组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 其他人
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:93 题号:12235109

Brothers Ayaan and Mickey Naqvi, who live in Shelton, Connecticut, were decorating their family Christmas tree last year when one of their favorite ornaments(装饰品)was destroyed. While the ornament was beyond repair, from its broken pieces sprang a bright idea: What if there was a better way to hang ornaments so they’d be truly secure? From that, the Ornament Anchor(装饰锚)was born.

Using a special system, Ayaan created the model and presented it for a school project. The reception(反响)was overwhelmingly favorable-so favorable in fact, the boys quickly turned their invention into a potential money-making product.

This wasn’t the boys’ first commercial invention: A previous invention landed the pair and their family on a TV programme Shark Tank. While they didn’t cut a deal, it was a true learning experience.

From $1,000 in sales in six hours at a local Christmas trade show, the Ornament Anchor went on to be displayed on Good Morning America. In one year, the brothers’ invention has brought in more than $250,000.

After their success, Ayaan and Mickey are determined to pay their good fortune forward by contributing 10% of their profits to local animal shelters. “Ever since I was super young, I’ve had a fascination with all of life’s creatures,” Ayaan explained. “My goal is to help as many animals in need as I can.”

The boys admit that starting a new business in 2020 had its challenges. While they are enjoying their success, adjusting to distance learning due to the coronavirus lockdown isn’t easy.

Through the difficult times, they say they’ve just tried to take things one step at a time and keep a positive attitude because that-along with the love and support of their family-are what keeps them anchored(稳定).

1. What does paragraph 1 mainly talk about?
A.The family Christmas tree.
B.The ways of hanging ornaments.
C.The brothers’ favourite ornaments.
D.The inspiration for the Ornament Anchor.
2. What benefits did the brothers get from the Anchor?
A.They made a lot of money.
B.They were on Shark Tank.
C.They traded with Good Morning America.
D.They were praised for holding a trade show.
3. What will the brothers do after their success?
A.Give up distant learning.B.Expand their business quickly.
C.Donate money to animal shelters.D.Support their family independently.
4. Which of the following can best describe the brothers?
A.Patient and reliable.B.Creative and caring.
C.Optimistic and anxious.D.Committed and humorous.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】It is 6:00 am on the first day of the school year. In Cherrybrook Technology High School, mathematics teacher Eddie Woo is already at work.

One of the first things before the first bell rings is to set up his tripod (三脚架) and iPad in the middle of the classroom. This technology is Mr. Woo’s core tool of the trade. “I’m Mr Woo. I record my lessons. I record all of them. In fact, I’m about to record this one,” he explains to his new maths class.

The unique approach to teaching mathematics has not gone unnoticed. Mr. Woo is arguably the most famous teacher in Australia-a maths teacher by day and an Internet sensation (轰动) by night.

He started posting videos online in 2012 for a student who was sick with cancer and missing a lot of school. Other students in the class then wanted to watch Mr Woo’s videos on his free YouTube channel and website, so he started sharing them across the country and beyond. Wootube now boasts more than 38,000 subscribers (用户) and has attracted almost 4 million viewers worldwide.

Cherrybrook Technology High School principal Gary Johnson said Mr Woo was helping address a standing shortage of maths teachers in Australia, and making maths popular again. “He has an ability to simplify mathematics to a level where kids can really understand it,” Mr. Johnson said.

12-year-old student Emily Shakespear said Mr. Woo’s teaching style made maths irresistible. “I don’t want to say it, but he sucked me into maths,” she said. Owen Potter, who attends high school in Cobar, agreed. “It’s difficult to understand how someone in Sydney can influence thousands of people across the whole country,” he said.

Mr Woo won the 2017 University of Sydney Young Alumni Award for Outstanding Achievement, and he was one of 12 Australian teachers honored at the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.

1. Eddie Woo set up an iPad in the middle of the classroom with the purpose of _______.
A.listening to music.
B.playing a video.
C.recording his class.
D.showing pictures.
2. Why is Mr. Woo’s approach considered unique?
A.He simplified maths and shared his teaching videos online.
B.He recorded and shared all his attractive lessons for fun.
C.He made maths irresistible for audience only in Australia.
D.He won varieties of important awards as a maths teacher.
3. What can we infer from the statistics in the fourth paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo had made a lot of money by selling videos.
B.Mr. Woo posted videos online to help many adults.
C.M. Woo’s teaching videos online are well received.
D.Mr. Woo created his Wootube in 2012 in Sydney.
4. According to Gary Johnson, Mr. Woo’s maths lessons are _______.
A.difficult to follow.
B.easy to understand.
C.simple to handle.
D.challenging to learn.
5. What can we learn about in the last paragraph?
A.Mr. Woo graduated from the University of Sydney with honors.
B.Mr. Woo is the most well-known maths teacher in Australia
C.M: Woo won all the Commonwealth Bank Teaching Awards.
D.Mr. Woo’s contributions to teaching have been recognised.
2021-05-28更新 | 221次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约420词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Samantha Whiting, from Texas, USA, was on holiday with her family in California earlier this year when every parent’s worst nightmare came to life.

