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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:157 题号:15921646

Ever wondered how many Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙) ever walked around the Earth? The answer is 2.5 billion over the two million or so years in which the species existed, according to a calculation published today in Science. The figure has allowed researchers to estimate just how rare it is for animals to fossilize.

Researchers led by Charles Marshall used a method employed by ecologists studying contemporary creatures to estimate the population of T. rex during the late Cretaceous period.

The team used their estimates of the total range of T. rex across modern North America, combined with their estimates of the dinosaur’s weight, to calculate that, at one time, around 20,000 T. rex would have been alive on the planet. That translates to around 3,800 T. rex in an area the size of California, or just 2 T. rex moving around Washington DC. Calculating that T. rex survived for about 127,000 generations before disappearing, the researchers came up with a figure of 2.5 billion individuals over the species’ entire existence. Only 32 adult T. rex have been discovered as fossils, so the fossil record accounts for just 1 in about every 80 million T. rex. This means that the chances of being fossilized were small.

These numbers suggest that fossils in general are rare, and that many species that were less widespread than T. rex were probably never preserved, says Marshall, who adds, “The fossil record is our only direct knowledge of these past histories of our planet.”

Thomas Holtz, a researcher, says that “we always knew that the chance of any individual becoming a fossil was rare, but we lacked the calculation to figure out how rare”. He’d like to see comparable studies made on disappearing species with more abundant fossils, which might allow us to better understand historic ecosystems.

1. Which of the following was used to figure out the population of T. rex?
A.The approach to calculating kinds of wildlife.
B.The method used by researchers to study fossils.
C.The comparison of various studies on disappearing species.
D.The way adopted by ecologists to study modern creatures.
2. How does the author develop the third paragraph?
A.By making a comparison.B.By listing the figures.
C.By giving an explanation.D.By presenting examples.
3. What can we infer from paragraph 4?
A.T. rex owns quite a few fossils.
B.The fossils record all the past of our planet.
C.Fossils of some species may never be stored.
D.Many species lived together in their whole life.
4. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?
A.A new method to figure out the number of T. rex.
B.The fossil record to uncover the history of our planet.
C.Scientists employed fossils to understand past ecosystems.
D.The figure of T. rex helps calculate how rare their fossils are.
【知识点】 动物 科普知识 说明文


阅读理解-阅读单选(约390词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Earthworms don’t move fast. But humans can accelerate the worms’ spread. Fishermen often use invasive(蔓延性的) earthworms to catch fish. Many have introduced invasive earthworms to rivers, streams and lakes previously unexposed to these animals. Gardeners who use earthworms to make their soil rich may unknowingly introduce invasive ones. The worms even give rides in the mud on wheels, potted plants and road materials shipped around the nation.

But they’re not everywhere yet. In the Great Lakes region, “20 percent of the land is earthworm-free,” says Cindy Hale, a research biologist. Of the remaining 80 percent of land, half of the land has fewer than two earthworm species-meaning there isn’t yet too much impact on the ecosystem, she explains. For these regions, she says, now is the time to take action. According to Hale, educating the public, especially fishermen, is one approach to stopping the spread of invasive earthworms. Identifying which lands are currently earthworm-free is another.

Ryan Huefimeier, a program coordinator for Great Lakes Wom Watch, has been working on a model that will help create large maps of areas with minimal(最小的) or no damage from earthworms. Ultimately, landowners can use it to identify earthworm activity on their property. once identified, lands with minimal or no earthworm damage should be protected.

But scientists suspect that once invasive earthworms arrive they can’t be removed. And even if all could be, affected forests might never return to the way they were. “It’s very much a story of learning to live with them,” concludes Lee Frelich of the University of Minnesota’s Center for Forest Ecology.

Forest ecologists have called earthworms “ecosystem engineers” because they can change or create habitats that otherwise would not be present. Whether this is a good thing depends on the situation.

“What the earthworms do and how we value it is what really matters.” said Hale. “In one place-farm fields or gardens-we really like European earthworms and what they do, so we consider them good. In native hardwood forests, we really don’t like what they do-so we consider them bad. You really have to understand how an organism(微生物) affects an ecosystem. Things aren’t black and white.”

