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题型:阅读理解-阅读单选 难度:0.85 引用次数:213 题号:16798546

Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng, a retired Tibetan couple, have become trailblazers (开拓者) of grape growing and winemaking in their old ages.

Lu Sheng learned grape planting and winemaking from her grandmother’s sister. Since they retired, the couple have moved to Lhasa from the village of Yakhadi. Though the fact that the region’s capital, which is 3,600 meters above sea level, is considered unfit for growing grapes, Lu Sheng and Hua Sheng began an ambitious project in 2015, planting grapes in Tsalna, a town in the suburb of Lhasa.

They received support from the local government, which is committed to developing business and the economy. The couple’s project provides jobs for rural residents, and, as a result, the government has considered the project part of its poverty relief program.

“Lhasa is an ideal place for planting French grape varieties that are resistant to cold, drought and disease, and adaptable to high-altitude and open-air planting,” Lu Sheng said.

“Thanks to the plateau’s sunshine and organic planting, our grapes grow very well here in Lhasa. The grapes are a bit sour and sweet, and they have a high anthocyanin (花青素) content,” she said. Anthocyanins, which accumulate (积累) in grape cells and contribute rich color to wine, are water-soluble(水溶性的).

In 2018, Hua Sheng and Lu Sheng expanded their project, planting on nearly 6.67 hectares. In order to familiarize Tibetan farmers with grape planting and winemaking, they taught the skills to local villagers.

“We have successfully taught the local farmers how to grow grapes and make wine over the three years. They now have a new source of income besides traditional farming and herding,” Hua Sheng said.

Yudron, a resident of Nam, said she was grateful to the grape planting project in her village, which has contributed to her income and quality of life. “After working in the vine-yards for years, now we know how to make wine. We drink both barley and grape wine now. We love grape wine more, though, as it is healthier.”

1. What did the couple do after their retirement?
A.They grew grapes and made wine in Lhasa.
B.They made friends with a French expert.
C.They moved to another city from Lhasa.
D.They learned grape planting from Hua Sheng’s grandmother.
2. Why was the couple’s project thought of as part of a poverty relief program?
A.They donated grapes to local schools.
B.They employed local residents as workers.
C.They provided free wine for villagers.
D.They expanded the project with the local government.
3. Which is the function of anthocyanins?
A.They make grapes more delicious.
B.They provide adequate colors for wine.
C.They make grapes a bit sour and sweet.
D.They can accelerate the growth of grapes.
4. For the project conducted by the couple, Yudron is ________.


阅读理解-阅读单选(约350词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Thousands of people have headed to an area in the western United States to search for a hidden treasure. A wealthy art collector and businessman from the area named Forrest Fenn says he hid the treasure. The searchers follow nine clues (线索) from a poem that Fenn wrote. They consider the poem their “treasure map.”

The treasure hunters believe the prize could be hidden in an area that starts in New Mexico and stretches all the way to the northern state of Montana. Many believe the treasure is real. Others, however, think it does not exist.

An estimated 350, 000 hunters from around the world have come to the area seeking the treasure. One of them is Sacha Johnston. She is a single mother, “I have been hunting for the treasure for five years and I’m not regretful about my choice,” Johnston said. She thinks she has made good progress on guessing some of the clues. So, she’s happy and has kept her search going.

Forrest Fenn spoke to VOA from his home in Santa Fe. The house is filled with priceless art pieces collected over his lifetime. He talked about volunteering to fight in the Vietnam War in 1968 and narrowly escaping death several times during his service.

Fenn said doctors found cancer in his body in 1988 and told him he only had about six months to live. So he decided to put pieces of gold, jewels and other valuables in a bronze box and leave it for others to enjoy after he was gone. But Fenn ended up beating cancer. Years later, in 2010, he decided to hide the box. “I wanted to give people something to look forward to and everyone is hopeful,” he said.

When asked whether he thinks people are close to finding the treasure, Fenn said he really has no idea. “It is possible my treasure box could be found this afternoon, or it could be 100 years or 500 years. Who knows?” he said.

1. According to the first two paragraphs, what can we learn about the treasure hunt?
A.The clues are hidden in nine poems.
B.The searching area is very large.
C.Only a few people have taken part in it.
D.Most people don’t believe the treasure exists.
2. How does Sacha Johnston feel about her hunt?
A.She is uncertain about her hunt.B.She is tired of her hunt.
C.She is satisfied with her hunt.D.She is relaxed by her hunt.
3. Why did Forest Fenn start the treasure hunt?
A.To bring people a goal as well as hope.
B.To celebrate his recovery from cancer.
C.To let more people know about his poems.
D.To draw people’s attention to war survivors.
4. The purpose of the passage is to ______.
A.introduce a successful treasure hunter to the readers
B.persuade the readers to join in a treasure hunt
C.show the readers how to be a good treasure hunter
D.tell the readers that a treasure hunt is going on
2021-02-26更新 | 83次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约360词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】Susan, a school teacher, has been a source of love for her students and many people. She helped a friend raise funds for adoption, made quilts (被子), sold them, and gave the money to her workmate who lost her husband. She even helped someone rebuild the kitchen.

