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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:289 题号:12485181

Sugar cane(甘蔗)contains around 10% sugar. But that means it contains around 90% non-sugar—the material known as bagasse (甘蔗渣)which remains once the sugar-bearing juice is squeezed out. World production of cane sugar was 185 million tonnes in 2017 , which results in a lot of bagasse.

At the moment, most of it is burned. But Zhu Hongli, a mechanical engineer at Northeastern University, in Boston, thinks it can be put into better use. As she, and her colleagues describe, in Matter this week, with a bit of improving bagasse makes an excellent and biodegradable (可生 物降解的)replacement for the plastic used for disposable food containers such as coffee cups.

Dr. Zhu is not the first person to have this idea. But previous attempts tended not to survive contact with liquids. She knew from previous research that the main reason why past efforts fell to pieces when wet is that bagasse is composed of short fibres which are unable to hold the finished product. She therefore sought' to insert a suitably long-fibred substance.       

Bamboo seemed to be the best choice. It grows quickly /degrades readily and has appropriately long fibres. And it worked. When the researchers blended bamboo remaining into bagasse, they found that the result had a   strong crossing of short and long fibres.

To put their new material through its paces, Dr. Zhu and her colleagues first poured hot oil onto it and found that, rather than passing through the material, as it would have with previous, bagasse products, the oil was resisted by their invention.

They also found that when they made a cup out of the stuff and filled it with water heated almost to boiling point, the cup remained unbroken for more than two hours. Though this is not as long as a plastic cup would   Hast, it-is long enough for all practical purposes.

1. What do we know about bagasse?
A.It is widely used.B.It is usually wasted.
C.It can not be degraded.D.It takes up 10% of sugar cane.
2. Why do the previous attempts fail?
A.The cups are not disposable.B.The fibres of bagasse are short.
C.The plastic can not be replaced.D.The material is not biodegradable.
3. What is special about Zhu's invention?
A.It can let oil pass through.B.It can be boiled in the water.
C.It can hold liquid and resist heat.D.It can reduce the use of bamboo.
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.New Bamboo ContainersB.A New Application of Fibres
C.Young and Promising MaterialsD.A Perfect Mix of Cane and Bamboo


阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Ultra haulers are the world’s biggest trucks. They deal with rocks and dirt at places called surface mines (露天矿山). Workers use mining tools to dig up dirt and rocks, and then pour them into the ultra haulers. The haulers drive away to unload. Then they come back to get filled up again.

An ultra hauler is heavy! It would sink into the road if it were driven to the mines where it would work. So after it is built, it has to be taken apart again. The pieces are loaded onto trains or tractor-trailer trucks, and then delivered to the mine. When the pieces arrive, workers put the truck together again.

Today’s biggest haulers can carry 400 tons. That is the weight of about 243 cars. Even without a load, they weigh between 250 and 400 tons—the weight of about 40 elephants. If two of those elephants stood on top of each other, they would just reach the top of one truck. Hauler drivers have to climb stairs up to the truck’s cabs, nearly 20 feet off the ground.

Larry Conner test-drives (试驾) ultra haulers for a company building giant mining equipment. “Driving an ultra hauler is like driving a two-storey house,” Larry says. “You sit in your upstairs window, take the steering wheel, and start driving. It’s really great. ”

A few years ago, people in Sparwood, British Columbia, got together to save a special ultra hauler. It was the Terex Titan, the longest ultra hauler in the world. The truck had been used at a local mine for 12 years. Its huge engine cost so much to run that it had to be put out of use.

The coal company and the people of Sparwood did not want the Terex Titan to go to the scrap(废料)pile. They collected donations and volunteered their time to make the truck ready for display. Many visitors see the giant truck every year.

1. What’s the function of ultra haulers?
A.Digging in mines.
B.Unloading coal from trains.
C.Carrying rocks and dirt for mines.
D.Helping workers to operate trucks.
2. What makes it hard for an ultra hauler to use the road?
A.Its weight.B.Its design.C.Its pieces.D.Its height.
3. How does Larry Conner describe driving an ultra hauler as?
4. What can we infer about the Terex Titan?
A.It was too old to use.B.It was donated to a company.
C.It will be on show for some time.D.It will end up as waste very soon.
2021-01-30更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】So far, the use of underwater cameras has been limited. Some must be stuck to power wires. Others rely on batteries, which don’t tend to last long. Such limits have kept scientists from exploring most of the ocean world. But now researchers have found a way around these problems — underwater cameras can get a new power source from sound.

