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题型:书面表达-开放性作文 难度:0.65 引用次数:67 题号:16228505

A recent survey shows that

【知识点】 家庭生活 学校活动


书面表达-读后续写 | 适中 (0.65)

Rob was fifteen years old and still living on his father’s farm. He loved his father. But he did not realize this fact until just a few days before Christmas when he overheard what his father had said to his mother.

“Mary, I hate to call on Rob in the mornings. He’s growing so fast and he needs his sleep. I wish I could manage things alone.”

“Well, you can’t, Adam, “Rob’s mother replied firmly.” Besides, he isn’t a child anymore. It’s time he took his turn.”

“Yes,” his father said slowly. “But I sure do hate to wake him.”

When he heard these words, Rob felt a sudden realization: his father loved him! He had never thought of it before, taking for granted their blood relations. Now that he knew how much his father loved him, there would be no more loitering (虚度) in the mornings and having to be called on again. He got up, stumbling blind with sleep, and pulled on his clothes.

A thought then struck him like a club. Why not give his father a special gift? He could get up earlier, creep into the barn (畜棚) and get all the milking done. And then when his father went in to start the milking, he’d see it all already done. Yes, that’s what I’ll do, he thought, so I mustn’t sleep too soundly. He must have checked forty times, striking a match each time to look at his old watch. At a quarter to three, he crept downstairs, careful of the creaky boards, then let himself out.

The cows looked at him, sleepy and surprised. It was early for them, too. But they accepted him calmly as Rob brought some hay (草料) for each cow and got the milking pail (桶) and the big milk cans.

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Rob had never milked all alone before, but it seemed almost easy.


“Rob, we have to get up!” his father called, opening the door.

2024-01-17更新 | 30次组卷
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One morning in the autumn when I was nine, Mom asked me to do some yard work with her. She had grown some potatoes in our yard that spring. It was time to harvest (收获). She wanted me to help her dig the potatoes. “Do I have to?” I said unhappily.

“Yes,you do,” Mom gave an answer. Then she added, “Change your attitude and it'll be easier.” “That's what you think,” I thought to myself. I sat on the sofa watch TV. Soon Mom wouldn't wait any longer and ordered me to follow her.

Worried that she'd be angry, I walked slowly out. I was unwillingly to move my feet—almost as though there were magnets (磁铁) fixed to them and the ground was metal. Or it felt like my socks were filled with wet sand. Or maybe my feet just stuck to the ground.

Following Mom's instructions, I picked up a shovel and started to work. I needed to be careful when digging up potatoes, otherwise I would damage them. The damaged potatoes would easily rot (腐烂). I pushed the shovel into the earth slowly and lifted the earth onto one side. When that was done, potatoes came out. Then I had to use my hands to free the potatoes from below. After that I placed them into a basket. It was really dirty and boring.

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I was about to give up the work when Mom's words came to my mind.

2021-11-24更新 | 123次组卷
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It was a painful time for me. At 42, I was slowly coming to terms with the idea that I might never be able to have a child due to my health condition. Up until that point, I never really gave much thought to being a mother and suddenly I could think of little else. My husband and I had been together for ten years before we decided to get married because neither of us was in a hurry to do so.

Motherhood just wasn’t part of the plan. As my 40th birthday approached, I began, for the first time, to notice babies and their happy, smiling mothers wherever I went. The voice inside me cried out, “It’s too late! You missed your chance to be a mother! You wanted an all-consuming career, and now you’ve got one.”

One day I headed to a café. An elegantly dressed, slightly older woman was seated a few stools (凳子) away at the half-empty counter.

“Would you like to see a picture of my daughter?” she asked me.

“Sure,” I said. She handed me a photo of a smiling Chinese girl. The child was about seven years old and was wearing a Snow White costume.

“That’s Melanie. She’s in the first grade,” she said, introducing herself as Jill. I could hear the motherly pride in her voice.

“She’s pretty,” I said.

“I love her costume.”

“What made you decide to adopt her?” I asked.

“I didn’t want work to be my whole life,” she said.

I’m not sure if she saw the tears welling up in my eyes as I replied, “I don’t either, but I’m afraid it’s too late.”

“I was 51 when I adopted Melanie,” she said with more than a hint of reassurance in her voice. “And it’s the most rewarding, exciting thing I’ve ever done.”


A few days later, I told my husband that I wanted to look into adopting a girl from China.


We recently reconnected on Facebook with Jill.

2023-08-21更新 | 53次组卷
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