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题型:阅读理解-阅读表达 难度:0.65 引用次数:496 题号:12689110

Is it better for our bodies to work out at certain times of the day? Scientists have known for some time that every tissue in our bodies contains a kind of biological clock that goes off in response to messages related to our daily exposure to light, food and sleep.

However, whether and how exercise timing might influence metabolic (新陈代谢的) health has been less clear, and the results of past experiments have not always agreed. A much-discussed 2019 study found that men with Type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) who completed a few minutes of high-intensity interval (间隔) sessions in the afternoon improved their blood-sugar control after two weeks. Patrick Schrauwen, a professor of nutrition and movement sciences read that 2019 study with interest. He had been studying exercise in people with Type 2 diabetes, but had not considered the possible role of timing. Now, seeing the varying impacts of the intense workouts, he wondered if the timing of workouts might similarly affect how the workouts changed people’s metabolisms.

Incidentally, he and his colleagues had a ready-made source of data in their own prior experiment. Several years earlier, they had asked adult men at high risk for Type 2 diabetes to ride stationary bicycles at the lab three times a week for 12 weeks, while the researchers tracked their metabolic health. They also had noted when the riders showed up for their workouts. The researchers pulled data for the 12 men who consistently had worked out between 8 and 10 a.m. and compared them with another 20 who always exercised between 3 and 6 p.m. They found that the benefits of afternoon workouts far outweighed those of morning exercise.

He says, “This study does suggest that afternoon exercise may be more beneficial for people with disturbed metabolisms than the same exercise done earlier. The particular and most effective exercise for each of us will line up with our daily routines and exercise tendencies because exercise is good for us at any time of day—but only if we choose to keep doing it.”

1. What inspired Professor Schrauwen to carry out the research related to the timing of workouts?
2. What did Schrauwen’s new study figure out?
3. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
Professor Schrauwen and his colleagues carried out the research by using the newly-collected data and making comparisons between two different subject groups.
4. When do you think is the best time for you to exercise? Why? (about 40 words)
【知识点】 科普知识


阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Anyone who’s tried different weight-loss diets is probably familiar with their pitfalls. Low-calorie diets often leave you tired and hungry. Low-fat diets are also tough to follow and, contrary lo popular belief, they do not seem lo prevent heart disease.

Another diet trend, intermittent fasting, takes a different approach. Rather than limiting what you cat, this diet limits when you cat. It normally involves eating only during a certain time window, usually eight hours, over a single day. For example, you would eat only during the hours of 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. and then fast during the other 16 hours. For some people, thal change may be easier to manage,says Dr. Eric Rim, professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health.

Short-termism studies suggest that people stick to intermittent fasting diets as well as or better than they do to other diets. And according to a 2019 review article in the journal Nutrients, intermittent fasting promotes weight loss and may reduce risk factors linked to heart disease, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and unhealthy blood lipid levels.

“However, we are currently unsure about how well this diet works over the long term,”says Dr. Rim, noting that there are just two long-term studies of intermittent fasting,each lasting a year. Nor are there large populations of people who’ve followed this eating pattern for years. That’s in contrast to two other diets linked to a healthy heart and healthy body size—the Mediterranean diet and a vegetarian diet.

Some experts add that intermittent fasting diets typically don’t specify what foods you should eat. ”As a nutritional epidemiologist, that makes me a little uncomfortable,“ Dr. David Mushen admits. Eating burgers and French fries five days a week and a single breakfast sandwich on your low-calorie day wouldn’t be-healthy, he says. But with any diet, it’s often a good idea to ease into the changes. You could start by trying a 5:2 diet or time-resisted eating. Once you start losing weight, you can gradually introduce more healthy foods, he suggests.

1. The underlined word“pitfalls”in the first paragraph means
2. Why does Rim mention the Mediterranean diet?
A.To demonstrate the appropriate approach to dieting.
B.To show uncertainty about the effect of the new trend.
C.To illustrate the popularity of low-calorie eating patterns.
D.To stress the importance of a healthy heart and body size.
3. What does Dr. David Mushen suggest?
A.Giving priority lo nutrition.
B.Conducting further research.
C.Losing weight step by step.
D.Proceeding with extreme caution.
4. What might be the best title for the text?
A.Ready to Restrict Your Dict?
B.Time to Try Intermittent Fasting
C.What’s Wrong with Intermittent Fasting
D.How Different Weight-loss Methods Work?
2022-11-14更新 | 252次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Parents often tell kids that playing video games will harm their brains. But last June a study found the opposite — certain video games can give your brain help. Researchers from the University of Montreal, in Canada, asked a group of people to play Super Mario 64 for 90 hours over the course of about 10 weeks. They found that those people experienced growth in the part of the brain that is responsible for memory.

