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题型:其他 难度:0.85 引用次数:74 题号:17704204
The first thing we notice about new people are their faces.The next time we see these people, we remember them because we remember their faces. This seems like a simple process. However, scientists found that it is not such a simple process. The section of the brain that is responsible for face recognition seems to work differently for different people. Some people have great difficulty remembering and recognizing faces, while others almost never forget a face.
The first paragraph is mainly about ___________.
A.the way to improve one’s face-recognition skills
B.the fact that some people have face-recognition problems
C.the simple process of the brain to recognize others’ faces
D.the importance of face recognition in human communication
2023高三·上海·专题练习 查看更多[1]


其他 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐1】Americans spend 87% of their time indoors and an additional 6% in an enclosed vehicle. These proportions (比例) are also fairly constant across various regions of the United States and Canada. The finding that emerges is that we are basically an indoor species. In a modern society, total time outdoors is the most negligible part of the day, often so small that it barely shows up in the total.

What does the underlined word “negligible” in paragraph 4 mean?
2024-04-12更新 | 16次组卷
其他 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐2】The term “beer goggles” is said to have been coined by male North American university students in the 1980s. Yet despite unconfirmed evidence for the phenomenon, the link between alcohol intoxication (醉酒) and physical attraction has not been systematically studied.

Prof Bowdring of the University of Pittsburgh invited 18 pairs of male friends into the laboratory to rate the attractiveness of men and women they viewed in photos and videos. On one occasion, both men were given enough cranberry juice to raise their blood alcohol concentration to about 0.08% - the legal limit for driving in England — and on the other occasion, they both received a non-alcoholic drink. After providing attractiveness ratings for the photos, they were asked to select which of these individuals they would most like to interact with in a future experiment.


What is paragraph 2 of the text mainly about?
A.The comparison of two experiments.
B.The process of Bowdring’s experiment.
C.The underlying logic of beer goggles effect.
D.The methods of appreciating attractiveness.
2024-04-19更新 | 12次组卷
其他 | 较易 (0.85)

【推荐3】With the availability of easy-to-use at-home kits, DNA testing for dogs has become increasingly popular among dog owners in recent years. It can provide invaluable insights into a dog’s breed, health risks, and even behaviors.

DNA testing typically works by analyzing the genetic material found in a sample of cells taken from the inside of your dog’s cheek. This sample is then compared to a database of known breeds and genetic markers associated with certain traits or health conditions.

The first step in obtaining a DNA test kit is selecting which type you want. Most companies offer several different types of tests that vary in cost and complexity. For instance, some tests just analyze your dog’s breed composition, while others can assess additional genetic markers associated with certain diseases or behaviors.

Then it’s time to collect your dog’s sample using the provided swab (拭子) kit or saliva-collection tube included with most kits. The swab should be gently rubbed inside your pet’s cheek according to the kit’s directions before being placed into the collection container provided by the company. After collecting the sample, it should be mailed back to the laboratory for processing according to instructions given by the company providing the service. Once received by the lab, it typically takes 1-2 weeks for results to be processed and sent back via email or mail. Results will vary depending on which type of test was purchased, but they generally include detailed information about your pet’s breed composition as well as any potential health risks or behavioral traits associated with their genetics that could affect their overall well-being and quality of life.

If you’re looking for an easy way to learn more about your pup’s background without spending too much money, then DNA testing might just be right up your alley.

What is the correct order of having an DNA test?
①get the sample processed          ②rub the swab gently                             ③receive the result  
④select the type of test                  ⑤place the swab into the container         ⑥mail the sample back to the lab
A.④-②-⑤-⑥-①-③B.④ ⑤-①-②-⑥-③
2024-03-28更新 | 19次组卷
共计 平均难度:一般