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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:205 题号:12541770

Automakers around the world, from Japan to Texas, are struggling with a global shortage of computer chips. Volkswagen sounded the alarm about the growing problem last month. Now more automakers are reporting problems that are trimming production plans based on their supply of semiconductors (半导体).

Semiconductors are at the heart of our phones and computers, but they're critical components for new cars, too — and not just in fancy touchscreens. "They're controlling the engine and the emissions and even in the switches for raising and lowering your windows," says Kristin Dziczek, the vice president at the Center for Automotive Research.

Last year, when auto manufacturing was suspended for the pandemic, everyone predicted a prolonged slowdown in car sales. The global semiconductor industry planned accordingly, and arranged to sell more computer chips to other buyers. But then, much to everyone's surprise, shoppers were still eager to buy new cars. As soon as they reopened, plants resumed normal production at a remarkable speed.

At the same time, demand for chips from other sectors — like consumer electronics — was also increasing. "Every school district in the country had to buy new computers," Dziczek says.

For car shoppers, this could mean some vehicle models are harder to find for the next few months. So far, the consequences have been uneven among automakers. Ford and Fiat Chrysler have entire plants on pause, while General Motors says its manufacturing operations have not been affected, and Toyota does not expect any impact to employment. The United Auto Workers, which represents factory workers at Ford, GM and Fiat Chrysler plants, notes that its contracts include "unemployment and supplemental pay" for workers affected by production downtimes.

1. In what ways can semiconductors not be applied in cars?
A.In the engine system.B.In fancy touchscreens.
C.In the emission system.D.In the switches of car doors.
2. What can we infer from the last paragraph?
A.It'll be harder for shoppers to find a dream car.
B.The contracts are not beneficial to the workers.
C.Toyota is expected to face employment problem.
D.All the automakers have paused the entire plants.
3. Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A.A Dream Car Is Not A Dream
B.The Growing Popularity Of Semiconductor
C.Semiconductor Won't Hurt Chip Production
D.Auto Production Disturbed By Chip Shortages


阅读理解-阅读单选(约300词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Did you know that more than 40 percent of all deadly car accidents occur at night? A recent break through eyeglass technology has made it safe to drive at night. It's almost like having "X-ray" vision(视力) while driving.

Spend money on your safety and peace of mind behind the wheel with a pair of these cutting-edge night driving glasses. The amount of car accidents that occur at night is mostly the result of poor visibility. Even with 60% less traffic on the road at night, accidents still happen due to blinding light and just overall bad driving visibility.

Imagine being able to clearly see what's in front of you and what's approaching, even if it's very dark and foggy. Once you start wearing ClearView night glasses, you'll feel much more confident and safe driving when it's getting dark. With ClearView you will notice an instant reduction in strong light from oncoming traffic and bright street lights.

This is because the special yellow lens tint(镜片色彩)can block strong blue light, and increase contrast(对比). ClearView passes the global traffic light standard for safer sharper vision at night with flying colors.

You can start using ClearView immediately even if you wear glasses. Simply place ClearView on top of your glasses and be amazed by the difference this technology makes!

Is it worth it? Absolutely! Keep a pair in each of your cars to make sure you have your glasses at hand when night comes. If you care about your family's safety then this is a no-brainer.

1. According to the text, the main cause of unsafe driving at night is           .
A.heavy trafficB.poor eyesight
C.bad drivingD.low visibility
2. Which is one of the benefits of ClearView to drivers at night?
A.It reduces the brightness of strong light.
B.It cures night blindness.
C.It provides "X-ray" vision for drivers.
D.It passes the national standard.
3. What is the purpose of the last paragraph?
A.To inform.B.To promoteC.To explain.D.To entertain
4. What can be the best title of this passage?
A.How does Clear View Work at Night?
B.Revolutionary Glasses Make It Safe to Drive at Night
C.How to Avoid Car Accidents in the Dark?
D.What is Clear View?
2021-02-17更新 | 153次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】PARKINSON’S DISEASE is a progressive disorder caused by the deaths of neurons(神经元) in parts of the brain. Symptoms include loss of motor control, mood disturbance and ruined sleep. Although it is incurable, early medical treatment can, however, relieve these symptoms and lengthen survival.

Unfortunately, the early signs of Parkinson’s vary from person to person and there is no specific test at the early stage. A study published in ACS Omega, by Chen Xing and Liu Jun at Zhejiang University, in China, describes an invention which may be able to detect Parkinson’s before the beginning of the symptoms. The device in question is an artificially intelligent electronic nose.

