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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:51 题号:14220739

In an hours-long struggle, as many as 70 killer whales hunted down and killed a blue whale off the southwestern coast of Australia.

At first, it seemed like a normal day of whale watching, said Kristy Brown, a marine biologist. People on the boat happened to spot two groups of killer whales in Bremer Bay Canyon, about 28 miles off the coast. They were "playing and surfing the waves," Brown wrote in a blog post. But soon, people on the boat noticed that the killers were creating nonuniform waves. This was strange. Then there arose a long, high blow that stayed in the air. It was a blue whale.

Even though the blue whale was nearly twice the length of the largest killer whale, which can grow to lengths of about 31 feet, it couldn't shake off its pursuers. “It was completely surrounded by killer whales as it swam," Brown wrote in the blog. Moreover, the killers didn't appear to rush the hunt, but instead were strategic, thoughtful, collaborative, patient and persistent.

Multiple killers were on the animal, pushing roughly against it and swimming fast, beside and under it, while others just follow and rest along and beside the hunt, nearly 200m back. It seemed that “tiring out the blue was their goal," she noted.

Unlike the blue whale, killers have teeth, a weapon they used to chomp(咬)down on this blue whale's jaw. “As the blue whale spun and turned, the killers held on—they wanted its tongue,” Brown said. After hours of this fierce hunt, the blue whale succumbed to its attackers and the killers divided up the blue whale and shared with all involved in the depths below.

1. What made Brown realize the killer whales were unusual?
A.The waves they made.B.The fountain they made.
C.The direction they headed in.D.The number of killer whales.
2. What do we know from the third paragraph?
A.Blue whales are too large to be killed.
B.Killer whales are experienced hunters.
C.Killer whales swim slower than blue whales.
D.A blue whale is twice the weight of a killer whale.
3. What is described in paragraph 4?
A.The steps of the hunting.
B.The cruelty of the hunting.
C.The scene of the hunting.
D.The preparation of the hunting.
4. What is the probable meaning of the underlined part "succumbed to" in the last paragraph?
A.Got rid of.B.Gave in to.
C.Made up for.D.Made room for.
【知识点】 动物 记叙文


阅读理解-七选五(约270词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Rabbits are a popular symbol of Easter and there is usually an increase in owning rabbits at this time.     1    . They are complex animals with specific needs and not as easy to own as once thought. However, with the right care they are incredibly rewarding and interesting pets. Here are things to consider

Rabbits need a lot of space

They are active animals that need to be able to hop, jump, run and explore. A pair of rabbits should be provided with a space that is no less than three metres by two metres by one metre high.     2    . As rabbits are most active at dusk and dawn, exercise areas should be permanently attached.


Rabbits are social creatures and need the company of their own kind. Keep at least two together and you’ll never look back — watching rabbits interact with each other is a joy. The best combination is a neutered (绝育的) male and neutered female, but neutered same sex siblings can work too.

All paws on the floor

Rabbits are thought of as an “easy” introduction to owning a pet and are often bought for small children. Of course, children can enjoy learning about rabbits and interacting with them.     4    . As prey animals, they like to keep all four feet firmly on the ground and prefer to hop onto a lap to get a tasty treat rather than be picked up.

Always give the right food

    5    . So they need constant access to grass of good quality to keep them healthy. They only need a small amount of concentrated food a day and a few healthy greens. “Sugary” vegetables and fruits should only be fed very occasionally, if at all.

A.A single rabbit is a lonely rabbit
B.Adopt rabbits from a rescue shelter
C.Children’s playhouses are often a cost-effective choice
D.But it’s important to think twice before deciding if they are right for you
E.Rabbits have a complex digestive system and teeth that grow continuously
F.Rabbits can reproduce from four months, so it’s important to get them neutered
G.Unfortunately, they don’t enjoy being picked up and they are easily frightened
2023-05-30更新 | 133次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约370词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Plans to bring wild tigers back to their original home , their historical range(历史分布范围) in the Ili­Balkhash region, have been announced by Kazakhstan( 哈萨克斯坦 )   and an agreement with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to conduct a tiger reintroduction program has been signed . “It will not only bring wild tigers back to their original home, but also protect the unique ecosystem of the Ili­Balkhash region,” said Askar Myrzakhmetov, the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

