组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:50 题号:12159643

Brent is a full-time designer who has been working for a company since 2002. He has come up with a way to inspire his son during his lunchtime break at school. The devoted dad does a special thing — drawing different cartoon characters alongside some words of wisdom for John each day.

Brent, who runs a blog called Designer Daddy, packs his son’s lunchbox a note every day, along with his sandwiches and snacks. His artistic behavior has quickly garnered thousands of people, which makes Brent very popular in his hometown.

Brent’s creations require nothing more than cartoon characters and inspiring messages. The characters come from various cartoons and movies, all of whom Brent has relied on to help deliver his meaningful messages. “My son started preschool last year. For the first day of school, I drew a soldier on a note and wrote ‘Be brave like him, John’. And then, I kept putting in notes for the first week. He really liked it. So I just kept doing it after that. It gives him comfort and happiness as well as me, which makes me know I’m with him in a way. We watch a lot of cartoons and movies together. There are so many different ways to introduce kids to characters, but my rules are that I never use one that he isn’t familiar with,” Brent said.

Besides, Brent also tries to keep up-to-date with new characters and does his own research to ensure he will know when it comes to popular culture and what characters his son might like to see. Brent had intended to stick with superheroes. However, as John was also attracted by other cartoons, he decided to broaden his idea and began to include Star Wars figures and Disney characters into the mix.

According to Brent, each drawing takes about half an hour to complete. Brent likes to keep the drawings topical (热门的) and often marks milestones including birthdays and holidays, with special artistic creations. He will also adjust the characters depending on the time of year. Brent says John loves to receive the notes, and the boy often shares them with teachers and classmates at school. But despite the attention his creative notes are receiving, he says he never loses sight of who they are for.

1. Why does Brent do the special thing?
A.To have his son encouraged.B.To draw his son’s attention.
C.To design a blog for his son.D.To accompany his son.
2. Which of the following can be learned from the text?
A.Brent’ s behavior was inspired by a blog.
B.Completing every drawing is a complex process.
C.The special creations benefit both John and Brent.
D.Brent prefers to create new cartoon characters for John.
3. What does the underlined word “garnered” in Paragraph 2 mean?
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Popular DesignerB.A Loving Father
C.A Precious Lunch BoxD.An Impressive Note


阅读理解-七选五(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Nothing stays the same for long: things and people change.

I grew up on a small farm, where a flock of sheep wandered around the surrounding mountains. My father was not highly educated, but he was smart. He was a man made of leather and chewing tobacco who rarely tried to talk with my brother or me. He was quiet and distant, I might say.     1    

One day I came home and his car was already there.     2     In fact, when he came home, he went to the barn (谷仓) to labour even more. I still remember hiding around the corner and stealing a look at my father lying bitterly on the bed that day. Multiple myeloma, I learned, is a type of blood cancer.     3     For the last year of my father’s life, his entire day consisted of rising from his bed and walking to his chair to sit and think alone.

He was predictably in that chair on his own when I came in.     4     He told me about his life, his heartbreaks and his loves. It was as if a pipe had burst, his inner self rushing out to me in a great flood. He had been speaking for maybe an hour or more when I realized that he was doing more than telling. He was asking to be understood in a way that he had never done before.

    5     I realize, though, that if he hadn’t, I might never have come to know him and love him.

A.My father never missed work.
B.I did not like him very much.
C.He was skillful at any farm work.
D.He became better after some special treatment.
E.I’m certainly not glad that my father got sick.
F.As the disease develops, the person who has it shrinks.
G.What followed still moves me these decades later
2023-07-06更新 | 106次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Sure, you talk to your parents, but what if you need to really talk? Maybe you have a problem you can't solve alone, or it could be that you want to feel closer to Mom and Dad.

It's easy to say" Hi, Mom" or "Dad, can you pass the potatoes?", but it can be harder to start a discussion about tougher topics. When you were younger, it probably felt easy to tell your parents about your trouble. Even though you're older now, it's still perfectly OK to believe in your parents. In fact, it can help a lot.

