组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 哲理感悟
题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:100 题号:12305722

When the two Afghan boys arrived,they were seemingly quiet and scared. In an effort to break their silence,I asked Umair if he liked to throw snow balls in winter because I knew the temperatures in their country can reach as low as —10 degrees centigrade. His face turned colorless. “I couldn’t sell the hats and gloves when it snowed. I would just sit in the room and wait for the snow to melt(融化).How else would I earn the money to feed my family?” My heart sank.

In the days that followed, my husband and I offered to teach them English and mathematics. They were from diverse linguistic (语言的)backgrounds,so teaching them proved to be challenging but a lot of fun. In fact it became a mutual(共同的)experience. I remembered many words which I had not used since graduation.

Having passed through war zones and lived in jungles, the boys treasured the comfort provided to them by their foster carers, whose love made them show more confidence in daily life and exhibit enthusiasm for learning. Such was their hunger for learning that even if five minutes had passed the set time,there was a knock on the door, reminding us to start the lesson.

Another interesting character in this experience was my four-year-old son. His presence would keep the atmosphere cheerful and light. Learning was a mutual experience for him too. The boys would correct him when he made a mistake in counting, and he would correct the boys when they got wrong in pronunciation.

Teaching these children gave me some very important lessons in life: that a spirit which has the willingness to learn is stronger than the sharpest sword, that an environment that fosters love, support and encouragement can make broken souls shine,and that learning and education is the true lighthouse to fight darkness in this world.

1. Why did the author ask Umair about snow balls?
A.She was curious what his life was like.
B.She liked to know the culture difference.
C.She wanted to encourage him to talk more.
D.She tried to help him adapt to the life here.
2. What brought the changes in the two boys?
A.Love and care.
B.English and mathematics.
C.Mutual interest and hobby.
D.Confidence and enthusiasm.
3. Which of the following can describe the author’s experience?
A.Teaching is an art.
B.Men learn while they teach.
C.Teaching can make a person.
D.Learning is a daily experience.
4. What can be the best title for the text?
A.A Lifelong Lesson
B.A Desire for Learning
C.International Friendship
D.Teaching Two Afghan Boys


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】There is a dangerous view in today’s society, and it is a restriction to happiness, success, and growth. The view states that human beings are inner fragile (内在脆弱) and that the only way to be happy and successful in life is to protect oneself by avoiding misfortune.

Not only are those statements false, but the actions we take believing them-to be “protective” also usually limit happiness and even stop personal and professional growth. Take sports as an example, seldom do those who play the game of life not to lose ever really win.

Rather than fear and try to avoid all misfortune, perhaps we should accept the misfortune and the occasional crises in life and prepare for them. As a muscle grows stronger with stress, so can people, teams, organizations, even communities. Crisis reveals true strength.

Sports psychologists Fletcher and Sarkar have studied Olympic gold medal winners. They conclude, “Indeed, most of the participants argued that if they had not experienced certain types of stressors at specific times, including highly demanding misfortunes, they would not have won their gold medals.”

Psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun created the term “posttraumatic growth.” They describe it as the experience of positive change that occurs as a result of highly challenging life crises. It is shown in a variety of ways, including an increased appreciation for life in general, more meaningful interpersonal relationships, an increased sense of personal strength, changed priorities, and a richer existential and spiritual life.

The remarkable success stories that can arise after moments of great challenge and failure are countless. Thomas Edison failed thousands of times trying to create a light bulb filament (灯丝) that would light and burn in a consistent manner, but finally created the world’s first practical light bulb. Harland Sanders developed the brand Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) in his 60s while recovering from a failed career as a lawyer. There are thousands of other lesser-known people, whose lives are characterized by key moments of great recovery from difficulty. Let us understand that growth arises from challenge and even failure. The myth of fragility and overprotection keeps us all from realizing our full potential.