If successful, Kazakhstan will be the first country in the world to bring wild tigers back to an entire region where they have died out for nearly half a century. Tiger reintroduction projects have only been achieved within national borders and in areas that are considered current tiger habitats . Kazakhstan's tiger reintroduction program is unique and it badly requires the restoration of a vast forest that is part of the wild tiger's historical range.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, wild tigers have lost over 90 per cent of their historical range. Wild tigers have completely disappeared from the region since the late 1940s, due to the loss of habitat. To prepare for the return of wild tigers, on 1st January 2018 Kazakhstan will set up a new nature reserve in the southwestern Ili­Balkhash, in order to restore the unique forest habitat. This will include the protection of existing wildlife, and reintroducing important prey ( 猎物 ), such as the endangered wild Bactrian deer(中亚红鹿).

Restoring tigers will also help protect Lake Balkhash and prevent it from repeating the fate of the Aral Sea, formerly the world's fourth largest lake and now 10 percent of its original size. “The hard work remains ahead of us. We have to spare no effort to make this region ready for tigers and involve all the relevant people to make this happen. That means dealing with illegal activities, having these people who govern parks be well­trained and equipped, increasing prey populations and involving local communities,” said Ekaterina Vorobyeva, Director of the WWF program.

1. What is Askar Myrzakhmetov's attitude toward the tiger reintroduction program?
2. What made the wild tigers disappear in the Ili­Balkhash region?
A.The increasing loss of prey.B.The evolution of the species.
C.The lack of natural living places.D.The serious environmental pollution.
3. Which measure may be taken for the reintroduction of tigers?
A.Regulating human activities.B.Limiting the number of prey.
C.Building a reserve for tigers only.D.Training tigers to be more adaptable.
4. What is the best title of the passage?
A.Efforts to restore forests in Kazakhstan
B.Bringing tigers back home to Kazakhstan
C.Attempts to handle illegal activities effectively
D.Preventing tigers disappearing in Kazakhstan
2019-07-22更新 | 90次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约340词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Cows are a large source (来源) of greenhouse gases. Now scientists have shown the pollution from cows can be cut down by adding a little seaweed (海藻) to their food.

Cows have four stomachs, one of which helps break down the grass into something that the cow’s body can use. But when this happens, much methane (甲烷), which is the world’s second   worst greenhouse gas, will be produced. The methane comes out of a cow’s body mainly as burps (打嗝).

Recently, the researchers from the University of California, Davis studied 21 cows on a farm for about five months. They taught the cows to get their food from inside a special hood (罩子), which allowed the scientists to know how much methane the cows were giving off. They used some seaweed, which they mixed with the cows’ food.

The results were surprisingly good. In some cases, the cows produced 82% less methane. The improvement depended on the kind of food the cows were given, but even the worst-polluting cows produced 33% less methane.

Over the five months, the scientists didn’t see any signs that the cows produced more methane again. What’s more, the cows that were fed seaweed put on just as much weight as the other cows, but they didn’t need as much food.

But there are still some big problems with the idea of feeding cows seaweed. For one thing, there’s not enough seaweed to feed all of the cows in the world. So farmers would have to find a way to grow lots of seaweed. A bigger problem is that for most of their lives, cows live in the fields, where they eat grass. That means there’s no chance to feed them seaweed every day.

Still, it’s very good news that something as simple as feeding cows seaweed can help cut down on some of the pollution causing the increasing temperature (温度).

1. Why did the researchers carry out the study?
A.To improve cows’ diets.
B.To change cows’ way of eating.
C.To prove that seaweed has more uses.
D.To cut down on greenhouse gases from cows.
2. What happened to the cows fed with seaweed?
A.Their weight wasn’t influenced.
B.Their eating habits have changed.
C.They couldn’t get used to the change at first.
D.They increasingly depended on seaweed.
3. What is the biggest challenge in the researchers’ opinion?
A.Cows have been used to eating grass.
B.Seaweed can’t be easily mixed with grass.
C.Seaweed can’t be easily provided for cows.
D.Farmers cannot afford to grow seaweed.
4. What is the author’s attitude toward the findings?
2023-11-10更新 | 29次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般