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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:151 题号:11146975

It’s a popular belief that a fish’s memory lasts for only seven seconds. It may seem sad to think that they don’t remember what they’ve eaten or where they’ve been, and they don’t identify you or any of their friends -- every moment in their life would be like seeing the world for the first time.

But don’t be so quick to feel sorry for them. A new study has found that fish have a much better memory than we used to think. In fact, certain kinds of fish can even remember events from as long as 12 days ago. In the study, researchers from Mac Ewan University in Canada trained a kind of fish called African cichlids to go to a certain area of their tank to get food. They then waited for 12 days before putting them back in the tank again. Researchers used computer software to monitor the fish’s movements. They found that after such a long break the fish still went to the same place where they first got food. This suggested that they could remember their past experiences.

In fact, scientists had been thinking for a long time that African cichlids might have a good memory. An earlier study showed that they behaved aggressively (挑衅地)in front of certain fish, perhaps because they remembered their past “fights”. But until the latest findings, there was no clear evidence.

Just as a good memory can make our lives easier, it also plays an important part when a fish is trying to survive in the wild. “If fish are able to remember that a certain area contains safe food, they will be able to go back to that area without putting their lives at risks,” lead researcher Trevor Hamilton told Live Science.

For a long time, fish were placed far below chimpanzees, dolphins and mice on the list of smart animals. But this study has given scientists a new understanding of their intelligence.

1. According to the article, people commonly believe that _______.
A.fish can only remember part of their past experiences
B.fish can remember things that happened long time ago
C.a fish’s memory lasts for only seven minutes
D.fish don’t recognize any of their friends
2. What's the biggest advantage fish can get from a good memory?
A.They remember where to get food and survive
B.They can avoid their enemies and fight
C.They can easily find safe places
D.They can recognize their helpful mates
3. Which of the following is TRUE about African cichlids?
A.African cichlids tend to treat other fish aggressively.
B.African cichlids may remember things for 12 days.
C.African cichlids don’t belong to the list of smart animals.
D.African cichlids usually go to a certain area for food.
4. What is the article mainly about?
A.Fish having very bad memories.B.Fish being smarter than we thought.
C.How fish improve their memory.D.What we can learn from fish.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Polar bears in Canada’s Hudson Bay risk starvation as climate change lengthens periods without Arctic Sea ice, despite the creatures’ willingness to expand their diets.

Polar bears use the ice that stretches across the ocean surface in the Arctic during colder months to help them access their main source of prey—fatty seals. In the warmer months when the sea ice recedes (消退), they would be expected to conserve their energy and even enter a hibernation-like (类似冬眠) state.

But human-caused climate change is extending this ice-free period in parts of the Arctic, which is warming between two and four times faster than the rest of the world, and forcing the polar bears to spend more and more time on land.

New research looking at 20 polar bears in Hudson Bay suggests that without sea ice they still try to find food. “Polar bears are creative and clever, and they will search the landscape for ways to try to survive and find food resources to compensate (补偿) their energy demands if they’re motivated,” said Anthony Pango, a research wildlife biologist with the US Geological Survey and lead author of the study.

The researchers found that of the group, two bears indeed rested and reduced their total energy consumption to levels similar to hibernation, but the 18 others stayed active. The study said these active bears may have been pushed to continue to look for food, with individual animals documented eating a variety of foods including grasses, a gull, a rodent and a seal carcass. Some bears even swam long distances to find food.

But ultimately the researchers found that these foods didn’t give them as much energy as their usual prey. So, 19 out of 20 polar bears lost weight when there was no ice, which made them more likely to starve. That means that the longer polar bears spend on land, the higher their risk for starvation.

“As ice goes, the polar bears go, and there is no other solution other than stopping ice loss. That is the only solution,” Pango said.

