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题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.15 引用次数:100 题号:12765003

Grandparents often have interesting names. My sister-in-law was known as Mimi. Her husband goes by Peeka. Why? Their firstborn grandchild decided on those names.

My firstborn grandchild named me as well. I will never forget the day Joshua hugged me and, in front of a roomful of people, called me “Doll. My Doll Baby!” From that point on, I was known as Doll or Doll Baby. Even my sons-in-law call me Doll. Friends of my children and grandchildren call me Doll. It’s a given.

For the most part, it’s fine, even endearing, to hear my grandchildren call me Doll. But there was one time… My daughter and her husband were going out of town, so the plan was for me to pick up five-year-old Spencer from kindergarten, take him to their house to wait for Joshua’s school bus, and bring both boys home to spend the night with us. Spencer and I arrived long before the school bus. While we waited for Joshua, Spencer wanted to show me a new trick he learned on his skateboard.

Spencer was pretty good. He had learned how to step on the back of the skateboard so that the front tipped up (一边翘起), and then put his front foot down on the board and take off. Cool!

Then it was my turn. I had played around with skateboards in my day. Of course, they weren’t the high-tech kind of toys my grandchildren enjoyed. Ours were made by mounting the wheels of our old sidewalk roller skates to the bottom of a plank of wood. Still, I had this. I put my right foot on the back of the board and tipped up the front. So far, so good. I brought my left foot down with every intention of rolling forward.

Good intentions. Bad form. I fell hard on my elbow as the skateboard flew across the concrete driveway. My injury was minor, but Spencer raced into the house and got Boo-Boo Bunny from the freezer to bring me comfort. It helped my arm, but not my pride.

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When I made my way home safely with the boys, my husband blamed me.


My husband helped Spencer practice calling 911 emergency call, pretending I hurt my head seriously. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

21-22高三上·全国·阶段练习 查看更多[1]


书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Being a suspect in the disappearance of girl in France

One of the funny adventure stories that I have is from the time I found a 5-month housesit in the middle of the French countryside. It sounded idyllic (悠闲的), and perfect for me and my girlfriend at the time who had just started out as digital natives.

In reality, it wasn’t quite as idyllic as advertised. The biggest issue was the lack of Internet; something which was supposed to have been installed by the time we arrived. But, we made do. We bought French sim cards with 3 GB of Internet each (the max we could get at the time) and vowed never to look at YouTube or anything that might use lots of data for the entire 5 months.

It was all going perfectly until one day there was a knock at the door and two local French policemen were standing there. They began asking us what we were doing in the property and where the owners were. In the best French, I could manage, I explained the concept of house sitting but I could see it wasn’t going over.

Then, they showed us a picture of a girl who was missing. We hadn’t seen her and, in fact, we didn’t know anyone in the town. We apologized that we couldn’t be of more help, thinking that was that.

It wasn’t. One of the policemen then pulled out a printout of a forum conversation between the missing girl and someone who they believed was her biological father. Then in the forum (论坛) conversation, they showed me a mobile number: my French mobile number.

I didn’t know how to explain it apart from saying that it must be a mistake, but that wasn’t good enough. They asked to see my computer and began looking through the search history. Then, obviously not buying my house sitting story, they asked where the owners were again.

Paragraph 1

Unsatisfied, they told me to come into the police station that afternoon for more questioning at 2 pm.

Paragraph 2

Afterwards, I tried to work out how my mobile number had ended up on that forum.

2023-04-19更新 | 41次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

It was a Friday afternoon in November. After school, while all other students left the classroom and headed towards home, Mike stayed to go over what he had learned that day. About twenty minutes later, he took out his schoolbag, and decided to return home.

He looked out of the window and found it was going to rain soon. The wind was blowing violently, and the dark clouds were gathering. Luckily, Mike brought an umbrella to school that morning. Carrying his schoolbag and the umbrella, Mike walked out of the classroom in a hurry. His home was more than three kilometers away. Being afraid of the heavy rain, Mike quickened his steps. After Mike had just walked for dozens of meters, it began to thunder and rain lightly. Mike put up his umbrella to prevent himself from getting wet. He didn't want to get sick because of the cold rain. All of the passers-by alongside the road quickened their steps, and the air was filled with people's anxiety. When Mike walked for about eight minutes, he saw a black car that was not far away slowly pulling up beside the road. A middle-aged driver stepped out of the car and appeared anxious. He checked one of the car's tyres (轮胎),finding his car couldn't move on unless the tyre was repaired. He then brought out some tools from the back of his car and bent down to fix the tyre. It began to rain heavily. But the man didn't return to his car. Instead, he continued to fix his car. He was alone, without an umbrella over his head. The drops of the rain coldly hit the trees' leaves, the ground, and also the man. The raindrops soon left big marks on his gray coat. Seeing that, Mike somehow felt quite sorry for the man. He couldn't help thinking, “If my father is trapped in such a situation, how upset he'll be! And how strongly he may wish that some kind person could help him!”

Paragraph 1:

Thinking of that, Mike ran to the man, without hesitation.

Paragraph 2:

Before long, Mike's shoulder got wet due to the rain.

2021-11-20更新 | 136次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 困难 (0.15)

Harry’s reward

Harry didn’t want to learn to swim. He couldn’t figure out what the use of learning to swim was. But Harry’s parents believed it was a great pity for a healthy boy to be afraid of the wind and the sea.

“Everybody, especially every Englishman and boy, should know how to swim,” Papa had said. “There is never any knowing the use it may be of.”

“Isn’t it very hard to learn?” Harry asked.

“It takes some patience,” his father said. “But in three weeks or so, you should be able to swim fairly well, if you have a lesson every day.”

There was no escaping it, however. Papa, though very kind, was very firm, and once he said a thing, it had to be done. So with a rather white face, poor Harry set off every day for his swimming lesson. He was a quick and clever boy, and a strong boy, and his father knew this. After the initial fear was overcome, it went on better and faster than could have been expected. Two weeks later, Harry had the pleasure of hearing his father say to his mother, “He swims already very nearly as well as I do myself.”

Seacliff, the place at which the family was spending the summer, was not a fashionable watering place but a little village. There were a few gentlemen’s houses in the neighborhood, so that in fine weather merry groups met at the little sheltered bay among the rocks.

One day, Harry, having finished his own morning swim, set off to walk home at his ease. Suddenly a sound disturbed his pleasant thoughts. A carriage was rushing wildly along, coming nearer and nearer. The driver, Ann, stood upright in the carriage (马车), hitting the poor horse as if she were mad, while from time to time she screamed, “Help, help!”

“What is it?” screamed Harry too, as Ann passed. She would not stop, but she threw back some words through the wind. “My sister—Alice—is drowning (淹溺). Go to the village to fetch someone who can swim.”

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Harry ran back to the bathing place at once.


There were plenty of hands to help carry them to land once they were within a safe distance; however, it was Harry who was the true hero.

2024-05-18更新 | 100次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般