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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:73 题号:12336342

Unsolved Mysteries About the Planet Earth

♦ Mystery 1: Where did all the water come from?

Water covers 70 percent of Earth’s surface and earns it the nickname “the blue planet”. But where did it come from? The most popular scientific theory states that the H2O came from several violent asteroids (小行星) filled with ice. Another suggests that the water actually has been around since Earth’s formation. However it happened, though, it’s certainly worked out well for Earth’s life forms.

♦ Mystery 2: What about all the oxygen?

Another thing is the planet’s oxygen. Tiny creatures released oxygen as a waste product, filling the atmosphere with it. After that, the level of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere went wildly up and down until it finally calmed down around 540 million years ago. Since then, it’s remained at about the breathable level we experience today. But what caused it to be suddenly steady?

♦ Mystery 3: What caused the Cambrian (寒武纪) Explosion?

The Cambrian Explosion refers to the explosion of complex life forms that occurred on Earth about 540 million years ago. Before then, life had consisted mostly of bacteria. But at the beginning of the Cambrian period, complex creatures began developing at a rate never seen before. Suddenly, life forms had brains, eyes, and bones. Most living creatures today can trace their blood back to the Cambrian period.

♦ Mystery 4: Will we ever be able to predict earthquakes?

We still haven’t been able to come up with a way to accurately predict earthquakes. We can certainly try, but our current technology cannot predict them exactly. We know that earthquakes start when rocks crack underground and send earthquake waves toward the surface, but we haven’t figured out why that happens, or how to predict it.

1. What was created later by creatures on Earth?
2. Which of the following is true according to the text?
A.Earth is called the blue star because of water coverage.
B.The level of oxygen has been steady all the time.
C.Complex creatures had rapid development in the Cambrian period.
D.We know nothing about predicting earthquakes.
3. What do we know about Mystery 4?
A.It is the oldest mystery of the four.
B.It will be solved in the near future.
C.It is the most difficult mystery to solve of the four.
D.It is a matter that has extremely practical significance.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】A new study of older adults finds too much daytime napping (小睡) may signal an increasing risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Investigators from Brigham report a relationship between daytime napping and cognitive (认知的) aging: too much daytime napping predicts an increased future risk of Alzheimer’s, and Alzheimer’s speeds up the increase in daytime napping during aging.

“Daytime sleep behaviors of older adults are often ignored, and an agreement for daytime napping in clinical practice and health care is still lacking,” said Peng Li of the Medical Program in Brigham, “Our team calls for a closer attention to 24-hour sleep patterns — not only nighttime sleep but also daytime sleep—for tracking the health of older adults.”

Researchers at the Brigham recognized that all previous studies on Alzheimer’s disease assessed napping within a participant only once, and most of the studies were subjective and questionnaire-based. In the new study, more individuals, with an average age of 81, were involved. They were provided with Actical, a watch-like device, to wear on their wrist for up to 14 days. After napping periods were identified, the nap duration and frequency were calculated.

The results suggested that too much daytime napping may signal an increasing risk of Alzheimer’s, and that faster yearly increase in daytime napping may be a worsening sign of the disease.

Researchers acknowledge that although the method of the new study has been widely used in sleep field studies, they recognize that Polysomnography (多导睡眠记录仪) is the gold standard for sleep scoring. Moreover, the participants studied are older, and therefore, the findings may not be easily translated to younger people. In addition, future studies should test whether a direct intervention in daytime napping can lower the risk of Alzheimer’s or cognitive decline.

“We hope to draw more attention to daytime sleep patterns,” said co-senior author Kun Hu of the Medical Program. “Sleep changes are critical in shaping the internal changes in the brain.”

