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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:201 题号:12508341

Can a fish be depressed? This question has been on my head ever since I spent a night in a hotel across from a sad-looking fish. His name was Bruce Lee.

The pleasant woman at the front desk assured me that he was well taken care of. Was I incorrectly assuming his laziness was a sign of being upset?

When I sought answers from scientists, I assumed that they would find the question ridiculous. But they did not. New research has been totally shifting the way that scientists think about fish cognition (认知),building a case that pet and owner are not nearly as different as many assume. The neurochemistry (神经化学)is so similar that it’s scary, said Julian Pittman,a professor. We tend to think of them as simple living things, but there is a lot we don't give fish credit for.

Dr. Pittman likes working with fish, in part, because they are so obvious about their depression. A zebrafish gets dropped in a new tank. If after five minutes it is hanging out in the lower half, it’s depressed. If it’s swimming up top, then it’s not.

Is depression the right word? There's the obvious issue that we cannot ask animals how they feel, says Dr. Diego A. Pizzagali . Neither fish nor rats can catch the entire range of depression as we know it.

There is a heated debate about whether anxious or depressed is a more appropriate term. But what has convinced Dr. Pittman, and others, over the past ten years is watching the way the zebrafish lose interest in just about everything: food, toys, exploration, just like clinically depressed people who are withdrawn. The same is true of fish.

One of the things we're finding is that fish are naturally curious and seek novel things out, said Dr. Braithwaite. In other words, your goldfish is probably bored. To help get rid of depression, she urges introducing new objects to the tank or switching up the location of items.

1. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?
A.Fish are considered simple living things.
B.Pet and owner are always assumed the same.
C.Scientists have learnt a lot about fish cognition.
D.Fish and human beings have something in common.
2. What does the underlined word “withdrawn” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?
A.Quiet and shy.
B.Happy and excited.
C.Interested and careful.
D.Disappointed and surprised.
3. Why can fish become bored according to the text?
A.They need oxygen from the air.
B.They are not born to be curious.
C.They lack new things to explore.
D.They can’t locate the positions of items.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Fish Depression Is not a Joke.
B.Fish Can Be a Boring Pet.
C.Fish Need Better Care More.
D.Fish Cognition Does not Exist.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Armed with surprisingly powerful forelegs, the brown bear, also known as grizzly, is the fastest of the eight bear species, reaching speeds of up to 35 mph. The grizzly is only slightly faster than the world’s most common bear species, the American black bear.

Of course, a bear would be able to achieve such a speed only at the top of its athletic ability—not fresh out of hibernation (冬眠), having lost 15% to 30% of its body weight — and only on certain soft, flat surfaces into which their long claws (爪子) can run easily.

In any case, bears are surprisingly fast considering their huge bodies. Discover the characters that make their quickness possible, and what to do (besides run) if you encounter one in the wild.

Even the fastest known human on Earth, Usain Bolt, could not run faster than a determined black or grizzly bear at its top speed. The famous Jamaican short-distance runner achieved the fastest recorded human foot speed ever during a 2009 race in Berlin. He was clocked going an unbelievable 27.8 mph, about 4 mph faster than his average (平均) speed and more than 10 mph faster than the average human runner. Still, that’s 7 mph slower than the supposed top speed of a grizzly and just over 2 mph short of a black bear’s.

At his record speed, Bolt may be able to run faster than a slow polar bear, which tops out at 24 mph, or a panda, which can reportedly go 20 mph. A bear, however, can keep up speeds of 25 to 28 miles per hour for 2 miles. The average human, running at a comparatively slow 15 mph, would simply not stand a chance. The good news is that bears, and most wildlife, would usually rather avoid humans than run after them. They generally only attack to protect their food, young, and space.

1. What does the text mainly tell about the bear?
A.Its types.B.Its speed.C.Its power.D.Its weight.
2. What does the underlined word “ encounter” in paragraph 3 probably mean?
A.Watch over.B.Pick out.C.Run after.D.Come across.
3. Why did the author mention the world-famous runner?
A.To make readers better understand the bears' speed.
B.To describe the fastest man in the world.
C.To warn us of the great danger from the bears.
D.To introduce a new topic to discuss.
4. Which of the following runs the second fastest according to the last paragraph?
A.A bear.B.A panda.C.A polar bear.D.An average human.
2022-02-23更新 | 52次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)
文章大意:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述Daphne Soares关于短吻鳄的一些研究发现以及发现过程。

【推荐2】Daphne Soares, a biologist, made an amazing discovery about alligators (短吻鳄). The investigation of the sensory dots of alligators began when she was at university. Now she holds a research position at the University of Maryland.

