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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.65 引用次数:155 题号:16180736

Notpla, a London-based firm, makes a seaweed-based substitute (代替物) for single use plastic packaging. Although some of Notpla’s products are suitable to be eaten, they are designed to be dissolved (溶解) after usage. Made of seaweed instead of a conventional plastic coating, the company’s packaging is fully biodegradable and ideal for use as packaging for kitchen and bathroom supplies like coffee and toilet paper.

According to the United Nations, 331 million kilograms of plastic garbage is produced annually around the world. About 60% of the estimated 9.15 billion tons of plastic produced since the early 1950s has been taken to landfills.

Plastics harm the water, the air, and our bodies. Many experts agree that single-use plastics are unnecessary and dangerous. Some governments and towns in the United States have taken action. New York has banned most plastic shopping bags, while plastic straws have been banned in Miami Beach. Overseas, India stated in August that it plans to place a wide ban on single-use plastics this upcoming summer, with the European Union already implementing this ban.

Seaweed comes in a variety of species and can be harvested or farmed. Notpla uses plants that have been farmed. Rodrigo Garcia Gonzalez and Pierre Paslie, the inventors of Notpla, initially considered seaweed as a solution to the world’s plastic problem for several reasons. Seaweed is plentiful and grows quickly. Additionally it doesn’t compete with land crops and is highly favored for its ability to remove some waste products like carbon from the atmosphere.

In cooperation with the online food ordering service Just Eat, the startup recently tested its product. Last year, the two companies handed out 30, 000 takeaway boxes at various UK restaurants. Plans are in the works to offer the boxes across Europe in 2022. Notpla’s team intends to replace single use plastic in the supply chain more generally as they scale. The company recognizes the difficulty of such a job, considering the volume of plastics consumed around the world.

1. How does the author mainly develop paragraph 2?
A.By presenting figures.B.By comparing facts.
C.By raising questions.D.By quoting a saying.
2. What can best replace the underlined word “implementing” in paragraph 3?
3. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The advantages of choosing seaweed.B.The next goal of the new study.
C.The wide use of seaweed.D.The shortcomings of the plastic bags.
4. What does the company think of its plan to replace the whole single use plastic?
A.It will be totally unpractical.B.It will be richly rewarded.
C.It will be a little tough.D.It will be rather successful.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐1】Homes are usually warmed with radiators (暖气片). Some homes are warmed by floor heating. Now, a new way of heating is being developed by using the “wallpaper” on your walls. This wallpaper is not decorative. It actually goes under and not over the wall-electrically heats a room. And this type of heating technology heats objects, even people, instead of the air and this helps you feel warmer.

The electric heating panels (嵌板) which are hidden in the wall are connected to the main electrical panels of your home. Each room can be heated independently through an app, so you do not have to heat unused rooms. It takes around 20 minutes to heat a room.

With rising prices for home heating, the panels seen like the right way to go. “It makes me happy that I don’t depend on gas,” Kris Bilski, an early user, said. About 23 million homes in the UK are connected to the gas grid (网) but the government wants to phase out gas-fired pots by 2035. Home heating is responsible for 17 percent of greenhouse gas materials, so removing fossil fuel-based heating will help the environment.

The new electric heating systems are easy to get for private homes and the company is currently testing the new technology in public housing in some cities. The types being tested can be fitted while people are still living in the apartment so it makes installation a lot easier.

Heating your home with this type of technology does not heat your water, so an additional heating system is required, but an energy efficient heater can be used.

While the wallpaper is greener, electricity in the UK is very costly so it is not an economic way to heat homes unless there is a renewable energy source like solar panels used. Still, reducing the dependence on fossil fuels will go a long way to green the UK and help the country meet its climate targets.

1. What can we infer about a room with this “wallpaper” heater?
A.Special radiators are needed in in.B.It’s connected to solar panels.
C.The temperature in it varies less.D.It’s warmer than a normal room.
2. What does the underlined phrase “phase out” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.Slop using.B.Improve greatly.
C.Restore gradually.D.Finish developing.
3. What is one of the advantages of wallpaper heating system?
A.It looks beautiful.B.It’s easy to set up.
C.It heats up instantly.D.It fits all buildings.
4. What is the author’s attitude towards the use of this wallpaper heating system in the UK?
2023-07-31更新 | 82次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约380词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐2】Cutlery (餐具) including chopsticks, knives, forks and spoons which delivers an electric shock to change the taste of food could help cut down salt in fast food. Scientists have developed a pair of chopsticks, which can make food taste saltier, sour or bitter without the need for extra seasoning (调味). They are also working on a spoon and fork that could make food taste spicier or sweeter. This “digital seasoning” technology could help food manufacturers and restaurants to reduce the amount of salt they put into food without relinquishing taste.

