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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:70 题号:11833231

You’ve probably heard of rain forests, but do you know what a cloud forest is? Cloud forests are evergreen forests that are often covered in clouds or mist and are located on mountains. Cool temperatures on mountain slopes create clouds that cover the trees. There are cloud forests on most continents. Central and South America have them, as do Asia and Africa. You can also find cloud forests in Hawaii and on Caribbean islands.

Cloud forests have different names, depending on where they are found. Cloud forests are also known as fog forests or mossy forests. In Peru and Bolivia, cloud forests are part of a larger ecosystem called yungas, which means “warm lands.”

Many scientists consider cloud forests to be a special type of rainforest. Cloud forests are not as warm tropical rain forests because they are found at higher elevations (海拔) that have colder air. But these cloud forests and tropical rain forests both have many different plants and animals living within their ecosystems.

Like tropical rain forests, cloud forest trees drip (滴下) with moisture, but it does not often rain in a cloud forest. Instead, the fog collects as dew on leaves, vines, and branches. This dew provides the water that the plants need. Green moss, ferns, and exotic, colorful orchid flowers hang down from the canopy. Other plants and bushes crowd between the trees, and hundreds of insects crawl (爬行) and fly amid the vegetation. Cloud forests are as diverse and interesting as rain forests or temperate forests.

Cloud forests have animals that aren't found anywhere else, such as mountain gorillas and a strange woolly mammal called the mountain tapir. The colorful Quetzalcoatl bird is also found there, and golden toads hop among the bushes. Lately, scientists discovered a new cloud forest animal, a black and brown rodent that looks like a cross between a squirrel and a rat. Cloud forests probably contain hundreds of other rare and fascinating plants and animals that people have never seen before.

1. The passage is mostly about         .
A.the animals of the cloud forestB.what the cloud forest is like
C.where cloud forests are foundD.how scientists study the cloud forest
2. Clouds form in the cloud forest because          .
A.temperatures are coolB.there are so many trees
C.the forests are so lowD.it is so moist there
3. The passage includes details about          .
A.why scientists study cloud forestsB.the kinds of trees in cloud forests
C.the animals and plants of cloud forestsD.why cloud forests are endangered
4. How are cloud forests and tropical rain forests different?
A.Cloud forests have more plants.
B.Cloud forests are wetter.
C.Cloud forests are studied by scientists.
D.Cloud forests are found on mountain slopes.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】One of the most dangerous insects you need to watch out for during summer is mosquitoes. But no matter how you try to avoid them, some people naturally attract mosquitoes more than others.

One of the most important facts to remember is that mosquitoes track people down by smell and body odour(气味), according to Bart Knols, PhD, a biologist devoted to the study of mosquitoes. The carbon dioxide people breathe out, along with chemicals from the skin, creates an “odour plume” that mosquitoes can detect from up to almost 100 feet away. “Each person gives off more than 300 chemicals from the skin, more than 100 in breathing out,” Knols says.

The specific mixtures on the skin that mosquitoes respond to vary by species. The yellow fever mosquito and Asian tiger mosquito, for example, respond well to lactic acid from skin. African malaria mosquitoes respond to a mix of fatty acids, according to Knols. Your individual mixtures and smells determine how much of a mosquito attraction you are, depending on the mosquito species. The mix of chemicals you produce are only partly in your control. These chemicals depend on your genetic make-up, health condition, diet, skin pH, and so on. “Bacteria(细菌)on the skin break down the mixtures that we give off through our pores(毛孔), and these are the attractive smells,” Knols says. “So it is not actually we that attract mosquitoes, but the bacteria on our skin.”

Although this is a complex and partly understood phenomenon, Knols says that we do all have a unique smell. There are many folk stories about why some people are more or less attractive to mosquitoes. Some people falsely think the blood type is the cause, and others believe taking vitamin B or eating garlic makes people less attractive to mosquitoes—but Knols notes there’s no scientific data backing these claims.

1. What do we learn from the second paragraph?
A.Mosquitoes can detect people with smell.B.Nobody can avoid mosquitoes anyway.
C.A person breathes out over 300 chemicals.D.People naturally attract mosquitoes.
2. Why does the author take several kinds of mosquitoes for example?
A.To persuade readers to protect the environment.
B.To warn people against touching mosquitoes.
C.To show different mosquitoes react to mixtures.
D.To make people look out for poisonous mosquitoes.
3. What draws mosquitoes according to Bart Knols?
A.Chemicals in the mouth.B.Mixtures people give off.
C.Smells from the pores.D.Bacteria on the skin.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.The Scientific Reason You Are a Mosquito Attraction
B.Folk Stories about How Mosquitoes Attack People
C.Attitudes toward Mosquitoes Different People Have
D.Ways to Make People More and More Attractive
2020-08-10更新 | 154次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】More and more people have been reported to be attacked by sharks in Hawaii specifically in Maui. Researchers from the Land and Natural Resources Department of Hawaii conducted a study to find out the reason behind the alarming increase of these incidents and came up with various explanations.

