device is packed in a flat case that can be easily buried underground. When a car equipped with a suitable “pickup” stops or parks above this device, and changing current is fed into it, a similar current is generated in the pickup. This is then turned into direct current, and is used to charge the car’s battery. The principle is thus pretty simple. But only in recent years has it become practical to use in electric cars.

1. What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.The charging facility is in urgent need currently.B.The wise drivers must observe the fuel indicator.
C.The disadvantages are various for vehicles to charge.D.The importance of wireless charging cannot be ignored.
2. What can we know from Paragraph 2?
A.No current will be generated without magnetic field fixed.
B.Electric induction is of great importance to wireless charging.
C.A changing current hardly creates a constantly moving field.
D.Wireless charging was put into use in all cars in recent years.
3. How does the device charge a car?
A.The current generated in the pickup charges the car.
B.The underground ferrite gives direct electricity to the car.
C.The rolled conductor produces electricity to charge the car.
D.The whole device conveys direct electricity through the wire.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.The Principle of Wireless CarsB.The Present Use of Wireless Charging
C.The Wireless Charging Is ApproachingD.The Generation of Current in Electronic Cars
2024-03-03更新 | 62次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】As heat waves continue to ravage the planet, air conditioners are becoming more and more common. However, these "active" cooling devices are posing problems because the electricity consumption which most people are concerned about and the release of ozone-damaging chemicals worsen the greenhouse gas effect, resulting in the creation of heat islands and further thermal pollution. Therefore, "passive" cooling, which doesn't have such effects, has attracted considerable attention from both scientists and ordinary people in recent years.

In a recent study, a team of researchers from China and US presented an eco-friendly, low-cost coating to keep buildings cooler while consuming zero electricity. Infrared radiation-based passive cooling has been investigated since 2014, but challenges, mainly the expensive and unsustainable design, have greatly limited their large-scale and widespread application. Besides, the imbalance in cooling ability of these coatings during the day and night tends to lead to great day-night temperature differences as more heat is lost than gained at night.

The solution therefore requires a "smart" mechanism that can both enhance daytime cooling and minimize nighttime heat loss. To do this, the researchers created a new smart coating comprised of conventional building materials, including titanium dioxide nanoparticles, fluorescent microparticles, and glass microspheres that were engineered to reflect most of the sun-light. Specifically, the titanium dioxide particles effectively reflect sunlight through light scattering(撒播)while the fluorescent particles increase the amount of reflection by changing the absorbed sunlight into fluorescence emissions, which drive more heat away from the building. Meanwhile, the glass microspheres re-send mid-infrared broadband radiation, allowing not only heat loss, but allowing heat exchange to take place between the building and the sky.

The coating was tested on a model concrete building. Through this efficient heat ex-change with the sky, daytime cooling was strengthened while nighttime cooling was reduced. The building's inside temperature was always maintained at around 26 ℃, even when the out-side temperature varied from 24 ℃ to 37 ℃ during the day. We believe this new coating will make it to commercialization soon, enabling a sustainable, passive cooling technology that could help to fight climate change and the global energy crisis.

1. What is the virtue of passive cooling?
A.It is simple to design.B.It is smart.
C.It uses no power.D.It uses no chemicals.
2. Why couldn't the former coating be applied commercially?
A.Its material was costly.
B.Its heat loss and cooling are imbalanced.
C.Its material was hard to produce.
D.It wasn't tested on a model concrete building.
3. Which of the following can replace the underlined word "mechanism" in paragraph 3?
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The principle of air-conditioning.
B.The differences between active and passive cooling.
C.A new coating to keep buildings cool without electricity.
D.A new building to maintain its inside temperature without electricity.
2021-12-08更新 | 32次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般