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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:155 题号:16159253

It may sound like the plot of a Disney movie, but Todd, a fox, really does think he’s a dog. The animal was tamed after being rescued as a 4-month-old cub (幼崽) and was raised as a pet by owner Emma D’ Sylva. Since then the lovable fox has picked up a number of dog characteristics such as tail wagging (摇尾巴), playing with toys and even walking on a lead.

The 11-month-old animal accompanies Emma’s pets Sky and Oakley on walks, drawing double attention from other dog-walkers when they see Todd moving quickly through the local park with Sky and Oakley. They thought as a fox, he has too many dog characteristics. He also sleeps in a kennel (狗窝) , plays with the other dogs and even wags his tail during its feeding time.

“I’ve had Todd since he was about 4 months old because his previous owners couldn’t look after him anymore. He was a bit crazy when he first came to me last year, but now he has a really strong bond with me. He will run up to me wagging his tail when I go to feed him.” Emma, 25, from Stanfield, said.

“Sometimes he comes into my room, but he prefers being outside. He gets on well with my two dogs, and wants to play with them all the time. If people or dogs come up to him in the park, he will lie down at first and freeze but after a few seconds he will sniff (嗅) around the dogs or sit patiently.”

Emma takes some of her 40 pets into schools and care homes to enable children and the elderly to interact with a range of animals. Emma’s husband, Steve Johnson, added, “Todd went out on his first school visit the other week and the children really enjoyed playing with him.”

1. The author mentions “like the plot of a Disney movie” in Paragraph 1 to ________.
A.attract readers to know more about Todd
B.introduce a Disney movie’s actor
C.inspire people to treat foxes more friendly
D.share his favorite movie with readers
2. Todd catches more attention than dogs because ________.
A.he’s considerate and warmheartedB.he’s successful and patient
C.he acts like a dog instead of a foxD.he gets along well with dogs
3. What can be inferred about Todd from Paragraph 3?
A.He is very aggressive in public.B.He misses his previous owners.
C.He used to sleep in Emma’s room.D.He leads a happy life at Emma’s home.
4. What can we learn from the last paragraph?
A.Steve Johnson and Emma run a pet home.B.Todd enjoyed playing with other pets.
C.Emma is an expert in raising a range of pets.D.Todd was welcomed by children in the school.
5. What’s the best title for the text?
A.How to raise dogs and foxesB.A lovely dog-like fox
C.Emma and her petsD.To be a good per owner
【知识点】 人与动植物 新闻报道


阅读理解-阅读单选(约320词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】“I grew garlic for the first time as I didn’t want to throw it away. It grew roots in just seven days. It opened up a new world to me,” said Zhong Liu, a young illustrator living in Shenzhen. On the 5-square-meter balcony (阳台) of Zhong’s apartment, there is a mini-farm with lemons, tomatoes and eggplants.

Zhong’s lifestyle started when residents were required to work from home. Zhong is not alone. An increasing number of urban youth have picked up the hobby of growing vegetables on their balconies as working from home has changed their lives. Zhong has started sharing her journey on social media platforms this year, which has brought her more than 100, 000 followers.

In a chat group consisting of over 100 balcony green thumbs across the country, they share the growth of their vegetables, discussing which plants are more suitable for balcony planting and how to fertilize (施肥) crops. “Balcony gardening really heals the urban youth. We plant and look forward to the harvest, and experience the happiness.” Zhong said.

Chinese city managers are also seeking new methods to rebuild the relationship between urban residents and nature through vegetable gardens. The government of Guangzhou launched a vegetable garden project, providing seeds and farm tools at the minimum price as well as organizing agricultural experts to provide online Q&A for local residents, in an effort to encourage urban youth to get in touch with nature through balcony planting.

In cities, people need to get along with nature. They will be healed during the process of getting close to plants. Parent-child relationships can be strengthened by taking part in the activities together. Community gardening also promotes interpersonal communication, and makes neighborhoods harmonious.

1. Why does the author say Zhong Liu is not alone?
A.She stays at home with her family around.
B.She shares the gardening habit with many.
C.She works from home with her colleagues.
D.She connects with her friends online easily.
2. What does the underlined phrase “green thumbs” in paragraph 3 refer to?
A.Young gardeners.
B.Agricultural experts.
C.Government officials.
D.Experienced farmers.
3. What is involved in Guangzhou’s vegetable garden project?
A.Providing free gardening tools.
B.Purchasing seeds from local farmers.
C.Inviting experts to share knowledge.
D.Establishing rules on balcony gardens.
4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?
A.How to Grow Your Own Balcony Garden
B.Balcony Garden: a New Trend for Urban Youth
C.Zhong Liu: How I Adapt to Working from Home
D.Guangzhou Works Hard for a Pleasant Environment
2022-12-26更新 | 98次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Most people would be terrified of entering waters with crocodiles (鳄鱼), but not Sao Chan. Like others living in a jungle village, the 73-year-old farmer says the Siamese crocodiles found in the waterways may look ferocious, but they should not be treated with prejudice. “If we come close to them, they just run away,” Chan says.

