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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:90 题号:10838772

A school in North Carolina has banned skinny jeans and other excessively (过度地) tight-fitting trousers unless worn with a top or dress that must cover the bottom in its entirety. The school board introduced the ban because it says some girls were bullied (欺凌) when wearing tight-fitting trousers. Some parents think the ban is ridiculous and that more time should be spent on monitoring student behavior instead of banning clothing choices.

As a former teacher and a current parent of two girls, I have my opinion on the issue. Non-educators often seem to think “monitoring student behavior” is something as easy as putting on a pair of shoes, and that if teachers “just did their jobs better,” 99-100% of student discipline issues would never happen. The truth is that teachers can’t possibly monitor and control every single moment of a student’s life during the school day.

This is where my view as a parent of girls comes in. Girls of middle-high school age are dealing with their own bodily development, what TV and movies tell them a girl should dress and look like “to be pretty”, and what other girls at their age say they should look like and wear “to be pretty.” This means there isn’t a flawless outfit (套装) that some other girl won’t find “something wrong with” and then make fun of. Assuming we’re talking about girls in public schools, what they wear should be comfortable but also follow common sense. Wearing something that’s too tight probably isn’t that comfortable, but if it is, having some way to cover up certain areas accented (突出) by the tight clothing is a good idea.

Modern fashions might disagree, but psychology tells us tight clothes only cause a distraction.

School isn’t a fashion show. It’s a place of learning with some social interaction, and for those things to happen and also succeed, everyone needs to work together.

1. Why are some parents against the school ban?
A.It is not the proper time to introduce it.B.It will influence student behavior.
C.It is none of the school’s business.D.It will put girls at a disadvantage.
2. Which of the following about “monitoring student behavior” would the author agree with?
A.It is unfair to students.B.It’s a difficult job for teachers.
C.It can solve most student discipline issues.D.Teachers shouldn’t devote much time to it.
3. What does the underline word “flawless” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
4. What should be the principle of dressing for school girls in the author’s opinion?
5. What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.How to monitor students’ behavior?
B.How to prevent campus bullying?
C.Should parents require their children what to wear?
D.Should “skinny jeans” be banned in school?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Artificial Intelligence (AI) advice is as influential as human’s, but positive crowd views still overpower.

In a study, researchers found that machines that make recommendations—or AI experts—were as influential as human experts when the AI experts recommended which photo users should add to their online business profiles. However, both AI and human experts failed to budge them if their feedback was negative and went against popular views among other users, said S. Shyam Sundar, a professor of Media Effects.

Because people are increasingly using social media to look for feedback, studies suggest that expert opinions and the bandwagon(从众效应)effect may be important factors in influencing decisions, according to Jinping Wang, a doctoral candidate in mass communication and first author of the study. “Nowadays, we often turn to online platforms for opinions from other people—like our peers and experts—before making a decision,” said Wang. AI experts are often less expensive than human experts and they can also work 24 hours a day, which, Wang suggests, might make them appealing to online business.

The researchers also found that the AI’s group status—in this case, national origin was pointed out—did not seem to affect a person’s acceptance of its recommendation. Among human experts, however, an expert from a similar national origin who offered a negative opinion of a photograph tended to be more influential than a human expert from an unknown country who offered a similar negative rating of a photograph.

While findings that suggest group status may not affect whether a person values the view of AI experts sound like good news, Sundar suggests that the same cultural prejudice might still be at work in AI experts for they could be hidden in the programming and training data.

“It can be both good—and bad—because it all depends on what you feed the AI,” said Sundar. “While it is good to believe in AI’s ability to transcend(超越)cultural prejudice, we have to keep in mind that if you train the AI on pictures from one culture, they could give misleading recommendations on pictures meant for use in other cultural contexts.”

1. What do the underlined words “budge them” in Paragraph 2 mean?
A.Change users’ ideas.B.Satisfy users’ needs.
C.Raise users’ spirits.D.Fire users’ imagination.
2. Why do users often turn to AI experts?
A.Because AI experts are more knowledgeable.
B.Because AI experts are less influenced by feelings.
C.Because AI experts are always available and cost less.
D.Because AI experts are so new as to be more attractive.
3. Which expert’s negative assessments is a person more likely to believe?
A.An expert who has great achievements in arts.
B.An expert from countries with similar cultures.
C.An expert with better personality and attitude.
D.A foreign expert who is very popular worldwide.
4. What did Sundar mean by the last paragraph?
A.People should have a mind of their own.
B.People should be able to tell good from bad.
C.People should be trained how to use AI properly.
D.People should know AI’s hidden cultural prejudice.
2021-02-22更新 | 81次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】“Sushi tastes amazing. A great steak is just amazing.” Those are not the words you expect to hear from a leader of the vegetarian movement. But that’s how Graham Hill, founder of the sustainability website Tree Hugger, feels about the fleshier components of his diet. He is a self-described “weekday vegetarian,” a compromise that came about after years of trying—and failing—to adhere to (坚持) a strictly vegetarian diet.