So why does it seem so uncomfortable at times? Why is it hard to bring up the important stuff? Sometimes kids don't speak up because they don't want to feel embarrassed. Let's face it—talking about personal stuff can make you feel embarrassed. But remember, your parents know you pretty well, and they were your age once, too! So don't let a little embarrassment stop you. It's OK to go ahead and share the personal stuff.

Other times, kids might not want to make their parents anxious or upset. As you explain your problem, your mom might look sad or your dad might look worried. But that's OK. Your mom and dad can deal with knowing about your problem, big or small. That look on their face just means they care, and they feel for you. That's what families do—we feel for the people we love.

Sometimes, kids don't bring up a problem because they just don't want to think about it. They hope it will just go away. When meeting a problem, they will likely choose not to face it or just keep it for themselves. But running away from a problem hardly ever solves it. And bottling up your feelings can make you feel stressed.

Talking things over with a parent can help you feel less stressed. Together, you can think of ways to solve the problem and make you feel better. Just knowing your parent understands and cares about what you're going through can reduce your stress a lot.

1. Some kids don't want to share their problems with parents because they________
A.believe they can solve the problems themselves
B.are afraid their parents may know their secrets
C.don't think their parents will understand them
D.don't want to make themselves embarrassed
2. What is the advantage of talking with parents about your problems?
A.It makes your problems less difficult.
B.It improves the family relationship.
C.It helps a lot to reduce pressure.
D.It improves your ability to solve problems.
3. What might be the title of the passage?
A.Let's talk to each other
B.When you need to talk to your parents
C.Why you don't want a talk
D.Come and talk to your parents
2017-11-21更新 | 71次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)
【推荐3】A few months ago as I wandered through my parents’ house, the same house I grew up in, I had a sudden, scary realization. When my parents bought the house, in 1982, they were only two years older than I am now. I tried to imagine myself in two years, ready to settle down and buy the house I’d still be living in almost 30 years later.
It seemed ridiculous. On a practical level, there’s no way I could afford to buy a house anytime soon. More importantly, I wouldn’t want to. I’m not sure where I’ll be living in two years, or what kind of job I’ll have. And I don’t think I’ll be ready to settle down and stay in one place.
So this is probably the generation gap that divides my friends and me from our parents. When our parents were our age, they’d gotten their education, chosen a career, and were starting to settle into responsible adult lives.
My friends and I – “Generation Y” – still aren’t sure what we want to do with our lives. Whatever we end up doing, we want to make sure we’re happy doing it. We’d rather take risks first, try out different jobs, and move from one city to another until we find our favorite place. We’d rather spend our money on travel than put it in a savings account.
This casual attitude towards responsibility has caused some critics to call my generation “arrogant”, “impatient”, and “overprotected”. Some of these complaints have a point. As children we were encouraged to succeed in school, but also to have fun. We grew up in a world full of technological innovation: cellphones, the Internet, instant messaging, and video games.
Our parents looked to rise vertically(垂直的)– starting at the bottom of the ladder and slowly making their way to the top, on the same track, often for the same company. That doesn’t apply to my generation.
Because of that, it may take us longer than our parents to arrive at responsible, stable adulthood. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing. In our desire to find satisfaction, we will work harder, struggle for ways to keep life interesting, and gain a broader set of experiences and knowledge than our parents’ generation did.
1. What is the main “generation gap” between the author and her friends and their parents according to the article?
A.Their ways of gaining experience.
B.Their attitude towards responsibility.
C.Their attitude toward high technology.
D.Their ways of making their way to the top.
2. Which of the following might the author agree with?
A.It involves too much effort to rise vertically.
B.It’s better to take adult responsibility earlier.
C.It’s all right to try more before settling down.
D.It’s ridiculous to call her generation “arrogant”.
3. What can we conclude from the article?
A.The author is envious of her parents enjoying a big house at her age.
B.“Generation Y” people don’t want to grow up and rush into adulthood.
C.Growing up in a hi-tech world makes “Generation Y” feel insecure about relationships.
D.The author wrote this article so that others would be able to understand her generation better.
4. What is the main theme of the article?
A.Criticisms of the young generation.
B.The sudden realization of growing up.
C.A comparison between lifestyles of generations.
D.The factors that have changed the young generation.
2014-08-26更新 | 150次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般