He’s right. There have been extremely few reported attacks by Siamese crocodiles on humans in the world, and reportedly none anywhere in Cambodia. Instead, it’s the crocodiles that have every reason to fear people. Once common throughout Southeast Asia, the particularly shy Siamese crocodile, which can grow up to 10 feet long, was for decades hunted for its skin and meat to such an extent that, in the early 1990s, the species was thought to be extinct in the wild.

Some of them survived in the Cardamoms, however, where populations of the reptiles, likely numbering fewer than 200 individuals in total, were rediscovered in 2000. Since then, local people have conducted regular patrols (巡逻) to protect them from threats. While the patrols and other conservation efforts have helped prevent the extinction of the Siamese crocodiles, concerns about the species’ long-term survival have remained because population numbers have stayed largely flat since their rediscovery.

In 2022, conservationists have introduced more Siamese crocodiles into the wild than ever before, not just in the Cardamoms but for the first time into a wildlife reserve in the northern part of the country, where the crocodiles historically were found. Advances in genetic testing have identified crocodiles suitable for release, and satellite tracking of reintroduced crocodiles has improved protection efforts.

“We have a long way to go, but the potential comeback of the Siamese crocodile could be Cambodia’s most successful conservation story,” says Pablo Sinovas, who leads a nonprofit reintroducing the animals. “Its survival isn’t just an ecological necessity, but a symbolic matter of urgency if we have any hope of preserving nature on Earth.”

1. What does the underlined word “ferocious” in Paragraph 1 mean?
2. What put Siamese crocodiles on the edge of extinction?
A.Habitat loss.B.Water pollution.
C.Human activities.D.Poor adaptability.
3. Why are protectors worried about Siamese crocodiles?
A.They are regularly disturbed by tourists
B.Their quantity isn’t increased as expected.
C.The locals lack awareness of protecting them
D.They fail to adjust to unfamiliar surroundings
4. What plays a great role in crocodiles’ reintroduction?
A.Frequent patrols.B.Modern technology.
C.Economic advances.D.Genetic transformation.
2024-03-17更新 | 108次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Here in the middle of London, something extraordinary is going on. You can hear a loud and unmistakable sound of bees doing what they do best: making honey.

What’s more, they’re performing their magic, not in the leafy acres of nearby park, but up on the balcony of St Ermin’s Hotel. Whereas most urban residences would do their best to keep sting-bearing insects as far away from guests as possible, this hotel opens its doors to the capital’s bees. The person who tends this “Bee Hotel” is Camilla Goddard. “In the long run, bees are amazing creatures to work with. You can’t help admiring the way they operate. They really do put the good of the community first,” she says.

As well as providing an enjoyable pastime, modern beekeeping is becoming increasingly critical. According to the British Beekeepers Association (BBKA), 70 different UK crops depend on bees for pollination (授粉). Without bees to provide pollination, one-third of all our food wouldn’t survive. During the Second World War, Winston Churchill was a firm supporter of bees and made sure they got extra supplies to carry on with their pollination work, even as the German army dropped their bombs.

“Bees are in danger of disappearing from our environment,” warns Tim Lovett of the BBKA. Today, bee numbers are down by 50 per cent. Using more and more land, agricultural industry reduces spots where bees can live. Crop-protecting pesticides have also led to high death rate of bees. Another blow was an Asian species that first arrived in Devon and then spread across the country. It settled on the bees and not only weakened their immune system but caused their wings to deform (变畸形) so that flying became impossible.

Anxious about the decline of beekeeping, the BBKA has produced a school information pack entitled “Bees in the Curriculum”. Once the children have been around bees for a while, they understand the service that bees provide for us, rather than seeing them as the source of stings.

1. What do we know about Camilla Goddard?
A.She has never got bee stings herself.
B.She tries to make her guests bee-free.
C.She admires the way in which bees live.
D.She owns a bee hotel in a London suburb.
2. Why is Winston Churchill mentioned in paragraph 3?
A.To criticize the cruelty of war.
B.To change the role of bees in the war.
C.To highlight the value of bee pollination.
D.To awaken the consciousness of saving crops.
3. Which is a direct cause of the reduction of bee habitats?
A.Modern agriculture.B.Foreign species invasion.
C.Hunting from humans.D.Crop-protecting pesticides.
4. What’s the best title for the text?
A.The number of bees is decreasing sharply
B.Modern beekeeping is ensuring our future
C.Bee Hotel is changing bees’ fate in the UK
D.Children are educated about the value of bees
2023-01-14更新 | 87次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般