While playing on the beach, Samantha spotted her 10-year-old daughter Hayley drifting out into deeper water. She called Hayley back to shore, only for the youngster to realise she was caught in the rip current(离岸流)and couldn’t swim back in. The current was dragging her out to sea rapidly and she called for her mum to help her as Samantha desperately tried to reach her little girl. “I will never forget her face when she said, ‘Mum, help me!’” Samantha told KFSN, recalling the terror in her daughter’s voice. She managed to reach her daughter but wasn’t able to swim her back to shore and the pair were struggling.

Nearby, Kevin Cozzi and his girlfriend heard the screaming. He quickly jumped into action when he realized Hayley was in danger. “I’ve been swimming since I was 3 years old competitively, so I felt like I could get to them,” Cozzi told KFSN. “I ran out there and as soon as I got to the mum, I just told her to give me her daughter because I knew she was struggling.” He swam Hayley back to shore and a lifeguard rushed to help the 10-year-old, meanwhile Samantha was thanking the total stranger who had saved her little girl from drowning.

“If it were not for him coming to help me, there’s no way that we both would have made it, ” the grateful mum said.

Months went by, and Samantha only knew Cozzi’s first name and that he lived in Merced, California. However, she never stopped looking for the heroic bystander.

Earlier this week, she posted about the rescue in a Facebook group called Merced Neighborhood Watch, and within hours they reconnected.

Cozzi and his girlfriend had to put off their wedding because of COVID-19, and Samantha decided to set up a GoFund Me account to help Cozzi and his girlfriend have the wedding of their dreams. Both Samantha and Hayley have been invited to the wedding, set for next fall, and look forward to once again thanking Cozzi in person. Cozzi was thankful for their fundraiser, but told journalists, “That girl being saved was enough for me.”

1. What is the main cause of the daughter’s incident?
A.The rapid water current.B.Parents’ carelessness.
C.Poor management on the beach.D.Her lack of practice.
2. Who played a crucial role in the rescue according to the passage?
A.Samantha.B.Kevin.C.The lifeguard.D.Kevin’s girlfriend.
3. Samantha set up a GoFundMe account to _____.
A.post heroic stories onlineB.seek for missing children
C.raise funds for a weddingD.help train professional swimmers
4. Which can best describe Cozzi?
5. What message does the passage convey?
A.Kindness will be rewarded.B.Two heads are better than one.
C.Danger can happen everywhere.D.Where there is a will, there is a way.
2021-01-16更新 | 257次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】How far would you go to make a good impression at a new job? A college student in Alabama walked 32 kilometers in the dark to get to his new job.

The story begins with Walter Carr’s car breaking down the night before starting a new job at Bellhops, a furniture moving company. Carr was unable to find a taxi. So he decided to walk from his house to the job in Pelham 32 kilometers away. He left at midnight so that he could make it to the customer’s house by 8:00 am the next morning.

Pelham police saw him walking along a highway at 4:00 am. So, they stopped to see if the needed help. After hearing his story, they took him to a restaurant for breakfast and then to a church where he could safely wait until 8:00 am. The police then took Carr to the home of customer Jenny Lamey, Lamey said that even though Carr had just walked the entire night, he refused her offer to rest. He just wanted to start working.

Jenny Lamey later wrote this on Facebook: “I just can’t tell you how touched I was by Walter and his journey. He is hardworking and tough.” She then started a GoFundMe page to help Walter with money to get his car fixed.

Walter Carr’s story touched many others around the United States, Within a few days, people gave over $73, 000 to his GoFundMe page, When the CEO of Bellhops, Luke Marklin, learned of Carr’s story, he drove from Tennessee to Alabama to give Walter his own 2014 Ford Escape.

Carr has decided to give a part of the donations to the Birmingham Education Foundation. And he has received more offers for jobs and scholarships for schools.

1. What is probably the reason for Carr’s walking to his new job?
A.He had no money.
B.His car was stolen the night before.
C.He would like to take some exercise.
D.He considered the first day meaningful.
2. What did the police do to help Carr?
A.They took him to work immediately.
B.They went to his customer’s with him.
C.They called his customer to pick him up.
D.They gave him some money to buy breakfast.
3. Why did Jenny Lamey start a GoFundMe page?
A.To help Carr buy a new car.
B.To make Carr’s story popular.
C.To raise money to repair Carr’s car.
D.To express her admiration for Carr.
4. What did Carr decide to do with the donation?
A.To share it with some schools.
B.To spend it on further education.
C.To set up an educational institution.
D.To donate some of it to a foundation.
2019-03-22更新 | 76次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般