1. What is the possible relationship between daytime napping and Alzheimer’s disease?
A.More daytime napping causes Alzheimer’s disease.
B.Alzheimer’s disease can be prevented by more daytime napping.
C.Alzheimer’s disease decreases the time spent on daytime napping.
D.More daytime napping indicates a higher risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
2. What can we learn about the new study according to the passage?
A.The sample size was larger.
B.It only recorded the daytime napping.
C.The study was based on questionnaires.
D.Its findings can be applied to younger generations.
3. What will interest the researchers in future studies?
A.The patterns of nighttime sleep.
B.The symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.
C.The application of the new study method.
D.The effect of an intervention in daytime napping.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.Alzheimer’s: a Sign of Aging
B.Actical: a Device of Recording Napping
C.Closely Linked: Daytime Napping and Alzheimer’s
D.Slightly Different: Daytime Sleep and Nighttime Sleep
2023-05-05更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约170词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Some animals see differently than we do.Some animals,like bees, have cones (视锥细胞) for colours we can’t see. Some animals have developed a highly-advanced senses of smell or hearing abilities.     1    

The most interesting feature of night animals is the size of their eyes.     2     Some animals have tubular (管状的) eyes as a means of increasing their size. Many night animals cannot move their eyes within the orbit.     3     Owls, for example, can turn their neck through 270° and this aids their vision.

    4     It is the tapetum lucidum,meaning “bright carpet (明毯)”, an adaptation for night vision.The tapetum is a thick reflective membrane (膜), 15 cells wide, directly beneath the retina. It collects and returns light back to the retina a second time, giving the rods a second chance to absorb the image information, thus making the little light more available to them.     5    

Although night animals see mostly imperfect shapes, outlines and no colours, by maximizing their sensitivity to low light levels with the above adaptations, it is enough for them to hunt, feed and survive in the dark of night.

A.Others see things clearly at night.
B.Their large eyes can collect more light.
C.Instead,they have special ability in the neck.
D.It allows the head and eyes to remain motionless.
E.Some animals of the night have got a spherical (球形的) lens.
F.As this light is reflected off the tapetum,they appear to glow.
G.On a dark night, flash a bright light at your dog’s eyes and you notice that their eyes glow in the dark.
2023-09-03更新 | 31次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Although midnight snacks or being too tired to exercise could make people get fatter,there may now be a more scientific reason. A study has shown short or restless sleep changes the way people’s DNA works and makes the body store fat. Fat stores begin to rise when people lose as little as one night’s sleep, the researchers found.

Sleep researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden did a study on people after two lab tests — in one they slept for over eight hours and in the other they did not sleep at all. Researchers then examined the make-up of fat and muscle tissue (肌肉组织), as well as measuring sugar levels in the blood.

The researchers found after just one night of sleeplessness, the body began to store more fat and to lose muscle strength. The body’s decision to store more fat when a person is tired appears to be related to a break in the body clock. When sleep times are changed, it disrupts (扰乱) the way DNA is used by the body and changes which processes are seen as most important, the scientists say. Sleep loss was already known to contribute to overweight but the scientists say they are the first to ever notice the physical changes that lead to putting on weight.

“We saw that the tissue is attempting to increase its ability to store fat following sleep loss,” said study author Jenathan Cedernaes. “We observed signs of breakdown of muscle. We also noted changes in the levels of proteins (蛋白质) related to dealing with blood sugar and this could help explain why the people’s sugar sensitivity (敏感度) was damaged following sleep loss. Taken together,these observations may partially explain why long-term sleep loss can increase the risk of putting on weight as well as the risk of serious diseases.”

The researchers say their findings are important because high levels of body fat increase the risk of the world’s biggest causes of death: cancer and heart disease.

1. What does the second paragraph show?
A.The background of the study.
B.The reasons for the study.
C.The process of the study.
D.The methods of the study.
2. What do the scientists think of their study?
A.It is the first of its kind.
B.It discovered something new.
C.It will encourage more related research.
D.It will last for a long time.
3. What may Jonathan Cedernaes agree with?
A.Heart disease is caused by poor sleep.
B.More and more people are short of sleep.
C.Overwork prevents people from sleeping well.
D.Sleep loss makes people less sensitive to blood sugar.
4. What is the text mainly about?
A.The importance of a good night’s sleep.
B.Poor sleep makes people fat and weak
C.The factors that affect the way DNA works.
D.The body clock plays a role in sleep management
2022-04-30更新 | 120次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般