组卷网 > 高中英语综合库 > 主题 > 人与自我 > 家庭、朋友与周围的人 > 家人和亲人
题型:书面表达-读后续写 难度:0.4 引用次数:360 题号:16721173

Grandpa’s Old Chair

It was the annual cleaning day for the family. John and his mom were busy cleaning the house. They cleaned upstairs, downstairs, inside and outside until everything was spotless. Exhausted, they sank into the couch. Just then, John’s mom noticed an old chair that was faded and worn. That chair was for John’s grandpa, who had lived with them since John’s grandma had died.

“John, come and help me.” John’s mom sprang to her feet. “We’ll take the chair to the curb (路边). The garbage truck is picking up on our block tomorrow.”

As they attempted to move the chair, John’s grandpa made his way through the door. Seeing what was happening, he quickly tried to stop them. “No!” he protested. “You can’t take my chair.”

“But it’s so old...” John’s mom argued. “We’ll buy you a new one.”

“No,” he persisted, trying to push his chair back into place.

John’s mom finally let go of the chair and left the room. With a sigh of relief, the old man sank into his chair and closed his eyes.

“Grandpa, why won’t you let us get rid of the chair?” John asked.

“You don’t understand, John.” His grandpa shook his head and said, “I sat in this chair with your grandma right here when I asked her to marry me. And I sat in this chair the night your father was born. Many years later,” Grandpa’s voice broke, “I sat in this chair when the doctor called and told me that your grandma was ill. I was lost without her, but the chair gave me comfort and warmth.” The old man’s sadness seemed to grow as he recalled that fateful day.

“I understand now.” John looked at his grandpa and said, “This is not just any old chair. It is more like a friend.”

“Yes,” he nodded. “We’ve gone through a lot together.”

However, that night, when John and his grandpa were asleep, John’s mom and dad carried the chair outside. It was a starless night. Snow fell silently from the black sky and covered Grandpa’s chair in a blanket of white.

Paragraph 1:

The next morning, John was woken by the garbage truck pulling up to the house.

Paragraph 2:

Hearing this, John’s mom looked at his grandpa and slowly walked towards him.



书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

My second year in college had started. I hadn’t decided whether to fly home for the new year yet. Although I had missed the holiday the year before, and I didn’t want to miss it two years in a row, I didn’t have the money for the ticket, plus I wasn’t sure I could get enough time off from my job. All that wondering changed when my mom called. She got right to the point: “Your grandmother isn’t doing well. I decided I should fly out there for the new year.” Mom was an only child, so that made sense to me. But I was not ready for what I heard next. “We decided you would want to come along so I covered your ticket.”

We arrived as scheduled. Mom was anxious to see her parents, especially her mother, who was really sick. After saying hello to them, we settled in the living room. Grandpa helped Grandma lie down again and told us we would have a big lunch at noon.

He went into the kitchen. Mom walked up and down in the living room. Finally, I asked her what the matter was. “He can’t cook,” she said, wondering. “How’s he supposed to fix a holiday meal for us?”I tried to reason with her.

“Can’t you smell dinner? It smells good to me. Grandma is upstairs resting. Grandpa is the only one who could be cooking.” But we couldn’t see through the kitchen door. She had an idea. “Let’s go out to the front door and see from outside the window what’s going on inside. Then we will know who is really cooking.” Grandpa was very hard of hearing, so he didn’t hear us leave. It was a crazy plan, but I followed her around the house to the kitchen windows.

There we watched Grandpa fill water glasses, make coffee and do everything skillfully.
Looking at the nice food on the table, Mom asked, “When did you learn to cook?”
2023-12-24更新 | 73次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

“Never give up! Never give up!” chanted(吟唱)my two young children, Max and Charley, as they marched barefoot behind their grandmother Mimi. My mom Mimi was leading Max and Charley on another adventure,straight off the beach where they’d spent the day building sand castles and playing in the waves. This time, they were seeking an ice-cream truck.

Over the years, Mimi had become our family’s tower of positivity. It wasn’t a title she earned without effort, however. Having been a single mother at only forty years old and left to raise me and my ten-year-old brother alone, she faced countless challenges. She had been the one who had to make the decision to remove our dad from life support fourteen days after he was in a car accident.

My mom could have lived under a black cloud. Instead, she challenged herself to find joy every day. She was always up for a new challenge, whether that was hiking across the high mountaintop in Austria to get a better view of the breathtaking beauty or signing up for tap-dancing classes at fifty. Leading by example, Mom taught us just how much one could accomplish with a positive attitude.

She has taken the same approach in her relationship with her grandchildren. Before starting her adventure with Max and Charley on that hot July afternoon, Mimi heard the familiar clang(叮当声)of the ice-cream man's bell from her beach chair. She turned and saw him briefly,spotting his shining green shirt and catching the gleam(闪光)of his waving bell before he turned and disappeared. Happily, the ice-cream man’s visit was a daily occurrence on the beach, although the time between the sound of his bell and the departure of his truck wasn’t long. One must be quick to catch him.

Max and Charley were disappointed when they didn’t catch him in time that day. Mimi smiled and said, “Never give up!” She explained that the truck might be gone, but they could hurry off to find it at its next stop.


They walked block after block.


Another two blocks later, they finally found the ice-cream truck!

2023-04-14更新 | 184次组卷
书面表达-读后续写 | 较难 (0.4)

The day Dana and Jeff’s daughter Melody was born was nothing like they expected. The words the doctor said to them completely shook them, “Your daughter was born with a cleft lip (唇裂).” It was impossible for the couple to hide their sadness. They couldn’t believe it was true until they saw their daughter in person. Seeing her cleft made Dana and Jeff heartbroken more than anything. It broke their heart to imagine the kind of life Melody would lead in the future.

When the doctor told Dana and Jeff that their daughter’s condition was treatable with a cleft lip surgery (外科手术), the couple saw a ray of hope. Rather than feeling stressful like the first few days, they promised themselves they never wanted their daughter to suffer from that. They would support Melody as best they could.

Dana and Jeff were ready to do anything for Melody. After bringing Melody home, they immediately began looking for cleft surgery options. However, no matter where they turned, getting Melody the surgery she needed was expensive, and the various treatments and medications she needed in the following would also be much more costly than the young family could afford.

One day, however, things took a turn for the better. While browsing through a medical forum one evening, Jeff stumbled upon (意外发现) a post about a nonprofit organization that specialized in cleft lip surgeries for children. The organization, named Smileatfuture, is dedicated to providing free surgeries to families who could not afford the procedure. The couple had seen a lot of photos and read a lot of stories about children who had cleft surgeries sponsored by Smileatfuture, and the results were unbelievable. The idea that Melody could grow up with hardly a scar (伤疤) where her cleft was lit a fire under the couple. Without any hesitation, Dana and her husband reached out to Smileatfuture and handed in an application for medical aid.


Everything went more smoothly than Dana and Jeff had expected.


The big day for Melody’s surgery finally came.

2024-06-08更新 | 39次组卷
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