The camera has two sensors on the bottom. Each is made of multiple layers of a piezoelectric material. When sound travels through the water, it creates waves of pressure, which cause the material to vibrate (振动). And the material changes these vibrations into electrical energy and stores it in a capacitor. Once the capacitor has enough energy, it turns on the camera and takes a picture. Then, it lets the second sensor tap into more sound energy to send the picture. In this way, the sensors not only power the camera, but broadcast the data carrying its images.

Any sound can power it — from swimming fish to a passing ship. One of the sensors can focus on collecting energy for the camera while the other focuses on communication. How quickly the system takes to recharge depends on how loud and close the sound is. In a quiet setting, the camera will take about 10 to 12 seconds. With improved sensors, the camera will charge in less than a second by using sounds from more than 100 meters away.

To record an image, the camera flashes a series of red, blue and green lights. The system then combines what it sees into a single color photo. To communicate, the camera has an internal switch, which controls whether a sensor uses incoming sound for broadcasting. That switch is like a mirror being moved into and out of position. When that switch is in position, the system will use some sound to carry the photo’s digital data to a receiver. That receiver picks up the camera’s broadcast and assembles the data into an image. And then the undersea photo shoot is done.

1. Where is the electrical energy kept?
A.In a sensor.B.In a capacitor.C.In a switch.D.In a receiver.
2. Which of the following determines the time to recharge the system?
A.The quiet setting of a sound.
B.The flexibility of the sensors.
C.The quality and source of a sound.
D.The loudness and location of a sound.
3. What is mainly stressed in the last paragraph?
A.How sensors communicate through images.
B.How different colors are combined.
C.How the undersea camera works.
D.How the new system uses sounds.
4. What is the best title for the text?
A.Collecting Power from Various Creatures
B.Developing a New Camera through Sounds
C.Powering a New Camera with Ocean Sounds
D.Providing New Functions for a New Camera
2023-11-01更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】While most of us are never without our smartphones robots may also soon become essential companions. It certainly seems so based on the recent experiments conducted by researchers in Japan, who developed a wearable soft robot for patients to use during treatments, such as injections(注射) and other unpleasant therapies in an attempt to ease their pain and defend people against anxiety.On being subjected to a moderate heat stimulus(刺激), the study participants who wore the robot experienced less pain than in the tests in which they did not wear the robot.

During the campaign to encourage vaccination against COVID-19, public health officials recognized that some people are simply afraid of needles,which contributed to reduced vaccination rates. While the problems of patient anxiety and pain during medical procedures have been well studied there remains a need to test and implement solutions to help patients.

The soft fur-covered robot the scientists called Reliebo was designed to be attached to the participant’s hand. The researchers tested its effectiveness under various conditions based on the clenching of the participant’s hand, while applying the painful thermal stimulus to the other arm that was not being used to hold the robot.The researchers found that holding the robot helped relieve the experience for patients regardless of the experimental conditions used, and concluded that the feelings of well -being that can be created by human touch may have also been activated by the robot. “It is well known that interpersonal touch can reduce pain and fear, and we believe that this effect can be achieved even with nonliving soft robots,”states Professor Tanaka.

This may be useful when actual human contact is not feasible, such as during pandemics. Future versions of the robot might use a controlled gaze or even AR (augmented reality) technologies to help build a connection with the patient or distract them from pain perception in various situations.

1. What is the purpose of the robot?
A.To assist doctors in injecting accurately.
B.To help relieve people’s pain from injections.
C.To evaluate patients’ physical and mental health.
D.To assess the effects of getting vaccinated against COVID-19.
2. How does the robot ease the pain and anxiety of the patients?
A.The robot is designed to be attached to the patients’ hand.
B.The robot’s soft fur gives the patients a feelings of well- being.
C.The robot’s“interpersonal touch ” creates a feelings of well -being.
D.The robot instructs the researchers to relieve the experience for patients.
3. What will researchers probably do next?
A.Develop other devices for medical treatment.
B.Carry out more and more tests on the robot.
C.Evaluate the possible risk of using the robot.
D.Promote the application of the robot worldwide
4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?
A.How to Reduce People’s Fear of Injections.
B.Advanced Technology Helps to Cure Patients
C.Being Afraid of Needles Reduced Vaccination Rates
D.Wearable Soft Robot Helps People Scare of injections.
2023-02-16更新 | 372次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般