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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:97 题号:12419127

Each day, 10-year-old Seth asked his mom for more and more lunch money. Yet he seemed skinnier than ever and came home from school hungry. It turned out that Seth was handing his lunch money to fifth-grader, who was threatening to beat him up if he didn't pay.

Most kids have been teased by a brother or a friend at some point. And it's not usually harmful when done in a playful and friendly way, and both kids find it funny. But when teasing becomes hurtful, unkind, and constant, it crosses the line into bullying and needs to stop.

Bullying is intentional tormenting in physical or psychological ways. It can range from hitting, name-calling and threats to blackmailing money and possessions. Some kids bully others by deliberately separating them and spreading rumors about them. Others use social media or electronic messaging to tease others or hurt their feelings.

It's important to take bullying seriously and not just brush it off as something that kids have to tolerate. The effects can be serious and affect kids' sense of safety and self-worth. In severe cases, bullying has contributed to tragedies, such as suicides and school shootings.

Kids bully for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they pick on kids because they need a victim — someone who seems emotionally or physically weaker, or just acts or appears different in some way — to feel more important, popular, or in control. Although some bullies are bigger or stronger than their victims, that's not always the case.

Sometimes kids torment others because that's the way they've been treated. They may think their behavior is normal because they come from families or other settings where everyone regularly gets angry and shouts or calls each other names. Some popular TV shows even seem to promote meanness — people are “voted off", ignored, or ridiculed for their appearance or lack of talent.

Unless your child tells you about bullying — or has visible injuries — it can be difficult to figure out if it's happening.

1. What is the author's purpose of telling Seth's story?
A.To introduce the topic.B.To raise public concern.
C.To analyse the cause.D.To display harmful effects.
2. What is the meaning of the underlined phrase “brush it off" in paragraph 4?
A.Removing bullying.B.Ignoring bullying.
C.Avoiding bullying.D.Stressing bullying.
3. Which of the following can be the reason for kids bullying?
A.Bullies feel guilty for their bullying behavior in their hearts.
B.Bullies want to dominate everyone physically and mentally.
C.Bullies have taken the behavior from their original families.
D.Bullies are obviously controlled by some popular TV shows.
4. What is predicted to convey in the following session of the passage?
A.Signs of bullying.B.Advice for kids.
C.Problems of bullying.D.Advice for society.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】You may hear the awful saying “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks”, which speaks to a common belief about older adulthood that it’s a time when we’ve become so set in our ways that we’re not likely to change.

Psychologists used to follow the same line of thinking: After young adulthood, people tend to become stabler as people age. However, more recent studies suggest that something unexpected happens to many people as they reach and pass their 60s: Their personality starts changing again. People’s personality can change in response to their circumstances, adapting to a changing life. These developments clarify personality is not a permanent state but an adaptive way of being.

We can’t say with certainty what factors are driving these shifts, but a few theories exist. One possibility is that personality is shaped by specific life events that tend to happen in older age: retirement, empty nesting or widowhood (丧偶). But such milestones aren’t very reliable sources of change. They affect some people deeply, but have no impact on others. Any one event could mean many different things, depending on its context. Jenny Wagner, a psychologist at the University of Hamburg, in Germany, gave an example. Losing a partner could be a great loss, but for some it could be a bit of a relief at the same time-say, for someone who’s been caring for their ill partner for years.

Granted, old-age personality changes don’t always result from a sense of helplessness or an endlessly shrinking life. Research has shown that when people get older, they commonly recalibrate their goals; though they might be doing less, they tend to prioritize what they find meaningful and really appreciate it. That may involve adjusting to what they can’t control, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they’re reacting to a bad life—just a different one.

At the same time, not all of the changes coming with old age are unavoidable. And if old adults had more support from their communities and society, perhaps they’d be better able to command their circumstances—rather than having to make up for factors slipping out of their grasp.

1. Why is the saying in paragraph 1 mentioned?
A.To lead in the topic.B.To explain a reason.
C.To show an attitude.D.To offer a suggestion.
2. What do we know about old-age personality changes?
A.They can’t be avoided or prevented.B.They will happen to most old people.
C.They may vary from person to person.D.They put elders in a terrible situation.
3. Which can replace the underlined word recalibrate in paragraph 4?
4. What should we do in response to old-age personality changes?
A.Give old people help and care.B.Help communities and society.
C.Teach old people to adapt to such changes.D.Study more about the change of circumstances.
2024-03-18更新 | 32次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Hiring processes can be thought of as a battle between honesty and dishonesty. You might imagine this is a simple fight between truth-seeking firms and self-promoting candidates (候选人), and to a certain extent it is. But companies themselves are prone (有倾向的) to bend reality out of shape in ways that are self-defeating.