For the past year, Hill has preached (宣传,鼓吹) the cause of partial vegetarianism to help fight global warming. According to the U. N., the livestock industry produces 18%of the world’s greenhouse gases. Part-time vegetarians choose what to eat and when. The popular Meatless Monday movement, which began in 2003, has been backed by many celebrities, including Paul McCartney, who has taken the lead in his own Meat Free Monday campaign. Last year the Belgian city of Ghent picked Thursday as its Veggie day, calling for meat-free options to be served that day in schools and public institutions.

The drive to avoid eating meat on certain days is not new. Catholics have long been urged to restrain themselves on Fridays. But environmentalists have only recently caught on. “The surge is due to a sense of a plateau (达到平衡) . You’ve already reached out to the base of strict vegetarians, and it’s hard to get beyond those numbers,” says Peter Singer, a Princeton philosophy professor. “People should go further, but it’s progressed in the right direction.”

Although the American Dietetic (ADA) Association doesn’t track the number of part-times, the group says roughly 2.5% of Americans are strictly vegetarian, a diet that poses no health risks as long as practitioners get enough protein from beans and other nonmeat sources. “A partial-vegetarian plan is a little more user-friendly,” says Dawn Jackson Blatner, a flexitarian (弹性素食者(偶尔吃荤)) and ADA spokesperson.

The goal for many activists is simply to get more people to eat less meat. “Absolute purists should be living in a cave,” says Ingrid Newkirk, president of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). “Anybody who witnesses the suffering of animals and has a glimmer of hope of reducing that suffering can’t take the position that it’s all or nothing. We have to be realistic. Screw the principle.”

1. The first quote of the passage intends to show that ________.
A.sushi and steak are both of Hill’s favorite foodB.the vegetarian movements are popular
C.Hill isn’t a qualified leader of the vegetarian movementD.it’s difficult to be a strict vegetarian
2. What is said about Graham Hill?
A.He doesn’t eat meat on weekends.B.He doesn’t want to be a strict vegetarian.
C.He is an environmentalist.D.He failed to lose weight.
3. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?
A.Part-time vegetarians account for nearly 2.5% of Americans.
B.A diet with all vegetables may have no bad effect on health.
C.Partial vegetarian is better than strict vegetarian in terms of nutrition.
D.Many celebrities are part-time vegetarians.
4. According to the Ingrid Newkirk, ________.
A.people should adhere to a strictly vegetarian diet.
B.everybody should act to fight global warming
C.partial vegetarian plan works more sensibly
D.people shouldn’t stop eating meat for it’s bad for health
2024-03-25更新 | 56次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Algorithms (计算程序) are able to do a huge number of tasks, and the number of tasks that they are able to do is expanding practically every day. According to a new study, despite increasing concern over the effect of algorithms in daily life, more and more people nowadays are willing to trust a computer program, especially if a task becomes too challenging. From choosing the next song on your playlist to choosing the right size of pants, people are relying more on the advice of algorithms to help make everyday decisions.

During the study, researchers asked volunteers to count the number of people of a crowd in a photograph and supplied suggestions that were offered by a group of other people and suggestions offered by an algorithm. As the number of people in the photograph expanded, counting became more difficult and people were more likely to follow the suggestions offered by an algorithm rather than count themselves or follow the “wisdom of the crowd”.

One of the common problems with AI is when it is used for awarding credit. While that is a subjective decision, there are lots of numbers there, like income and credit scores. Therefore, people feel like this is a good job for an algorithm. But we know that dependence leads to unfair and incomplete practices in many cases because of social factors that aren’t considered.

Facial recognition and hiring algorithms have come under inspection in recent years because their use has shown cultural prejudice in the way they were built, which can cause inaccuracies when matching faces to identities or screening for qualified job candidates. The prejudice may not be present in a simple task like counting, but their presence in other trusted algorithms is a reason why it is important to understand how people rely on algorithms when making decisions.

“The eventual goal is to look at groups of humans and computers making decisions and find how we can get them to trust each other and how that changes their behaviors,” one of the researchers said. “Because there is very little research in that setting, we’re starting with the fundamentals.”

1. What can we learn about the present people from paragraph 1?
A.They become more dependent on algorithms.
B.They show little concern about algorithms in life.
C.They are addicted to numbers of challenging tasks online.
D.They never rely on computers to make everyday decisions.
2. Which is the disadvantage of algorithms according to paragraph 3?
A.They cannot be used to award credit.
B.They can lead to one-sided decisions.
C.They can give away candidates’ identities.
D.They cannot be applied to difficult calculations.
3. Why does facial recognition get inspected?
A.It leads to cultural differences.
B.It may produce some false results.
C.It takes lots of money and manpower.
D.It rules out most qualified job candidates.
4. What message does the author mainly convey in the text?
A.It is really necessary to stay away from AI.
B.It is very easy to make choices with the help of AI.
C.People need to adapt to the development of computers.
D.People tend to trust computer programs more than themselves.
2022-01-31更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般