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题型:语法填空-短文语填 难度:0.65 引用次数:82 题号:14980370

From digital devices (设备) to robots, a new generation is providing driving force for innovation (创新). It’s difficult     1     (know) what will be the next big thing to expect from this generation. On video-sharing platform Bilibili, it seems that nothing is     2     (possible). At first, they     3     (complete) did not know each other but were united by a spirit of creativity.

When Biibili uploader Lin Xiao, nicknamed Lingshiqi online, had too many bags to carry, instead of asking someone     4     a hand, the then 18-year-old spent 200 days dealing with     5     problem. He built a robot     6     can follow him wherever he goes and on which he can ride. The robot’s name? Devil!

Uploader He Shijie, known online as Hetongxue,     7     (inspire) by a canceled Apple product and invented his own wireless charging desk, which can fill the     8     (battery) of three devices at the same time. The 22-year-old student from the Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications posted a 7-minute video in October, which     9     (receive) more than 17 million views by now.

Many Internet users comment that such uploaders prove what Liang Qichao (1873—1929) wrote in his essay Shaonian Zhongguo Shuo (On the Young China) in 1900—Today’s     10     (responsible) lies with the youth. If the youth are wise, the country will be wise... If the youth are strong, the country will be strong.


语法填空-短文语填(约240词) | 适中 (0.65)

If you have been to the cinema and watched the popular movie “The Wandering Earth II” recently, you might     1    (impress) by the intelligent quantum computer MOSS. It has no cognitive limitations, removing the perceptual (感性)thinking consciousness and left with the rational algorithm only. In fact, such strong AI like MOSS, does not exist in reality for     2     time being.

Nevertheless, weaker AI,     3     replaces human processing in a specific field, has already been imperceptibly (不知不觉)integrated into our daily life. At present, most of the global AI level exists also at this stage. For example, Robotic Process Automation (RPA), an office software that relieves employees by doing repetitive human tasks, simulating a range of human     4    (operate) such as on the keyboard and mouse.

Furthermore, Open AI     5    (release) the language model ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) lately, making human-machine interaction much     6     humanized and intelligent than ever before. Thanks to its revolutionary user experience, ChatGPT obtained more than one million users just five days after     7    (it)release. As to     8     ChatGPT became such a hit, users think it can display simple results content according to searching keywords.

Far from being a Chatbot only, ChatGPT can also realize article creation, code generating and other functions only by requesting. ChatGPT even has the     9    (capable)to write code just like a professional programmer. It also presents the strong ability in content continuation, literary creation, music creation etc. It is so powerful     10     New York City public schools have banned it from their networks and school devices.

2023-03-25更新 | 297次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约210词) | 适中 (0.65)

China has entered the business of making airplanes. The first Chinese-made commercial aircraft took off from Shanghai     1     Sunday and landed at Beijing Airport. The narrow-bodied C919 plane had 128     2     (passenger) on board. The company that made the plane is the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China Ltd. This is shortened to “COMAC”. China’s President Xi Jinping praised the C919 aircraft as     3     success of Chinese innovation. Newspapers in China called the C919 “a symbol of     4     (nation) pride”. The plane     5     (praise) by one of the passengers. He said: “The flight was extremely smooth, comfortable and memorable. I’ll remember this for some time to come.”

    6     COMAC wants to do is to be a major player in the commercial airplane market. It     7     (hope) to compete with industry giants such as Boeing and Airbus. COMAC     8     (start) developing the C919 in 2008. Production began in late 2011. In September 2022, it was passed to fly commercially in China. COMAC’s first customer was China Eastern Airlines, which bought five of the aircraft. COMAC plans     9     (build) 150 planes each year for the next five years. A spokes-person said there were orders for more than 1,000 C919s from different Chinese airlines. He hopes airlines from other countries will soon start making orders,     10     (add) that the plane was an “important milestone” for China’s aircraft industry.

2023-12-31更新 | 40次组卷
语法填空-短文语填(约190词) | 适中 (0.65)

New inventions are being dreamed up and designed every day. Today's inventors follow     1     same path that inventors did in the past. They identify a problem and create something     2     (settle) it.

Riya Karumanchi knew a woman who was visually weakened and used a white cane(手杖) to get around. Riya was surprised that even with the cane, the woman     3     (struggle). She often knocked against objects,     4     stood higher than her knee level.

Riya assumed the device(设备) came loaded with cutting—edge technology, but she     5     (short) learned that wasn't true. “It's just a stick,” she said. “My initial thought was like, 'What? How is nobody working on this? '” Riya made up her mind to work on it     6     (her). At age 14, she engineered a device now     7     (call) SmartCane. The cane uses sensors to spot barriers and wet surfaces. It shakes rapidly to warn the user of a     8     (danger) situation. GPS navigation( 导航) gives directions using special voices. And an emergency button acts       9     a lifeline, connecting the user to first responders or loved ones.

Riya is now 16 and a high school student in Canada. She's also the     10     (found) and CEO of the SmartCane company. She hopes the device will reach the people in need soon.

2021-05-21更新 | 91次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般