But many people think that there’s nothing good about looking at a screen for hours at a time. They say that playing sports, reading, and doing other activities can give you the same benefits that playing video games does. Plus, some video games can be harmful. The study from the University of Montreal also found that playing shooter games like Call of Duty has a different influence from playing Super Mario 64 — it causes the area of the brain that’s responsible for memory to shrink.

Here’s what two of our readers think.

Playing video games can be beneficial because it requires skills like problem-solving, strategic thinking, and sometimes teamwork. A study by researchers at the University of Glasgow, in Scotland, found that playing video games improves your communication skills and ability to find ways to solves problems. Video games can also help you become more creative. For example, Minecraft requires you to think outside the box and build things with materials you never even knew existed. Yo can build your dream house! Some schools are even using Minecraft to teach topics like math and computer science.

—Mackenzle Reldy, Nebraska

Playing video games takes time away from other more important things. I used to spend a lot of time playing them. Sometimes that kept me from doing things I needed to do, like studying my spelling words. Playing video games can also be bad for your health. Last year, researchers studied kids and teens in Canada who play video games. They found a connection between playing video games for hours before going to bed and being overweight.

—Devin Lewis, Arizona

1. Compared with Call of Duty, Super Mario 64_______.
A.is more harmful to kids
B.is more popular among kids
C.can help develop gamers’ memory
D.requires gamers to be good at solving problems
2. What does Devin Lewins think of playing video games?
A.It is very boring.
B.It is no easy task.
C.It is a waste of time.
D.It is good for his studies.
3. What does the text mainly discuss?
A.How to stop playing video games.
B.Whether video games are good for you.
C.How long you can spend playing video games.
D.Why video games are so attractive to kids and teens.
2021-05-08更新 | 89次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约330词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Science Daily (Apr 27, 2008) — Dutch ecologist Roxina Soler and her colleagues have discovered that subterranean (地下的) and aboveground herbivorous (食草的) insects can communicate with each other by using plants as telephones. Subterranean insects issue chemical warning signals through the leaves of the plant. This way, aboveground insects are warned that the plant is already “occupied”.

Aboveground, leaf-eating insects prefer plants that have not yet been occupied by subterranean root-eating insects. Subterranean insects send out chemical signals through the leaves of the plant, which warn the aboveground insects about their presence. This messaging makes it possible for spatially-separated insects to avoid each other, so that they do not compete for the same plant.

In recent years it has been discovered that different types of aboveground insects develop slowly if they feed on plants that also have subterranean residents and vice versa (反之亦然). It seems that a system has developed through natural selection, which helps the subterranean and aboveground insects to notice each other. This avoids unnecessary competition.

Through the “green telephone lines”, subterranean insects can also communicate with a third party, namely the natural enemy of caterpillars (毛虫). Parasitic wasps (寄生的黄蜂) lay their eggs inside aboveground insects. The wasps also benefit from the signals sent by the leaves, as these help them find more insects for their eggs.

The communication between subterranean and aboveground insects has only been studied in a few cases. It is still not clear how widespread this phenomenon is. But scientists are looking into it. This research was carried out at the Netherlands Institute for Ecology (NIOO-KNAW) by Roxina Soler, Jeffrey Harvey, Martijn Bezemer, Wim van der Putten and Louise Vet. The PhD project, in which this study was carried out, was funded by the Free Competition of NWO Earth and Life Sciences.

1. After finding a plant occupied by subterranean insects, aboveground insects usually ____.
A.send out warning signalsB.choose to give up the plant
C.compete for the plantD.share it with the subterranean insects
2. Aboveground insects will develop more quickly if they ____.
A.feed on plants occupied by subterranean insects
B.feed on plants not occupied by subterranean insects
C.become cleverer through natural selection
D.compete with subterranean insects
3. Subterranean insects communicate with a third party through ____.
A.caterpillarsB.parasitic waspsC.wasps’ eggsD.a plant’s leaves
4. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?
A.Other animals may communicate in the same way.
B.There will be further research into this phenomenon.
C.Part of the study is a PhD project.
D.The Free Completion of NWO Earth and Life Sciences has the patent for these results.
5. What would be the best title for this passage?
A.Insects use plants as a telephone.B.Insects live in harmony with each other.
C.No species can live alone.D.Plants and animals have an effect on each other.
2010-05-26更新 | 976次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般