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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:68 题号:11122307

For centuries,dolphins have got our admiration,and it is easy to see why.They are beautiful,cute and smart sea animals.Dolphins are not fish,but warm-blooded animals.They live in groups,and speak to each other in their own language.In this way,they are like other animals,such as bees and birds.But dolphins are very different from almost all land animals.It is said that dolphins are the world’s second smartest creatures after humans and have many brain features(特征)related to intelligence.Their brain is nearly the same size as our own,and they live a long time-at least twenty or thirty years.

Like some animals,dolphins use sound to help them find their way around.They also make these sounds to talk to each other and to help them find food.We now know they do not use their ears to receive these sounds,but the lower part of the mouth,called the jaw.

Strangely,dolphins seem to like man,and for thousands of years there have been stories about the dolphin and its friendship with people.

There is a story about sailors in the 19th century.In a dangerous part of the sea off the coast of New Zealand,they learnt to look for a dolphin called Jack.From 1871 to 1903,Jack met every boat in the area and showed it the way.Then in 1903 a passenger on a boat called The Penguin shot and wounded Jack.He recovered and for nine years more continued to guide all ships through the area-except for The Penguin.

Today,somepeople continue to kill dolphins,but many countries of the world now protect them and in these places it is against the law to kill them.

1. Dolphins are different from many other animals because they_____.
A.live in groupsB.have their own language
C.are warm-bloodedD.have large brains
2. Which of the following does the dolphin use to help it find its way around?
A.Its nose.B.Its ears.
C.Its jaw.D.Its eyes.
3. Why did the sailors off the coast of New Zealand look for Jack?
A.They wanted to kill Jack.
B.They wanted Jack’s help.
C.They wanted to take care of wounded Jack.
D.They enjoyed playing with Jack.
4. By telling the story of Jack,the writer wanted to show that_____.
A.dolphins are friendly and clever
B.people are cruel to animals
C.Jack is different from other dolphins
D.dolphins are being protected by all the countries


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】If you have a chance to take a walk in a park, look carefully at the people walking their dogs. You’ll probably find friendly-looking people with friendly dogs; quiet people with quiet dogs; large men with oversized dogs and long-haired women with long-eared dogs. As you’ve probably noticed, dogs and their owners look alike. Have you ever wondered why?

These similarities are so common that researchers have tried to explain them. There are two theories (理论): the convergence (趋同) theory and the selection theory. The convergence theory says that as the owner and the dog spend more time together, they influence each other to the point where they grow similar. In other words, they “converge.”The selection theory, on the other hand, says that owners are interested in dogs that look like them, so they choose those dogs as pets.

Recently, researchers at the University of California decided to test the two theories by taking pictures of 45 dogs separately from their owners. Then they asked some students to match the dogs’ photos with their owners. The students were quite successful with purebred (纯种的) dogs: they correctly matched 16 out of 25 with their owners. However, they had almost no success connecting mixed-breed (杂交的) dogs with their owners. When owners select a purebred dog, they can easily predict (预测) what it will look like later. But that is not true with mixed-breed dogs because it’s hard to predict what a mixed-breed dog will look like when it grows up. And since it was the purebreds not the mixed-breeds that looked like their owners, the research seems to prove the“selection theory”.

But one bit of warning. Although many people look like their dogs, not all dog owners enjoy having the similarity pointed out to them. So, even if the similarity is amazing, don’t go up to a stranger and say,“Wow, you look just like your dog!”

1. The convergence theory explains that the similarity between dogs and their owners _____.
A.decreases with the age of them
B.decreases with increasing differences
C.increases with the period of ownership (所有权, 拥有权)
D.increases with increasing attractiveness
2. According to the selection theory, why do dogs look like their owners?
A.They influence each other.
B.They often do the same thing.
C.Dogs follow what their owners do.
D.Owners pick dogs that look like them.
3. What’s the purpose of the research?
A.To test two similarity theories.
B.To prove the selection theory.
C.To help people choose proper dogs.
D.To show the differences between dogs.
4. What can we learn from the research?
A.Purebred dogs have predictable appearance.
B.Most owners want their dogs to look like them.
C.Mixed-breeds and their owners share similarities.
D.Most owners prefer purebred dogs to mixed-breeds.
2019-02-21更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some Asian children are becoming increasingly fat, a new report says. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the World Health Organization (WHO) joint report was released on Monday. The two agencies call for better regulation of junk food and a limit on sugary drinks for children. They also call for action against malnutrition (营养不良), because a lack of food has prevented children who live in poverty growing normally and healthily-or rather, hurts their development.

