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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:314 题号:11088017

One of the costs of being a lover of old trees is the all-too-frequent loss of a beautiful soul you've grown fond of.Last summer was harder than most for old trees and their human supporters.The spring's nonstop rains flooded soils and caused root systems of many large,old trees to rot in part.Then,when the summer came,trees could not tap deep sources of water that would normally have maintained(维持)them.Many valuable old trees died.

When I volunteered on the Mount Rainier Tree Commission,I heard from many people concerned about their trees.We had little to offer them.That's because public and private urban tree resources and programs were aimed almost entirely at planting trees and not at all maintaining trees.No state or province program that I could find provided any financial resources for maintaining tree health. Small and under resourced cities such as ours were on their own.

This is backward.Scientists are learning that large,old trees are the most valuable,especially in cities.They put on wood fastest and take the most carbon out of the air. They harbor the most wildlife.They can lower summer temperatures by 20 degrees or more.In a recent study,researchers found that Boston would get more benefit from keeping the trees it has alive than from planting new trees.There's reason to think this finding would apply in other cities,too.

Now,our public and private tree programs often ignore old trees until it is too late.As long as we abandon our old trees,planting more is merely to keep pace with growing losses. We want trees to help protect us,but we leave them unprotected.Consider this in the human world:Nobody would send a baby into the world and expect it to just make it. Children need caring for and it's why we have schools and child health-insurance programs.We could get so much more out of our trees if we just put   a little more into them.

1. What does the underlined part in paragraph1 suggest?
A.Strong determination to plant trees.
B.Real regret at growing old trees.
C.Great concern about tree problems.
D.Deep love for valuable old trees.
2. Why was the author almost powerless to help people worried about their trees?
A.The urban tree programs were faced with financial problems.
B.The author's knowledge of maintaining tree health was limited.
C.The focus of the tree resources and programs was on tree planting.
D.The organization the author volunteered on was short of tree experts.
3. The author argues in paragraph 3 by.
A.comparing different cases
B.presenting research findings
C.referring to scientists' sayings
D.carrying out some experiments
4. Why does the author give the example of nursing babies in the end?
A.To stress the importance of tree insurance programs.
B.To show the close connection between trees and babies.
C.To advocate protecting trees as humans care for babies.
D.To persuade human beings to pay more attention to babies.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Squirrels eavesdrop on (窃听) the chatter of songbirds to work out whether the appearance of a predator (食肉动物) is cause for alarm, researchers have found. Animals including squirrels have previously been found to tune in to cries of alarm from other creatures.

But the latest study suggests animals may also keep an ear out for everyday chitchat among other species as a way to assess whether there is trouble afoot.

Writing in the journal Plos One, researchers reported on how they made their discovery by observing 67 grey squirrels as they pottered about (晃悠) different areas in the residential regions of Oberlin.

After 30 seconds of observing a squirrel, researchers played it a recording of the call of a red-­tailed hawk, which lasted a couple of seconds — and their behaviour in the next 30 seconds was monitored. The squirrels were then played a three-minute recording of several different species of songbird chattering on a feeder.

The results revealed that in the 30 seconds after hearing the hawk call the squirrels increased the percentage of their time spent “vigilant” (警惕) compared with before the call, while they also looked up more often to scan the environment. Squirrels that were played bird chatter raised their heads less often during the recording and the number of these “look­ups” dropped off faster over time.

“Recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety is likely adaptive, as squirrels that can safely reduce their vigilance level in the presence of bird chatter probably are able to increase foraging (觅食) success,” the authors wrote.

The team suggested that with levels of human­made noise increasing, squirrels may find it harder to eavesdrop on birds, meaning they may have to spend more time being alert and less time foraging.

Dr. Jakob Bro­Jorgensen, co­author of the study from Oberlin College, said: “The study calls attention to how animals can gather information from their environment by using cues that may at first glance seem irrelevant,” he said. “And it makes you wonder how the more and more pervasive (无处不在的) impact of human activities on natural soundscapes may reduce survival of wildlife in ways we haven’t thought of.”

