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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:112 题号:14321206

Their beautiful call suggests the arrival of spring, but the routes taken by cuckoos(杜鹃) during their annual migration(迁徙) have remained a mystery. Now, though, scientists from the British Trust for Omithology(BTO) have revealed the details of their remarkable 10,000-mile journey, with the help of tracking devices.

Five male birds were caught in Norfolk last May and fitted with satellite-tagged “backpacks’’ before being released. The scientists then monitored their progress over 12 months as they flew to Africa in the autumn, and returned in the spring.

The project was carried out to discover why every year fewer of the birds return to Britain. Between 1995 and 2010,the population of cuckoos spending summer here fell by almost half, and the number is continuing to decline. Previously, the lack of information about the cuckoos’ long migration has hampered the understanding of how to help conserve the birds.

Earlier this year, it was reported that cuckoos arrived in the UK much earlier than normal. Their call was recorded by ornithologists(鸟类专家) as early as February, a month ahead of their usual arrival.

Like all migrating animals, cuckoos respond to the changing seasons. They depend on lush plants to provide the fruit and food for insects that they feed on. This reliance on seasonal patterns means that a changing climate could make an already challenging journey impossible for them.

1. What is the main purpose of the project?
A.To track cuckoos’ 10,000-mile journey.
B.To better understand the habits of cuckoos.
C.To find out what happens during cuckoos’ journey.
D.To discover why the population of cuckoos is declining.
2. The underlined word “hampered” in Paragraph 3 probably means________.
3. When do cuckoos usually arrive in Britain?
A.In January.B.In February.C.In March.D.In April.
4. Cuckoos arrived in the UK much earlier than normal probably because of________.
A.1acking foodB.changing climate
C.changing routesD.cold spring in the UK
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】The opening of California’s commercial crab season, which normally starts in November, is delayed once again to protect whales searching for their prey (猎物) along the coast.

California has been affected by a marine heat wave since May. The Blob, as this mass of warm water has become known, is squeezing cooler water preferred by whales and their prey close to shore, where fishermen set their traps. This crowding can lead to tangle (缠结) between whales and fishing equipment, endangering the animals’ lives and requiring rescue missions.

In a new study, scientists say they can now use global temperature models, commonly used in climate science, to predict up to a year in advance when hot ocean temperatures raise the risk of tangles between whales and fishing equipment.The tool analyzed in the new study, called the Habitat Compression Index, works by feeding sea-surface temperature measurements into an equation (方程式) that estimates the likelihood of whale habitat shrinking closer to shore.Regulators and fishermen agree that the new forecasting research could help them walk the tightrope between protecting whales and protecting local livelihoods (生计).

Mr Ogg, a commercial fishing boat captain, describes himself as a conservationist who doesn’t want to see whales harmed.“Fishermen have a big motivation to protect the natural environment,” he said, “because that’s where they make their living.” Previously, the challenge was adapting to changing conditions and fishing regulations on short notice, especially for smaller business owners and their crews.“One of the biggest problems we had was the unpredictability,” Mr Ogg said, “We were living from week to week then.”

Though scientists have shown the Habitat Compression Index can now forecast months in advance, state officials would probably wait to see conditions in real time before making decisions about the crab fishery, said Ryan Bartling, an environmental scientist at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

1. What do the whales come to shore for according to the first two paragraphs?
2. What does the underlined phrase “walk the tightrope” probably mean?
A.To take a risk.B.To join in an act.
C.To strike a balance.D.To walk on a rope.
3. What’s the state officials’ attitude towards the tool in the study?
4. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?
A.How climate data gives whales room to swim
B.What causes the decrease in whale population
C.Why global temperature models are in great need
D.Whether to protect whales or the local livelihoods
2024-04-05更新 | 49次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约400词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】The most obvious dog fetish (迷恋) today is the longing for cuteness. Almost every day you can see adorable pictures of dogs and other animals that will make you smile and say, "How cute!"

It is a cultural phenomenon that the media scholar James Meese calls the "cute economy" which exists primarily on social media, is user-generated, and is heavily dominated by pictures of animals, especially pets. The goal is to generate a positive response, probably followed by a tap on the screen to "like" and "share". We can click through image after image of cute animals doing cute things, feeling a little boost of good cheer.