Dorothy Foote is a UNICEF regional nutritional specialist. She says the lack of food affects children’s height and development inside their bodies. But at the same time, the area is facing high levels of overweight children.

The main reason for the food problems, the report says, is that there is more junk food available, which does not provide nutrition. Another problem is drinks with high sugar or high trans-fat, but low nutritional value. Lack of physical activity is also part of the problem, the report adds.

Foote says this is seen in nutrition across the area. She says people lack knowledge about what is needed and normal for healthy children’s development.

The economic growth in the area has brought unhealthy products to rural areas. Poor and middle-class families buy them and do not make the right choices to use healthier foods instead. Poor feeding practices, especially for children younger than two, mean ongoing high levels of malnutrition.

The report says governments need to regulate the marketing of junk food and sugary drinks to children. It also calls for better feeding practices for infants and young children, and treatment for severely malnourished children. And it says the countries should work to reduce poverty and make sure that children stay in school.

1. What does the report focus on?
A.The economic growth in Asia.
B.Asian countries’ development.
C.The education in Asian rural areas.
D.Some Asian children’s health problems.
2. What does the underlined word “them” in paragraph5 refer to?
A.The right choices.B.The high levels.
C.The unhealthy products.D.The healthier foods.
3. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The children’s situations.B.The report’s suggestions.
C.The governments’ efforts.D.The problem’s causes.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.The reasons for children’s being hungry
B.How to stop children from being overweight?
C.Why children in Asia become overweight?
D.Asian children face malnutrition or fatness
2022-11-20更新 | 250次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Some people sit outside for hours without getting bitten by mosquitoes, but it always seems like you’re being eaten alive within minutes of stepping outdoors.

If this is you, you’re not alone. According to Smithsonian Magazine, around 20 percent of people in the world are especially tasty to mosquitoes. What about these people makes mosquitoes’ mouths water?

A popular myth claims that mosquitoes prefer certain blood types, but the fact is that they simply can’t tell what your blood type is from a faraway place. Jonathon Day, a professor of medical entomology (昆虫学) at the University of Florida in the US, told NBC it’s not complicated. “The two most important reasons a mosquito is attracted to you have to do with sight and smell.”

Mosquitoes are especially active in the late afternoon. While flying along, they use their sense of smell to find possible targets. They find victims (攻击对象) by smelling the carbon dioxide (CO2) breathed out by humans and animals. That’s why you commonly find them in crowded streets and parks.

Joop van Loon, an entomologist at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, told Live Science, “Mosquitoes start orienting (使......朝向) themselves to carbon dioxide and keep flying upwind as they sense higher concentrations (浓度).”

As a result, people who simply exhale (呼出) more of the gas over time – generally, larger people – have been shown to attract more mosquitoes than others. “This is why kids don’t get bitten as much ... as adults,” US professor Ted Rosen told Science Alert.

This love for CO2 can also put pregnant women at increased risk for mosquito bites, as they tend to exhale 21 percent more CO2 than people of the same age and size who aren’t pregnant.

In addition to carbon dioxide, the color of the clothes you wear also plays a role in attracting mosquitoes.

According to Live Science, mosquitoes can lock onto targets from up to 50 meters away. At this distance, what we wear has a huge effect. Due to their vision (视觉), people wearing dark colors are more likely to become targets.

Being bitten by mosquitoes is annoying, but don’t worry. Some simple tips can help ward them off. Scientists recommend that we use insect repellent (驱虫剂) and wear light-colored clothing.

1. How do mosquitoes locate their targets, according to the article?
A.By seeking out bright clothes.
B.By identifying different blood types.
C.By sensing an increase of carbon dioxide.
D.By following bigger crowds.
2. Why are pregnant women more likely to be bitten by mosquitoes?
A.Their larger size helps mosquitoes to see them.
B.They breathe out more CO2.
C.They are more likely to sweat.
D.Their body temperatures are higher.
3. How does the article advise you to avoid mosquitoes?
A.Exercise regularly.
B.Wear light-colored clothing.
C.Keep your skin dry and clean.
D.Stay indoors in the evening.
4. What’s the article mainly about?
A.A new finding about mosquitoes.
B.How people can avoid mosquito bites.
C.A popular myth about mosquitoes.
D.Why some people are more attractive to mosquitoes than others.
2020-03-12更新 | 62次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般