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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:64 题号:12792398

A few years ago. four female mountain gorillas (大猩猩)left home, abandoning not only their mate — a sick alpha silverback — but their infants (幼崽),which were barely old enough to Iced themselves. Most mammals abandoned by their mothers risk an early death, and researchers worried about the young gorillas.

Instead, the scientists got a heartwarming surprise. The young gorillas’ uncle, a male gorilla named Kubaha, began to take care of them. He let them sleep in his nest and climb all over him like a jungle gym.

Kubaha’s willingness to be a foster dad turns out to be surprisingly common in mountain gorillas. An analysis on mountain gorillas at the Gorilla Fund's Karisoke Research Center in Rwanda has revealed that when young mountain gorillas lose their mothers, they do not have a greater risk of dying or losing their place in the social hierarchy because the rest of the group buffers them from the loss. The social group has evolved to protect the infants from the ill effects of losing their mothers.

The researchers confirmed this assumption by focusing on data on 59 gorillas between the ages of 2 and 8 who lost their mothers or were orphaned (成为孤儿)before they were fully mature. They then compared the survival of these animals across their lifetimes with the survival of 139 nonorphaned gorillas. They also compared their reproductive success and social rank as adults — and tracked who the infants spent the most time with.

Not only were the orphaned and motherless gorillas at no greater risk of dying, they also suffered no long-term effect on their ability to reproduce or on their social rank, the team reports today in eLife.

The findings suggest such altruistic behavior is not unique to humans — and that dads play an important role in primate youngsters' lives, says Duke behavioral ecologist Susan Alberts, "Nonhuman primates often are really good dads," she says. 'This shows that paternal care goes very deep in our primate lineage."

1. What moved the scientists according to the first two paragraphs?
A.Young gorillas’ being abandoned.
B.Kubaha's caring for the infants.
C.Young gorillas’ sleeping in uncle's nest.
D.Young gorillas’ climbing over their uncle.
2. What is the life of motherless gorillas like?
A.Little trouble of survival.B.Risk of dying young.
C.Loss of social status.D.Inability to reproduce.
3. How did the researchers test their assumption about orphaned gorillas?
A.They focused on adult gorillas’ data.
B.They collected online information.
C.They tracked their companions.
D.They lived with them.
4. What does the underlined word “altruistic” in the last paragraph probably mean?


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Like dogs, wolves can recognize and respond to the voices of familiar humans more than those of strangers, according to a recent study. The research challenges the belief that dogs ability to differentiate human voices is due to selective breeding (选择性繁殖).

Holly Root Gutteridge and colleagues carried out experiments across five zoos and wildlife parks in Spain, involving a total of 24 gray wolves. The team set up speakers and first played the animals the voice of a number of strangers. Then, they played the wolves the voice of their keeper who would say familiar things to them in Spanish, such as “Hey, what’s up, wolves?” The wolves raised their heads, pricked their ears up, and turned toward the speaker. To test that the effect wasn’t accidental, the researchers went back to playing the wolves recordings of strangers and found that they once more lost interest. Finally, to make sure that the wolves truly knew their keepers’ voices, the team mixed things up and had the keepers say a series of unfamiliar phrases. Once more, the results held up.

Root Gutteridge pointed out the significance of wolves being able to differentiate between humans, despite the fact that our species went our separate evolutionary (进化的) ways tens of millions of years ago.

Before this, there had been a limited number of studies on the topic of how animals differentiate between the vocalizations (发声) of other species. Research has shown that our close cousins, gorillas, listen to people, but that was expected.

Given the new finding, “chances are that lots of species are listening to us and getting to know us as individuals,” Root Gutteridge said. “And it’s not all about us. Dogs could be listening to the neighbors’ cats and understanding the difference between one meow or the other. If the abilities are that general, it means that animals might be having a lot more cross- species interactions than we had thought about before.”

1. What established viewpoint does the recent research call into question?
A.Dogs are the only animals that can differentiate human voices.
B.Wolves recognize the voices of humans better than dogs.
C.Wolves cannot understand human languages.
D.Selective breeding enables dogs to differentiate human voices.
2. How did the researchers test if the wolves truly recognized their keepers’ voices?
A.By letting the keepers say unfamiliar phrases in Spanish.
B.By asking strangers to reproduce the keepers’ voices.
C.By playing recordings of strangers speaking familiar phrases.
D.By changing the playback speed of the keepers’ recordings.
3. Why are gorillas mentioned in paragraph 5?
A.To stress their close relationship with humans.
B.To offer additional evidence for the recent study.
C.To point out another species that can differentiate voices.
D.To explain how animals’ ability to differentiate humans’ voices developed.
4. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.The focus of the future studies.
B.The limitations of the research.
C.The significance of the research.
D.The uniqueness of the experiments.
2024-01-14更新 | 129次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】When thinking about ancient and mysterious animals, dinosaurs may first come to mind. But a new study shows octopuses (章鱼) appeared on Earth before the era of dinosaurs.

