组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 单词辨析 > S > scratch
题型:选词填空-单句选词填空 难度:0.65 引用次数:15 题号:12703033
by any chance;a case in point;confess to;from out of nowhere
scratch one’s head;phase out;in reality;call for
go along with;live rough;better still;track down
1. Shoppers tend to think that high prices mean high quality. Electrical goods are________.
2. The Republicans also plan to________ Medicare entirely, replacing it with a kind of fixed sum voucher system.
3. As an important “brain trust” for the current government, the Institute spends a lot of time________ about how to boost American productivity.
4. In spite of hours of questioning by police, the suspect refused to________ committing the crime.
5. Having your neck and shoulders rubbed, or________ a full body massage, is a good investment.
6. ________, Nike came out with the brand-new Sidewinder-a pair of slippers that boasts the most advanced technology, which has astonished the other business tycoons in the same field.
7. On paper our profits look impressive, but________ we made very little money last year.
8. If the employee had realized what a bossy supervisor the woman was, he would have_________ her rather than risked an argument. That would save some time.
9. All the forensic evidence and a fill account of their movements point the finger of suspicion firmly at the two suspects, which led them to be quickly________ and arrested.
10. The plan for the next quarter is still debatable, for it will________ an increase of the budget, which won’t be burdened financially.
21-22高二上·浙江·阶段练习 查看更多[1]




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