They work by delivering pulses of electricity to the tip of the tongue to stimulate the tastebuds(味蕾). Dr Nimesha Ranasinghe, an assistant professor who led the work on the electric cutlery, said, “This technology is aimed at creating a virtual taste sensation.”

Some Chinese takeaway food and ready meals were recently found to contain up to 11 times more salt than a bag of crisps — more than half of an adult’s daily allowance. Salt is known to be linked to serious health problems like heart disease and stroke.

But using a pair of electric chopsticks could help cut salt levels without influencing the taste, said Dr Ranasinghe. The technology, which Dr Ranasinghe initially developed while at the University of Singapore, works by installing two electrodes (电极) into each chopstick or the end of a spoon. These electrodes send a weak current through the tip of the tongue when they touch it to stimulate the taste buds.

By controlling the frequency and strength of the electric current, the researchers can stimulate either sourness, saltiness or bitterness. They say up to 80% of people experience changes in saltiness and sourness with the devices and 70% can sense changes in bitterness.

Dr Ranasinghe said he was also working on ways of imitating sweetness and spiciness by rapidly heating and cooling the tongue. It could lead to a spoon that allows desserts to taste sweet while having lower sugar levels or a fork that can give a curry extra heat without the need for extra chilies (辣椒). Dr Ranasinghe said: “We have some early findings of imitating sweetness, a mint-cool sensation and hot or spicy sensations.”

1. What seasoning cutlery has been developed?
2. How does the seasoning cutlery work?
A.It cuts down salt in food.
B.It adds extra seasoning in food.
C.It delivers an electric shock to the tongue.
D.It weakens our taste sensation in our mind.
3. What does the underlined word “relinquishing” in Paragraph 1 mean?
4. What does the text mainly want to tell us?
A.Give yourself an electric shock to make takeaways healthy.
B.Try to eat at home instead of having take-out food to stay healthy.
C.Make your food taste saltier by using a pair of electric chopsticks.
D.Reduce the amount of salt in your food to avoid health problems.
2022-11-13更新 | 339次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约290词) | 适中 (0.65)

【推荐3】Parents have a new tool in the battle over screen time, with an Australian app asking kids to solve one math or English problem before they can unlock their phones.

Sydney entrepreneurs Issac and Ann Elnekave turned their bright idea into an app called 1 Question and tried it on their 16-year-old daughter Alyssa.

“At first I wasn’t sure about it,” Alyssa said. “I didn’t want my friends to blame me if their parents made them get it. But once I started using it, I realized it doesn’t take that long to answer a question and it’s actually pretty cool.”

“Research has shown almost half of children aged between 6 and 16 either have a mobile phone or have access to one. The majority play games or use apps like YouTube for an average of about five hours a day. The 1 Question app creates micro learning moments,” Mrs. Elnekave said. “We created a solution that makes a balance between screen time and study.”

Parents can download the $2.99 a month app onto their child’s phone, select their grade and curriculum subjects, then monitor each time their child correctly answers a question to open a game or app such as YouTube.

“We designed the user experience to be really simple, but underneath the hood is our incredibly intelligent AI engine,” Mr. Elnekave said. “As your child learns, so does the AI, which works out each child’s areas of strength and weakness and creates a customized path for their learning.”

The app has a base of 12,000 questions developed by teachers using the Australian, British and American curriculums designed for primary school children.

1. What do we know about the 1 Question app?
A.It is free of charge.
B.It contains questions suitable for high school students.
C.Children need to answer more than one question correctly to unlock their phones.
D.It serves to help children learn something useful during their screen time.
2. What dose Paragraph 4 mainly talk about?
A.The popularity of mobile phones.
B.The influence of phone games on children.
C.The function and significance of the 1 Question app.
D.The way to install the l Question app.
3. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?
2023-12-21更新 | 34次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般