组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 时事热点 > 新型冠状病毒
题型:阅读理解-七选五 难度:0.65 引用次数:58 题号:11038646

Bike riding is a great way to maintain fitness and help the environment. Some love to cycle for the speed, some for the fitness, some for the friendship, some for environmental protection and others for the freedom of the open road.

To maintain social distance to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the two-wheel business, already gaining popularity in recent years, has once again witnessed a boom around the world.     1     And many other countries like the UK, Canada and Germany added new, wider bike lanes for people to cycle, according to the market research company NPD Group.

For many people, cycling has also become a symbol of freedom in the pandemic—an opportunity for physical as well as mental release .During lockdowns, people unable to go to their gyms look for other ways to exercise and families try to find ways to keep kids active.     2     “You’re moving faster, you’re going further, but you’re not moving so fast that you can’t notice the little things,” Ken McLeod, policy director at The League of American Bicyclists, told the Guardian.

    3     The environmental benefits are obvious. According to the SFGATE website, cycling cuts your fuel emissions completely and provides a cleaner form of transportation than cars, buses or other forms of public transportation.     4     Compared with drivers, cyclists tend to spend more money in stores, bars and restaurants, according to HuffPost. “When you make an area appealing for people on foot or on a bike—when you slow down the pace of life in that neighborhood just a little—suddenly visitors are lingering longer and stopping in more stores,” Rachel Quednau wrote for Strong Towns.

    5    .

A.And cycling gives people the chance to exercise and enjoy fresh air.
B.US adult leisure bike sales jumped 121 percent in March on a yearly basis.
C.The trend also brings other advantages.
D.It is spending $43 million on bike lanes and cycling facilities.
E.China is also leading the world in the number of bike-sharing schedules.
F.People have changed the world on two wheels.
G.Increased biking can boost local economy too.


阅读理解-阅读表达(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

Like many children across the United States, Emerson Weber, 11, is sheltering at home, which makes it hard to connect with people the way she'd like. So the fifth-grader decided to ramp up her letter writing.

Emerson, who already wrote an average of five to ten letters per week, decided to drop an extra note to her own mailman. "In return, she's gotten dozens of letters, a sign of how important human connection is during the pandemic," said her dad, who shared the story on the Internet.

In her note to mailman Doug Scott, Emerson wrote, "The reason why you are very important in my life is that I don't have a phone so how else am I supposed to stay in touch with my friends? You make it possible!" She put the letter in the mailbox and the next day received a package with two notes and stamps inside. One letter was from Scott and the other from his supervisor(主管)at the US Postal Service(USPS), who wanted to share how touched they were by her message.

Emerson's note eventually landed in the corporate newsletter(时事通讯)of the USPS. Then, the unexpected happened. Letters poured in from postal workers from across the country. "The power of connection is what we are delivering, as we bring medicines, letters and goods to people staying at home," USPS spokesman David Rupert said. Because we are hard at work, we are helping keep them safe and connected."

Now, Emerson is writing up to 25 letters each week to respond to her new postal pen pals. "I just think now we need to be thankful for them because we need them during this time," she said.

Emerson's dad admitted he was shocked by the response at first but believed there was a message in this. He explained, "At present, any sort of human contact has more meaning."

1. What does the underlined phrase "ramp up" in Para. I probably mean? (no more than I words)
2. Why did Emerson write to Doug Scott? (no more than 8 words)
3. What happened to Emerson after her note was published in the USPS' newsletter? (no more than 8 words)
4. What was Emerson's father's attitude to her action during the pandemic? (no more than 12words)
5. Do you think what Emerson did is meaningful? Please give your reason. (no more than 20words)
2022-01-13更新 | 218次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Here are some superheroes in the fight against COVID-19 (新冠肺炎). Let's come close to them and remember them.

Zhong Nanshan(1936.10-)

He is one of the famous medical scientists in the 21st century. Dr. Zhong Nanshan was the first to tell the public that the virus could be transmitted from person to person. He is a good doctor in the countrymen's eyes and respected by all Chinese people.

Li Lanjuan (1947.09-)

When COVID-19 broke out, she suggested that Wuhan should be locked down immediately to prevent the spread of the disease. She headed for Wuhan and took an active part in the battle. Now, she still receives patients every day.

Wang Yong (1985.12-)

As a delivery (快递) driver, he volunteered to support the medical staff in Wuhan during the epidemic (疫情). He tried his best to keep life going for the doctors and nurses. Time magazine has put on its cover, presenting the courage and hard work of common people.

Li Wenliang (1985.10-2020.02)

He is the first doctor to warn people how dangerous the virus could be at the end of last December, so people call him the "whistle-blower (吹哨人). Because of COVID-19, he lost his life on February 7 th, 2020. People across the country were sad to hear about his death.

1. Who is the oldest of the four people?
A.Wang Yong.B.Zhong Nanshan.C.Li Lanjuan.D.Li Wenliang.
2. How many of them are doctors in the passage?
3. When did Li Wenliang warn people the danger of the virus?
A.At the end of last December.
B.At the beginning of 2019.
C.On January 25th, 2020.
D.On February 7th, 2020.
4. What did Wang Yong do during the epidemic?
A.He drew a cover for Time Magazine.
B.He was busy with his own business.
C.He wrote an article to Time magazine.
D.He volunteered to support to the doctors and nurses to keep their life going.
2021-05-16更新 | 79次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约230词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Before COVID-19, self-care-caring for ourselves-may have not been a priority for many people. But now it is even more important than usual. There is no exact way to practice self-care. It includes many areas and may look different from person to person.     1    .

Slow down and feel in control

    2     It can also mean controlling parts of your life that you can control. This is important when the world around you feels out of control.


For some people, self-care might include doing things they have always wanted to do but never made time for. These things include baking, gardening, and learning a new language or some other new skills.

Mental health self-care

Another form of self-care is making time to meet with a mental health specialist, if needed. The Associated Press reports that online mental health services have increased during the pandemic.     4    , so doctors have suggestions for other ways to reduce stress during the pandemic. Meditating, writing about your feelings and problems, and organizing the physical space around you are all forms of self-care.

Be kind to yourself-the best type of self-care

Experts remind us that self-care during the pandemic could feel like riding a rollercoaster-up some days, down on others. It can help to have a routine-a usual way of doing things. But experts say we should keep the routine simple.     5    , it is also important not to be hard on yourself. Remember, be kind to yourself.

A.Never feel out of control
B.For some people, self-care may be simply slowing down
C.Here are some suggestions on what can be done
D.However, meeting with a mental health professional may not be possible for some people
E.Self-care includes both individual wellness and the wellness of the greater community
F.If you do not keep to your routine every day
G.Learn something new
2023-01-10更新 | 42次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般