The marketing researchers have identified some of the most common categories of cuteness in online pet content: animals doing silly things; animals of extreme size; animals with unusual looks; and animals behaving in ways that seem human-like. Dogs and other animals in the "cute economy" are often further humanized by being dressed in clothing and accessorized (装饰) with hats, jewellery, nail polish and fur dyed a rainbow of colors. Users who post successfully and with some strategies can make money by doing so. Thus, certain dogs have become cuteness celebrities, with millions of devoted followers and paid content from advertisers.

Unfortunately, the price of the "cute economy" comes at a serious cost. The cutest and most popular breeds tend to be those with the most significant risk of health and behavioral problems. Cuteness is often coupled with their discomfort. People are drawn to the cuteness of dogs with extremely foreshortened skulls and extremely short legs and awkwardly long bodies, such as the French bulldog and the corgi

Actually, there are well-established health issues. We should treat the "cute economy" with caution, like resisting the commodification (商品化) of appearance by opting out of social media channels promoting the "cute economy". We can also choose not to "like" or "share" images of dogs whose cuteness is linked with discomfort. Although we are biologically attracted to dogs that are super cute, we should be mindful in our "impulses".

1. What is the key to the "cute economy" according to the text?
A.Taking photos of different animals.
B.Cute animals' attractive appearance.
C.Pets' owners' liking adorable pictures.
D.Posting cute animals' pictures on social media.
2. Which kind of cuteness is most likely to be the online pet content?
A.A normal-sized dog is eating bones.
B.A white cat is quietly lying next to its owner.
C.A parrot dressed in a suit is singing and dancing.
D.A monkey is attentively taking care of its baby.
3. What is the side effect of the "cute economy"?
A.It will change the animals' nature.
B.It may make the animals not so cute.
C.It will result in a decline in animal population.
D.It may cause health problems to the animals.
4. What may be the best title for the text?
A.Attractive Pictures of AnimalsB.Happiness From Pets
C.The "Cute Economy" and Its PriceD.Marketing Strategy — Cuteness
2024-06-13更新 | 17次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】The World Wide Fund For Nature is concerned about the many species of wildlife that are dying out around the world.

Currently, illegal hunting of wild animals for their valuable parts is still one of the biggest drivers of extinction. Demands for elephant ivory carvings, tiger bone wine and traditional medicine such as rhino horn (角) continue to cause these most endangered animals to die out.

There is still an enormous market for chimpanzee body parts in Africa — for example in Nigeria, a chimpanzee head will sell for $100 at the market. When it exists, it is no surprise that organized crime networks get into the game. The rise in rhino poaching (偷猎) over the past decade has been alarming: between 2016 and 2020, rhino poaching in South Africa increased by an astonishing speed, from just 130 animals in 2016 to 1215 in 2020, making the species functionally extinct.

When it comes to figuring out where illegal hunting is taking place,conservationists face many challenges. But development in technology is putting new tools into the hands the conservation biologists who so eagerly need them, using AI (artificial intelligence), such as machining learning, or drones (无人机). And another solution that Founding Co-director of the University of Southern California Center Professor Milind Tambe came up with is to apply the tools in his work.

The system called PAWS (for Protection Assistant for Wildlife Security) was developed to catch poachers, featuring more than 125,000 observations on animal remains, traps and more — all with GPS coordinates (坐标). Tambe and his team were able to create a system that would predict likely hot-spots for poaching and direct patrols (巡逻) there to get rid of traps before they can kill any animals.

“After researching in the lab, we tested our system in Uganda to show it could work,” he says. “Sure enough, we did seek out snares (捕鸟、兽的陷阱;圈套) and a poached elephant on the spot.” However, Professor Tambe says, “PAWS is just the start. Much remains to be done. What conservationists really need is to continue to dismantle traps, catch poachers in the act, and effectively monitor areas to prevent poachers from approaching animals.”

1. The reason why the poaching has increased rapidly over the past years is ________.
A.the increasing need for medical use
B.the growing population of wild animals
C.the demand for researching rare animals
D.the huge profit from rare animals at the market
2. Which of the following statements about PAWS is true according to the passage?
A.It is a system developed to watch wild animals in the lab.
B.It is developed to accurately predict the possible poaching hot-spots.
C.It is equipped with GPS coordinates to seek out possible illegal hunting spots and catch the poachers.
D.It is designed to prevent poachers from dealing in animal products.
3. What does the underlined word “dismantle” in the last paragraph mean?
4. What can be concluded from the last paragraph?
A.There is still a long way to protect endangered animals.
B.PAWS has carried out its missions to a great extent.
C.The system has stood the test and worked wonderfully.
D.More effective measures should be taken to prevent rare animals from being hunted.
2022-10-21更新 | 93次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般