One might think that she is too busy doing things for others and does not have any concerns. Sadly, her husband is bating cancer for the third time now. Her small salary is not enough to cover all of their expenses.

Thankfully, Secret Santa stepped in secretly. He works with East Idaho News, led by Nate Eaton, who goes around Idaho spreading holiday cheer this season.

The big day came, and Nate paid this great teacher a surprise visit in the middle of her class. “We’re here because a Secret Santa wants to give presents to your teacher,” he said. Her students shouted in chorus for Susan to open gifts at once. Judging from the way she looked, she seemed to be holding back her tears. She was handed the first box containing $1,000 worth of gift cards from a Craft Store. She loves to visit the store, but never buys things at a regular price. Then, she opened the second box where lay a check for a thousand dollars. She, as well as her students, was obviously astonished.

Susan appreciated the gifts a lot. But there’s more! A gift larger than life was outside waiting for its owner. She was given a box with car keys inside. The kids burst into applause, truly happy for their dear teacher. Out of their school, she couldn’t believe a blue Chevrolet car was hers now.

Interestingly, though also in need, this woman still thought about whom she could help and where the gift should go. No wonder many people, including her students’ parents, love her a lot.

Indeed helping and loving people is not in vain. May we also be generous in giving out love and joy not only this season but at all times.

1. What can people around Susan get from her?
A.Home-cooked food.B.Substantial money.
C.Generous assistance.D.Professional advice.
2. What did Susan struggle with in her daily life?
A.How to raise funds for others.
B.How to earn her husband’s support.
C.How to help as many people as she could.
D.How to go through the daily life with her modest salary.
3. Which can best speak volumes about Susan’s feelings?
A.Astonished and grateful.B.Proud and thankful.
C.Delighted but embarrassed.D.Surprised but ashamed.
4. What does Susan’s story imply?
A.Great hopes make great man.B.Every cloud has a silver lining.
C.One good turn deserves another.D.Luck favors the prepared mind.
2022-06-26更新 | 104次组卷
阅读理解-阅读单选(约310词) | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】China’ Forbidden City----traditionally off-limit at night for anyone except emperors and visiting dignitaries (显要人物)---- was decorated with lanterns as China celebrated the end of the Chinese New Year holiday. The complex, home to Chinese emperors for five centuries, was opened at night for the first time since it was reopened as the Palace Museum 94 years ago.

The complex and palace walls were illuminated with red lanterns and a light show, designed to recreate the feelings of the royal court, while the China National Traditional Orchestra and the Peking Opera performed. An image of a treasured scroll called A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains was cast onto the palace roof.

Most of China’s 1.3 billion people, however, had to watch the show on television. Only 3,000 people were allowed in: 2,500 invited guests and 500 people who booked their tickets online. “The 3,000 visitors can show off for the whole year,” one person said on Weibo. When booking for the second day opened at midnight, the booking system crashed for more than an hour due to great demand. The free tickets were quickly taken when it reopened. A lively secondary market soon appeared. Scalpers were selling tickets for as much as 9,999 yuan on online trading sites.

The Palace Museum is now on a campaign to attract more visitors, with its former curator Shan Jixiang saying he wants to make traditional Chinese culture more accessible to the general public. More than 80 percent of the palace is now accessible to visitors, up from 30 percent in 2012. Shan has set a target of 85 percent by 2020 to mark the palace’s 600th anniversary . Creativity today has made the Palace Museum younger and drawn traditional culture closer to the public.

1. What does the underlined word “illuminate”probably mean in Paragraph 2?
A.Cared for.B.Lit up.
C.Picked out.D.Kept safe.
2. How do most Chinese admire the night view of the Forbidden City ?
A.By watching TV at home .
B.By grabbing free tickets online
C.By buying tickets from the secondary market.
D.By receiving invitation from the Forbidden City.
3. What will happen in 2020 according to Shan Jixiang?
A.The campaign between museums will be better.
B.Creativity will make the Palace Museum younger.
C.Traditional Chinese culture will be recreated by foreigners.
D.About 85 percent of the palace will be accessible to visitors.
4. What can be a suitable title of the text ?
A.A Brief Introduction of the Forbidden City
B.Difficulties in Getting Tickets to the Forbidden City
C.Performances During the Light Show in the Forbidden City
D.Forbidden City’s First Opening to General Public at Night
2019-07-18更新 | 298次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般