1. What directly causes the polar bears to risk starvation?
A.Melting sea ice.B.The loss of land.
C.Human activities.D.Their increasing population.
2. What can we learn from the new research?
A.Polar bears are willing to stay on land longer.
B.Polar bears can store enough energy more easily.
C.Polar bears prefer to starve rather than search for food.
D.Polar bears are struggling to find alternative food sources.
3. What can be inferred from Pango’s words?
A.Human actions are to blame.
B.Reducing ice loss is an urgency.
C.Relocating polar bears is more practical.
D.Animals relying on sea ice will be extinct.
4. Where can we probably read this text?
A.In a science journal.B.In a travel website.
C.In a cooking blog.D.In a fashion magazine.
2024-05-13更新 | 13次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)
真题 名校
【推荐2】How can a creature weighing over 5 tons and normally taking 150 kilograms of food and 120 liters of water per day survive in a desert environment?
In the southwest African country of Namibia, and the Sahara lands of Mali further north, the desert elephant does just that.
Although not regarded as a separate species from the African elephant, the desert cousin differs in many ways. Their bodies are smaller, to absorb less heat, and their feet are larger for easier walking across sandy surfaces. They are taller, to reach higher branches. They have shorter tusks (象牙), and most importantly, longer trunks to dig for water in riverbeds.
Desert elephants can travel over 70 kilometers in search for feeding grounds and waterholes, and have a larger group of families. They drink only every 3-4 days, and can store water in a “bag” at the back of their throat, which is only used when badly needed. Desert elephants are careful feeders---they seldom root up trees and break fewer branches, and thus maintain what little food sources are available. Young elephants may even eat the dung (粪便) of the female leader of a group when facing food shortage. During drought they are unlikely to give birth to their young but with good rains the birthrate will increase greatly. Desert elephants have sand baths, sometimes adding their own urine (尿液) to make them muddy!
As we continue to overheat our weak planet, it can only be hoped that other animal species will adapt as extraordinarily well to change as the desert elephant.
1. The underlined part in Paragraph 2 means “_____”.
A.remains in the African countries
B.drinks 120 liters of water a day
C.manages to live in desert areas
D.eats 150 kilograms of food daily
2. Desert elephants are called careful feeders because they _____.
A.rarely ruin trees
B.drink only every 3-4 days
C.search for food in large groups
D.protect food sources for their young
3. The author answers the question raised in the first paragraph with _____.
A.stories and explanation
B.facts and descriptions
C.examples and conclusion
D.evidence and argument
4. What can be inferred from the last sentence in the passage?
A.Overheating the earth can be stopped.
B.Not all animal species are so adaptable.
C.The planet will become hotter and hotter.
D.Not all animals are as smart as desert elephants.
2016-11-26更新 | 965次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A Chinese pet-cloning company has announced the birth of the world’s first cloned Arctic wolf, which was carried to term by an unlikely surrogate (替代的) mother — a beagle. 100 days after birth, the cloned female wolf pup, named Maya, and her beagle mother were unveiled to the world in a brief video at a press conference held Sep.19 by the Sinogene Biotechnology Company in Beijing.

Normally, Sinogene specializes in cloning dead pets, such as cats, dogs and horses, for private clients. But the company now wants to use its expertise to help clone endangered species for conservation purposes. “It’s a breakthrough in the protection and breeding of wild and endangered animals,” said Mi Jidong, general manager of Sinogene.

Maya was cloned using DNA collected from a fully grown Arctic wolf, also named Maya, which died in captivity at Harbin Polarland, a wildlife park in northeast China. The original Maya, who was born in Canada before being shipped to China in 2006, died due to old age in early 2021.

The cloning of Maya was successfully completed “after two years of painstaking efforts,” Mi Jidong said at the company’s press conference. Sinogene researchers originally created 137 Arctic wolf embryos (胚胎) by joining skin cells from the original Maya with immature egg cells from dogs, using a process known as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). Of those embryos, 85 were successfully transplanted into seven beagle surrogates. From those transplanted embryos, just one fully developed during pregnancy.

The researchers used beagle surrogates because there were not enough female wolves in the park for the scientists’ experiments. Luckily, dogs share enough DNA with wolves for the hybrid pregnancy to gestate (怀孕) successfully.

Maya now lives with her surrogate mother at a Sinogene lab in Xuzhou, eastern China, but the wolf pup will eventually be transferred to Harbin Polar land to live with other Arctic wolves.

1. What do we know about Sinogene?
A.It specializes in public services.
B.It has achieved advances in cloning.
C.It’s the first cloning company in China.
D.It’s a foreign company based in Beijing.
2. How did Sinogene successfully develop the embryo?
A.By adopting a new method called SCNT.
B.By isolating DNA from dogs’ immature egg cells.
C.By combining a wolf embryo with a beagle embryo.
D.By inserting a wolf’s skin cells into eggs from dogs.
3. Why were beagles used in the experiment?
A.Because their embryos guaranteed pregnancy.
B.Because Arctic wolves had long lived with them.
C.Because beagles’ DNA is identical to that of Arctic wolves.
D.Because Arctic female wolves used for research were limited.
4. What’s the purpose of the text?
A.To explain a study method of cloning.
B.To share a recent scientific achievement.
C.To call for the protection of engendered species.
D.To introduce a pioneering Chinese cloning company.
2022-12-15更新 | 130次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般