Start with the obvious wrongdoers: job applicants. When it comes to writing the resume (简历), they tend to massage (美化) reality into the most appealing shape possible. Everyone beyond a certain level of experience is a transformational leader personally responsible for generating millions income; the world economy would be about 15 times bigger than it actually is if all such claims were true. The average British spends four and a half hours a day watching TV and online videos. But each average job candidate is an enthusiast for public welfare, using their spare time only for worthy purposes, like volunteering in soup kitchens.

But the tendency to stretch the truth involves companies as well as applicants. The typical firm will write a job description that invariably describes the work environment as fast-paced and innovative, and then lays out a set of improbable requirements for the “ideal candidate”, someone who almost by definition does not exist. Sometimes, the requirements include an ability to go back and change the course of history.

Too few firms offer an accurate account of what a position actually involves in their job previews 职位预告, which are supposed to give prospective employees a real sense of the negatives and positives of the job, as well as a clear idea of the company’s corporate culture. One effective strategy is to lay out in text or video, what a typical day in the role would look like.

Such honesty can be its own reward. Research has long suggested that realistic job previews lead to lower turnover and higher employee satisfaction. A paper in 2011 by David Eamest of Towson University and his co-authors concluded that favourable perceptions of the organisation’s honesty are the best explanation for why. So a process designed to uncover the truth about job applicants would run a lot more smoothly if firms were also honest about themselves.

1. Why are “leader” and “enthusiast” mentioned in paragraph 2?
A.To present a principle 原则.B.To make a prediction 预言.
C.To make a comparison 对比.D.To explain a phenomenon 现象.
2. What does the underlined word “stretch” in paragraph 3 mean?
3. What are job previews expected to be like in paragraph 4?
A.They show a position as it is.B.They are made either in text or video.
C.They are favorable for bigger firms.D.They mainly contain negatives of a job.
4. What does the text mainly talk about?
A.Pains and gains of employees.B.How to get the lying out of hiring.
C.How to be more appealing in hiring.D.A battle between applicants and companies.
7日内更新 | 2次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约410词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】At its core, social media is about advertising, but not just in terms of the products. Users are advertising themselves, making themselves look special and happy, no matter how many filters (滤镜) it takes. This can actually be damaging, especially to younger people. Because they traditionally look to their peers (同龄人) to help them determine what’s normal and who they should desire to be, and they particularly fear the social exclusion that comes from not fitting in with their peer group’s expectations.

With social media, their peers appear light years ahead in terms of wealth, beauty, and access to the kind of overall resources most of us can only dream of. The problem is that most of them achieved their fabulousness (难以置信的美好) through pure luck.

That’s why the core of our advice, for both adults and kids, begins with learning to accept what you can and can’t control, especially during those times when making things better isn’t really possible. And the one thing you can control when life sucks (令人不愉快) is knowing your standards for being a good person and living up to those standards regardless of how you feel or look or what other people think.

Being a good person isn’t about being perfect or ultra-unselfish; you don’t need to work in a soup kitchen or donate a kidney in order to qualify. In part, that’s because helping others must always come second to doing the smaller things required every day to take care of your own responsibilities and live up to your own values.

After explaining these ideas to their kids, parents can ask them to think about what they can and can’t control given how often life is just plain unfair. They can also ask their kids to think about the qualities they admire in people they believe to be good. This way, parents aren’t lecturing their kids about the importance of real values but encouraging them to make up their own minds about the values they find important. After all, people of any age are much more likely to make smart decisions if they’re asked to think through issues carefully and determine the right thing on their own, rather than being pushed in that direction.

1. Why are kids more likely to be harmed by social media according to paragraph 1?
A.They lack self-discipline.
B.They cannot distinguish good from bad.
C.They often have unhealthy online habits.
D.They tend to compare themselves with their peers.
2. What is the first step toward reducing the harm caused by social media?
A.Accepting reality.
B.Finding a role model.
C.Ignoring others’ opinions.
D.Having an optimistic attitude toward life.
3. What is the purpose of paragraph 4?
A.To suggest how we can be a good person.
B.To state that helping others makes us perfect.
C.To explain the importance of living up to our values.
D.To clear up possible misunderstandings about being a good person.
4. What is the key message of the last paragraph?
A.Parents should have regular communication with their kids.
B.Parents should motivate their kids’ inner drive.
C.Children should be taught about real values.
D.Children should make clever decisions.
2023-08-02更新 | 67次组卷
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