1. What does the “dangerous view” say about people?
A.People are born shy.B.People are afraid of misfortune.
C.People want wealth.D.People are often in need of help.
2. What is the author’s opinion about misfortune?
A.It’s a must in life and the more, the better.
B.It mostly comes from our fragile inner heart.
C.It’s often met by world famous sports stars.
D.It should be treated with the right attitude.
3. What does the two psychologists’ term imply?
A.A failed life is not worth living at all.
B.People need always lead a worriless life.
C.Positive changes will occur after crises.
D.Try not to express our opinions in public.
4. Why are the stories of Thomas Edison and Harland Sanders inspiring?
A.They made great inventions.B.They got remarkable support.
C.They didn’t easily give up.D.They restricted their potential.
2023-05-22更新 | 117次组卷
阅读理解-阅读表达(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The last thing I wanted to hear when my government-sponsored scholarship was withdrawn during my final year of college was: "Things are working out for your own good. Just give them some time." Those words just stirred a lot of anger in me.

Then I read the story of the Chinese bamboo farmer, which gave me a different view on life. The seed of the Chinese bamboo is planted in the ground like every seed. It is watered, and fed with nutrients daily, but it shows no immediate physical response and doesn't appear to grow. The farmer continues to water and feed the seed in year one, year two, and year three. No growth is seen until the fourth year, when the seed finally breaks through the ground. Then, in the space of just five weeks, it grows ninety feet tall. The Chinese bamboo grows to its full capacity within 5 years.

Despite not seeing an immediate result, the farmer had trust in what he was doing. He continued to water and feed the plant for four years, because he believed that if he played his own role and did all that a farmer was supposed to do, then he would be given his reward at the right time. That trust and patience is what kept the farmer persistently feeding his seed for four years before enjoying the reward in the end.

Life is not always straightforward. Most often, it's not a matter of 5+5 =10 (Sum 1).

Life can be more like 2+1+2+0+0+0+1+2+0+0+1 + 1=10 (Sum 2).

Both sums lead to the same result, but through quite different paths and processes. To be mature is to accept that things might look rough right now but the story can still have a great ending.

We might live in a microwave generation where everything seems to happen instantly; but many things still obey the laws of nature. Just doing what you are supposed to be doing, having patience like the Chinese bamboo farmer, and trusting that things will work out for you can help you get through the toughest times.

1. What happened to the author in the final year of college?
2. How does the Chinese bamboo grow in the fourth year?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
To overcome difficulties, we need to trust that things will work out and simply wait patiently for the great ending to come.
4. Which is your life more like, Sum 1 or Sum 2? Explain why. (about 40 words)
2021-05-08更新 | 293次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约310词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Courage is a highly admired virtue. When asked to describe courage, most people think of an individual running into a burning building, or maybe a hero saving the world. But there’s another form of bravery. It’s much more important because it comes up more often.    1    .

Moral courage is the ability that allows us to face our fears and to conquer our darkest fears. It’s the ability to face the future without knowing what is certain. It’s the ability to stand tall and confront those who oppose us and those who prevent us from realizing who we are and what we are.    2    , even though there are risks that stand in your way. Sara Anderson once said,” It takes great courage to faithfully follow what we know to be true.”

    3    . It was because of moral courage that Mahatma Gandhi was able to make India free from the British rule. He fought bravely against them without the use of any weapon by presenting great moral courage. In this way, he also became a great example for the people of the whole world. It is not that we remember Gandhi because of his body or beauty.     4    .

Moral courage is essential not only for a noble life, but a happy one. Without moral courage, we have no control over our lives. Our fears destroy our spirit and make us trapped in depression. Mark Twain said, “Courage is not the absence of fear but the resistance to fear and the mastery (控制) of fear.” If our fears cause us to lose confidence in the power of virtue, we will lose something very precious.

    5    , but it is the best marker of true character and a virtue others can be proud of. We must try to develop the power of moral courage that will surely help in ending injustice and wrong and grant us a better world.

A.It’s a story of kindness
B.It’s called moral courage
C.People with moral courage rarely get medals
D.We can come along to lend others moral support
E.But most importantly, it’s the ability to stand up for what’s right
F.We remember him because of the great ideas and principles of his life
G.The potential of showing moral courage has the power of changing the world
2023-01-31更新 | 129次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般