The two researchers set about building this nose in 2019. That was when they heard reports of Joy Milne, a nurse, who could detect people with Parkinson’s from a distinctive smell they gave off. Researchers working with her found that the sebum(皮脂) of those with Parkinson’s has unusually high level of certain compounds. When these are acted on by cells which live naturally on the skin, the result is the mysterious smell.

This can be detected using a laboratory technique called GCMS, which is promising. Unfortunately, it is still too complex and expensive to be used daily in clinics. However, Dr. Chen and Dr. Liu invent a machine not much bigger than a toaster. It turns a sample of sebum into a steam that is then detected with sound waves. Different mixtures have different effects on the waves, and, with a bit of training, a computer loaded with an appropriate piece of artificial intelligence can learn to recognize the pattern associated with sebum from Parkinson’s patients.

The researchers tested their system on samples from 43 people with Parkinson’s disease and 44 who were healthy. They found it could correctly identify a Parkinson’s patient as having the disease about 70%. That is not yet as good as Mrs. Milne’s nose. If its reliability can be improved, its potential cheapness of the system may eventually prove an advantage for the early diagnosis of the illness.

1. Why do the researchers develop the intelligent electronic nose?
A.To aid early diagnosis.
B.To cut the cost of curing.
C.To offer medical treatment.
D.To replace former detecting ways.
2. What is the key factor in making the intelligent electronic nose?
A.Joy Milne’s working ability.
B.The distinctive smell of the neurons.
C.The concentration of certain compounds.
D.The test about the people with Parkinson’s.
3. What does the 4th paragraph mainly tell us about the invention?
A.Its inspiration.B.Its importance.
C.Its disadvantages.D.Its working principles.
4. Where is this text most likely from?
A.A work record.B.A science magazine.
C.A health guidebook.D.An advertising brochure.
2022-05-31更新 | 136次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】A team of Japanese scientists has discovered genes that enable rice to survive high water, providing hope for better rice production in lowland areas that are affected by flooding.

The genes, called SNORKEL genes, help rice grow longer stems to deal with higher water levels. Deepwater rice generally produces low-yield rice plants. But the researchers report they have succeeded in introducing the genes to rice varieties that are higher-yield.

According to the report, as water levels rise, accumulation of the plant hormone(激素)makes the SNORKEL genes stat working, making stem growth more rapid. When the researchers introduced the genes into rice that does not normally survive in deep water, they were able to rescue the plants from drowning.

Motoyuki Ashikari, who headed the project, aid his team is hoping to use the gene on long grain rice widely used in Southeast Asia to help stabilize production in flood areas where rice with the food-resistant gene is low in production--about one-third to one-quarter that of regular rice.

"Scientifically the gene that we found is are but clear proof of a biological ability to adapt to a difficult environment, " he said. "It's a genetic strategy specifically to survive flooding. "

High water levels in rice field can be a serious problem. In some areas, rains can cause water levels to rise dangerously high during the growing season and flash flooding can fully submerge plants for days or even weeks.

Rice is a main food for billions. and while productivity has increased dramatically since the 1960s, yields must be doubled to meet projected requirements by 2050. More than 30 percent of Asian and 40 percent of African rice land is either lowland field or deep water field.

Laurentius of Utrecht University said the study is significant because high-yield rice varieties cannot survive extremes of foods. "The introduction of these genes into high-yield varieties, using advanced breeding strategies, promises to improve the quality and quantity of rice, "he said.

1. What is the main character of SNORKEL genes?
A.They prevent rice from being attacked by various diseases.
B.They help rice grow taller in highland regions.
C.They make rice grow tall enough to survive in deep water.
D.They make rice be ripe within a shorter time.
2. According to Ashikari, the rice with the gene his team found _______________.
A.will be one third more expensive than regular rice
B.will be helpful for Southeast Asia
C.has been widely used in Southeast Asia
D.is lower in production than regular rice
3. The underlined word "projected" in the seventh paragraph probably means ___________.
4. What Laurentius said in the last paragraph suggests that____________.
A.rice will be planted on the farmland everywhere in the future
B.rice with SNORKEL genes will be of high quality in the future
C.high-yield rice varieties are not common nowadays
D.the quality of rice is difficult to improve
2022-01-05更新 | 72次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般