Scientists have found an ancestor of octopuses — a 330-million-year-old fossil (化石) unearthed in Montana, United States. The research concluded the ancient creature lived millions of years earlier than previously believed.

Apart from the impressive age, the octopus is also one of the oddest creatures in existence. Their mouths are in their armpits (腋窝); they have three hearts; they have blue blood. And the grace? I mean, who has grace like this?” Sy Montgomery, a German-born naturalist, told CBS News.

Of all the octopus’ oddities, perhaps the most extraordinary one is that the octopus has one large central brain, and eight mini-brains, one in each arm. As a result, the arms can solve the problem of how to open a shellfish while their owners are busy doing something else, like checking out a cave for more edible goodies (可食用的东西), according to Smithsonian magazine.

The ancient creature is also well-known for its disguises. The octopus can change its shape, colors, patterns, even the texture (纹理) of its skin. It can transform itself to look like seaweed in just the blink of an eye. This ability is called dynamic camouflage (动态伪装).

“I would argue that dynamic camouflage is a form of intelligence,” Roger Hanlon, a top octopus researcher said in a TED Talk.

The camouflage may look like a reflex (本能反应), but it’s not. It doesn’t just happen instinctively. They actually think and decide how to best camouflage themselves. “This is a decision-making process,” Hanlon said. “They’re not only taking into account the surroundings for camouflage, but also an approaching threat. And they’re calculating all the time about what they’re going to do next.”

1. What does the fossil unearthed imply?
A.Octopuses and dinosaurs have a common ancestor.
B.The oldest octopuses existed 330 million years ago.
C.Octopuses appeared on Earth at the same time as the dinosaurs.
D.Octopuses lived on Earth much earlier than we previously thought.
2. What do octopuses’ brains enable them to do?
A.Make decisions more quickly.
B.Adapt to different surroundings.
C.Find food faster than other species.
D.Perform many tasks at the same time.
3. What does Roger Hanlon think of the octopus’ ability to disguise itself?
A.It is an instinctive reaction.
B.It is connected to its multiple brains.
C.It involves a process of making a thoughtful decision.
D.It takes too long for the octopus to respond to dangers.
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.The Origin of Animals
B.The Mysteries of Animals
C.The Disguises of Octopuses
D.The Exploration of Octopuses
2022-04-03更新 | 94次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约280词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Rakesh Shukla is a talented software engineer and CEO of a successful tech company.But among India's animal lovers he is known as "The Dog Father, an outstanding man who founded the country's most advanced dog rescue center and who personally takes care of 735 stray(流浪的) and abandoned dogs that nobody else wants.

12 years ago, Rakesh and his wife founded a tech company which quickly became successful, but he still didn’t feel happy and satisfied. It wasn’t until 2009, when Kavya,a beautiful dog, came into his life that he truly felt that his life had meaning. Three months later,he got a second dog, this time a stray called Lucky. Over the next few weeks, whenever Rakesh saw a stray or an abandoned dog, he just brought it home. The number grew quickly.

In 2011, he founded the Voice of Stray Dogs, a dog rescue organization working to support the strays of Bangalore. Today, it is the world's largest citywide dog rescue center.

He kept adopting stray and abandoned dogs. By 2015, he had spent over $ 1 million of his own money to rescue over 5,000 stray dogs in Bangalore, not to mention taking care of the hundreds that lived at his shelter permanently. Facing a series of problems, while providing the city a free service, he decided that people who need a dog rescued have to pay a 2, 500 rupee($37)fee.

Rakesh Shukla is viewed by many as a hero, and a human champion of stray and abandoned dogs in Bangalore.

1. We know from the first paragraph that Rakesh____________.
A.is well-known as a software engineer and CEO.
B.quit his job to take care of the abandoned dogs.
C.founded the most advanced dog rescue center in India.
D.looked for their owners for the strays or abandoned dogs.
2. When did Rakesh begin to have dogs in his care?
A.In 2006B.In 2009
C.In 2011.D.In 2015
3. The Voice of Stray Dogs_________.
A.was set up by Rakesh's wife
B.is making a study on the strays
C.collects information about the strays
D.is the worlds largest citywide dog rescue center
4. Why did Rakesh decide to ask for a fee from people who need dogs?
A.He faced lack of moneyB.He doesn’t want to lose his dogs
C.He wants people to treat dogs betterD.He wants to make money by selling dogs
2020-02-27更新 | 103次组卷
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