1. What does the new research find about squirrels’ eavesdropping?
A.It lacks scientific evidence.B.It is more widespread and broader.
C.It needs to be further investigated.D.It is contradictory to previous findings.
2. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?
A.The subject of the experiment.B.The findings of the experiment.
C.The process of the experiment.D.The purpose of the experiment.
3. Why is recognition of bird chatter as a sign of safety important for squirrels?
A.They can escape from potential risks.
B.It helps them to forage food successfully.
C.It is safe for them to play with their mates.
D.They can adapt to a new environment quickly.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about concerning the research?
A.It’s possible effects.B.Its appeal to the public.
C.Expectations for further study.D.Scientists with new awareness.
2024-04-27更新 | 78次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约260词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】How to Keep Pets Safe in a Disaster

Families with new pets may experience a number of unfamiliar situations, but figuring out what to do when facing extreme circumstances like natural disasters can be a particular challenge.     1     . The better you can prepare, the more readily you can keep you and your pets safe. Below is some advice for keeping your pets safe in a disaster.

Create a disaster plan

Preparing before a natural disaster is key to keeping everyone in your family, including your pets, safe. Stock your home with supplies needed to shelter in place in the event of an emergency, and figure out where you’ll go if you have to escape from your home.     2    .

Microchip (植入微型芯片) your pets

Have your pets microchipped and ensure your contact information is filed correctly in case your pets get lost. Pet microchips are radio-frequency identification implants (植入物).     3     . If someone finds your pet without a collar, they can have the identification checked.

Develop crate (A -f) acceptance

    4    . You can make this experience more tolerable by investing in a quality crate and getting your animal used to it in everyday life. You can start by taking your pets on short car rides in their crates - with treats, walks in the park and favorite activities before and after the journey.


Even the disaster has ended, it’s important not to let your pets run freely. They may be frightened by the visual of the aftermath. When an all-clear signal is given, ensure your pets are tied or crated before you venture out so they don’t potentially hurt themselves or become lost.

A.Always bring pets with you.
B.Be careful after the all-clear
C.Bring pets inside at the first sign of danger
D.Remember to choose a pet-friendly destination
E.They aren’t tracking devices but contain unique ID numbers
F.Pets may become anxious while experiencing a natural disaster
G.In an emergency, your pet may need to spend a long time in a crate for safety
2023-12-19更新 | 43次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How do the world’s only flying mammals(哺乳动物) communicate? Researchers have observed young bats adopting new “dialects” simply by hearing them repeatedly, making them one of the few animals known to be capable of voice learning. “These bats may help us clarify the development of speech learning skills,” says Yosef Prat, a PhD at Tel AvivUniversity.

For one year, researchers raised 14 Egyptian fruit baby bats with their mothers in controlled area, surrounding each young bat with two different voices: the natural call of its mother and a distinct recording that varied in loudness or tone. They found that the baby bats in each group developed a dialect like the recording. “The general assumption in this field is that most animals develop their born voices in despite of what they hear, and that human voice learning abilities have developed as time goes by,” says Mr. Prat. “The finding that bats learn the common dialect in their rest place was unusual. ”

Scientists know little about the origin of spoken language, which is believed to have appeared in humans within the past 500,000 years. A diversity of theories attempts to give a detailed clarification of this skill, but none have done so conclusively.

“Studying voice communication and voice learning in animal models is a very useful way to approach the problem,” says Olga Feher, an assistant professor at the University of Warwick in England.

But animal voice s and human speech are very different things, says Jamin Pelkey, a professor at Ryerson University. “All species communicate. Unlike other animals, though, human beings are able to use sound patterns for functions that are far stranger—functions that are imaginative, theoretical, and critical. When speech is involved in these stranger functions, that is what we mean by spoken ‘language’. ‘‘

1. How do young bats pick up their “language” according to the research?
A.By hearing it constantly.B.By interacting with partners.
C.By learning from researchers.D.By repeating it with their mothers.
2. Why does Mr. Prat think the findings unusual?
A.It is distinct from the general assumption.
B.It helps people understand human voice leaning.
C.It proves animals only develop their inborn voices.
D.It makes the previous assumption more convincing.
3. What does the underlined word “problem” in Paragraph 4 refer to?
A.Illustrating the origin of animal voices.
B.Giving a full account of spoken language.
C.Helping animals develop their born voices.
D.Telling the differences between animal voices and human speech.
4. What does professor Pelkey think of researching young bats?
A.It is not so relevant to understanding human speech.
B.It promotes people to use imaginative sound patterns.
C.It is essential for analyzing animal voice learning skills.
D.It helps people explore more functions of spoken language.
2023-11-29更新 | 44次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般