组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:47 题号:9886621

Next week, strangers with a truck will take away everything we own, except the clothes on our backs, the car we will drive, and as much stuff as we can pack into it. It's called moving. Some people do it often. For others, like me, it's a rare experience. In all my adult years, I've moved only three times.

My first husband and I moved into our first house with a bed, our clothes and a few gifts. That was a lifetime ago. Over the years, I filled that house with three children, a few dogs and enough stuff to reach the ceiling.

When the kids grew up, I lost my husband to cancer, and I began to learn about letting go. First, I let go of the idea of being in control. Life isn’t about being in charge of what happens; it's about being in charge of what we do with it. Next, I let go of putting off the things I care most about, like keeping in touch with the people that mean the most to me. I let go of the people whose lives are about anger or hatred, and tried instead to surround myself with those who shine with kindness. Finally, I let go of being alone---I remarried. I eventually moved to a new city with my new husband, and after that move, I promised I'd stop collecting meaningless things. But 12 years later, here I am, still learning about letting go.

Yesterday, while cleaning out a dresser, I found a box filled with old keepsakes. Nothing in that box may mean much to anyone, except me. They are treasures for me because of the memories they preserve. We finally decided to keep them, hold them close and never let them go. We’ll all move someday from this world to the next, but we won't need a truck to do it. We'll take nothing with us and leave behind a memory of the life we lived, the mistakes we made, and all the love and kindness we tried to show. That memory might not be a treasure, but if we're lucky, someone will keep it and hold it close and never let it go.

1. According to paragraph 3, which of the following might the author advise?
A.Never let all the memories go as they are.
B.Put off the things that mean the most to you.
C.Wherever you go, you should be kind to others.
D.Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you deal with it.
2. The underlined word ''keepsakes'' in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to_________.
A.something memorableB.something expensive
C.something unpleasantD.something beautiful
3. What is the author's main purpose in writing the article?
A.To stress the importance of letting the past go.
B.To give advice on how to make choices before moving.
C.To share how she learned to make important choices in life.
D.To explain how our memories can pass on to later generations.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:这是一篇记叙文。文章描述了Jane Hodgson在下班路上利用自己的急救知识帮助了一个手上的女孩,认识到一个小小的举动也会有很大的影响。

【推荐1】After a long day at the office, Jane Hodgson was on her way home and looking forward to relaxing with a nice cup of tea. While driving, she noticed that there was a car pulled over at the side of the road and a crowd had started to gather around someone who was lying on the ground.

Jane, who had completed first aid at work course with the British Red Cross, pulled over to see if she could do something and it turned out to be lucky for the victim.

Describing the scene she saw, Jane says, “A crowd of onlookers gathered at the scene. A couple of young men were cream-faced and looking lost. They were completely terrified. When I walked up, first-aid kit in hand, they said ‘You’re a first aider—Oh thank goodness.’ They were so shocked that they hadn’t even thought to call an ambulance yet.”

A young girl called Jenny was lying there. It turned out that the teen had been hit by a car and gone over the handlebars of her bike, landing on her head and shoulder.

“I was worried because she had not been wearing a helmet when she got knocked down, and I thought that she should not be moved as I couldn’t be sure about a spinal(脊柱)injury, but after looking her over, in relief, I felt fairly confident that she had escaped relatively unharmed. Even so, as time passed and we continued to wait for an ambulance, the amount of pain the girl was in was increasing. To avoid the risk of her going into shock I kept her talking. We chatted about her boyfriend and anything I could think of to keep her mind off the pain. She squeezed my hand when the pain got too much and this helped,” describes Jane.

Thinking back, Jane says, “I never did find out what happened to the girl. Apart from the boyfriend I wasn’t thanked by anyone else, but that’s OK. For me, knowing that in a small way I helped that girl through what was a frightening experience is all the reward I need. It felt great to know I’d made a difference.”

1. Why did Jane Hodgson stop her car on the side of the road?
A.To offer some help.B.To repair her car.
C.To call for an ambulance.D.To pick up a patient.
2. Which part of Jenny’s body might be worst injured?
A.Her legs.B.Her hands.C.Her head.D.Her stomach.
3. What mattered most in Jane’s help?
A.Calling an ambulance.B.Offering some first aid.
C.Finding out what happened.D.Drawing the girl’s attention away from pain.
4. What did Jane Hodgson learn from her experience of helping Jenny?
A.Not all kindness needs reward.B.First aid can also save a person.
C.A small act can make a difference.D.It felt good to learn first aid skills.
2022-11-09更新 | 162次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】We are enrolled in the full-time school called “life”. Every day in this school, we have opportunities to learn new lessons. No matter whether we like these lessons or not, we have to take them, because they are our lessons.