In order to keep track and record the data on the behavior and activities of sharks living around Oahu and Maui islands and open seas, some tiger sharks were tagged and monitored. Tech Times reported that Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology(HIMB) headed by Charles Meyer found a trend on the locations where sharks prefer to stay. They found that these sharks preferred waters rich in coral reefs filled with foods for them.

Another contributing factor to higher visibility of sharks on waters usually visited by human is the global warming. Since temperature on the sea floor increased faster than the previous years, sharks tend to find and stay on places where human also find comfortable.

Humans may also be to blame for the rise in shark attack incident increase, as people tend to stay longer in the ocean nowadays. Man also engages in a lot of activities in the ocean, such as swimming, spear fishing, surfing and kayaking.

Avoiding swimming in waters and near dead animals is the simplest significant ways on how man can protect himself from the sharks. Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology advised ocean lovers not to think of fear when thinking about sharks but instead think of ways on how to protect themselves. Swimming in the ocean is swimming in a wilderness environment. Sharks are part of this environment. We have to accept that they’re there and take measures to avoid encounters, which are going to occur from time to time.

1. why did the researchers conduct a study?
A.To report people were attacked by sharks.
B.To give people serious information.
C.To warn people not to get close to sharks.
D.To provide the public reasonable explanations.
2. what did Charles Meyer find about tiger sharks?
A.These sharks live on Oahu and Maui island.
B.It is not easy to tag and monitor tiger sharks.
C.These sharks love to stay where coral reefs are rich.
D.There are so many locations for the tiger sharks.
3. which is the reason for sharks attacking humans?
A.Climate change has a great impact on them .
B.Sharks can hardly find food in deepwater.
C.Humans have damaged their usual habitat.
D.Sharks are annoyed with the swimmers.
4. Where can we probably read the passage?
A.In a travel magazine.
B.In a story book.
C.In a newspaper.
D.In a research report.
2018-03-02更新 | 124次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Wild African elephants may break sleep records for mammals (哺乳动物). New data show that they seem to survive on about two hours of shut-eye a night. Much of that sleeping took place while they were standing up. The animals lie down to sleep only once every three to four nights.

Trying to figure out how much wild elephants sleep just by watching them 24 hours a day is tricky, especially in the dark. Much of what scientists had known about sleeping elephants came from animals living in zoos, notes Paul Manger, who is a brain researcher at the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa. In zoos, elephants have been recorded sleeping from about three hours to nearly seven during a 24-hour period. Using electronic monitors on African elephants in the wild, however, has turned up more extreme behavior.

Manger’s team implanted (植入) activity monitors in the trunks (象鼻) of two elephants. Both were female leaders of their herds in the Chobe National Park. Trunks, like human hands, are important for exploring the world. Elephants hardly keep them still — unless sleeping. The researchers thought that a trunk monitor that didn’t move for at least five minutes likely meant its host was asleep.

The monitors tracked the animals over about a month. During that time, the elephants averaged just two hours of sleep a day. What’s more, the elephants were able to skip a night’s sleep without needing extra rest the next day. Those trunk implants showed there were times when the elephants went up to 46 hours without any sleep.

There has been some thought that animals need sleep to store memories properly. But that can’t explain animals, like the elephants, which skip sleep for a night without needing catch-up rest later. “Elephants are usually not considered to be forgetful animals,” Manger observes. In fact, he notes, studies have found that they can have long memories.

1. How did the African elephants typically sleep according to the new study?
A.They stood up.B.They walked around.
C.They grouped.D.They kept eyes open.
2. Why did Manger’s team implant the trunk monitors?
A.To test a new tracker.B.To help elephants fall asleep.
C.To train wild animals.D.To study elephants’ sleep.
3. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.People always think elephants are forgetful animals.
B.A good night’s sleep benefits all the wildlife’s brains.
C.Little sleep doesn’t affect the memory of elephants.
D.Scientists can’t understand why sleep makes sense.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.Tips on watching wildlife.B.Wild elephants’ sleep habit.
C.Efforts to protect wild elephants.D.National nature reserves in Africa.
2024-06-03更新 | 20次组卷
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