The first time Daphne Soares got really close to an alligator was when she was helping to hold down an eight-foot alligator. When she got close to the alligator, she noticed that its face was covered with little black spots.

She started her study of the black dots when she went to the library. When she read the books and the scientific journals, she learned that people had noticed the dots. People thought that the dots were some kind of sense organ. However, no one really knew what the dots were for.

It was a complete accident when she found out what the dots were used for. She placed electrodes (电极) on nerves coming from some of the sensory dots. When the nerves were stimulated, they created a tiny electric current. Just then she heard a small sound over a audio speaker. She tried to see if the dots acted like eyes and temperature sensors, but nothing worked. One day she accidentally dropped a tool into an alligator’s tank. When she put her hand in the tank to get the tool out, she made small ripples (涟漪) in the water. When the ripples reached the alligator’s face, she heard a noise over the speaker. She then realized that the dots must be sensitive to the changes in pressure when they were hit by ripples of water.

After that, she is now studying blind cavefish. She is trying to learn whether they are blind from birth or lose their sight as they grow up.

1. What was Daphne Soares doing when she noticed the black dots?
A.Studying the sense organ.
B.Helping to keep a hold of an alligator.
C.Observing an alligator in a pond.
D.Reading scientific journal in the library.
2. What did Daphne Soares do in order to find out the use of the black dots?
A.She collected data online.
B.She did some field observations.
C.She sought help from professionals.
D.She did some scientific experiments.
3. Which sense are the black dots on the alligator’s face related to?
A.The sense of feeling.B.The sense of sight.
C.The sense of taste.D.The sense of hearing.
4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A.A Born BiologistB.The Types of Alligators
C.A Discovery About AlligatorsD.Daphne Soares’ Stories
2023-11-10更新 | 30次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Most dog owners are convinced that their four-legged friends know exactly what they mean when they use certain words like “sit”, “stay”, or “treat”. However, scientists have always wondered whether dogs really understand human speech or if they rely on other clues to arrive at the meaning.

To find the answer, scientists at Atlanta’s Emory University did a study. They began by asking the owners of twelve dogs of various breeds to train their pets to identify two toys-a stuffed animal and a ball. Once the dogs had mastered the task, they took turns inside a functional magnetic resonance imaging(fMRI)scanner(功能性磁共振成像扫描仪). The owners then tested their dogs’ language skills by first calling out the names of the toys they had been trained to recognize and then saying meaningless words such as “bobbu” and “bodmick” while holding up random objects the dogs hadn’t seen before.

The fMRI scans revealed that the regions of the dogs’ brains responsible for auditory(听觉的)processing showed different brain patterns when they heard words they were familiar with, compared with the ones they had never heard before. While not enough to prove that the dogs were picturing their toys when they heard the word, it did indicate some sort of recognition. The scientists believe this is an important step forward in understanding how dogs process language.

An even more interesting thing was that the dogs’ brains showed a higher level of neural activity at the sound of unknown words. This is the exact opposite of what happens in human brains. The scientists guess the dogs may become excited at the new words to try to understand them in the hope of delighting their owners.

However, though your pet may understand human speech, the scientists recommend using visual and scent cues(视觉和气味的提示)for training. “When people want to teach their dogs a trick, they often use a verbal command because that’s what we humans prefer,” Prichard, a Ph.D.at Emory’s Department of Psychology and the study’s first author, says. “From the dog’s perspective, however, a visual command might be more effective, helping the dog learn the trick faster.”

1. What did scientists do for the study?
A.They trained the dogs.B.They turned to dog owners.
C.They referred to previous research.D.They did various experiments in the lab.
2. What can scientists conclude from the study?
A.Dogs can understand words.B.Dogs have their own language.
C.Dogs do well in recognizing things.D.Dogs have the ability to recall images.
3. We learn that different from dogs’ brains, human brains ________.
A.are more sensitive to new wordsB.respond actively to strange sounds
C.show a higher level of neural activityD.become excited at the familiar words
4. What would be the best title for the text?
A.Yes, Your Dog Is Very SmartB.Yes, Your Dog Does Understand You
C.Yes, Your Dog Does Try to Please YouD.Yes, You Can Communicate with Your Dog
2022-01-01更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般