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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:46 题号:12676715

Camping is a good way to spend time along with your kids and to show them how wonderful nature can be. Through camping, children can discover new things about nature, such as flowers, birds, and other small animals. Camping gives kids time to get away from all the electronics of today’s culture. So it is necessary to plan exciting and enjoyable family camping trips with your children while they are young.

When planning your family camping trip, consider the activities your kids like:games, hiking, swimming, boating, bicycling, etc. Select a camping place that has some of the activities the kids are interested in. Meal planning is an important part of your camping trip. Plan the meals together, and kids love to choose what they want to eat.

When starting to pack for your trip, let the kids pack their own items. Each person should have his/her own sleeping bag with a luggage bag to put it in. Personal items should be packed with their sleeping bags. Encourage the kids to put their items in a certain place and always return it when they have finished using it.

When you have arrived at your campsite, make all the camping activities a family activity, which will help children to realize how important team work is. Everyone can have his/her own job sitting up the campsite. Meal time can be a fun time. So let the older ones help with the cooking on your outdoor camping stove while the younger ones get the picnic table ready.

1. Which of the following is the best place for a family camping?
A.A place covered with forests.
B.A place with a river and wild animals.
C.A place where kids can find various foods they like.
D.A place which provides many interesting activities .
2. What does the author advise parents to do while planning a family camping trip?
A.Encourage the children to take care of their own things.
B.Keep the children away from animals.
C.Take more food to meet the children’s need.
D.Let the children learn by watching.
3. When at the campground, it is necessary to ________.
A.allow the children to cookB.give children enough time to play
C.make everyone have work to doD.keep the picnic table full of food


阅读理解-七选五(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Keeping the memory in shape is important at any age,but it requires a bit more work as we grow. There are some simple activities that can improve your memory.    1    

Awaken your senses.

Use your senses to help your memory store(储存) needed information.    2    You can ask yourself like this: Is the sky a light blue or deep purple? The more involved(参与的) you can be in the information, the easier it is for your brain to store it.

Use imagination and relation.

Trying to remember names? Let’s say you meet a man named Frank Parker.    3    Tie the two together by picturing Frank dressed up in a hot dog costume(服装) parking his car in the parking lot. Now each time you see Frank ,you should easily recall his name.

Breathe deeply and relax.

    4    Relax, breathe deeply and slowly and let your mind ease up for a minute. Being relaxed makes it easier for information to be both stored and remembered.


When you come upon something you need to remember, say to yourself,“Hey, pay attention and remember this! ”You are giving yourself a wake-up call as well as giving your mind a marker that it can use to help in storing the new information.

A.Give yourself an order.
B.Get a good night’s sleep.
C.Here are four of them to get you started.
D.Picture a hot dog for Frank and a car for Parker.
E.For example, note the colors of a picture you want to remember.
F.When we try hard to remember something we often become nervous.
G.The way you live influences not only your physical health but also your memory.
2018-11-28更新 | 262次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Do you want to be more successful? Highly successful people often have similar attitudes and habits that help them to achieve their great success.

1. They don’t make excuses for themselves.

Almost everyone has dreams, but many people have excuses for why their dreams are impossible.     1     Instead, they focus on overcoming difficulties and being active.

2.    2    

Highly successful people know that if something is not working, they need to change their method. Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting new results is a waste of your own time. Instead, see your plan as a guide and make adjustments as you go along.

3.They don’t quit.

Anybody can quit when things become difficult, but that is not the way to become highly successful.     3     Try to think of your end goal, and how every day you get closer to achieving it.

4.They are a businessman.

    4     They have the right people around them, they work whenever inspiration hits and they have a strong, strategic (战略性的) focus. Try to make sure your goals are clear and you are working towards your plan in every aspect of your life.

5.They have clear goals.

A big part of succeeding is setting goals yourself, both big and small, and devoting yourself to them. This will help to keep you feeling motivated, and it often helps you to progress faster.     5    

A.They are flexible if they need to be.
B.They understand that sacrifice is important.
C.Highly successful people don’t think this way.
D.Highly successful people sometimes make excuses.
E.Successful people often think of themselves as a businessman.
F.To be successful, it is important to be focused on your goals.
G.Even when times are hard, successful people stick to the thing and keep working.
2019-03-19更新 | 173次组卷
阅读理解-七选五(约250词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】High-hope people are optimistic about their future and they believe in possibilities. They see challenges as opportunities to grow and learn, rather than as obstacles (障碍). Here’s a tip sheet to get you into the habit of hope.

Goal-setting is as important as the action you take toward achieving your goals.     1     They know that without a clear goal, it’s easy to get distracted and lose focus. Meanwhile, they don’t let life happen to them. Instead, they actively make decisions and take action to move forward in their lives. They usually visualize their goals and create conditions that set them up for success.

Being around positive people is one way to keep an optimistic mind. Hopeful people tend to spend more time associating with those who share a bright attitude.     2     People high in hope don’t block themselves from folks who have a more pessimistic viewpoint. They know that seeing different perspectives allows them to be realistic.

Hopeful people are always grateful for what they have.     3     They recognize that even though they may not have everything they want, they’re still lucky to have so much good in life, thus making them focus more on what’s in front of them.

    4     When it comes to high-hope people, no matter what life throws at them, they try to see the silver lining. They don’t let the circumstance define their emotional response. In addition to having a positive outlook, high-hope people are also creative problem-solvers. When faced with a challenge, they don’t give up easily.     5    

A.People high in hope do both.
B.Keeping a positive outlook is also important.
C.Another trick is sticking with positive people.
D.This allows them to stay positive and take urgent action.
E.That keeps them appreciative and grounded in the moment.
F.Instead, they find solutions that help them overcome the obstacles in their way.
G.However, this doesn’t mean they are intolerant of another person’s negativity or struggles.
2023-11-12更新 | 111次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般