Why are we here in this world? What is the purpose of life? Humans have tried to discover the meaning of life for thousands of years, but failed to get the answer, because the meaning of life is different from person to person.

Each one of us has his or her special purpose and path, unique and different. As we travel on our life path, we will learn many great lessons in order to fulfill that purpose. Learning our lessons well is the key to discovering the real meaning of our own life.

As we travel through our lifetime, we may be taught hard lessons that others don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with problems we don’t need to deal with. We may never know why we love English, not physics, which indicates that our path is different. While traveling on our own path, sometimes alone, we should, first of all, take a basic lesson in openness.

Openness means being receptive. Life will present us with so many lessons, none of which are useful to us unless we can recognize them and are open to their values. These lessons are not easy to learn, but we should regard them as gifts. But how can we recognize these lessons? It is a matter of what “glasses” we are wearing at the time. It is not difficult to spot them if we take them as opportunities. So when we are not open to learning our lessons, failing a weekly English test might be like a disaster rather than an opportunity to us. Of course, the hard lessons may not be fun, but they can actually be the biggest gifts we receive from life.

1. The author may be in favor of the viewpoint that all men are born          .
C.to learn lessonsD.ready for challenge
2. The example of “we love English, not physics" is mentioned to show that we              .
A.choose our own path in life
B.need to face some hard lessons
C.discover the meaning of our own life
D.realize the necessity of openness
3. Whether we can see life lessons as gifts depends upon our              .
A.angles of view
B.common value system
C.experiences from life
D.willingness to face challenge
4. What would be the best title for the passage?
A.Life and lessonB.Life as School
C.Life School and StudentsD.Gifts from Life
2017-10-15更新 | 175次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇议论文。文章解读了作家David Mitchell的一句名言,认为旅行可以改变我们对生活的看法,抛弃固有的偏见,懂得欣赏差异,旅行还可以让我们放弃旧的习惯和常规,突破自己的界限,取得生活上的进步,因此作者鼓励我们去探索未知的领域。

【推荐3】The quote “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.” by English author David Mitchell may seem cryptic (含义隐晦的) and silly to many. But if you reflect on the meaning of this statement there’s actually something very deep about it.

The more experiences you have in life, the more you will find yourself diverging out (分歧) into new and different places, both physically and mentally. If you travel far enough, you will eventually find yourself back at the same place you started from, but your mind will be stretched by all of your journeys along the way. There are a few different ways we can interpret a phrase like travelling far enough. If you think about it literally, there is probably some amount of distance that we need to go. In doing so when we get to our destination, we will see everything with new eyes.

We may be surprised by what we see and change our outlook on life. This interpretation could apply to how people interact in their everyday lives. People have prejudices, stereotypes (刻板印象) and judgments towards other people based on where they live or grew up. When we travel outside those communities or countries, we learn to appreciate those differences rather than hold them against others.

Another interpretation is one that focuses on feeling confident and comfortable with ourselves while being far away from where we normally hang out and spend time, at home or work. It’s easy to get on a track where we see our habits and routine as comforting. But it’s important that we push our boundaries if we are ever going to make any kind of progress in life.

So take a leap into unknown territory. Explore places that you haven’t been to before. You can change your viewpoint and gain some perspective on who you are as a person.

1. What does the author think of “Travel far enough, you meet yourself.”?
2. What can be concluded from the literal sense of the quote?
A.Travelling can make us more open.
B.We can discover true selves in travelling.
C.Travelling far enough changes who we are.
D.We should avoid judging others while travelling.
3. What should we do to make progress in life according to Paragraph 4?
A.Travel to far places.B.Expand our comfort zone.
C.Focus on positive feelings.D.Quit old habits and routines.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.How Can We Walk Out of Our Comfort Zone?
B.How Do We Change Our Mindset and Feel Comfortable?
C.What Does Travelling Alone Teach Us About Ourselves?
D.What Does “Travel Far Enough You Meet Yourself” Mean?
2023-07-10更新 | 111次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般