1. Why are fishermen and gardeners mentioned in the first paragraph?
A.To attract more people to fishing and gardening.
B.To introduce different uses of invasive earthworms.
C.To stress the importance of invasive earthworms to humans.
D.To show humans’ effect on the spread of invasive earthworms.
2. What is Hale’s advice on protecting the Great Lakes region from invasive earthworms?
A.Finding out areas free of earthworms.
B.Extending a ban on the fishing industry.
C.Making maps of areas with most earthworms.
D.Informing the public of different earthworm species.
3. What is Hale’s attitude towards invasive earthworms?
A.Objective. B.Positive.
2021-04-27更新 | 91次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Honeybees command a lot of attention in insect conservation circles, as they are important for pollinating our food supply. But the findings from researchers emphasize the importance of prioritizing other pollinators or insects like wild bees, moths and butterflies in conservation efforts, too.

For the study, ecologists Joshua Kohn and Dillon Travis from the University of California, painstakingly tracked the pollination of flowers from two plant species in San Diego — white sage and Phacelia distans. Often Travis sat for hours waiting for a single pollinator, honeybees or other insects, to land on a flower. Each time he put a mesh (网状的) bag on the flower to prevent any new visitor, then back to collect seeds from different visitors. Back in the greenhouse, the team grew the seeds, analyzing characteristics that reflected their quality, such as how many seeds grew and survived and how many leaves or flower seedlings (幼苗) grew from them.

They found flowers pollinated by honeybees make fewer and lower-quality seeds than flowers visited by other pollinators. The white sage and Phacelia distans plants produced roughly half the amount of seeds from flowers pollinated by honeybees compared with other pollinators. And Phacelia distans seeds from honeybee-pollinated plants grew into seedlings with fewer flowers.

The researchers also found that honeybees visited about twice as many flowers on one plant before moving to the next than the average of other pollinators, causing honeybees to transfer more pollen in flowers of the same plant, thus resulting in fewer and lower-quality and more inbred (近亲繁殖的) seeds. Other pollinators more often flew between different plants, probably transferring more diverse pollen.

Travis says, “Honeybees’ pollination habit can impact ecosystems and agriculture in the long term. One potential consequence could be that native plant populations decline as next generations become more inbred, reducing biodiversity.”

“It is time to actually shift our dependence for pollination from largely honeybees to other native species as well,” says Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati, an entomologist at Penn State University.

1. What does paragraph 2 focus on about the research?
A.Its procedures.B.Its members.
C.Its impact.D.Its significance.
2. Why do plants pollinated by honeybees produce fewer and lower-quality seeds?
A.Honeybees cause big damage to plants’ seeds.
B.Honeybees are less selective while pollinating.
C.Honeybees’ pollination efficiency is unexpectedly low.
D.Honeybees prefer to pollinate flowers of the same plant.
3. What did Travis think of their findings?
4. What is Jaya Sravanthi Mokkapati’s point of view?
A.Native plant populations are declining at a high speed.
B.Honeybees’ pollination impacts plant seeds temporarily.
C.More attention should be paid to protecting other pollinators.
D.Honeybees’ pollination depends more on other native species.
2024-05-16更新 | 28次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Amphibians(两栖动物) are one of the animals that people most frequently fail to notice or value in the environment. Part of that may result from their secretive nature. Often it's quite hard to find a frog or others in their family if you look randomly. Staying hidden is an effective way to ensure their survival.

But there is no doubt about their importance to the environment as well as the health of the ecosystem. Living in both aquatic(水中的) environment and terrestrial(陆地的) habitats, they can therefore be a useful indicator showing whether certain water area is not pure, or there's something polluted in the environment.

There is a sad fact though, that is, the number of amphibians has been falling for decades around the world. Therefore, people are organizing various programs to prevent the situation from getting worse. Among them is one nationwide frog-watching program in the US In that program, people learn the breeding calls of the local toads and frogs. They then report their data back to a national data base.

If you don't know the excellent time to observe frogs, choose the early spring. It is the time for their annual renewal of life, and they are most active during night time. You don't need a large lake or river for your observation. With many species, a temporary small pond or shallow pool would be the best habitat, as there are not many big predators(捕食性动物) there. Species like green frogs and bullfrogs, however, need more permanent bodies of water, and with permanent bodies of water comes more predation.

1. Why do people often fail to notice or value amphibians in the environment?
A.They are of secretive nature.B.There are not many in nature.
C.They are important to the environment.D.They are critical for the ecosystem.
2. Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Amphibians live in different habitats.
B.Frogs can be used as an indicator of water pollution.
C.Amphibian species worldwide have been in decline.
D.There are fewer predators in permanent water bodies
3. If you want to observe local toads and frogs, the best time and place should be at_____.
A.6 am, a river bankB.9 pm, a pondC.11 am, a lakeD.4 pm, a puddle
2020-08-29更新 | 23次组卷
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